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Palom & Porom, The Twin Mages

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Dauntless twins. Prodigious mages in the making.

Twin mages with vast magic potential, Palom and Porom trained daily to perfect their skills under the guidance of the Elder. The disobedient Palom often skipped out on his training, which frequently led his more diligent sister Porom to berate him. After Cecil arrives in Mysidia, the twins join the Dark Knight’s part to secretly monitor him. Once they realize Cecil’s trustworthiness, they join him in his fight.

You never know what you’re going to get with these two. One minute they’re spies, the next they’re trying to save you.

 -Taken from the Ultimania

2-015H – Palom

I’m looking at this card and I’m wondering why isn’t anyone using this?

Palom comes in for 3CP with 6000 power. Now, if he comes into the field through the Break Zone, or through Search and Play, Palom deals a Forward 7000 damage.

Up to here, this isn’t a great card.

But, let’s take a look at Comet.

Deal your opponent 1 point of damage.

Comet. That is one hell of an S ability, and the cost isn’t much either. 1 Palom card, dull an active Porom and dull Palom. No extra CP or anything else.

This card is worth a shot, especially if you’re playing with the Twin Mages.

“Blizzard! And that, my friends is how it’s done!”

2-016R – Palom

Here we are.

The perfect card for the previous Palom.

For 1CP you get a Forward that will attack and deal 2000 damage to a Forward.

So far so good.

Now, if Palom damages your opponent, or that Forward that was damaged is put in the break Zone, you can put Palom into the Break Zone, search for another Palom and play it onto the field.

And, there are plenty of Paloms to choose from that have decent Enter the Field abilities. Most just deal damage to one of your opponent’s Forwards. If you play Palom 5-018L you’ll also draw a card.

Give it a shot.

2-135H – Porom

Just like Palom 2-015H, you would like to play Porom off of a Search and Play or from the Break Zone. When she comes in you will return a Forward to it’s owner’s hand. This could be one of your cards as well as it doesn’t specifically say your opponent’s Forwards.

And, the S ability, is meh. You’ll much rather play Palom’s Comet, but if you want to use Pyroblast, you’ll deal a Forward 8000 damage.

That’s about it.

“You would expect him to try a little harder to fool us, wouldn’t you?”

2-136R – Porom

I like this one better than the previous Porom as it gives some sort of protection to the Twin Mages.

Whenever they are targeted by your opponent’s Summons or abilities, you can return them to your hand, instead of breaking them.

You can also just send Porom into the Break Zone, and search for another Porom and play it onto the field. I would probably pick Porom 3-140R, as it activates all of your Forwards.

“It was almost like we’d gained an older brother.”

3-016H – Palom

I can see why this one isn’t being used as much.

Whenever a Forward is dealt damage, that damage increases by 1000. Yes, there are ways to offset this, by playing Maria (1-083H) who gives all of your Forwards +1000 power, but you can also just use a different Palom and keep that +1000 power.
But, we’re not talking about Maria.

Palom does have a decent S ability, that deals damage to 3 of your opponent’s Forwards. 1st one gets 6000 damage, 2nd gets 4000 damage and the third one gets 2000 damage. Add in the damage increase of 1000, and that gives you 7K, 5K and 3K.

You might be able to take out a few Forwards with this ability.

It’s worth a shot.

3-140R – Porom

This card is still playable.

For 4CP you can Activate all of your Forwards. It would be a good idea to keep Porom on hand, and when you think you can win the game, you can go all out with your Forwards. If you don’t manage to win it, then just play Porom and activate all of your Forward in Main Phase 2.

That way, at least you’ll have some blockers on the field.

This alone makes Porom worth playing. Plus you get a Meat Shield after it too.

Curaga, will protect one of your Forwards from damage dealt to it this turn.

“That repulsive brat is my twin brother, Palom.”

5-018L – Palom

This is a great card to play off of Palom 2-016R, and only if Porom is already on the field.

If not, I would suggest to play a different Palom.

Palom comes in, and deals a Forward 7000 damage. And if Palom is on the field you will also draw a card from your deck.
The ability isn’t that great, just deals 1000 damage to a Forward.

You’d think this card would be a lot better, considering it is a Legend.

“Your goody-two-shoes attitude is gettin’ old.”

5-135L – Porom


Just like Palom, I don’t see much use for this.

Porom comes in, you look at the top 3 cards of your deck, grab one and put the other 2 at the bottom.

Ok, that just makes Porom a 2 cost Forward, with 5000 power.

Only thing that might be worth it is Porom’s ability to cancel an action ability.

It’s like a Mini-Amaterasu. Just different.


8-041H – Palom

Here’s something different. Palom is ready to put a cog in your opponent’s gears. Especially if he comes in during your opponent’s turn as a response to anything that your opponent tries to do. How can you do this? Palom 2-016R. Yes, we’re throwing that card everywhere.

Palom will come in and you can both discard a card, you freeze on of your opponent’s Forwards, or you can dull all of their Backups. And, if you’re playing something along the lines of Turbo Discard, they won’t have any moves this turn.

Fire/Ice? It should work.

“Geez. Why are adults so pigheaded?”

9-115R – Porom

Here we have a miniature White Mage, whose sole purpose is to grab a Summon from your Break Zone.

This will also come off as an EX Burst.

Simple. Effective.

And you’ll have a tiny meat shield on the field ready to be sent to the Break zone at all times.

“Tellah, look after Cecil for us!”

11-121C – Porom

If you need to shuffle some cards in your hand, you should play Porom.

You’ll discard a card, and whether it is a Final Fantasy IV Character or not, will determine how many cards you will draw.

Maybe 1, maybe 2.

If it’s 2 you’ll discard another card from your hand.

It’s the old Switcharoo.

Porom also protects a Forward with her ability, which reduces the damage dealt to it, by 2000.


13-013C – Palom

“Cheap Backup with an enter the field ability. Needs Porom to be any good, but then there are a few other Palom cards I would rather play than this one.”

I don’t know if I was wrong on this card, but years later the Foil version of this card is going for a pretty penny.

And, when I look at it right now, I would say the same thing I said back then.

Go figure.


15-011L – Palom

Now this look interesting. Palom almost looks like George from Peppa Pig. The way he’s holding that Dinosaur, I mean Dragon. But the card looks interesting as well.

George … I mean Palom here, has an ability that gets stronger after a couple of turns. Palom gains 1EXP Counter at the end of each of your turns. With each EXP Counter Palom gains 1K power.

The longer Palom remains on the field the stronger he gets. I would say that this is a great turn 1 card.

And Palom’s ability. For a total cost of 0CP, Palom can deal either 2K damage or 8K damage to one of your opponents Forwards.

Yes, Please. I’ll take 3.

15-119L – Porom

“Porom here, getting an EXP Counter Every turn. And Every turn you can choose 1 Forward of 5CP or less and it loses all abilities. And at 3 EXP Counters it’s power becomes 1000.

After that you just use Palom (15-011L) and finish that Forward off. Just Like that.

It’s called Twincast.”

Basically, what that says.

More EXP, more breaks. Just like the game.

20-017R – Palom

Kind of looks like this card was drawn with MS Paint. And, I don’t mean that in a bad way.

At 2CP, Palom won’t steal the show this set, but it’s still a decent card if you got the Crystals. That’s why we need the Samurai reprint this set.

Palom will come in and deal a Forward 8000 damage, with the help of a Crystal.

I’m figuring Porom will have a similar enter the field ability, after that they can both be sent to the Break Zone to deal a Forward 10,000 damage.

“Be thankful that the Mysidian genius Palom is going to help you!”

20-113R – Porom

Lots of recycling here, Water should be called the Recycling Center today. Cards for cards.

We’ll give you a card and then you’ll give us a card back.

More like a trade center?

Anyway Palom’s twin sister Porom comes in or leaves the field, and you get to draw and discard 1 card.

If you discard a FFIV Character you can also get a Crystal. Two for the price of one.

21-098R – Palom

I’d say this is a pass.

There are far better Paloms out there.

Sure, this one is Lightning and deals 9000 damage to one of your opponent’s Forwards that cost 3 CP or less.

I’d say the only good thing about this card is that the ability can go off from an EX Burst. And, that’s about it.

Leave this one at home, unless your drafting. Then you might want to use it.

23-018R – Palom

Palom, one half of the twin mages.

Palom is a free play, if Porom is already on the field.

If not he’ll only cost 2CP. Palom comes in with 5000 power and allows you to place 2 EXP Counters on a Forward. That Forward will gain +2000 power.

And, if the twins work together, I think Porom will be something like this as well.

“Grown-ups. They like trouble!”

23-110R – Porom

Porom, the other half of the twin mages.

Same thing here, Porom is a free play if you have Palom already on the field.

And, just like Porom she comes in with 5000 power.

When Porom comes in you can place 2 EXP Counters on a Forward, and that Forward gains a shield of sorts. Damage dealt to that Forward will be reduced by 2000.

You’ll be able to splash one or the other of these twins, as there is no cost to pay, if the other is on the field.

Looking for the Twins?

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Hidden Trial – By Water

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23-096C – Akpallu

Pay 1CP to draw a card.

Not bad, at all. If you don’t have anything going on in your hand, might as well play Akpallu to draw another card.

And after Akpallu is on the field, not doing anything, just sitting there, you can then use Akpallu to pay the cost for Fencer (XIII)’s ability and Break one of your opponent’s Forwards.

There are more cards that need another Monster to pay for the cost to use their ability.

I’d say Akpallu is a decent card.

23-097C – Altennia

A simple add-on to your Knight deck.

When a Knight attacks, Altennia gives a Forward +2000 power. Now what will happen when all of your Knights attack? You’ll be handing out +2000 power like candy on Halloween.

It’s like adding 200 horse power to your Knight engine.




23-098C – Alphinaud

Alphinaud is Alisae’s Backup, who will save her from the Break Zone in order to do whatever Alisaie has to do.

If we take Alisaie from Hidden Trials, it’s a pretty decent combo.

Once you have an Alisaie in your Break Zone, you’ll use Alphianaud’s ability and play Alisaie onto the field. Once Alisaie is on the field you can search for a card that has the same name as one of the cards in your Break Zone, and add it to your hand.

Yeah, that’s pretty much it.

Not bad.

23-099C – Urianger

Urianger is already flipping the cards to see what Scions he can find.

I mean yes, .. maybe . . not really.

Depends on what you’re playing.

You can pull this out if you’re drafting Hidden Trials and you’re trying to run Scions.

Other than that, there are far better Uriangers out there.



23-100L – Young Excenmille

Coming in with 5000 power, Young Excenmille surely loves his Crystals.

You’ll need a constant supply of Crystals to keep Young Excenmille well fed.

Feed him once and he cannot be chosen by your opponents abilities, and his Power will become 9000 until he is sent to the Break Zone.

Feed him once more along with a Water CP, and you can search for a Water Forward of cost 3 or less, and play them straight to the field.

I like it.

23-101C – Dancer

Last Chance to Dance.

Dancer, just like the rest of the Elemental, Class Action, 5 Backup plan, Backups is better played when Dancer is the 5th Backup that enters your field.

When he does, as the 5th Backup on your field, all of your opponent’s Forwards lose 4000 power.

You might break a couple if you’re lucky.

If not, Dancer just chooses one of your opponent’s Forwards, and they lose 2000 power.

23-102R – Gizamaluke

A Monster, the sort of searches for a Monster.

Gizamaluke, comes in and you reveal the top 3 cards of your deck, and grab a Monster, if you find one there. If you do, you just got a Gizamaluke for Free.

Gizamaluke also turns into a Forward if you have another Monster on the field. Technically you can get a 0CP Forward with an 8K body.




23-103C – Quina

My Bombs will get that much stronger.

Because once per turn, whenever a Monster enters the field, I get to draw a card. Doesn’t matter whose turn it is. If a Monster enters the field you get to draw 1 card.

And let’s not forget about the Frog Drop. (Just don’t catch them all, cause then they can’t reproduce and you won’t be able to get 99 frogs.) Once Frog Drop goes off, 1 Forward will lose 3000 power for each Monster that is on the board.

How many Quina’s can you fit in your deck?

23-104H – Witch of the Fens

Here’s a decent card for your Monster deck.

Witch of the Fens comes in, and if you already have a Monster on the field, you can draw a card.

And, let’s not forget about that ability.

Put a Monster in the Break Zone, and one of your opponent’s Forwards will lose 7000 power until the end of the turn.

How many Monsters do you have in that hand of yours?

23-105C – Defender

What there’s no Water SOLDIER Candidate? All we get is a cheap knockoff? And, I was looking forward to making a 6 elemental SOLDIER Candidate deck. Guess I can’t do that now.


Defender can probably be played on his own. No need for the other SOLDIER Candidates. (But, the other ones could be played in their respective element as well.) As before, if you have at least 2 Standard Units in your Break Zone, SOLDI.. . I mean Defender gains +3000 power.

2CP/8K, the true definition of a cheap Meat Shield. And, we mean that in a good way.

Meat Shield here, also does not receive any damage that is less than it’s power. He’ll take a beating and you still won’t be able to get rid of him.

23-106H – Tataru

Tataru pays for Tataru during your next turn.

As long as you have another 3 Scions of the Seventh Dawn on the field, you’ll be able to dull Tataru for an extra card.

And, that is pretty much it. Don’t like your hand? Dull Tataru and hope for the best.





23-107L – Frimelda

Frimelda should just get thrown in your Warrior of Light deck.

It’s as simple as that, and if I needed to tell you that, well … You’re Welcome.

This card is pretty straight “Forward”. (No, that just came out, i didn’t think of that.)

You’ll need at least 4 different elements on the field in order to make use of Frimelda. Water can be the 4th element you play when she comes in, and her ability will go off as soon as you enter your Attack Phase. It will also trigger when your opponent goes into their Attack Phase as well.

Double Trouble.

You can either play a Forward that costs 4CP or less onto the field, or you can have one of your opponent’s Forwards lose 2000 power for each element that is on your board.

Choice is yours, bulk up your defenses, or get rid of theirs.

23-108R – Fourchenault

Who would have thunk that Fourchenault would cost Four CP? And, if you have Alisaie and Alphinaud on the field Fourchenault is a Free Play!

Fourchenault’s Enter the Field abilities are great and decent. One is better than the other, but the other has it’s use as well.

First one, return one of your opponent’s Forwards to their hand. Which is good, getting rid of a Forward, even if temporarily is always good. As long as they don’t have an enter the field ability.

The other is Activate a Scion of the Seventh Dawn.

And, when all is said and done, you’ll have an 8K body on the board.

23-109C – Portia

The more I see new Dancers the more I ponder the idea of making a deck. Yes, let’s add one more to the list of decks that I will never make.

For a Common, Portia is a great card. First of all she pays for herself, as if you already have a couple Dancers on the field, you will draw a card. You’ll have a no cost 5K body on the field ready to go to work.

And if you have 4 Dancers on the field, You’ll be able to send one of your opponent’s Forward to the bottom of their deck.

Let’s make Mayakov proud.

23-110R – Porom

Porom, the other half of the twin mages.

Same thing here, Porom is a free play if you have Palom already on the field.

And, just like Porom she comes in with 5000 power.

When Porom comes in you can place 2 EXP Counters on a Forward, and that Forward gains a shield of sorts. Damage dealt to that Forward will be reduced by 2000.

You’ll be able to splash one or the other of these twins, as there is no cost to pay, if the other is on the field.

2-111C/15-123C – Oracle

It’s straight from the (Re)printers!

And, a Copy/Paste from Dawn of Heroes.

“Didn’t we say recycling center earlier? Maybe we meant the Printers, reprinting cards and such.

Not that I have anything against reprints, I just would rather have a new card that does something similar instead of having reprints.

Anyways, Oracle gives you a Crystal when she comes in, and reduces the next damage dealt to a Forward by 1000.”

2-112H – Young Rahal

Rahal! Where are those Crystals!? Young Excenmille is hungry for those Crystals.

And, that is his job. Feed Yound Excenmille to bring out more Water Forwards onto the field.

How is Younf Rahal going to feed Young Exenmille? You gain 2 Crystals when he enters the field.

And that’s not all. When Young Rahal enters the field or attacks, all your Water Forwards gain +2000 power.

Combine this with Palom and Porom, and you have a decent front line, for almost half the cost.

23-113R – Leviathan

Finally, there is a way to get the one card you needed that ended up in the Damage Zone.

Not only that, but Leviathan let’s you draw a card as well. Only downside would be that you have to return another card back to the Damage Zone, but you probably have a card you don’t need in your hand.

This is one of the better cards in this set.

Leviathan is your insurance policy.


23-114R – Lilisette

“A live wire, barely a beginner
But just watch that lady go
She’s on fire, ’cause dancin’ gets her higher
Than anything else she knows”

David Lee Roth, might have been singing about Lilisette, and I wouldn’t blame him.

Lilisette comes in and searches for a Dancer, cause well, it takes 2 to Tango. And, that also comes off as an EX Burst.

Other than that, you have Rousing Samba. An ability that gives all of your Forwards +2000 power, and all of your opponent’s Forwards lose 2000 power, tilting the dance floor in your favor. At least until the end of the turn.

But, that turn can be a Break or Make moment.

The only thing that I would change with this card is the art.

Cool Singles?

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Cid Pollendina

“Ahh, go shave your ears! Doggone…”

“An engineer in Baron who knows more about building airships than anyone. Cid is the chief mechanic for the airships used by the Baron Red Wings, and is idolized by his apprentices. He treats Cecil like his own flesh and blood, having taken an interest in the boy since Cecil’s childhood. After Cecil becomes a Paladin and returns to Baron Castle, he reunites with Cid. The two of them leave together on the airship Enterprise. Although Cid largely stays away from the front lines, he aids the party by making improvements to the airship.”

– Taken from the Ultimania

The Father of a Daughter that has no name, or at least we never find out what her name is.

Cid Pollendina, a master Engineer, that builds ships. Airships to be exact. Hails from the Kingdom of Baron, and knows Cecil, Rosa and Kain, well before the story begins.

Cid is one of the first to speak to Cecil after he is demoted from Captain of the Red Wings. Cid runs off shortly after as his daughter gets worried about Cid and scolds him when he gets home from work late. She worries that Cid will overwork himself.

Cid builds The Enterprise,and hides it from the King of Baron, which causes the King to imprison Cid. He is then rescued by Cecil, Tellah, Fang and the twins Palom & Porom.

Cid then goes on and lets Cecil and Co. use The Enterprise. And off the go to save the world.

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Dawn of Heroes – Water Recycling Center

20-106R – Alphinaud

We already spoke about Alphinaud a little in Lightning.

As long as you play Alphinaud, when your opponent has a dull Forward on the field, you’ll be ok.

If not then you will have just wasted 3CP. Which isn’t the worst thing in the world, just an inconvenience.

And at 3 points of damage, Alphinaud gains 3000 power.

By itself, this isn’t the greatest card. But, with Alisaie, this is a great card.

20-107H – Urianger

There’s always removal, and that means you’ll have a place in your Scions deck for Urianger.

When he enters the field, you can search for a XIV Forward and add it to your hand. But, only if one of your cards have been removed from the game.

Other than that Urianger is a 2 Cost with a 5K body.


20-108C – O’aka EX

If you don’t have three Backups on the field, you are not playing O’aka.

But, if you do you can play him and draw 2 cards.

And, then discard a card.

Might be good if you’re looking for a card, and ran out of searchers.

I don’t know. Could see some use here or there. Might just end up in a deck as fodder for other cards. But, then why would you put it in a deck if you’ll never use it.

20-109H – Cecil

The other Cecil is better in my opinion.

This Cecil is basically a Crystal Generator.

Once per turn, if Cecil or a FFIV Character enters the field you gain 1 Crystal.

And, you can use that Crystal to give one of your FFIV Forward +1000 power and protection from your Forwards abilities.
Are the Golbez and Cecil decks going to shoot up in value soon?

20-110H – Hippokampos

Monster/Forward that attacks all the Forwards in sight. In other words AoE.

Once Hippokampos is in you can dull 3 Characters and deal 1000 damage to all of your opponents Forwards for every 2 Characters you control.

Sounds like Algebra to me.

At least you’ll be dealing some damage to those pesky Forwards.


20-111C – Blugu

For 1CP this is a pretty great card.

On entry Blugu either Fulls or Activates a Forward.

And after that you can choose to cancel an Auto Ability. All you got to do is 1(Wa) CP and dull Blugu and send it to the Break Zone. Voila! Canceled auto ability.

Best part is you can have 3 of them on the field, waiting for the chance to cancel an auto ability.

Wasn’t there someone that can grab monsters from the Break Zone? Infinite supplu of Blugus.

20-112C – Frimelda

Frimelda the recycler, don’t like your hand, just attack with Frimelda.

For every time she attacks, you get to draw a card and then discard a card.

And if that discarded card is a Forward, Frimelda gains 3000 power, and a Forward of your choosing loses 3000 power.
It’s a win-win.

But, you can only attack so many time before you run out of cards.

Nothing to worry about, we got another 49 cards in the deck.

20-113R – Porom

Lots of recycling here, Water should be called the Recycling Center today. Cards for cards.

We’ll give you a card and then you’ll give us a card back.

More like a trade center?

Anyway Palom’s twin sister Porom comes in or leaves the field, and you get to draw and discard 1 card.

If you discard a FFIV Character you can also get a Crystal. Two for the price of one.

20-114L – The Fiend

After seeing all 3 of the Warring Triad, it’s hard to decide which ones better than the other. Cause they are all better than each other.

The Fiend, has so much potential, he can become an unstoppable force by the time you have taken 5 points of damage.

From the beginning your opponent will cancel the first Summon they cast. At 3 points of damage all abilities choosing The Fiend for the first time will be canceled, and at 5 points of damage, the Fiend gains Brave, + 1000 power and any damage deal to The Fiend will become 0 if that damage is less than The Fiend’s power.

“Finally, The Fiend has come to FFTCG.”

20-115R – Mist

I can’t really think of another reason to play Mist, other than so you can look at the top card of your deck at the end of the turn.

If it’s the end of your turn, you’re hoping to see an EX Burst. If it’s the end of your opponents turn, you’re hoping to see the card that you want to draw.

Kind of like a Fortune teller that allows you to slightly change your future.

And since the Warp cost is 0, you’ll actually come out ahead as you don’t send any cards to the Break Zone.

20-116R – Meliadoul

I don’t know why I got excited when I saw Meliadoul, but I did. We need more Characters that everyone forgot about.
Meliadoul enters the field and casts Dispel on a Forward, even though they don’t call it Dispel, it is Dispel.

And, at 3 points of Damage Meliadoul gains 1000 power.

Support Character Supporting.


20-117L – Yuna

This is a Great card. I like it.

This card goes to prove that you only need this Yuna and Emissaries of Light Tidus. And you can probably just fill out the rest of your deck with Summons and Yunas.

In theory it can work. For if Yuna is chosen by your opponents abilities, all you need to do is discard 1 Summon, and you’ll cancel it’s effect.

Whenever you cast a Summon you’ll draw 1 card.

And then we have Holy. A Special ability in which you don’t have to dull Yuna in order to cast it. Read that again. You don’t dull Yuna when you cast Holy!

Think about it. That’s why all you need is Yuna and Tidus. Yuna will just sit back and blast all of your opponents Forwards with Holy. As soon as they enter the field. New Forward coming in, nope react with Holy. If you got at least 3 Summons in your Break Zone, you’ll be fine.

You probably don’t even need Tidus.

Just Yuna. Multiple copies of multiple Yunas. And Spam Holy like there’s no tomorrow!

20-118H – Unicorn

If you’re playing a VI themed deck, you’re probably going to play Unicorn. Not me. Not that I don’t like this card, but I’ll probably be playing Ice/Fire. Unless I find a way to pay for Water CP I’ll leave this Unicorn be a mythological being.

Unicorn comes in, And since you’re playing VI, you’ll have a FFVI Forward on the field that will allow you to use both abilities.
The first being to activate a Forward, and draw a card. The second return a 4 cost or less Forward to your opponents hand.

That sounds like 3 abilities to me.

20-119C/15-123C – Oracle

Didn’t we say recycling center earlier? Maybe we meant the Printers, reprinting cards and such.

Not that I have anything against reprints, I just would rather have a new card that does something similar instead of having reprints.

Anyways, Oracle gives you a Crystal when she comes in, and reduces the next damage dealt to a Forward by 1000.

That’s about it.

20-120C – Fisher

Talk about catching a bite.

You’ll probably draw up to 3 cards with Fisher, if you get it right.

If not you’ll at least draw one card, unless someone decides to RFG your Break Zone, when you put Fisher in there.

Best thing about fishing, is probably the beer.


20-121C – Lunafreya

A quick one-two punch, all for 1CP.

You pay the CP. and Warp Lunafreya. When she comes in after a turn and a half, you can disrupt your opponents plans when you send one of their Forwards to their hand and they send one of their Forwards to the Break Zone.

They won’t know what hit them. Especially if you lose count of the Warp Counters. It’ll be Magnificent.

20-122R – Leslie

Let’s see.

Leslie enters the field, you discard a card, and then return one of your opponents Forwards to their hand. If you discarded a FFVII card you also draw a card.

Quickish, easy enough and at almost no cost to you.

Might be good if Lunafreya just warped in as well.

That’ll be 3 Forwards, Sir.

Have a good day.

20-123C – Loporrit

This card is way better than the other cards that let you draw 2 cards and discard a card.


The answer is quite simple.

You don’t discard a card. You just put it at the bottom of your deck.

And that way you won’t be worried about running out of cards. Not that that happens a lot, but it’s always better to have an extra card or 2 towards the end of a long grueling match.

Yes, I’ll play around with Loporrit. Help me find Yuna faster.

20-124C – Alchemist

Well it’s technically not recycling. It’s just adding more Backups for free.

Why would you want to have 3 Alchemists on the field, when they don’t actually do anything.

Unless that’s your plan.

It might work.


20-125R – Rosa

Here is the missing piece for the ultimate FFIV deck.

You can actually splash any element that you’s like, without worrying about how you’re going to pay for the cost. No more relying on Tyro, and how are you going to get Tyro on the field if you’re not playing Earth.

For 1CP you get to play Rosa and draw a card when Cecil enters the field.

All you got to do is find a way to recycle Cecil.

We did say that Water is the Recycling center, right?

20-126C – Wakka

Well, at least we figured out what to do with all those free Backups that we were getting.

You now have a way to use them as fodder for Wakka when he goes into attack mode.

Every time Wakka attacks, he grabs a Backup and throws it like a Blitzball at one of your opponents Forwards for 8000 damage.

Sure 7CP might be a bit much to play Wakka, but it is reduced by 1 for each Backup that you have on the field.

You should be only paying 2CP to get Wakka on the field. Maybe a little bit more.

“Wakka, wakka, wakka”

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Crystal Dominion – Opinion on Water

15-106C – Atomos

Easy way to get rid of a Forward. Doesn’t matter which one, you’ll still get rid of one.

Add a Crystal and only pay 1CP for Atomos.

Not bad, not bad at all.



15-107H – Umaro

1CP/9K Power

That is one hell of a trade. But, you’ll also pay 1 Crystal. At least you’ll get it back when Umaro is put into the Break Zone.

That is, if he ever makes it to the Break Zone.



15-108C – Dancer

I would have never thought that they would make a card like this.

All of a sudden that 1 Forward loses all it’s abilities and Categories and wait … does Job count as a Category? What about Element? I’ll have to check on that. … But even if it’s only Category it will still put a dent in some decks.

Now, Imagine if they had a card that would do this to the whole board.



15-109R – Ultros

The card with the best art this set. I don’t care what anyone says. This is the Chase Card.

Ultros being Ultros.

As of this moment you can have up to 12 Ultros in your deck. That means you’ll most likely hit an Ultros if you reveal the top 5 cards of your deck.

Each Ultros has the ability to find you another Ultros if it gets chosen or broken.

This will be the card I am making a deck out of this set.

Thank you, I’ll take 3.

Shiny Holo Full Art.

15-110C – Gau EX

“Gau’s a Wild Child,
come and love him,
He wants yoooouuuuuuu, ooooo”

I wonder if Gau is a WASP fan. He and Blackie Lawless can form a band and gain a Chris “tal” Holmes when he enters the field. Get it? XD No?

At least I didn’t quit my day job. Yet.

Any who, for 2CP you’ll gain a Crystal and at 3 points of Damage, Gau gains 3K power.

15-111C – Keiss

See, Gau and Blackie Lawless would have been perfect for this card.

Keiss is just a Free card that can generate double the CP for you. If you got a party going that is.

Simple as that.



15-112R – Shinryu Celestia

Expensive card, if you want to se her on entry ability. It’s almost like paying 6CP for it.

But, if you’re playing Cadets, it might be worth it. For, every time one is sent to the Break Zone, one of your opponents Forwards will lose 3000 Power.




15-113C – Strago

Pay a Crystal, get rid of a pesky Forward that’s been bothering you for a bit, and draw a card.

I hope that Forward doesn’t have an on entry ability cause he only went as far as his owner’s hand.

But, you still get a card.



15-114C – Dracoknight

Self-reviving Forward.

3CP/7K will recycle for you and then you can play Dracoknight again the next turn. Or even the same turn if you have the CP.




15-115H – Penelo

If you’re playing Sky Pirates, you’re playing this Penelo.

You will be paying 0CP for her ability.

Protect a Forward, Weaken a Forward, or Draw a card.

The option is up to you.



15-116C – Hilda EX

Technically you’re paying 2CP for Hilda, and if you play her late game, it might even be free. because at 5 points of Damage you can play a 3 cost Forward or less from the Break Zone onto the field. And if that card is a Viking, You are drawing 1 more card.





15-117R/9-113H – Famfrit

Reprint from opus IX.

Nothing to see here, move along.

Well, Famfrit used to be a Hero, now he’s just a Rare.

Put 2 Forwards or Monsters in the Break Zone.



15-118C – Blue Wyrm

Draw a card, and cash out when you need a Forward with 6000 Power.

Do or Die, or Do and Break.





15-119L – Porom

Porom here, getting an EXP Counter Every turn. And Every turn you can choose 1 Forward of 5CP or less and it loses all abilities. And at 3 EXP Counters it’s power becomes 1000.

After that you just use Palom (15-011L) and finish that Forward off. Just Like that.

It’s called Twincast.



15-120H – Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer is Lani’s (12-018H) Water Summon form.

Grab one of the top 2 cards of your opponents deck and cast it without paying the cost. But, only this turn. Lani would allow you to keep the card and cast it whenever you would like. But, you would pay the cost.

I’ll take it.

Let me grab that Sophie of the top of your deck. Opus 1 Shantotto? I think I’m ready for a board wipe.

15-121R – Mayakov

A forward that dances the effects of your opponents abilities away. Mayakov has the 4CP/8K Power we all have come to know, but it’s his ability that makes him stand out. Plus playing a Dancer from your hand onto the field, also lowers his cost to 1CP.

How many Dancers do we have?




15-122L – Mog (VI)

Hmm, this is interesting.

Pay a Crystal, draw some cards, and hopefully Break one of your opponents Forwards, or your own, if that’s what you’d like. Or just return them to their owner’s hand.

Either way Mog, has the ability to draw even more cards, with Water Harmony, only this time you don’t need to discard any cards.



15-123C – Oracle

I had a plan with Oracle. And then I realized that it wouldn’t work.

So, scratch that.

Oracle will give you a crystal every time she enters the field. You can dull, and put her in the Break Zone to reduce damage to one of your Forwards and grab her back with Robel-Akbel.

Oracle’s use will be determined by the abilities that revolve around Crystal use.


15-124H – Relm

Like Relm here. Oracle will give you the Crystals for Relm to search for Monsters to play onto the field.

And there are plenty of 5 cost Monsters that will do some damage. Some Monsters will even let you grab Characters from the Break Zone.

Build your own Army of Monsters, all you need to do is protect Relm.



15-125R – Lunafreya

At 1CP/7K Power, Lunafreya is only here to protect a XV Forward.

Which one you chose is up to you. But, you will need Noctis if you plan on attacking with Lunafreya. Or block for that matter.
Other than that, you can just cast Lunafreya and keep her like a Monster. Just standing in her own Zone. Not blocking, not attacking. Just a constant 2K buff to your XV Forward along with a veil of Protection against Summons and abilities.



15-126R – Lenna

Here’s another use for Oracle.

Lenna will allow you to grab a Forward from the Break Zone and play it onto the field. 2CP or 3CP, depending on how many Crystals you use to pay.

There are plenty of 2 cost and 3 cost Forwards that you can play. They don’t even need to be Water Forwards. Any element will do. Like that sneaky Zidane from Opus III.