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Crystal Dominion – Thoughts on Light/Dark

15-127H – Ace

You can cast Forwards from your Break Zone. But, only 2 per turn.

That is interesting. I’d like to see this in action.

If you already got your 5 Backups on the field, I can see Ace being played late in the game. Try and get back your heavy hitters for one last dance.



15-128L – Noctis

Just in time for the holidays. Noctis is the gift that keeps on giving. But only if you join the party. As long as you keep the party going, you’ll be able to choose up to 2 of Noctis’ actions.

Break a Monster. Dull and Freeze. Deal Damage. Draw a card. Gain Haste.

Rinse and Repeat.

And with Lunafreya, Noctis will have added protection.

15-129L – Ardyn

At 5CP Ardyn is sure to put your opponent on Ice.

Depending on how many cards you discard from your hand, your opponent will need to choose your discarded card plus 1, of Ardyns action abilities.

Break Characters, Remove cards from their deck, Deal Damage. You name it Ardyn’s got it.

You can tell by the smug look on his face that he means business.

15-130H – Nox Suzaku

Once Nox Suzaku comes on to the field, you probably will be playing a Forward at the end of each of your turns. Sure it might sound like you’re playing a card for free, but in reality you are paying for it with the 2 cards that end up in your Break Zone.
It’ll be a race to the finish, as you’ll be bleeding cards every turn, but you’ll also have plenty of Forwards coming on to the field at every turn.

An all Forwards deck might be the perfect spot for Nox Suzaku.

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Rebellion’s Call & Kain

Well, I was wrong on who is going to be on the Box Art. I was close though. I said it could be Leon or Queen Hilda. What we got was Minwu. Minwu? Why Minwu? Is it perhaps to tell us that this set will be all about protection. Probably not. Minwu as we all know was the one who helped Firion, Maria and Guy, after they were beaten to a pulp by the Black Knights. So, I’m guessing support. Or just a little bit of everything as usual.

3 Legacy cards once again. nothing changed here.

-Firion (6-019L)
-Veritas of the Dark (8-136L)
-Y’shtola (12-119L)

130 card + 10 starters and 22 Full Arts leaves us with one more card, which will probably be another Crystal. 21 cards per element and 2 and 2 for Light and Dark.

We did get a look at some of the cards. Just artwork, but you can tell Serah, Penelo, Cissnei, Glaciela And Exdeath are all Forwards. And we know that 3 of them are Legends. Serah, Glaciela and Exdeath. Penelo is a Hero, Cissnei a Rare. And Our Summon Atlas. Just a Rare as well.

From these cards without knowing what they do. I’m interested in Cissnei and Glaciela. We always need more Turks support. Along with the Avalanche Vs Shinra Starter deck. I’m hoping we’ll be able to make that deck stronger. Turn Turks into the next Scions. We already have a great Starter Deck. Give us more cards to Overpower it now.



Speaking of Starter Decks.

Golbez Vs. Cecil

I wanted to write Golbez Vs. Kain for some reason.

You can actually say Kain Vs. Kain. As he is in both decks. Which Kain will reign Supreme? The one with a Evil Warlock in his corner, Or the one with a righteous Paladin?


Starter Cards

– Kain (17-131S)
– Zeromus (17-132S)

– Scarmiglione (17-133S)
– Baigan (17-134S)

– Edge (17-135S)
– Kain (17-136S)

– Rydia (17-137S)
– Rosa (17-138S)

– Cecil (17-139S)

– Golbez (17-140S)

We’re seeing characters in elements that they haven’t been before. Kain makes his debut in Fire, and Rydia in Water. And Golbez is now a Dark card. That’ll be 4 different elements to his name.

(Hmmm, I wonder if we’ll ever get a Character that has a copy of himself in all elements. I’m guessing when it finally happens it should be Kain. But, that’s a story for another day.)

Full Art Foils included in this set as well. Both Cecil and Golbez will have one. I can’t say I know how these decks will play out, but they will be here before we know it.

Do you think Minwu was a good choice for the box art? Let us know.

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FFX Custom Starter Deck

We got some news today. Final Fantasy X Custom Starter Set. Set for release in 2022. These usually come out a month before the new set comes out. Crystal Dominion is November, so “Opus XVI” (we’ll just call it that till we get the official name for it), should be coming out in February. That means this deck will be out in January 2022.

Comes with a 50 card Wind/Water deck, and another 50 cards that you would be able to change around as you see fit. 24 pre-configured Fire cards, that you’ll be able to switch out Wind or Water with. The rest of the cards will be 7 Fire, 7 Wind, 8 Water, and 4 cards will be Light and Dark. Probably 2 Light and 2 Dark.

There will be 10 new Starter cards that come in this deck, and since they are numbered, we know that “Opus XVI” will have 140 cards. But, we’re not here for that. Here’s the list.

Jecht – 16-131S Fire
Bahamut – 16-132S Fire
Braska – 16-133S Fire
Yuna – 16-134S Wind
Lulu – 16-135S Wind
Auron – 16-136S Water
Rikku – 16-137S Water
Wakka – 16-138S Water
Tidus – 16-139S Light
Sin – 16-140S Dark

Now let’s take a look at that Tidus card, real quick. Even though we won’t get it for another 4-5 months. This card is money. You’ll most likely come out ahead cost wise. You’ll be searching for a card, and depending on the FFX Forwards you have on the field, you’ll be up 2CP.

And when Tidus attacks all your Forwards gain +2K Power. I might dust off the Opus I FFX Starter deck and just add this card to it. Rikku (1-201S) will be pretty much unbeatable.

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Opus XIV – Light/Dark Review

14-115L – Shinryu

Scary Good.

But, Shinryu’s ability counts on what Forwards your opponent controls. You might break all your opponents Forwards, you might not.

Now Shinryu’s second ability is what we’re here for.

At the beginning of each of your turns you get to reveal the top card of your opponents deck. If it’s a Forward, all your opponents Forwards lose 7K. If it’s not you draw a card.

But, most of all you get to see what the top card is. If it’s an EX Burst you might want to hold back on attacking depending on what it is.

14-116H – Macherie

Get ready to cast your summons.

For the most part you’ll be casting your Summons for 1CP less. But, if you Discard 3 Summons from the Break Zone you can cast them for 4CP less.

That makes a couple of Summons more CP friendly, Some that you wouldn’t have considered before due to their cost.



14-117L – Omega

Hmm, I’m having trouble understanding this card. Just because, it can’t be what I’m thinking. That would be too Powerful.
At the end of each of your turns, if there are no Weapon counters on Omega you place a Weapon counter on Omega. When a Weapon Counter is placed on Omega, Omega deals your opponent 1 point of Damage and removes all weapon counters from Omega.

If I’m reading that right that means Omega deals your opponent 1 point of Damage at the end of each of your turns.

Holy Cow!

14-118H – Sterne Leonis

He sure looks stern. Get it? No? …

Anyway, for 4CP you can reduce the cost of all your Forwards by 1CP. In which this card will pay for itself in the long run and keep adding value.

It’s true I didn’t give much attention to this card until now. Why? Because I had to read it and see what it says in order to write this quick review.

And if you don’t mind about removing Forwards from your Break Zone, you have plenty of options to choose from.

“Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 7000 damage.”
“Choose 1 Monster. Break it.”
“Until the end of the turn, all the Forwards you control gain +4000 power and Brave.”

It also does not state that you can only use these actions, once per turn. Which means you can use them as many times as you’d like. If you have enough Forwards.

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The Honor Roll Society

It’s only fitting that our 9th card of the Week is Nine. And I get to talk about Cinque as well.

On to the Card.

6CP – Lightning/Fire
Job : Class Zero Cadet
Category : Type-0
9000 Power

“You can dull 1 active Fire Job Class Zero Cadet Forward and 1 active Lightning Job Class Zero Cadet Forward (instead of paying the CP cost) to cast Nine.

When Nine enters the field or attacks, choose 1 Forward opponent controls. Until the end of the turn, it loses 2000 power for each Job Class Zero Cadet you control.”

You will be playing Cadets.

Fire and Lightning.

Might as well play Wind, that way you’ll have access to all the Class Zero Cadets, but since there is no Class Moogle that helps us with the Crystal Points you will likely play a Light or Dark card. Opus I Chaos and Cosmos will work well depending on, if you’d like to play another Light or Dark card.

And if you play your cards right, no pun intended, you’ll be able to get rid of 2 Forwards when Nine enters the field. All you need is a Fire Cadet and a Lightning Cadet, that you will dull for Nine to enter and after that dull Zaidou (10-091C) to give Nine “Haste and First Strike”. You will likely reduce the opponents Forward’s Power more than enough to send it to the Break Zone.

Can’t have a Class Zero without Ace (9-003L), I never took him out of my party when I was playing, so he should be in this deck. Well, that’s my reasoning. That and that you can grab a couple of Cadets and add them to your hand. Plus the 8K body, and that EX Burst, you’ll be knocking out Forwards left and right.

If Deuce (9-052C) was a Backup she would be a Legend, but she is not but, we’ll still play this one.

Trey (3-064H) is probably a card we can do without.

Cater, might as well choose the Backup (3-009C). (13-107C) might work as well, depending on the situation. Maybe play one of each?

Cinque (13-007R), the card that we wanted to build a deck around a Nine was the Legend to do it. Basically you’ll always have more than 7 Class Zero Cadets for Cinque to gain Brave, and “When Cinque attacks, choose 1 Character opponent controls. Break it.” This card paired with Nine and Ace and your opponent will not know what hit them. Plus that extra 4K for Cinque makes her a beast.

Sice (3-109C) can work. As can Seven (3-057R), and Eight (13-036R). Eight is Free as it does not state on his card that the cost for Eight cannot be reduced to 0. Jack (3-111H) can be decent for 1CP.

Now which Queen shall we play? 3-151S or 3-104C? Queen (3-104C) has a better ring for this deck, as you’re already Breaking Forwards with Nine, Cinque and Ace. And Speedrush, will give you a free attack.

King (3-006R) is the last cadet, giving all you Class Zero Cadet Forwards +1K. King can also be played by just discarding a Class Zero Cadet from your hand. Doesn’t matter what element it is.

And then there is Machina (3-022H), not worth it. And Rem (3-072R) should work good, as should (9-059R).

Now, we need backups because all the Cadets we chose are mostly Forwards. Arecia Al-Rashia (3-097R), will allow you to search for a Type-0 Forward. Moogle (Class Zero) (3-150S) will give all your Cadets +1K. Khalia Chival (10-089C) will let you grab a Cadet from the Break Zone.

Now. I’m guessing these shall be your building blocks. I’ve seen a couple of decks with Golbez (13-115L). As you can search for any 2CP card in your deck.

That’s what we have for Nine. Any ideas? Let us know.