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What Happened?

If you’ve been wondering were all the content has gone, we were working behind the scenes here. Re-organizing the office. And, we’re not even half-way done. But, It’s just something we have to do from time to time. Not just re-organizing, but we painted and got the carpets cleaned. And now it smells better.

Well as you might have heard, we will be hosting a pre-release event, but the date might be different than what we had planned. From what I here there is a delay in the shipments. Not by Square-Enix or the distributor, but if you watch the news at all, you would have seen that there are over 80 Cargo ships waiting to enter the Port of Los Angeles. We’ll make the announcement as soon as we know when the kits will be coming in.

Speaking of which, the Shinra vs Avalanche Dual Decks are coming out this month. If there is a delay on those we will know for certain that there will be one for Crystal Dominion as well.

War of the Visions you ask?

-Spoiler Alert-

Like I said before the game has started to grow on me. Mont has just become King. That is where I am at, at the moment. The scene between Mont and Sterne, in my eyes, was the end of the Prologue. The war that will start between the two brothers looks to be interesting.

There are plenty of characters that I like. Dorando and Gargas. Who would have thought that these two would be taking care of a little boy, and entrusting him with one of the ancient relics?

Gilgamesh, the Winged one. Such a powerful card in FFTCG, you can see why they made the card the way they did.

Helena, the Black Rose. Presumably dead. I haven’t seen much of her after she died as the Queen, but whenever I use her as a companion she annihilates the opposition. I can have just Helena on the battlefield and she’ll take care of everything for me.

-End Spoilers-

One more thing.

Do you got something you would like to share with the world? About Final Fantasy TCG, Final Fantasy in general or any other TCGs out there. Well drop us a line. Here, or hit the Contact us in the Menu and let us know through there. We’ll probably give it it’s own post as well.

Looking to hear from you.

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Thief of all Trades

Well, I was going to write an article for each of the Legends in Opus XIV, for Card of the Week, but decided against it, as I would have jutst been pairing them back and forth with each other. I figured it out when I was about to start writing the article for Ravana, but decided against it when I was just going to pair him with Gilgamesh (FFBE).

So, I just decided to write about a card that I liked. Zidane

2CP – Wind/Water
Job : Thief
Category : IX
6000 Power

“Zidane cannot be blocked.

When Zidane deals damage to your opponent, choose up to 1 Forward. Return it to its owner’s hand.

Steal(S)(Wi): Your opponent reveals their hand. Select 1 card in their hand. Your opponent removes it from the game. You can cast it as though you owned it this turn. You an only use this ability during your turn.”

Zidane cannot be blocked. Half the time Zidane attacks will go through and you’ll get to choose 1 Forward and return it to their owner’s hand. Sometimes your opponent might use a Summon or ability. Which does not mean that Zidane will be broken.

And, Steal. Well it’s like playing Lani (12-018H), but this time both you and your opponent know what card it is. Which might give you the advantage as they might not execute their plan as they know you have an Ace up your sleeve.

I would have said just stick Zidane in a YRP deck but that would be too simple. You would be able to replace Zidane with any card and get the same effect.

But, Wind Water is the way to go.

Viking (4-133C) is a perfect choice. Whenever Zidane deals damage you can return Viking to your hand, Draw a card, and replay Viking to draw another card. Since your playing Viking, you need Leila (6-126R), just to be able to grab Viking back from the Break Zone, to be returned to hand by Zidane, to be played onto the field. And in that one turn you will have drawn 3 extra cards. 4 if you count the block on your opponents turn.

Chocobos, Zidane would be a good fit in here as well. You can return Chocobo (6-050C) to your hand, then dull Chocobo Knight (5-061C), to play Chocobo, and then play another Chocobo. Easy way to storm the field.

And of course, as always Maria (1-083H) for the +1K power. Even though Zidane can’t be blocked it’s always a good idea for extra fire power.

How would you use Zidane? Let us know in the comments.

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What’s In Store?

How do we go about saying that we will start carrying more TCGs?

More variety. More fun. And, more unboxings for our YouTube channel.

Something like that.

As some of you may have seen, we already started carrying some Cardfight Vanguard. Some of you may have already ordered some as well. But, we’re not stopping there. We’re also looking at getting some Pokemon, MetaZoo, and Weiss Schwarz. We have already placed orders for some product, but these are all pre-orders and we are expecting them starting in October.

If I remember correctly MetaZoo should be the first one up. Nightfall is set for release on October 20th. As soon as we have confirmation of how many we will be getting, we will list them up for ordering. If you want to save one for yourself you can send us an e-mail and we’ll put you down for one. Boxes will be limited, how limited we do not know yet, but it will be first come, first served.

Pokemon, Fusion Strike will be heading our way November, 12th. Same thing goes for these as well. Weiss Schwarz, Date a Bullet for December, 3rd and RWBY for December, 17th.

We’ll also have a page set up for upcoming releases. That way you’ll be able to see what will be on our horizon, and you can always drop us a line to reserve a copy.

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Up on Cloud 9

The card you’ve all been waiting for. Ex-SOLDIER, Mercenary for Hire, Cloud!!!

On to the card

Category : DFF – VII
8000 Power

“If your opponent controls any Forwards, Cloud gains +2000 Power.

When Cloud attacks, choose 1 Forward. It gains “If possible, this Forward must block.” until the end of the turn.
Discard 1 Category VII card: Until the end of the turn, Cloud gains +1000 power and “Cloud cannot be chosen by your opponent’s abilities.”

There you have it, the card everyone is looking for in this set. Well, not this one, but the Full Art Foil. Just looking at the art work on this card, Cloud performing his Cross-Slash. It’s just a great looking card.

All you need is your opponent to control 1 Forward and Cloud immediately becomes a 10k body. Add Enna Kross (1-095R) for another 1k, and you have a powerful Forward that will start picking off your opponents Forwards one by one.

And since you’re playing Cloud, you know you need Tifa (14-120H), who searches for Cloud and gives him +1K every time Cloud attacks. Or any other Forward as well. Barret (14-121L) will let you grab Tifa from the Break Zone to search for Cloud when you play her.

If you want to play a FFVII themed deck, you’ll need to add the other members of AVALANCHE as well, Jessie (4-082C) to reduce the cost for Cloud and Barret, Wedge (4-076R) to search for either Tifa or Barret. And, Biggs? You can probably leave him out for now, unless we get a better Biggs in the AVALANCHE Vs. Shinra Deck that is coming out soon.

Marlene (8-085C) is also a good choice allowing you to grab Aerith, Cloud, Barret or Tifa from the Break Zone. Vincent (9-026H) to recycle Marlene after you grabbed a card from the Break Zone. You might as well play Yuffie (3-069C), simply for the fact that she is a free card is Vincent is on the field.

Plenty of other cards to play as well, I’m sure you have your own ideas as well. Let us know in the Comments.

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Third Times the Charm

It looks like it sucked me back in. Yes, I’m talking about War of the Visions. And, no it wasn’t just because it was featured in Opus XIV. It wasn’t just because of the Final Fantasy VII Collaboration going on. Although it did help. And it sure as hell wasn’t because I thought Mont was a great character. But, for some reason I gave it one more shot and it looks like this time I might actually play it for a while. I’m actually grinding the FFVII events right now. On Auto.

I just don’t have enough time to focus on games right now. With school starting and driving the kids to school. Working at the restaurant all day, and then working on Kardboard Korner any chance I get. The little free time I get I just don’t have the focus to put into a Strategy game at the moment. But, with the Auto-Battle I can see the story, and put my phone down till the battle’s complete. Rinse and Repeat.

On Chapter 3 and Marche, I mean Mont, without spoiling anything, for those that haven’t played it yet, Mont is still … meh.
He almost started to grow on me, but Sterne who’s only been in a handful of scenes, already seams like the better Protagonist, even though I did say he was just a big crybaby last time I played. “Wahhh!!! Mont This! WAHHH!!! Mont That!!!” That was my impression I got of him when I first saw Sterne. And Mont wasn’t too far behind.

I think I’ll finish it this time. As long as the Auto-Battles get me through. That way I can still grind and do whatever else I need to do at the same time.

One thing I do like, is that just like Record Keeper, and Opera Omnia, is that you can slowly build your Final Fantasy Dream Team. It’ll take months, possibly years for them to release the exact characters that you want. After that you go to town, and kick some Fennes Butt!!!

I do know that I missed some great characters as I seen Kain, and Orlandeu. But, that doesn’t mean they’re gone forever.