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Lord of Crags

It’s all Primals, as far as the eye can see. Titan will shake things up as he enters the field.

On to the card

Job : Primal
Category : XIV
9000 Power

“When Titan, Lord of Crags enters the field, break all the Forwards with power lass than Titan, Lord of Crags. When 5 or more Forwards are put from the field into the Break Zone by this effect, Titan, Lord of Crags deals your opponent 1 point of damage.”

The way I see it, Titan works like your Opus I Shantotto, but with added benefits. He’s a Forward and he can still knock your opponent silly. Although he might not be able to completely wipe out the board, he is highly likely to deal your opponent a point of Damage for your troubles.

Now. What would you say if we used Heretical Knight Garland (9-061R)? Not a lot of synergy but, you will be playing Garland for 2 CP after you played Titan onto the field.

Earth and Water go pretty good together. Ovelia (13-090L)  might be a good card to play as you can use Aegis on Titan. And when Titan is about to be sent into the Break Zone for any reason, you can bring him back to the field.

Any other suggestions?

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Lord of the Mists

We’re traveling through the mists to find this Primal. I remember the Battle with Bismarck in FFXIV.

On to the card

Job – Primal
Category – XIV
9000 Power

“When a Character is returned from the field to its owner’s hand, draw 1 card. This effect will trigger only once per turn.

At the end of each of your turns, choose up to 1 Wind Character you control. Return it to its owner’s hand.

Dull 1 active Wind Forward: Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 2000 damage.”

Before we get into anything. Maria (1-083H) for the +1K, and the Standard Unit Primals from this set. Are all perfect cards to use with Bismarck.

Now, as we read the text, every time a character is returned to their owner’s hand, you get to draw 1 card. And, at the end of each of your turns you must return 1 wind Character to your hand.

That means you will be starting your turn with 6 cards instead of the usual 2. 1 that you drew at the end of each of your turns, the 2 that you returned to your hand, and the two you draw at the beginning of your turn.

Since you’ll be returning these Characters to your hand, you would like them to have abilities that trigger when they enter or leave the field. 1CP or 2CP Characters would be ideal.

Thief (1-069C) or Thief (1-070C) would be ideal. Every time they enter the field, your opponent puts the top card of their deck into the Break Zone. Rikku (2-071R) – Attack with all your Forwards, and during your Main Phase 2 play Rikku, Activate all your Forwards, and return Rikku to your hand to draw a card.

There is also Waltrill (8-047C), think about it. Waltrill is not a searcher per se, but each turn you can place 2 cards from your hand at the bottom of your deck and draw 2 cards. So, you can always discard the cards you don’t need at the moment and keep drawing till you do.

Bismarck will give you the Firepower needed to get your plan going. You’ll have the CP you need to play all the cards you need. And you’ll always have plenty of options to go with.

What do you all think?

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Opus XIV – Multi-Element Review

14-119C – Ardyn

How is this just a common? At 2CP? Is it because it’s Fire/Earth?

Anyway. Ardyn here is a 7K body which comes in with 2 great abilities. You get to choose 1. Either is good. He’ll fit in good with the VII Forwards in this set.




14-120H – Tifa

If you remember from the video when they first revealed this card, we spoke about how Cloud is going to be a great card without knowing what the text was on Cloud’s card. Now that we know. Tifa and Cloud go hand in hand together. So, all you Cloud/Aerith shippers know that you are wrong. It’s Cloud/Tifa.

But, yeah. 3 of these and 3 Clouds, add a Barret and you got yourself a deck. Just throw in the rest of Avalanche and you’re good.


14-121L – Barret

It is highly unlikely that Barret will succumb to Damage, since any Damage dealt to him below 9K becomes 0. And if he is buffed up +X power, I can’t find any Forward that would be able to defeat him, save for a couple.

Now, all the AVALANCHE Operative Forwards gain Haste, and you can discard 1 card and grab an AVALANCHE Operative card from your Break Zone.

You can probably grab Tifa, which in turn will let you grab Cloud.


14-122L – Al-Cid

Al-Cid is up to his usual self here. And, buy that I mean, it’s a great card once again.

You’ll actually play 2 cards when you play Al-Cid on the field, so it’s pretty much a Buy 1 Get 1 Free. #BOGO

Other than that, depending on who enters the field you can Freeze or Dull your opponents Forwards.


14-123C – Sephiroth

Simple Sephiroth.

Simple Power.

Great ability. Second one is better than the first. Should play well with Physalis.



14-124H – Zeromus

Huh? It’s like all these new cards are great and powerful, and then you think, what do I do against this card. How am I going to block if all my cards are dull? How do I get rid of Zeromus? I’d like to see how this plays out.

Ice/Lightning FTW!



14-125L – Vaan

Activate. Activate. And play a Sky Pirate.

And then, activate some more.




14-126C – Aerith

Pick 1

A) Bounce a Forward

B) Protect a Forward

Either way, I still think Opus 1 Aerith is better. But, with all the Wind Activating going on, there might be some room for a different Aerith.


14-127H – Zidane

At 2CP this card should be a Legend.

It’s like this Zidane is Opus I and Opus III combined. And it’s only a Hero. Only a Hero

Think of the Shenanigans you can pull off with this.

Can’t be blocked. Return a Forward to their owner’s hand. Reveal your opponents hand, choose 1 card remove it, and then play it yourself.

I’ll take 3. Foils. Please let us get a Full Art.

14-128H – Prishe

From far away it looks like she’s sticking her tongue out at you.

For an extra 3CP you can play an Wind or an Earth card onto the field.

At 3 points of Damage, Prishe gains Brave and +1K. I like the other Prishe better. Which one? Not this one.



14-129H – Gessho

Another card that reveals your opponents hand, only this time you just remove 1 card from the game.





14-130H – Cloud of Darkness

Do it right, and you’ll have an 8K body played for free.Other than that just Dull and Freeze a Character when she enters the field.

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Opus XIV – Light/Dark Review

14-115L – Shinryu

Scary Good.

But, Shinryu’s ability counts on what Forwards your opponent controls. You might break all your opponents Forwards, you might not.

Now Shinryu’s second ability is what we’re here for.

At the beginning of each of your turns you get to reveal the top card of your opponents deck. If it’s a Forward, all your opponents Forwards lose 7K. If it’s not you draw a card.

But, most of all you get to see what the top card is. If it’s an EX Burst you might want to hold back on attacking depending on what it is.

14-116H – Macherie

Get ready to cast your summons.

For the most part you’ll be casting your Summons for 1CP less. But, if you Discard 3 Summons from the Break Zone you can cast them for 4CP less.

That makes a couple of Summons more CP friendly, Some that you wouldn’t have considered before due to their cost.



14-117L – Omega

Hmm, I’m having trouble understanding this card. Just because, it can’t be what I’m thinking. That would be too Powerful.
At the end of each of your turns, if there are no Weapon counters on Omega you place a Weapon counter on Omega. When a Weapon Counter is placed on Omega, Omega deals your opponent 1 point of Damage and removes all weapon counters from Omega.

If I’m reading that right that means Omega deals your opponent 1 point of Damage at the end of each of your turns.

Holy Cow!

14-118H – Sterne Leonis

He sure looks stern. Get it? No? …

Anyway, for 4CP you can reduce the cost of all your Forwards by 1CP. In which this card will pay for itself in the long run and keep adding value.

It’s true I didn’t give much attention to this card until now. Why? Because I had to read it and see what it says in order to write this quick review.

And if you don’t mind about removing Forwards from your Break Zone, you have plenty of options to choose from.

“Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 7000 damage.”
“Choose 1 Monster. Break it.”
“Until the end of the turn, all the Forwards you control gain +4000 power and Brave.”

It also does not state that you can only use these actions, once per turn. Which means you can use them as many times as you’d like. If you have enough Forwards.

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Frosty, the Snowlady

Time to cool off as Shiva, enters the fray.

On to the card.

Job : Primal
Category : XIV
9000 Power

“You cannot play Shiva, Lady of Frost or Card Name Ysayle while already in control of either Character.

When Shiva, Lady of Frost enters the field, choose 1 Character opponent controls. Dull it. Freeze all the Forwards opponent controls.

Put 3 Backups into the Break Zone: Remove Shiva, Lady of Frost from the game. Then, play Shiva, Lady of Frost onto the field.”

As you can see, Shiva comes in with a great ability. Dull one Character and Freeze all the Forwards opponent controls. You can even reuse it, as long as you have 3 backups available. Plus she only costs 5CP.

On a closer look. You can see that you cannot play Shiva, Lady of the Frost onto the field if you already have Ysayle out. And that is fine, we won’t get into why, but we’ll say that Shiva, is a leveled up Ysayle. As you can dull Ysayle (14-020R), put her in the Break Zone, and then play Shiva on to the field.

You already know I’ll say, Duke Larg (1-057R) for the +1K buff. Scholar (5-030C) will help you pull Ysayle out of the Break Zone, if you need to.

Now, Ysayle (6-022R) will let you search for an Ice Forward. But, since Ysayle (14-020R) is already out you might not play the other one, but this one can be put in the Break Zone to help pay for bouncing Shiva, but you might just be causing more headaches this way.

Moogle (XIV) (14-037C), is great, not just for Shiva, but any other Primal as well, depending on what elements you are playing. Same goes for Amalj’aa, Ixali, Kobold, Sylph, and Sahagin. As each one will activate whenever a Primal enters the field, and all have abilities that can only be used when a Primal is on the field.

Shiva, Lady of Frost is a great card to add to your existing decks. Or any Ice deck for the matter as long as you’re Dulling and Freezing.

Anything you’d like to add? Leave a comment.