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Crystal Dominion – Opinion on Lightning

15-085R – Aquila EX

Hmm, I’ve been trying to figure out how much this card will be used.

On one hand you’ll be gaining a Crystal once per turn when you cast a Summon. And at 3 points of Damage you can grab a Lightning Summon from your Break Zone when Aquila enters the field. Which makes him a 2 cost.

Now that I’ve written it out, I can see some use with Aquila. And of course, I just realized he is a Forward. 8K body.

Let’s give it a try.

15-086R – Axis

I seem to be missing the point here. If someone can enlighten me, that would be great.

Probably need to look into other Kingsglaive cards.

The only thing that I can come up with is, put Axis into the Break Zone and grab a Forward. When Axis is put into the Break Zone, Nyx gains Haste, or you can choose 1 Forward and dull it. But, that’s only if Nyx is already on the field.


15-087C – Aranea EX


That’s what you will be playing. Grab a card one she enters the field and at 3 points of Damage all the Dragoons gain +2K.

If she had more than 3000 Power, this card would have been at least a Hero. But, that’s just my opinion. Aranea might have been the card, that will make me want to try a Dragoon deck. Nothing crazy, just enough to give your Dragoons that extra bit of Oomph.

15-088H – Vayne

This is interesting.

You finally have another use for backups, with an on entry ability. and no other use after that. Remove 2 of them from the game and play Vayne for free, technically.

And, then one Vayne is on the field all your Forwards gain 2000 power and your opponents lose 2000 power. It’s kind of Like Titan, but better.


15-089C – Sky Soldier

This is what you call an ace up your sleeve.

You’re eyeing that one Forward that’s on the field that your opponent controls that has been causing you grief. Well this is what you’ll do. You attack with a Forward that only that one Forward can block and when that one Forward blocks your Forward, you’ll dull Sky Soldier and then that one Forward, that blocked your Forward will break once your Forward deals damage to the other Forward.


15-090H – Odin

Break a 2 cost or a 4 cost Forward.

Cause that’s what Odin does.




15-091C – Thunder Drake

How many 2CP Forwards are being played? Well you can get rid of one with Thunder Drake. And, if that doesn’t work, you can get rid of a 1 cost Forward. For 2CP that is not bad at all.

Now the Do or Die ability, that Thunder Drake has and so many other Monsters in this set. A meat shield that you can throw at your opponent, before it rots away at the end of the turn.


15-092C – Sonitus

2Cp for a Backup, that when you would like to Break a Forward, you can just pay 3CP more, and receive 1 point of Damage for your trouble.

Sonitus can work as your bluff card.

Just have him out on the field. He’ll give you 1CP every turn and he just might stop your opponent from doing something just because he is on the field.


15-093R – Tredd

For 1CP this card is great. Even if you just throw him in there to give a Forward +1K and Brave, and then use him to block an attack. You’re already ahead of the game. I’d play Tredd every turn if I could. In and Out.

Or, you can just put him in the Break Zone yourself, to give a Forward +3K and First Strike until the end of the turn.


15-094L – Nyx

Slowly removing the Kingsglaive from the Break Zone will make Nyx more powerful. You probably won’t have to use it every turn, but just knowing that you can makes it even better.

Or, you can remove 5 Kingsglaive from the Break Zone and search for a XV Forward of 5CP or less and play it on the field. A card like Ardyn (15-129L) would be a perfect candidate. Especially late in the game.


15-095C – Ninja

Enter the Ninja, and gain a Crystal.

Other than that, dull and put Ninja into the Break Zone to deal a Forward 1000 Damage.




15-096C – Noel

For a Common, this is a pretty decent card.

You can go all out with Noel, as when he is blocked he’ll deal 6000 damage to the Forward and then his attack will deal another 6K, which will most likely finish off your opponents Forward



15-097H – Feolthanos

There is something about this card. Only thing for certain is that you’ll be playing Feolthanos during your Main Phase 2. After
you’ve attacked with all your Forwards.

And if you’re playing an all Forwards deck, you won’t even need to worry about losing your Backups, because you won’t have any n the first place.



15-098C – Pelna

Simple, yet effective Backup. I can see an Earth/Lightning deck with just Noctis and Crew and the Kingsglaive, all going strong.

And, the +2K Power isn’t too shabby.



15-099C – Magitek Armor

5CP to enter, then dull and discard 2 cards, is a little too pricey to break 1 Forward.

I’ll pass.





15-100R – Ragelise EX

Here is Lady Lilith’s Crystal Maker.

There’s a good chance a Forward will enter the Break Zone at least once a turn.

And, at 3 points of damage, you gain a Crystal when she enters.

What shall we do with all these Crystals?


15-101R – Ramuh

Lightning Re-Print, but, it’s a decent one.

Pick 2 of the 4 Actions.

Not bad at all.



15-102H – Lilisette

Dull 1 Dancer to dull a Forward.

Or, Dull 4 Dancers to deal 8K damage to all the Active Forwards.

Kind of like Feolthanos.

Climatic Flourish, grants protection to all Dancers.


15-103R – Regis

Regis comes with his personal guard. That will protect him when ever a Summon or ability chooses Regis. Sure, You still have
to play the Kingsglaive from your hand, but you will do so at a lower cost.

Other than that Regis gains +1K at 3 points of Damage.



15-104L – Lady Lilith

One of the first cards that was revealed. Lady Lilith gives us the ability to gain a Crystal every turn, by removing a card from the game.

How good this card is, will depend on how good the Crystal abilities are. Lady Lilith’s abilities, are OK. For 1 Crystal you can give a Lightning Forward Haste, and for 2 Crystals you can Break a Forward of 5CP or less.

Give me a Forward to remove with good on entry abilities, and I’ll give you a reason to gain a Crystal. Or something like that.

15-105C – Remora

Pay a Crystal to reduce the cost of casting Remora.

Other than that Remora buff up one of your Forwards and reduce the Power of one of your opponents Forwards. What’s the word? Deflate? Gimp?

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Crystal Dominion – Fire Review

15-001R/9-002H – Ifrita

Starting off the set with a reprint?

I would too, if it’s Ifrita. Now along with the Ifrita we got in the previous set, It’ll be a lot easier to get Ifrits and Ifritas in your Break Zone.


15-002C – Sky Warrior

There’s a reason Sky Warrior is a common.

He costs too much for his abilities. Sure, you can say that he’ll pay you back for the costs if you use him to pay for CP, but I shall pass on this one.




15-003C – Sky Samurai

I would have said this card was a bust, but after playing against it, at the Prerelease, I realized I was wrong. I didn’t even put it in my deck, then I realized that it is a decent card.

Attack, Opponent Blocks, Discard a card for +2K, Break Opponents Forward.

Simple Enough.



15-004C – Edgar

Need a Backup?

If there is a way to recycle Edgar, he would have been a great card. Actually now that I think about it I know someone will know of a way to break your own Backups. And, that someone need to tell me.

But, Edgar here really shines if you’re playing a Category VI deck. That way, when you choose your Forward, you’ll also deal another Forward 7000 Damage, when you attack.


15-005R – Guy

5CP to search for a Rebel, and play it on the field. You can consider Guy as a free play if you pick a 3CP Rebel. Doesn’t even have to be Fire any element will do.

And, what better Rebel to search and play, other than Opus I Maria.

Give Guy +1K. And fill the rest of your deck with Warriors, or job Warrior. Then all you need is to cross out Guy’s name on the card and call him Swan.


15-006H – Cyan

Samurai’s getting a whole lot stronger this set.

Cyan and Tenzen will run this set. Just add as many generic Samurai cards as you can, and watch Cyan just manhandle your
opponent. By dealing a Forward 9K, every time a Samurai enters the field.

You won’t even need to play your whole hand. Just enough Samurais to wipe out your opponents Forwards.


15-007C – Samurai

Exchanging 2CP for a Crystal.

Seems like an even trade. Now to find what we’re going to use these Crystals for?

Samurai has no abilities, that consume Crystals, but there are plenty other cards that do. Samurai’s job is to give you a Crystal and then hopefully you’ll find a way to Break Samurai so you can play the your real Backups.


15-008C – Shadow EX

4CP/8K body that gives you a Crystal when Shadow is put into the Break Zone.





15-009C – Bahamut

A four cost Summon that can become a 2 cost Summon with the help of a Crystal.

Plenty of these Summons this set.

Deal a Forward 9K.

Plain and Simple.


15-010R – Vargas

The plan is to attack with a weaker Forward first. Once that Forward breaks, you will attack with Vargas and choose 1 of your opponents Forwards and make them block your next attack.

Choose wisely and you will break your opponents Forwards one by one.

Almost like Cyan, but cyan seams to be more effective.


15-011L – Palom

Now this look interesting. Palom almost looks like George from Peppa Pig. The way he’s holding that Dinosaur, I mean Dragon. But the card looks interesting as well.

George … I mean Palom here, has an ability that gets stronger after a couple of turns. Palom gains 1EXP Counter at the end of each of your turns. With each EXP Counter Palom gains 1K power.

The longer Palom remains on the field the stronger he gets. I would say that this is a great turn 1 card.

And Palom’s ability. For a total cost of 0CP, Palom can deal either 2K damage or 8K damage to one of your opponents Forwards.

Yes, Please. I’ll take 3.

15-012H – Faris

What a card.

Pirates and Vikings Unite.

Faris and Leila will have a field day with the Vikings, coming in and out and back and forth from the Break Zone and what not. It will work.

Then all you need to do is fill up your deck with a lesser value of 3CP, and give yourself multiple copies of Faris. Not just this one. All the other ones that you can find. And Spam Pirate Storm.

The Vikings will thank you.

15-013L – Firion

Have you got an extra Crystal lying around. Firion here can use it. Buff him up with Haste, First Strike and +1K Power. And, not just for this turn. Have an extra Crystal, give Firion +3K Power. But this one only lasts for 1 turn.

Other than that, there’s not much else to write about.



15-014H – Brynhildr EX

Deal 5K damage to a Forward and if you break it you win a card. Just grab it from the top of your deck.





15-015R – Bwagi

Fire, now will have a way to draw cards. As long as you have Bounty Counters on Bwagi, you’ll be able to draw a card on every turn.





15-016C – Bomb

Your Elemental Monsters are here. You know the ones that are practically the same in all elements, but different.

Bomb here, deals a Forward 5K damage, when it enters the field.

After that you can turn Bomb into a Suicide Bomber. Turn him into a Forward and no matter what happens Bomb will end up in the Break Zone.


15-017H – Machina

Why does it seem that Machina doesn’t synergize with the rest of the Class Zero Cadets? Could be the same reason I never used him in Type-0.

I can see this card being played early in the game. As soon as you’re opponent plays a couple of cards, you can unleash Machina. And, since he’ll be the only Forwards you have out at the moment. You’ll be able to start swinging, and have Brave for that matter as well.


15-018C – Sabin

These commons are getting a little bit more expensive.

But, there’s something about this Fire set with dealing 9K damage to a Forward your opponent controls. And Sabin here is no different.

At the start of every turn, yours and your opponents. You can use Sabin’s ability and deal 9K damage. Next turn another 9K.


15-019C – Josef

Simple Rebel searcher. Also works on an EX Burst.





15-020R – Rinok

Rinok enters with 2 Bounty Counters.

Now, his ability states that you need to use 1 Bounty Counter to use it, but you can remove the Bounty Counter from any character that has a Bounty Counter on them.




15-021R – General Leo

Hmm, now this is interesting. A card that disallows Summons, and Forwards must always block.

Asta La Vista Summons. So Long, Valefor. See ya Later Phoenix. Not this time Amaterasu. Ain’t going to work Diablos. After a while, Crocodile. You get the point.

Might be worth playing in any deck, just to see your opponent get angry when they can’t cast the summon to save themselves.

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Opus XIV : Earth Review

14-058C – Dark Knight

Play this card and deal yourself 1 point of Damage. If you already have 4 points of Damage, you might as well play this card as 5 points of Damage will give this card Brave.

You’ll have a 9K body with Brave, for a measly 3CP.

Just don’t play this card when you have 6 points of Damage.



14-059R – Wol

Opus V Wol is better all around. The only reason you’ll play this card is to play anther MOBIUS Forward from your hand at no cost.

At 3 points of Damage he becomes something like a Diet Opus V Wol. It’s similar, but just not the same.



14-060R – Carbuncle EX

Mono-Earth? Sure, +2K Buff to all the Forwards, and a free card. You’ll becoming out +1 on this transaction.





14-061H – Calbrena

Add this one to the Same deck as Carbuncle. Give me Mono Earth and a 9K Calbrena to knock off your socks. And if Calbrena gets broken for whatever reason. You can put her back together by discarding an Earth Backup.

Yes, Please and Thank you!



14-062L – Titan, Lord of Crags

It looks like Earth has a Diet Shantotto as well, but this one deals your opponent 1 point of Damage as well. I take that back. This card is just as good as Shantotto, just a little different. And this one is also a Forward. Titan can’t break himself, so he’ll be free to attack if he wipes the board.




14-063C – Chichu

Not as good as the other Monsters in this set, with Monster Counters. But, being able to give a Forward +2K power for each Monster Counter on Chichu, might be good.

Did I mention I know a guy named Chichu?




14-064R – Kitone EX

Hmm, War of the Visions has a great Backup. Just the on entry ability is great, you’ll be able to stop a powerful forward in it’s tracks. For one turn at least.

And, “Dream Within a Dream”, 4K Damage to one Forward, and you can recast it, with a single Earth Crystal Point, without paying the S cost.




14-065L – Cloud

Is this the chase card for the set? FFVII, Cloud, Legend, Full Art, they all come together in this one card.

I mean, just look at this card. If your opponent controls any Forwards, Cloud gains 2K. If your opponent didn’t have any Forwards, you wouldn’t need to play Cloud. You could have gotten the job done with Choobo (2-060C)

When Cloud attacks, choose one Forward and that Forward has to Block this turn. So, you can start picking off pesky Forwards that you want to get rid of.

Finally, discard a FFVII card and Cloud gains +1K and he can’t be chosen by Summons or abilities.

At the end of the day, Cloud is an 11K Forward that deals Mass Destruction with his Cross-Slash. Even though there is no ability names Cross-Slash on the card.

14-066C – Kobold

Activate Kobold, each time a Primal enters the field. You can also dull Kobold and give a Forward +1K power. And then activate him and repeat when another Primal enters the field.

I’m guessing not so much.



14-067H – Shantotto

Made for Earth/Wind decks.

Well thank you Captain Obvious.

Now, is the 5CP worth it to potentially draw another 2 cards?



14-068C – Dark Elf

Only way to Break this card is with a precise 8000 damage.

Now if you find a way to buff him up to a 9K body, he is unbeatable.

“Kobold, I was wrong about you, come back.”



14-069R – Noctis

The Prince is back, as a backup.

4CP to grab a XV Forward from the Break Zone and play it onto the field. Sounds like a good deal to me. You can actually grab another Noctis (12-121R) who in turn will let you grab another XV Forward, other than Noctis, from the Break Zone.

You’ll actually gain a Crystal point by doing this. I don’t know if it’s efficient but, it’s something you can do.


14-070C – Ba’Gamnan

Time to get rid of that pesky forward you can’t get rid of. Force it to block and attack him with your strongest Forward.
14-071C – Paladin

Don’t like the cards you just drew? Just play Paladin with those 2 cards and hopefully get something better. And if that doesn’t work, Dull and Break and hopefully you’ll get something better once again.


14-072R – Hojo

Hojo finally makes his appearance. And he comes with an experiment. A trade off where you can change a Forward you control with a Forward from your Break Zone. Only stipulation is that it’s cost needs to be inferior to the one you removed from the game.

Play a Forward with an upon entry ability, once it’s played out recycle the Forward.



14-073R – Muraga Fennes EX

At first I thought this card was a Summon. It would have been a decent card if it was. But, now that I’ve seen that it’s a Forward it makes it very playable. I would keep this card on hand, to bring back a forward that has just been broken.




14-074C – Monk

If you’re playing Monks you’re playing this card. And, if you’re playing Monks, you’re playing Sophie (13-119L).

You’ll have plenty of Earth Forwards on the field, so this card should read. When Monk enters the field, choose 1 Forward opponent controls. Break it.



14-075H – Mont Leonis

For 11CP – 1CP for each Forward you control you can play 1 Earth Forward of Cost 6 or less from your Break Zone.

Now this wouldn’t be one of the first cards you play, but later on in the game when you’ll have 5 Earth Backups, and a bunch of Forwards on the field, you might just play 2CP for Mont.

I thought Mont would have had some synergy with Macherie, but I was wrong.

Oh, well.

14-076C – Lich (IX)

Discard one card Job Chaos and deal one forward 8000 damage. Is it worth it? I’m sure there are Summons that can do this more efficiently. But, for a common I’ll take it.

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Opus XIV – Fire Review

14-001C – Amalj’aa

Amal’jaa, number 001. start off the set with a Backup. Who in turn gets activated when a Fire Primal enters the field.
All you do is use Amalj’aa to pay for the Primal, and once the Primal is in, Activate Amalj’aa and dull Amalj’aa to deal 1000 damage to a Forward.




14-002R : Ifrita EX

Everyone loves Ifrita, and by that, I mean I love Ifrita. Just by looking at the text you know you are going to add this one to your deck if you are already playing Ifrita (9-002H). You’ll be heading towards 5 Ifrits/Ifritas in your Break Zone before you know it. You’ll be dealing 7K damage to a Forward while also searching for another Ifrita to add to your hand.




14-003R – Illua

Haste? Check. Illua comes in attacks, right away and you can dull up to 5 Backups. Then you get to choose a Forward deal it up to 15K damage. Should be enough Damage to break it. Illua’s power will also increase 3K for each Backup you dulled, for power reaching up to 18K. Not a bad card if I do say so myself




14-004C : Warrior of Light

Your Standard 4CP/8K body. Gives all your Standard Units +1K. +3K if you received 3 points of Damage. I say this card will see plenty of play.





14-005C : Oelde Leonis

Strong card power wise, and when he is broken you choose one Standard Unit from your Break Zone add it to your hand. Could be a useful blocker, but at the 5CP cost is it worth the Standard Unit you’ll pull from the Break Zone. I’m sure someone will say that he is..




14-006R : Ifrit, Lord of the Inferno EX

For a second there, I thought it was a Summon, and decided that he is too expensive to deal a couple of Forwards 4K Damage.

Then I saw that he is a Forward. I was wondering why he had a Job. After that my opinion changed. He counts as an Ifrit for Ifrita. Which all Summons and character abilities deal 1K more Damage. I like it.

Don’t forget Fritt (7-004C) searches for him.


14-007L : Garland

As we talked about this card in one of our Box openings on YouTube. Garland is practicly unbeatable. He can still receive a beat down and be broken. But, it’s his abilities that make this a great card. Whenever a Backup, is put in the Break Zone, you get to draw a card. Could be any Backup not just your own.

And let’s not forget about Flare, Break a Forwards and then your opponent puts a Backup in the Break Zone. This as well could be one of your own Forwards. Maybe Break Oelde Leonis to grab a Standard Unit from the Break Zone, and draw a card.

Hmm … What Standard Unit are we looking for?

14-008C – Caius

Cheap Forward to play, and gets an 8K body whenever one of your Forwards is put into the Break Zone. Add, Brave and Caius just might be as good as Caius (5-004R). Now some of you might say that Opus V Caius isn’t that good, but I like him. He does good at what I want him to do.




14-009R – Gabranth

Your Basic 2CP Backup, that doesn’t do anything until you received 5 points of Damage.

After that, you can just Protect a Forward.




14-010H – Gutsco

I like it.

Keep removing cards till Gutsco gets broken, or removed from the game.

After that all the cards removed come back to your hand. And, you can have a lot of cards that you can storm the field with. I will be trying this one out.



14-011 – Susano, Lord of the Revel

Six Crystal Points to wipe the board, and get a free hit. This is the second board wipe Fire and XIV receives in 2 sets. And all you need to do is get rid of one Backup. You can even get rid of Ranperre. But, I don’t know how that would work out on the stack.




14-012 – Kojin

Don’t like the cards you just drew? Just play Kojin with those 2 cards and hopefully get something better. And if that doesn’t work, Dull and Break and hopefully you’ll get something better once again.




14-013C : Koboloid Yang

I’d call this a ticking time bomb. Everytime it ticks it gets more power. But this time bomb, you can have it go off whenever you choose to.

I’ll take it!




14-014C : Samurai

3CP/7K +2K if you’re playing Samurais.

And Brave.

And, you better fill up your Break Zone with Samurais to get the his on entry ability.

Samurai’s look like they have been getting great support.



14-015R – Zenos

Personally, I would have thought that this card was at least a Hero. But, it’s just a rare, throw this one in with the Shadowbringers Starter Deck, add Susano and you got yourself a good deck. Could it be that easy? Sometimes, but that’s just a quick tip. You’re welcome.

You can actually call this card Fat Chocobo in red. Or, Fired up Fat Chocobo.

Also gives Haste to all XIV forwards you control.


14-016C – Geomancer

Geomancer’s only job is to remove the ability of your opponents Forwards to block … well … you get what I’m trying to say.
Hey, do you see that Bhunivelze with 10K Power?

He’s the only one in between me and victory and all I got on the field is a measly Palom from Opus II with a 1000 Power. What shall I do?



14-017H – Mom Bomb

I had seen this card early on. And, loved it. Mostly because it’s Amano art.

But, this Monster becomes a 2 cost 8K Forward if you control 3 or more Fire Backups. your opponent will think twice about blocking this one due to the fact that it’ll deal 5K damage to all Forwards, including your own. I like when the cards mimic the games.



14-018C – Maliris (IX)

Discard one card Job Chaos and deal one forward 8000 damage. Is it worth it? I’m sure there are Summons that can do this more efficiently. But, for a common I’ll take it.





14-019R – Red XIII

2CP to play Red XIII, then when he enters the field you can play 1 Fire CP to play Susano? That can’t be right. And it’s just a Rare??? Sure the Forward you play will be removed from the game after the end of the turn, but if you’re wiping the board and getting a point of Damage does it really matter?

You can also Discard Red XIII to get Susano’s ability off.


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The Honor Roll Society

It’s only fitting that our 9th card of the Week is Nine. And I get to talk about Cinque as well.

On to the Card.

6CP – Lightning/Fire
Job : Class Zero Cadet
Category : Type-0
9000 Power

“You can dull 1 active Fire Job Class Zero Cadet Forward and 1 active Lightning Job Class Zero Cadet Forward (instead of paying the CP cost) to cast Nine.

When Nine enters the field or attacks, choose 1 Forward opponent controls. Until the end of the turn, it loses 2000 power for each Job Class Zero Cadet you control.”

You will be playing Cadets.

Fire and Lightning.

Might as well play Wind, that way you’ll have access to all the Class Zero Cadets, but since there is no Class Moogle that helps us with the Crystal Points you will likely play a Light or Dark card. Opus I Chaos and Cosmos will work well depending on, if you’d like to play another Light or Dark card.

And if you play your cards right, no pun intended, you’ll be able to get rid of 2 Forwards when Nine enters the field. All you need is a Fire Cadet and a Lightning Cadet, that you will dull for Nine to enter and after that dull Zaidou (10-091C) to give Nine “Haste and First Strike”. You will likely reduce the opponents Forward’s Power more than enough to send it to the Break Zone.

Can’t have a Class Zero without Ace (9-003L), I never took him out of my party when I was playing, so he should be in this deck. Well, that’s my reasoning. That and that you can grab a couple of Cadets and add them to your hand. Plus the 8K body, and that EX Burst, you’ll be knocking out Forwards left and right.

If Deuce (9-052C) was a Backup she would be a Legend, but she is not but, we’ll still play this one.

Trey (3-064H) is probably a card we can do without.

Cater, might as well choose the Backup (3-009C). (13-107C) might work as well, depending on the situation. Maybe play one of each?

Cinque (13-007R), the card that we wanted to build a deck around a Nine was the Legend to do it. Basically you’ll always have more than 7 Class Zero Cadets for Cinque to gain Brave, and “When Cinque attacks, choose 1 Character opponent controls. Break it.” This card paired with Nine and Ace and your opponent will not know what hit them. Plus that extra 4K for Cinque makes her a beast.

Sice (3-109C) can work. As can Seven (3-057R), and Eight (13-036R). Eight is Free as it does not state on his card that the cost for Eight cannot be reduced to 0. Jack (3-111H) can be decent for 1CP.

Now which Queen shall we play? 3-151S or 3-104C? Queen (3-104C) has a better ring for this deck, as you’re already Breaking Forwards with Nine, Cinque and Ace. And Speedrush, will give you a free attack.

King (3-006R) is the last cadet, giving all you Class Zero Cadet Forwards +1K. King can also be played by just discarding a Class Zero Cadet from your hand. Doesn’t matter what element it is.

And then there is Machina (3-022H), not worth it. And Rem (3-072R) should work good, as should (9-059R).

Now, we need backups because all the Cadets we chose are mostly Forwards. Arecia Al-Rashia (3-097R), will allow you to search for a Type-0 Forward. Moogle (Class Zero) (3-150S) will give all your Cadets +1K. Khalia Chival (10-089C) will let you grab a Cadet from the Break Zone.

Now. I’m guessing these shall be your building blocks. I’ve seen a couple of decks with Golbez (13-115L). As you can search for any 2CP card in your deck.

That’s what we have for Nine. Any ideas? Let us know.