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Spoiler Season Has Arrived

Spoiler Season is here. We got ourselves the first reveals of Crystal Dominion. One of each element. These cards were revealed in the Japanese Magazine Card Gamer. Square Enix was kind enough to post pictures of the cards in English. Remember when they said that they would introduce Crystals? Well these cards have abilities that use Crystals to pay for the cost.

Samurai, a 2CP Backup that gives you a Crystal when she enters the field. You’ll be able to discard this card with her ability so you can play another one after, or another card that will work with what you’re trying to accomplish.

Snow. Now with Snow you can pay a Crystal and choose between Freezing all the Forward or Backups.

Kytes doesn’t use Crystals but can save a Sky Pirate from being broken. I like the artwork even though it looks like it was drawn in MS Paint. It’s also one of the first Full Arts we see from Crystal Dominion.

Hecantoncheir. Here’s another Full Art. Hecantoncheir is a Summon that can wipe out the board. Cheaper than Shantotto.

Lady Lilith. Our first Legend with the ability to Gain Crystals by removal, and then you can either use those Crystals for Haste or Removal.

Penelo will be joining your Sky Pirate Deck. It’ll be like your playing Revenant Wings with Kytes, and I’m sure Vaan will make his appearance somewhere.

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Emissaries of Light

We finally got the reveal of “Opus XVI”!!!

But, it’s not Opus XVI anymore, no more Opus. There is only the title now. Emissaries of Light. Serah shares the Box Art with her sister Lightning and, this is the 4th time Lightning appears on the Box. 3 times more than anybody else.

Release Date is set for March 25th, 2022. Emissaries of Light comes with 130 cards. Plus the 10 Starter cards in the FFX Custom Deck. And we get 166 Premium cards. Or Foils. 24 of the Foils will be Full Arts. That leaves us with 2 cards. Which are most likely the Premium Crystal Cards that will make their first appearance in “Crystal Dominion”.

The sample artwork we got is, once again a card from each element. Other than the cover art card, which will probably be Serah, just because of the Ice element, unless the have the Farron Sisters as one card. Luneth, Fire original art there. Sort of looks like Tom Cruise from “Interview with a Vampire” Wind gives us Cecil which is probably the best looking card out of the 6. Layle is the sample Earth card, nice art work there as well as Water, with Sarah from Mobius. And Reeves, looks like a leftover from the Shinra VS AVALANCHE Starter decks. Upon closer look you can tell that Reeves is the only Backup, while the rest are Forwards.

It also looks like some of the Starter cards will get the Full Art Foil treatment, and these ones will also get new artwork.And, we can’t forget about the Legacy Full Arts.

Lightning (1-141L)
Lenna (3-144L)
Vayne (9-022L)

Here’s the link to the original article.


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Opus XIV – Multi-Element Review

14-119C – Ardyn

How is this just a common? At 2CP? Is it because it’s Fire/Earth?

Anyway. Ardyn here is a 7K body which comes in with 2 great abilities. You get to choose 1. Either is good. He’ll fit in good with the VII Forwards in this set.




14-120H – Tifa

If you remember from the video when they first revealed this card, we spoke about how Cloud is going to be a great card without knowing what the text was on Cloud’s card. Now that we know. Tifa and Cloud go hand in hand together. So, all you Cloud/Aerith shippers know that you are wrong. It’s Cloud/Tifa.

But, yeah. 3 of these and 3 Clouds, add a Barret and you got yourself a deck. Just throw in the rest of Avalanche and you’re good.


14-121L – Barret

It is highly unlikely that Barret will succumb to Damage, since any Damage dealt to him below 9K becomes 0. And if he is buffed up +X power, I can’t find any Forward that would be able to defeat him, save for a couple.

Now, all the AVALANCHE Operative Forwards gain Haste, and you can discard 1 card and grab an AVALANCHE Operative card from your Break Zone.

You can probably grab Tifa, which in turn will let you grab Cloud.


14-122L – Al-Cid

Al-Cid is up to his usual self here. And, buy that I mean, it’s a great card once again.

You’ll actually play 2 cards when you play Al-Cid on the field, so it’s pretty much a Buy 1 Get 1 Free. #BOGO

Other than that, depending on who enters the field you can Freeze or Dull your opponents Forwards.


14-123C – Sephiroth

Simple Sephiroth.

Simple Power.

Great ability. Second one is better than the first. Should play well with Physalis.



14-124H – Zeromus

Huh? It’s like all these new cards are great and powerful, and then you think, what do I do against this card. How am I going to block if all my cards are dull? How do I get rid of Zeromus? I’d like to see how this plays out.

Ice/Lightning FTW!



14-125L – Vaan

Activate. Activate. And play a Sky Pirate.

And then, activate some more.




14-126C – Aerith

Pick 1

A) Bounce a Forward

B) Protect a Forward

Either way, I still think Opus 1 Aerith is better. But, with all the Wind Activating going on, there might be some room for a different Aerith.


14-127H – Zidane

At 2CP this card should be a Legend.

It’s like this Zidane is Opus I and Opus III combined. And it’s only a Hero. Only a Hero

Think of the Shenanigans you can pull off with this.

Can’t be blocked. Return a Forward to their owner’s hand. Reveal your opponents hand, choose 1 card remove it, and then play it yourself.

I’ll take 3. Foils. Please let us get a Full Art.

14-128H – Prishe

From far away it looks like she’s sticking her tongue out at you.

For an extra 3CP you can play an Wind or an Earth card onto the field.

At 3 points of Damage, Prishe gains Brave and +1K. I like the other Prishe better. Which one? Not this one.



14-129H – Gessho

Another card that reveals your opponents hand, only this time you just remove 1 card from the game.





14-130H – Cloud of Darkness

Do it right, and you’ll have an 8K body played for free.Other than that just Dull and Freeze a Character when she enters the field.

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Opus XIV – Lightning Review

14-077C – Ovjang

Easy way to grab a Forward of cost 3 or less that was recently broken. Any Forward will do.

But, you’ll probably want to play Aphmau.




14-078H – Trap Door

Trap door, if you walk through it you’ll break a Forward.

Your opponent will think twice before breaking Trap Door.




14-079 – Aphmau

If you grabbed Aphmau from the Break Zone, you can play a card named Aphmau from your hand for 1 Lightning Crystal Point. Doesn’t have to be this one, but there aren’t any other cards named Aphmau.




14-080R – Exdeath

8CP is a bit high. But, you get to do 2 things at once. Break a Forward and grab a Forward from your Break Zone that is 4CP or less.

But, you’re probably going to be playing this card for the ability, Black Hole. For 1 Lightning CP and an Exdeath you can remove 1 Forward from the game.



14-081C – Puppetmaster

Hmm, this Puppetmaster needs his puppet to dull a Forward.





14-082C – Gnath

Don’t like the cards you just drew? Just play Gnath with those 2 cards and hopefully get something better. And if that doesn’t work, Dull and Break and hopefully you’ll get something better once again.




14-083C – Fachan

I’d call this a ticking time bomb. Every time it ticks it gets more power. But this time bomb, you can have it go off whenever you choose to.





14-084C – Schuzelt

For Mono-Lightning this card can be great. Deal a Forward 1000 Damage and then use Grim Reaper to Break it. You can use Grim Reaper more than once.





14-085C – Sylph (XIV)

A primal activates Sylph, and sylph can dull and reduce the Damage one of your Forwards takes by 2000.

I’m wondering, what a Primal deck would look like. Every time a Primal enters the field you can activate all of your Backups.

Hmm.. Let me look into it.


14-086R – Heidegger

Break a Forward when Heidegger enters the field, but you’ll need to discard 2 cards. 6CP, not bad for it. Cheaper then 8 that Exdeath had.

Next turn, you can pay 1 Lightning CP, and dull Heidegger and put him in the Break Zone to add 1 Forward to your hand. If you find one in the top 5 cards.

Even Heidegger is wondering if this is a good deal.


14-087L – Ravana, Savior of the Gnath

Ravana can attack 4 times???

Move over Gilgamesh, Ravana has taken your spot. It doesn’t really matter that Ravana can’t gain Brave when he activates every time a Character is put into the Break Zone. Yours or your opponents.

And the Damage that he is dealt is reduced by 5K.

Gilgamesh and Ravana. Ice/Lightning. The game can be over in 1 turn.

14-088C – Mneejing

This card was probably meant to help Aphmau, but it probably won’t be used for Aphmau.

You can choose any Forward 3CP and under to use it on.




14-089C – Ewen

For 1CP you can Break a damaged Forward.

Nuff said.




14-090R – Ramuh, Lord of Levin

Unless you’re playing Ramuh early on, he is coming in with Haste.

And, you’ll be breaking Forwards left and right. You can have Ramuh on the field and cast Raiden (Revenant Wings)
(10-100C), and Break all the active Forwards your opponent controls.

Remember you heard it here first.


14-091R – Ramuh

Same thing as above. If you already control Ramuh, Lord of Levin, you’ll be Breaking 2 Forwards each time you cast this card.





14-092C – Dragoon

Are you playing Dragoons? You might want to pass this card, unless you can find a way to play him for cheaper. But then you still have a body on the field.





14-093H – Luso EX

I can see some playing this card. For 2CP you get to search for a FFTA2 Character, and if that doesn’t work, at least you have a blocker. That will last through one round.

Engage on the other hand, is the same as his n entry ability, except for the fact that the FFTA2 Character is played straight to the field than to your hand.



14-094R – Ravus

Plenty of Captains to choose from but, one that stands out is Captain (12-094C). I can see some shenanigans that will come out of these 2 cards.

With that being said, 1CP for a 9K body, is what you would want to play every chance you get.

A Forward losing 5K when he enters either the field or the Break Zone isn’t bad either.


14-095H – Roche

Roche. The perfect play Turn 1.

If he is in your hand on your First turn, You will basically, just lay the card down and deal your opponent 1 point of Damage. If not, then there is nothing special about him. Except the first time you fight him in FFVII Remake.

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The Honor Roll Society

It’s only fitting that our 9th card of the Week is Nine. And I get to talk about Cinque as well.

On to the Card.

6CP – Lightning/Fire
Job : Class Zero Cadet
Category : Type-0
9000 Power

“You can dull 1 active Fire Job Class Zero Cadet Forward and 1 active Lightning Job Class Zero Cadet Forward (instead of paying the CP cost) to cast Nine.

When Nine enters the field or attacks, choose 1 Forward opponent controls. Until the end of the turn, it loses 2000 power for each Job Class Zero Cadet you control.”

You will be playing Cadets.

Fire and Lightning.

Might as well play Wind, that way you’ll have access to all the Class Zero Cadets, but since there is no Class Moogle that helps us with the Crystal Points you will likely play a Light or Dark card. Opus I Chaos and Cosmos will work well depending on, if you’d like to play another Light or Dark card.

And if you play your cards right, no pun intended, you’ll be able to get rid of 2 Forwards when Nine enters the field. All you need is a Fire Cadet and a Lightning Cadet, that you will dull for Nine to enter and after that dull Zaidou (10-091C) to give Nine “Haste and First Strike”. You will likely reduce the opponents Forward’s Power more than enough to send it to the Break Zone.

Can’t have a Class Zero without Ace (9-003L), I never took him out of my party when I was playing, so he should be in this deck. Well, that’s my reasoning. That and that you can grab a couple of Cadets and add them to your hand. Plus the 8K body, and that EX Burst, you’ll be knocking out Forwards left and right.

If Deuce (9-052C) was a Backup she would be a Legend, but she is not but, we’ll still play this one.

Trey (3-064H) is probably a card we can do without.

Cater, might as well choose the Backup (3-009C). (13-107C) might work as well, depending on the situation. Maybe play one of each?

Cinque (13-007R), the card that we wanted to build a deck around a Nine was the Legend to do it. Basically you’ll always have more than 7 Class Zero Cadets for Cinque to gain Brave, and “When Cinque attacks, choose 1 Character opponent controls. Break it.” This card paired with Nine and Ace and your opponent will not know what hit them. Plus that extra 4K for Cinque makes her a beast.

Sice (3-109C) can work. As can Seven (3-057R), and Eight (13-036R). Eight is Free as it does not state on his card that the cost for Eight cannot be reduced to 0. Jack (3-111H) can be decent for 1CP.

Now which Queen shall we play? 3-151S or 3-104C? Queen (3-104C) has a better ring for this deck, as you’re already Breaking Forwards with Nine, Cinque and Ace. And Speedrush, will give you a free attack.

King (3-006R) is the last cadet, giving all you Class Zero Cadet Forwards +1K. King can also be played by just discarding a Class Zero Cadet from your hand. Doesn’t matter what element it is.

And then there is Machina (3-022H), not worth it. And Rem (3-072R) should work good, as should (9-059R).

Now, we need backups because all the Cadets we chose are mostly Forwards. Arecia Al-Rashia (3-097R), will allow you to search for a Type-0 Forward. Moogle (Class Zero) (3-150S) will give all your Cadets +1K. Khalia Chival (10-089C) will let you grab a Cadet from the Break Zone.

Now. I’m guessing these shall be your building blocks. I’ve seen a couple of decks with Golbez (13-115L). As you can search for any 2CP card in your deck.

That’s what we have for Nine. Any ideas? Let us know.