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Hidden Legends Midnight Pre-Release

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It’s that time once again. Hidden Legends is just around the Korner.

That means that the Hidden Legends Midnight Pre-Release is almost here as well. We’re looking at Friday, November, 8th. Technically November, 9th. Just because we will start handing out the Pre-Release Kits for the event at 12AM.

And as usual, we will be giving out an extra kit to the winner. That means you’ll have 2 chances at pulling that Clive Gold Stamped Signature Full Art. (That’s a mouthful.) Even if you don’t win, you’ll still walk away with something.

2nd and 3rd will split a kit.
4th will receive 3 packs.
5th-8th will each receive a pack each.

The event starts at 12AM, but you can show up from 10PM for free play. Casuals and not just for FFTCG, if you want to play Magic, go ahead. Pokemon, Yu-gi-oh, anything you’d like.

We’ll just leave you with an address here. And, we’ll see you in about a month’s time.

9229 S. Cicero
Oak Lawn, IL 60453

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Leveling Up By Priming

Looks like we were right!

Priming is essentially leveling up a Character. As with the release of the Card of the Week Spoilers for Hidden Legends, Clive levels up to Ifrit.

I’m sorry, I meant Primes into Ifrit.

And, that also means that we are on a Countdown to Hidden Legends. 8 weeks away. Wait no, it’s only 6 Weeks away. That also means that Midnight Pre-release is 5 weeks away.

It’s coming a lot faster than expected.

Any ways back to Priming.

Will this be only for Final Fantasy XVI Characters, or will Characters from the other Final Fantasy games be able to Prime?

I’m guessing only FFXVI Characters. Because it wouldn’t seem right for Warrior of Light to Prime into Bahamut, or Cloud into Choco/Mog. Yeah, I’m just playing here.

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Prime, New Flavor of Play

Well, I think I figured it out what Prime is.

Now this is just an assumption, and we won’t know until Square-Enix actually tells us what Prime is.

From what I’m seeing with Clive, and Ifrit It seems that Prime is used to level up your Characters. Kind of like Pokemon. Clive can Prime into Ifrit for the cost of 2CP one of which has to be Fire.

Thus turning Clive into Ifrit.

Will Clive be sent to the Break Zone after this? Will Ifrit have the abilities of both cards? There’s still are a lot of questions, but I think this can be a new and interesting way to play.

What are your thoughts on this? Am I hitting the nail on the head, or do you think that Prime will be something completely different?

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Hidden Legends

And, out of nowhere, the new set is announced!

Here we have it. Hidden Legends, with Final Fantasy XVI art on the box featuring Clive!

126 cards.

126 cards? That’s it? This might be the smallest set yet. Let’s see. 18 cards per element and 4 Light/dark cards will leave us with 14 Limit Break cards to finish off the set. That would be my guess, because I don’t see them printing anything less than 10 Limit Break cards.

We’re also getting a new Gold Stamped Signature, featuring .. you guessed it Clive. It is a good looking card. 4CP, 8000 power and the new Priming Mechanic, which we do not know what it is yet. But, it costs 2CP. One Fire CP and 1CP of any Element.

Clive also gives +1000 power to all the Eikon Forwards and Dominant Forwards. Which will probably be an FFXVI exclusive job of sorts. I don’t know, I still need to play FFXVI.

And when Clive deals damage to your opponent, you can draw 2 cards, but you’ll discard your hand first.

The other sample cards shown are Basch, Gilgamesh LB, Bahamut, Relm, Nono, Velis and Zidane LB. But, the card I’m most excited about is Tonberry & Cactuar. We don’t know what it does yet, but they better have a Full Art version of it, because it looks amazing.

Let’s not forget the Legacy cards that are making their way back. Minfilia (6-079L), Akstar (18-107L) and Unei (19-119L).

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