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More Delays

Well, it looks like we have more delays coming up. First it was the Sephiroth Tins, and now Opus XIV is delayed and so is a new 2-Player Starter Set. But, at least we know of these ones ahead of time, other than right before release.

It doesn’t look like the Chaos Boss Deck will receive any delays, even though my distributor has no clue as to what’s going on with it. And Opus XIII is right around the corner.


On the other hand we had a new spoiler. Bhunivelze PR-091/13-062H. Is it just me or are the Pre-release promos always Hero cards? I’ll have to take a look into that.

10CP – Earth
Forward – God

The cost required to cast Bhunivelze is reduced by 2 for each Backup of a different element you control, other than Multi-Element.
Damage 3 – Bhunivelze gains Brave and “Bhunivelze can attack twice in the same turn”
Damage 6 – When Bhunivelze attacks, Choose 1 Character. Break it.

Even if your playing Mono Earth at 10CP, this card is a power house. Throw in Enna Kros (1-095R)for some +1000, might as well throw in Maria (1-083H) for an additional +1000. And that right there brings Bhunivelze down to 8CP. Can’t forget about Princess Sarah (11-128H), which will also let you pay for your Backups much easier as she counts as any color CP. Dull for +1000. This brings Bhunivelze to 13000 and 6CP.

He’ll slowly clean the board, and your other forwards can go for the kill.


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Site Update 005

Opus VII is up. Now on to the next Opus? Maybe. We’ll get started on it, but since Opus XIII is right around the corner. We might start focusing on that. But it’s still a long way off. It is?

Yeah, we got a month and a half to go for that.

Other than that, still no news on the Sephiroth Tins. Shadowbringers Starter Decks are coming out next week. As soon as we get them they’ll go up on the site. They’ll be up for Pre-order. But, not before I know how many I’ll have my hands on.

Same thing goes for the Boss Decks. They should be coming out in March, and they will be up for Pre-Order as soon as I have them.