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Win a Box – Double Elimination Draft

Do you like winning?

We hope you do,because you now have a chance to win a box of Emissaries of Light.


It’s simple. Come on down and enter our Pre-Release Event on April, 15th and if you win, you’ll win a Booster Box, and bragging rights of course.

2nd Prize – Prerelease Kit
3rd Prize – Your choice of Starter Set from what is available on hand.

Everybody else will get a Booster Pack of Emissaries of Light.

It will be Double Elimination Draft.

You’ll be drafting your kit, and after that you’ll need to be the last one standing after everyone else has lost 2 matches.

Entry fee which includes the Pre-Release kit will be $45
After that the rest of the kits will be $40 and Booster Boxes $100.


April 15th, as mentioned above. You can come in around 10PM. You can play a couple of casual games while we get everything set up. Tournament will start at Midnight.


9229 S. Cicero Ave
Oak Lawn, IL 60453

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Toy Con Toy Show – Superhero Weekend

Next show is lined up. And, we know you’re as excited as we are. Toy Con Toy Show, Super Hero Weekend. And, it’s right around the corner, or should we say Korner. It’s a 2 day show, but all the vendors will be different for each day. If you have to choose, we’d recommend coming in on Sunday, cause that’s the day that we will be there.

Toy Con Toy Show
Superhero Weekend!
April 3rd, 2022 8:30AM – 2:00PM

Bridgeview Community Center
7900 S Oketo Ave, Bridgeview, IL 60455

General Admission – $5.00

Covers the cost of 1 patron. Rate applies to children over the age of 10.
Early Admission – $7.00

Get in 30 minutes early before the general public. Covers the cost of 1 patron. Rate applies to children over the age of 10. Subject to availability.

Children 10 & Under – Free

Children 10 years and under are always free with a paid adult admission. Children must be supervised at times.

We will be there on Sunday, Come by and say hi.

The other date is April 2nd, 2022 from 4:00PM – 9:00PM

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Behind the Wol

Wol’s Job is Wod.

5CP – Wind
Job – Warrior of Dawn
Category – Mobius
9000 Power

“The cost required to cast Wol is reduced by 1 for each Character of cost 5 or more you control (it cannot become 0).
The Forwards of cost 5 or more other than Wol you control gain “This Forward cannot be chosen by your opponent’s Summons or abilities.”

When you cast a Character of cost 5 or more, draw 1 card. This effect will trigger only once per turn.”

If you ever needed a reason to build a high cost deck, now you have one. Wol here will give you a chance to draw a card for every Character of 5CP or more that you play. In other words you’re just paying 2CP less than what you normally would have paid.

And, all these high cost Forwards will have some protection added on to them if Wol is on the field.

You already have a couple of Backups that will search for Wol. Echo (10-047R) and Mog (MOBIUS) (5-093C). Echo searches when she enters the field and Mog, when he is put into the Break Zone.

Your best bet, would be to play a bunch of 5 cost Forwards. That way you will be managing your CP efficiently. Probably not, but it makes sense in my head. There are currently 168 5CP Forwards. 42 of them are Legends and only 1 is Wind. The other one is Wind/Lightning

I doubt we’ll be playing Golbez, so let’s just take a look at Bismarck, Lord of the Mists. There should be a combo somewhere about playing Bismarck, and activating all your Backups with the card that you will be recycling at the end of your turn.

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Getting the Hang of It

The Community Market has come and gone.

It was a small one, but we still had fun. Just like we always do. We ended up buying out another vendor’s booth. Why, you ask? Because he was selling Pokemon cards next to us. So, keep an eye out on the site, and on our eBay store for some nice Pokemon cards that we will be listing.

There is still plenty of demand for Brilliant Stars. Half of the people that came by the booth was asking about Brilliant Stars. And there was none, anywhere. If I had it in stock, which is nearly impossible at the moment. We would have had a Brilliant amount of Dollars.

Other notes from last time.

Pokemon was still the top seller. MetaZoo flopped, Weiss Schwarz showed some life, And Final Fantasy TCG had the most expensive item sold. Flesh and Blood, Magic and Cardfight were all flops as well.

I did manage to add a couple more Mimikyus to my collection. Now I don’t have to open up a box of Brilliant Stars, but I still want to.

The next Convention is right around the corner. Stay tuned and we’ll keep you up to date. In T-minus tomorrow.

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Master of the Shijin

“… It is time to reap your reward.”


6CP – Earth
Category : XI
Job : Kirin
9000 Power


“Kirin cannot become dull by your opponent’s Summons or abilities.

The Job Shijin Forwards you control gain +1000 power.

When Kirin enters the field, reveal the top 5 cards of your deck. Play 1 Forward of cost 4 among them and return the other cards to the bottom of your deck in any order.”

This will make some interesting play. I was just talking about how they should make an Archfiends deck. And, they listened. Sort of. We now have Kirin & the Shijins, coming to a bar near you. Playing all your favorite oldies. Ok, I got a little carried away.

Kirin comes in lets you hopefully play a Shijin from your deck to the field, and give all the Shijins +1K. And since he comes in with Brave, and cannot become dull by Summons or abilities, Kirin looks like he’ll be around for a long time.

Now let’s take a look at the Shijin.

Suzaku, Seiryu, Byakko and Genbu.

They all have one ability that reads. “If you have a Job Shijin in your Break Zone, the cost required to cast (card name) can be paid with CP of any Element.” Why is this important? It’s the basis of the whole strategy. You shall quickly discard the First Shijin to pay for Kirin, and hopefully you’ll find a Shijin.

And can’t forget about the EX Burst “When (card name) enters the field, you may search for 1 Job Shijin Forward other than Card Name (card name) and add it to your hand.” You’re already adding Shijins to your hand after you, hopefully, play one from Kirin’s ability. You’re likely to swarm the board pretty quickly here.

But, that’s not all.

Each Shijin also has a 3rd ability.

Suzaku – “When Suzaku attacks, choose 1 Forward deal it 5000 damage.”

Seiryu – “Seiryu cannot be chosen by your opponent’s abilities.”

Byakko – “When Byakko attacks, choose 1 Forward. Dull it.”

Genbu – “If Genbu is dealt damage, reduce the damage by 3000 instead.”

Other than searching for each other, these cards really don’t play well together. But, I’m sure with help from other cards these can do some damage to your opponent.