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Rosa Joanna Farrell

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Peerless beauty, braving dangers for love.

A beautiful White Mage with a talent for the bow. A childhood friend of both Cecil and Kain, Rosa gives her heart to Cecil and assists him on his adventure as a White Mage. She leaves the castle out of concern for Cecil when he vanishes following the mission to Mist Village. Rosa reunites with Cecil, but Golbez takes her prisoner. After Cecil rescues Rosa, the two realize their feelings for one another. They fight side by side until the end.

-Taken from the Ultimania

As we wait for Cecil to find the Sand Ruby for Rosa, we’ll check out all of Rosa’s cards throughout the series.

2-143R – Rosa

Rosa is always ready to protect you.

For 3CP you get a Backup, that whenever one of your Forwards is chosen by one of your opponent’s Summons, you draw a card.

And, maybe that card that you draw will help you cancel your opponent’s Summon.

We also have Protect. You can use this ability and the next time one of your Forwards is dealt damage and that damage is less than their power, that damage becomes 0.

Other than the fact that you can draw a card each time your Forwards are being chosen by your opponent’s Summons, I’d leave this one out.

Opus I Minwu does a better job at protecting your front line.

“I knew you’d come for me.”

2-144C – Rosa

A 1 cost Forward that gives Cecil +1000 power.

And, this time Rosa has Mini-Protect.

By dulling Rosa, you can reduce the damage dealt to one of your Forwards by 1000. It’s not a lot, but sometimes that will be the difference in your Forwards surviving a block. You’ll get to keep your Forward instead of just trading cards with your opponent.

After that, Rosa is a body on the field, until you get the Rosa that you wanted to play from the begining.

“…Uhn … Cecil … Please, Cecil… Be alive!”

5-142H – Rosa EX

This is what happens when you give Rosa the Sand Ruby.

Rosa searches for Cecil and she brings him to your hand. Bringing Rosa’s cost down to 2CP. You can even search for Cecil off of an EX Burst.

You’ll then have a body with 5000 power on the field, which you will be able to reduce the damage dealt to one of your Forwards by 1000, if that Forward is Cecil reduce it by 3000 instead.

Play this with Opus II Cecil, and I think you’ll have something to work with.

“Without me along, who will heal you when you’re hurt?”

9-120L – Rosa

How did I forget about this card?

For 3CP you get a great card. A legend. The White Mage Rosa.

Rosa reduces the damage dealt to all of your Forwards by 1000, Yes, that has been the case with the previous Rosas, but this Rosa is also a great attacker.

If Rosa forms a party and attacks, you will activate Rosa, where she will be able to attack one more time. Which she will form a party and attack. She will activate one more time, but I doubt she’ll be able to attack again. Even though the wording makes it seem like she should be able to.

“I say we Pray!
I say we Pray, just to make it today!”

It’s like MC Hammer already knew about this card in the early 90s.

If you’re playing Mono Water, you will be playing this Rosa. Use Pray to activate all of your Forwards. As long as you have an extra Rosa in your hand, you can go all out and attack.

After that you’ll Pray, and activate all of your Forwards, and they’ll be able to block during your opponent’s turn.

“Then why won’t you look at me?”

11-126R – Rosa EX

Rosa stands behind Cecil through the thick and thin. And, if you play her after you play Cecil, Rosa will allow you to draw a card.

And, if you don’t like that card, you can discard it and draw another card.

And, if you don’t like that one, wait till your next turn and discard it, to draw another card one more time.

Teleport. You finally have an answer to board wipes.

If your opponent plays Opus I Shantotto, you can just have Rosa use Teleport, and return all your Characters to your hand.
But, be careful. You might have a very large hand after that.

And, you know what they say about people with large hands.

They wear big gloves.

“No! Not you, too!”

14-057H – Rosa

Great artwork once again. You can tell apart the Amano artwork. I remember seeing a Magic card with his art on it, and recognized it immediately. But, that’s another story.

Just like we said before, activate all the Backups, if you’ve cast 3 cards this turn.

With Fran (14-052C) you’ll also draw 1 card.

All those activations will lead you into a 5th card cast this turn, which you’ll end up playing the top card of your deck. Unless it’s a Summon. Then it just goes back to the tops of your deck.

“I’m not going anywhere.”

16-063R – Rosa

The missing piece of Cecil and Ceodore.

Rosa comes in and keeps feeding Ceodore and Cecil, to power them up just a little bit to help them survive or take down your opponents Forwards.

A simple 2 cost Backup, that will still provide you with 1 CP per turn.

“As long as there is darkness…”


17-138S – Rosa

Decent card, better card if Cecil is on the field.

Even though Rosa is a Forward, she plays like a Backup, casting White Magic on your Forwards. Activate and a buff. All for a total of 0CP. You know you’ll be using her ability each turn.

Plus, you have an 8000 powered body. All this for 4CP.

“Cecil! I’ll visit you in your tower later.”


20-125R – Rosa

Here is the missing piece for the ultimate FFIV deck.

You can actually splash any element that you’s like, without worrying about how you’re going to pay for the cost. No more relying on Tyro, and how are you going to get Tyro on the field if you’re not playing Earth.

For 1CP you get to play Rosa and draw a card when Cecil enters the field.

All you got to do is find a way to recycle Cecil.

We did say that Water is the Recycling center, right?

Looking for Rosa?

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Final Fantasy IV

I can remember back in 1992, we would always go to Blockbuster, and we would rent a Video Game for the weekend. For some reason Final Fantasy II caught my eye, and it would always be rented out. Every weekend that we would go it would always be the first game I would look at to see if it was available. Finally, after what felt like years of going, it was finally there. I hurriedly grabbed it and told my mom this is the one.

I had no idea what Final Fantasy was. All I knew is that for some reason I wanted to play it. The drive home was longer than usual, as I read the instruction manual. I knew I’d be in for an adventure.


The story started off on the airship, we started off taking down the enemies as they tried to attack our ship. Of course we won, Dark Knight Cecil was a beast, taking them all down one by one. We arrived in Baron, the King congratulated us, and then got pissed off that we questioned his intentions. And, he sends us on a suicide mission. Kain decides to come along, and off we go.

We reach Mist and little did we know that the package we had would burn the whole village down. I was devastated. This isn’t going to happen on my watch. I quickly restarted the game. And kept trying to discard that package that the king gave us. I tried using it in the castle, didn’t work. I tried selling it, couldn’t sell it. I tried discarding it. Nothing. Let’s try and use it in battle. Again, Nothing! And, then I realized, or at least I thought I did, that I should have used it on the Mist Dragon. I was ready, I marched my way through the Mist cave and got into the battle, and nothing. Silly me, I have to use it when it’s in it’s mist form. Nothing.

I gave up. I marched into Mist with my head hung low. Even though I tried and I tried, I still burnt the village to ashes. And, all I got for my troubles was a fight with Titan. I lost Kain, and I had to drag a girl across the desert. I didn’t even know where I was going. For 30 minutes I was wandering around the desert, I couldn’t find Kaipo, the village that was smack in the middle of the desert. I kept wandering around and around. I even entered a cave and this old man told me to go back to Kaipo!

At least I got plenty of experience.

After I finally found Kaipo, headed straight for the inn. Baron’s guardsmen came crashing in demanding I give up the girl. That’s not happening, I already killed her mom, and burnt down her village. I can’t let her get taken. Cecil fights them all off and the girl forgives Cecil and they start traveling together. But, before we go we take a walk around the village.

Is that Rosa? Hurry talk to her. Nothing, she’s out. She’s sick, we need to save her. Luckily, they know what she needs, so it’s our job to hunt down the Antlion.

End Spoilers.

And, that was my first Experience with Final Fantasy. I figured we should talk about the Games and Characters that make up the TCG. In order of the way I played them. We’ll post more on Final Fantasy IV in the following days.

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Dawn of Heroes – Water Recycling Center

20-106R – Alphinaud

We already spoke about Alphinaud a little in Lightning.

As long as you play Alphinaud, when your opponent has a dull Forward on the field, you’ll be ok.

If not then you will have just wasted 3CP. Which isn’t the worst thing in the world, just an inconvenience.

And at 3 points of damage, Alphinaud gains 3000 power.

By itself, this isn’t the greatest card. But, with Alisaie, this is a great card.

20-107H – Urianger

There’s always removal, and that means you’ll have a place in your Scions deck for Urianger.

When he enters the field, you can search for a XIV Forward and add it to your hand. But, only if one of your cards have been removed from the game.

Other than that Urianger is a 2 Cost with a 5K body.


20-108C – O’aka EX

If you don’t have three Backups on the field, you are not playing O’aka.

But, if you do you can play him and draw 2 cards.

And, then discard a card.

Might be good if you’re looking for a card, and ran out of searchers.

I don’t know. Could see some use here or there. Might just end up in a deck as fodder for other cards. But, then why would you put it in a deck if you’ll never use it.

20-109H – Cecil

The other Cecil is better in my opinion.

This Cecil is basically a Crystal Generator.

Once per turn, if Cecil or a FFIV Character enters the field you gain 1 Crystal.

And, you can use that Crystal to give one of your FFIV Forward +1000 power and protection from your Forwards abilities.
Are the Golbez and Cecil decks going to shoot up in value soon?

20-110H – Hippokampos

Monster/Forward that attacks all the Forwards in sight. In other words AoE.

Once Hippokampos is in you can dull 3 Characters and deal 1000 damage to all of your opponents Forwards for every 2 Characters you control.

Sounds like Algebra to me.

At least you’ll be dealing some damage to those pesky Forwards.


20-111C – Blugu

For 1CP this is a pretty great card.

On entry Blugu either Fulls or Activates a Forward.

And after that you can choose to cancel an Auto Ability. All you got to do is 1(Wa) CP and dull Blugu and send it to the Break Zone. Voila! Canceled auto ability.

Best part is you can have 3 of them on the field, waiting for the chance to cancel an auto ability.

Wasn’t there someone that can grab monsters from the Break Zone? Infinite supplu of Blugus.

20-112C – Frimelda

Frimelda the recycler, don’t like your hand, just attack with Frimelda.

For every time she attacks, you get to draw a card and then discard a card.

And if that discarded card is a Forward, Frimelda gains 3000 power, and a Forward of your choosing loses 3000 power.
It’s a win-win.

But, you can only attack so many time before you run out of cards.

Nothing to worry about, we got another 49 cards in the deck.

20-113R – Porom

Lots of recycling here, Water should be called the Recycling Center today. Cards for cards.

We’ll give you a card and then you’ll give us a card back.

More like a trade center?

Anyway Palom’s twin sister Porom comes in or leaves the field, and you get to draw and discard 1 card.

If you discard a FFIV Character you can also get a Crystal. Two for the price of one.

20-114L – The Fiend

After seeing all 3 of the Warring Triad, it’s hard to decide which ones better than the other. Cause they are all better than each other.

The Fiend, has so much potential, he can become an unstoppable force by the time you have taken 5 points of damage.

From the beginning your opponent will cancel the first Summon they cast. At 3 points of damage all abilities choosing The Fiend for the first time will be canceled, and at 5 points of damage, the Fiend gains Brave, + 1000 power and any damage deal to The Fiend will become 0 if that damage is less than The Fiend’s power.

“Finally, The Fiend has come to FFTCG.”

20-115R – Mist

I can’t really think of another reason to play Mist, other than so you can look at the top card of your deck at the end of the turn.

If it’s the end of your turn, you’re hoping to see an EX Burst. If it’s the end of your opponents turn, you’re hoping to see the card that you want to draw.

Kind of like a Fortune teller that allows you to slightly change your future.

And since the Warp cost is 0, you’ll actually come out ahead as you don’t send any cards to the Break Zone.

20-116R – Meliadoul

I don’t know why I got excited when I saw Meliadoul, but I did. We need more Characters that everyone forgot about.
Meliadoul enters the field and casts Dispel on a Forward, even though they don’t call it Dispel, it is Dispel.

And, at 3 points of Damage Meliadoul gains 1000 power.

Support Character Supporting.


20-117L – Yuna

This is a Great card. I like it.

This card goes to prove that you only need this Yuna and Emissaries of Light Tidus. And you can probably just fill out the rest of your deck with Summons and Yunas.

In theory it can work. For if Yuna is chosen by your opponents abilities, all you need to do is discard 1 Summon, and you’ll cancel it’s effect.

Whenever you cast a Summon you’ll draw 1 card.

And then we have Holy. A Special ability in which you don’t have to dull Yuna in order to cast it. Read that again. You don’t dull Yuna when you cast Holy!

Think about it. That’s why all you need is Yuna and Tidus. Yuna will just sit back and blast all of your opponents Forwards with Holy. As soon as they enter the field. New Forward coming in, nope react with Holy. If you got at least 3 Summons in your Break Zone, you’ll be fine.

You probably don’t even need Tidus.

Just Yuna. Multiple copies of multiple Yunas. And Spam Holy like there’s no tomorrow!

20-118H – Unicorn

If you’re playing a VI themed deck, you’re probably going to play Unicorn. Not me. Not that I don’t like this card, but I’ll probably be playing Ice/Fire. Unless I find a way to pay for Water CP I’ll leave this Unicorn be a mythological being.

Unicorn comes in, And since you’re playing VI, you’ll have a FFVI Forward on the field that will allow you to use both abilities.
The first being to activate a Forward, and draw a card. The second return a 4 cost or less Forward to your opponents hand.

That sounds like 3 abilities to me.

20-119C/15-123C – Oracle

Didn’t we say recycling center earlier? Maybe we meant the Printers, reprinting cards and such.

Not that I have anything against reprints, I just would rather have a new card that does something similar instead of having reprints.

Anyways, Oracle gives you a Crystal when she comes in, and reduces the next damage dealt to a Forward by 1000.

That’s about it.

20-120C – Fisher

Talk about catching a bite.

You’ll probably draw up to 3 cards with Fisher, if you get it right.

If not you’ll at least draw one card, unless someone decides to RFG your Break Zone, when you put Fisher in there.

Best thing about fishing, is probably the beer.


20-121C – Lunafreya

A quick one-two punch, all for 1CP.

You pay the CP. and Warp Lunafreya. When she comes in after a turn and a half, you can disrupt your opponents plans when you send one of their Forwards to their hand and they send one of their Forwards to the Break Zone.

They won’t know what hit them. Especially if you lose count of the Warp Counters. It’ll be Magnificent.

20-122R – Leslie

Let’s see.

Leslie enters the field, you discard a card, and then return one of your opponents Forwards to their hand. If you discarded a FFVII card you also draw a card.

Quickish, easy enough and at almost no cost to you.

Might be good if Lunafreya just warped in as well.

That’ll be 3 Forwards, Sir.

Have a good day.

20-123C – Loporrit

This card is way better than the other cards that let you draw 2 cards and discard a card.


The answer is quite simple.

You don’t discard a card. You just put it at the bottom of your deck.

And that way you won’t be worried about running out of cards. Not that that happens a lot, but it’s always better to have an extra card or 2 towards the end of a long grueling match.

Yes, I’ll play around with Loporrit. Help me find Yuna faster.

20-124C – Alchemist

Well it’s technically not recycling. It’s just adding more Backups for free.

Why would you want to have 3 Alchemists on the field, when they don’t actually do anything.

Unless that’s your plan.

It might work.


20-125R – Rosa

Here is the missing piece for the ultimate FFIV deck.

You can actually splash any element that you’s like, without worrying about how you’re going to pay for the cost. No more relying on Tyro, and how are you going to get Tyro on the field if you’re not playing Earth.

For 1CP you get to play Rosa and draw a card when Cecil enters the field.

All you got to do is find a way to recycle Cecil.

We did say that Water is the Recycling center, right?

20-126C – Wakka

Well, at least we figured out what to do with all those free Backups that we were getting.

You now have a way to use them as fodder for Wakka when he goes into attack mode.

Every time Wakka attacks, he grabs a Backup and throws it like a Blitzball at one of your opponents Forwards for 8000 damage.

Sure 7CP might be a bit much to play Wakka, but it is reduced by 1 for each Backup that you have on the field.

You should be only paying 2CP to get Wakka on the field. Maybe a little bit more.

“Wakka, wakka, wakka”

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Opinion on Starters : Rebellion’s Call

17-131S – Kain

Haste? Check
Way to reduce the CP cost? Check
Buffs self when attacking? Check

All in all Kain here is a decent card. You might end up only paying 1CP for Kain, and if you do he’s an attacking Forward with 9K power.



17-132S -Zemus

Kind of plays like Don Corneo from a couple Opus back.

But, as before to remove 7 or 1 cards from your deck is quite the number.

Unless you’re sure you’re going to win this game, it’s best to avoid using these abilities. But, you’re playing Fire. Go on Aggro yourself ahead and hope for the best.


17-133S – Scarmiglione


If you’re playing against a Mono-build this card is a perfect choice. If not, it’s still a good choice.

Scarmiglione comes in and you pick an element. Scarmiglione becomes twice as strong against that element.

And, Blood Tap? Yes that damage will increase as well. It’s a Special ability and since you don’t need to dull Scarmiglione, you can keep using it till you run out of Scarmigliones. With this one there are a total of 4 different Scarmiglione. Multiply that by 3, and you can see how many times you’ll be able to use Blood Tap.

17-134S – Baigan EX

Not much here, but Baigan does allow you to search for Golbez.

After that you can put Baigan into the Break Zone to break a Forward.

4CP/8K power. Average card.



17-135S – Edge

Same thing with Scarmiglione. Edge has an ability that triggers when he enters the field. Depending on how many FFIV Characters you have on the field, Edge can break a Forward. You can quite easily pick apart your opponent using Mirage over and over.

Plenty of Edges to keep on hand for this ability.



17-136S – Kain

Kain allows you to grab a FFIV Water Character from the Break Zone.Plenty of Characters that you can choose from.
Other than that he can come in with Haste depending on the field situation.




17-137S – Rydia

Search for a couple of Summons, one gets tossed to the Break Zone by your opponent.

After that each time you cast a Summon, you might be able to break one of your opponents Forwards. Especially if they are high cost Summons.




17-138S – Rosa

Decent card, better card if Cecil is on the field.

Even though Rosa is a Forward, she plays like a Backup, casting White Magic on your Forwards. Activate and a buff. All for a total of 0CP. You know you’ll be using her ability each turn.



17-139S – Cecil

There are better Cecils, but every time I say that, someone comes up with a way that makes this one even better than the other ones.

So, I’ll just say that Cecil here can have up to 10K Power with Brave.

That and if you dull your FFIV Characters, you can dull Forwards and deal damage and stuff.


17-140S – Golbez

Same thing with Cecil, but Golbez can act like a Summon as well.

Which unless you’re searching for another Golbez I don’t see the point in not paying the 2CP and keeping Golbez on the field.

But, you might say 6CP is a lot to pay for this card. But so is the 7CP Odin and all he does is break a card.

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Emissaries of Light – Thoughts on Wind

16-043H – Atomos

How good do you think this card is?

Very good? I agree.

Atomos is currently auditioning for a role in Re-Animator, but this version of the movie will be called “Re-Activater” along side Rikku (2-071R). They’ll be bringing your Backups back from the Dead.


16-044L – Wol

Wol is here to make all your powerful Forwards, even more powerful. Not being able to be chosen by your opponents Summons or abilities. And, drawing a card when they come in.


Those Forwards need to have a cost of at least 5CP.


16-045C – Gargoyle

See, like Gargoyle here, The Forwards protected by Wol will not be able to be broken.

But, if Wol isn’t on the field, Gargoyle can take care of that pesky high cost Forward that is troubling you.

And then for 1CP you can take a sneak peak at the top 2 cards of your deck. If you like them, keep them. If not, just move them to the bottom of your deck, and hope for better cards.

16-046C – Chocobo Chick (VII)

For some reason I thought this card was a Backup.

But, even as a Summon, you might get some use out of this card. Pay 4 CP to activate the 4 Backups you just dulled to draw 1 card.

There might be something I’m missing.


16-047R – Sherlotta EX

Whatever happens Sherlotta is giving you at least 1 Crystal.

After that she will block Forwards until she is sent to the Break Zone, and give you another Crystal.

Or just chuck her from your hand for 1 Crystal.


16-048H – Zidane

Like we said earlier. Lani/Zidane Fire/Wind decks are coming.

Now we just need to find a way to keep bouncing Zidane back and forth.

Over and Over again.

Take control of your opponents deck.


16-049R – Seiryu EX

Another Shijin

4CP/7K. You’ll search for a Shijin upon entry, and Seiryu also comes in with built in protection.

No need for Wol.


16-050H – Ceodore

Ceodore comes in causes havoc, if you decide to dull 3 FFIV Characters, you can Break 1 of your opponents high cost Characters.

Ceodore seems to fit well into a Category IV deck. Simply because all his abilities involve IV Characters.

Real Sherlock Holmes here.

Tell me something I didn’t know.

Well, you can play Ceodore for free with Cecil. We’ll get to more about that in a moment.

16-051L – Cecil

For 5CP, you can play Cecil, and another card from your hand that’s 4CP or less. And if that card you play is a FFIV Character, you get to activate 2 Backups. Doing the math that means, if you played a IV cost IV Character (get what I did there?) you’ll actually end up +1CP.

Worst case scenario, you only save 1 Crystal Point, but why would you play a 1 cost when you can play anything up to 4CP.

And, the icing on the cake, is that Cecil protects all your Characters. forcing your opponent to pay 2CP just to make sure their Summons and abilities go through.

16-052C – Selkie

There’s a couple of cards we’ve seen so far that break Characters of cost 4 or more. Wol will be a card that I can see many people use do to the protection Wol grants.

But, we’re talking about Selkie here.

Selkie can sit on stand by until you need her. And, when you need her, at 5 points of Damage, she’ll break a Character of cost 4 or more. Take that, (insert pesky forward here.)


16-053H – King Tycoon

King Tycoon banishing most of your opponents board, because that’s what Kings can do.

As soon as he enters the field, you can return all the Forwards and Monsters your opponent controls to their hand.

Or just some of the cards. You don’t want to return any of the cards that have On entry abilities.


16-054C – Chocobo

The pixelated Chocobo, comes in and grabs a 2 cost Character or less from the Break Zone.

If you’re playing Chocobos, you’ll probably end up grabbing another Chocobo.




16-055C – Chocobo Sam

Chocobo Sam knows where all the Chocobos are. That’s why you’ll play him and find a Chocobo. Specifically Chocobo (6-050C). That way you’ll be able to play a free Chocobo every time it is your turn.

Plus, giving a Chocobo +3K for a turn let’s you know you’ll have the extra fire power if needed.



16-056R – Fat Chocobo

Fat Chocobo has one job.

That is to let you grab a Wind card from your hand at the end of each of your turns. If you’re playing Chocobos this might be a decent card to throw in your deck.

And for a simple dull, you’ll be able to play a Wind Backup once per turn.

And, keep a Fat Chocobo in your hand, because if Fat Chocobo gets hit by a Summon or ability, that 10K will keep him alive.

16-057C – Ninja

Uhm, well …

Removing 2 cards for 2000 damage?

I think I’ll pass.



16-058R – Fina

Comes with built in protection.

And, gives you the option of canceling an auto-ability, when she’s not even on the field. Sure you’ll need at least 4 Wind Backups on the field to be able to use it, but Fat Chocobo will be there to help you out with that one.



16-059C – Pecciotta EX

Is Morze’s Soiree Member going to become something?

Pecciotta here will help it become it. Activating all of Soiree when he enters the field.

The more I see these cards, the more I want to give it a try.

Time to crack open some Emissaries of Light and find all the cards I need.


16-060C – Madam M EX

I’m starting to see a pattern with all the Wind cards this set.

Madam M comes in and let’s you grab a Wind Character, if you find one when you reveal the top 4 cards of your deck.
Other than that, this 4 cost Backup is technically only 2CP.



16-061R – Yuri

Just like I just said, Yuri does the same thing as Madam M, but better.

This way you might actually play a card straight from your deck onto the field.

Or you can just grab any card if you can’t find a 3CP Wind Character.



16-062C – Lexa

Protect Madam Edel, that is Lexa’s job. More on that later.

A simple 2 cost Backup, that dulls and grants a Soiree Member, or Madam Edel +1K.




16-063R – Rosa

The missing piece of Cecil and Ceodore.

Rosa comes in and keeps feeding Ceodore and Cecil, to power them up just a little bit to help them survive or take down your opponents Forwards.