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Need a Hand?

I couldn’t stop thinking about that Willy Wonka. I really wanted to have bought it, but it wasn’t for sale. I kept looking it up on eBay. Saw the prices it was selling for, and just kept wishing I had bought it to flip it.

Next weekend came around and there was a community wide garage sale in Worth. Garage sales on every corner every street. Now, most of these were senior citizens trying to clean out there attic, with things that nobody wants anymore. Or at least I didn’t. But, some of the items we found were something that we didn’t expect to see. Like a sealed copy of PS2 Death By Degrees for 2 bucks.

As we kept driving around there was a little one, I said probably won’t find much but, might as well. As I walked up I saw it. There he was laying there. It was meant to be. Willy Wonka all 18″ of him laying on the table … Eh? … That doesn’t sound right. Let’s try this again.

There it was, on the table laying next to a couple of different action figures was Willy Wonka. Minus the box, but it had all the pieces. (All the pieces is just his cane.)

I was happy also picked up a Marv from Sin City, cause he offered me that one for 10 bucks.

We get home, and we had a long night. Ended up going to bed bright and early in the morning. Kids woke up, and started playing I paid them no attention. I just needed a couple hours of sleep. And, I did sleep.

I wake up, and I see a mess, the kids were playing with their toys, no big deal, we’ll just clean it up, but not till I get my coffee. Make myself a cup of Joe and head over to my desk. And, I notice that the mess made it’s way over here. And what I had picked up yesterday at the garage sales was all over the floor.


At least they didn’t break the cane.

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The Epic of Gilgamesh

The first Opus XIV card that we were excited about. Or second. Can’t remember which one was spoiled first. Gilgamesh or Shinryu? Anywho …

On to the card.

3CP / Ice
Job : Winged One
Category : Final Fantasy Brave Exvius (FFBE)
7000 Power

“If you have 3 or more different Elements among cards in your Break Zone, Gilgamesh (FFBE) gains +1000 power, Haste and First Strike, and if you have 7 or more, Gilgamesh (FFBE) also gains Brave and “Gilgamesh (FFBE) can attack 3 times in the same turn.”

When Gilgamesh (FFBE) attacks, choose 1 Character. If you have 5 or more different Elements among cards in your Break Zone, dull it and Freeze it.”

And there you have it.

We went into detail in one of our Opus XIII unboxing videos about this card when it was revealed. But, ain’t nobody got time to go find it. Plus, we also have new cards that are out since the video went live, so it will change a bit.

First things first. Gilgamesh is a Powerhouse. He’s an 8K body, with Haste, First Strike and Brave. And he can attack 3 times per turn, and each time he attacks you choose 1 Character and you can dull it and Freeze it.

That is, as long as you take the time to get him to where he needs to be. Where does he need to be, well he needs 7 different elements in the Break Zone. Now that can be as simple as 3 Multi-element cards and either a Light or Dark card. But, you’ll want each of these cards to have a purpose in your deck.

But let’s take a moment and think of the cards that can work for this. About all the Primals. Especially Ravana, Savior of the Gnath. If you can get it off, Ravana and Gilgamesh can win you the game in 1 turn. And we can’t forget about Shinryu, Just an amazing Forward as well. These 3 cards are simply amazing, and if put together they are about the same power as Meteor. Or Flare, or Holy. You get the point.

Now to put all these cards together, you shall need Tyro (11-072R) as he can dull for any element. Personally I think Tyro is one of the best Backups out there if you’re playing any color combination.

Other cards that can benefit Gilgamesh, are Duke Larg (1-057R), I’m always a sucker for cards that add a little bit of power. And, Ysayle (6-022R) Which will allow you to search for him.

And that concludes our little chat about Gilgamesh. Let us know what you think.

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Garland, to the Future

Here we are, starting our Opus XIV Weekly, Card of the Week. First off none other than Garland himself. Better be careful we don’t step into a time loop.

On to the card

Job : Knight
Category – I
8000 Power

“If Garland is dealt damage by a Summon or an ability, the damage becomes 0 instead.

When a Backup is put from the field into the Break Zone, draw 1 card.

Flare (S)(D): Choose 1 Forward. Break it. Then, your opponent selects 1 Backup they control. Put it into the Break Zone.”

Garland has Protection from the get go, as he can not be damaged by Summons or abilities. Which is a plus. The only way to get rid of him without him blocking or getting blocked is by cards that will outright Break him.

Now anytime a Backup is put into the Break Zone for any reason, you get to draw 1 card. Yours or your opponents.

And, Flare. For another Garland and a dull. You can Break an opponent and make your opponent put a Backup into the
Break Zone. Now as we said in the Fire Review we did, you can Break your own Forwards if you’d like. Oelde Leonis, you can then grab a Standard Unit from the Break Zone, and draw one card.

You can probably play Fire/Water Knights.

Add Gawain (12-126R) who will search for Garland when he is played on the field. And he’ll also search for a Water Knight. Agrias, Beatrix, and Steiner all have multiple versions you can play. Agrias (13-086R) is a great one which works well with Opus XIII Ovelia. Beatrix (12-103H) Will keep giving +2K to all your Forwards when she or a Knight enters the field. Plus she reduces the cost of all your Knights by 2 but, only once per turn. And, Steiner, we’ll go with Opus IV. Cause, why not?

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Opus XIV – Ice Review

14-020R – Ysayle

Ysayle, works as a place holder for Shiva, Lady of the Frost (14-036L). Other than that, you can use her to play any Ice Forward of 5CP or less, but Shiva makes perfect sense.

7K body for 3CP isn’t bad either.




14-021H – Valfodr

Great monster for a Physalis deck. Or any other Discard deck that you can think of. Your opponent will think twice before trying to Break Valfodr.





14-022H – Kam’lanaut

Kam’lanaut has the ability that keeps on giving … your opponent head aches. If you have a full line of Ice Backups you are set to go as everytime Kam’lanaut attacks you’ll be dealing 10K Damage to a dull Forward.

And if you want a little more spice, Light Blade is even stronger as it deals 2K for each Ice Character you control.



14-023L – Gilgamesh (FFBE)

Now this is a card we’re excited about, we talked about this card in one of our videos when they showed him off.

If you take the time to set Gilgamesh up. and that should be pretty easy especially if you have Don Corneo (11-134S) Just put the top 15 cards of your deck in the Break Zone. Should be enough elements in there to get these abilities off.

After that Gilgamesh woll have +1K power, Haste , First Strike, Brave, Gilgamesh can attack 3 times in the same turn, and everytime he attacks, “Choose one Character, dull it, and Freeze it.”

14-024C – Bard

2 cost Backup that will Dull and Freeze one of your opponents cards, for an Ice Crystal Point.





14-025C – Kuja

I’m starting to like how these Final Fantasy Villains play. They’re not all Legends or Heros, but they have some simple abilities that are effective.

Like, Kuja here, once he gets chosen by your opponents Summons or abilities, you choose 1 of their Forwards and Dull them.

But, it’s the 5CP that might make you skip this card.


14-026R – Kefka EX

Now, Kefka is a better card than Kuja, for a couple of reasons.

1) You Dull a Forward when he enters the field.

2) He is only 3CP, compared to Kuja’s 5, but he is just a Backup

3) He his ability can come off an EX Burst


14-027R – The Emperor

Hailing from Palamecia, the Emperor isn’t that special unless he is in your Break Zone. Form there you can use his ability. By Removing 15 Ice cards from your Break Zone, you can play the Emperor onto the field, and since he entered the field due to an ability, you can look at th top card of your deck, and if it is a Character (any card but a summon) you can add it to your hand.



14-028C – Goblin

I’d call this a ticking time bomb. Every time it ticks it gets more power. But this time bomb, you can have it go off whenever you choose to.





14-029R – Shivalry EX

This is a decent summon that will pair well with Physalis. Choose 1 Forward, +3K Power, Forward breaks Forward, Opponent discard card from hand.

For 2CP this card, can be useful, I can see it getting some play.




14-030C – Serah

Her only task is to take a big hit and to be broken. Her Job might say Saboteur, but it really is Meat Shield.

Depending on the situation you can pick which ability to use.




14-031R – Good King Moggle Mog XII

That’s a big name.

If you remember the battle, you remember that it was all over the place. You had to destroy the Moogles, which in turn let you fight the King. And it would go back and forth till the King was Dead.

Now, everytime Good King Moggle Mog XII gets broken, you can in theory discard 2 Moogles and bring him back to your hand. Now we said in theory, because it can be any 2 cards. Not just moogles.

But at the end of the turn you can search for a 3CP moogle and play it onto the field.

Should be a fun card to play.

14-032R – Proto fal’Cie Adam

Another great card to play with Physalis (13-028L)

The less cards your opponent has, the better this card gets.

Plus the Manipulator Counters can save this card twice.



14-033C – Devout

Don’t like the cards you just drew? Just play Devout with those 2 cards and hopefully get something better. And if that doesn’t work, Dull and Break and hopefully you’ll get something better once again.




14-034C – Time Mage

Now the wording on the card is a little weird.

Does the ability go off only when Time Mage is dulled by your opponent? Or, does it go off when you attack, and dull him due to attacking as well?




14-035C – Don Corneo

It’s almost like the game.

You get to choose one of three.

Which one piques your interest?

There should be a cross-dressing Cloud somewhere around here.


14-036L – Shiva, Lady of the Frost

I like this card. Expect a Card of the Week coming soon.

But, you pretty much play Shiva off of Ysayle. Dull a Forward, then Freeze all the Forwards opponent controls.

And if they get active by an ability or Summon, there’s a way to replay the card.

Or, you can just save that for a later turn.


14-037C – Moogle (XIV)

You’ll only play this card with Good King Moggle Mog XII.





14-038H – Lugae

This card in my opinion is like equipping a Forward with a stronger weapon. Only difference, is Lugae must be on the field in order for your Forward to gain the 2K and Brave when it enters the field.

I hope that makes sense.

I already like this card.

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Ayame, the Samurai

Going back a little to Opus V. Ayame, don’t know much about this character so we’ll go straight to the card.

3CP – Fire
Job : Samurai
Category – XI
7000 Power


“If you have received 5 points of damage or more, Ayame gains +3000 power.”

There you have it.

Ayame has Brave so, that is a plus, and after 5 points of Damage she gains +3K. Ayame plays best when you have your back against the wall.

Now we already know that Samurai’s are a great Tribal deck. So, we’re looking straight at Tenzen, as if you didn’t expect that. You also have 3 Cyans to choose from. Don’t worry about Cyan (4-007H) as he fits better in a FFVI deck. From the other two, I would go with Cyan (11-003) as his ability revolves around Samurais. You might as well add Hien (8-138S) and Gosetsu who searches for Hien.

And if you would like to stick with the FFXI theme, you can also add Shadow Lord (4-148L) a decent legend that comes in with Brave. Volker (5-020R) whenever a category XI Forward enters the field, you choose a Forward opponent controls and it can not block this turn. And Naji (10-011R) simply because he costs 1CP, and is a 7K blocker for you.

Anything that you would do different? Let us know in the comments.