We’ve added more cards to the inventory.
Final Fantasy XIII Art Museum.
Yes, that’s a clickable link, and it will take you straight to the set where you can browse the collection.
Other than that, we’re still working on things behind the scenes.
We’ve added more cards to the inventory.
Final Fantasy XIII Art Museum.
Yes, that’s a clickable link, and it will take you straight to the set where you can browse the collection.
Other than that, we’re still working on things behind the scenes.
Did you notice anything?
We’re slowly going to start adding singles back to the website. There’s only a handful up right now, but expect them grow over time. As of this moment we don’t know if we’ll put all the commons and rares up, but, Full Arts, Promos and Meta cards will eventually all make their way back to the website.
You can check out the Singles here.
And, if you’re looking for those Commons and Rares, and even Heroes, you can always head on over to our TCG Player shop where, we have all of those in stock.
We’ll leave that link right here.
Maybe we shouldn’t have taken the singles out from the Website. The main reason we did it was because it was hard to keep track of prices across 3 different sites. And, we ended up selling a card worth $15 for 50 cents. Sure, that was our fault, and yes we did honor those orders.
We we’re hoping to use Shopify and Binder POS to take care of all of out pricing, but we’re just not big enough for that yet, and we still have a couple more years on this server. So, we discarded that idea for the time being.
Now we need to come up with another one. Somehow, someway we will reintroduce Singles back to the website. I just wish we didn’t delete the 4000 listings that we already had on the website. That was hundreds of hours of work that we deleted.
For now, we just might start listing the Meta cards. Now that we have some time before the new set, we should be able to start some Custom bundles that we have been thinking about. Most of these will be Starter bundles for newer players. We’re still working out all the details, but hopefully we’ll have something set up for it shortly.
We’ll keep you updated.
New show added, we’re just adding them left and right, and we’re about to get really busy. And, that’s a good thing.
Fantasy Card Show
As, this is just cards, that’s all that we’ll be bringing to this show. We might even bring out some MetaZoo. Yeah, we probably won’t.
Let’s get to it!
Fantasy Card Show
“Fantasy Card Show has returned!
Don’t miss out on shopping with 60+ TCG vendors & competing in tournaments at the event!
Sullys Abode will be hosting on demand tournaments for the following games:
Pokémon, One Piece, Magic The Gathering, Yugioh, Lorcana, Vanguard, DragonBall, and more!
Vendors also carry vintage collectible marvel cards, Garbage Pail Kids, and more.
Presales begin July 18th.
See you there!”
Countryside Banquet & Conference Center
6200 Joliet Road
Countryside, IL 60525
Saturday, September 7th, 2024
11:00 AM – 5:00 PM CDT
At the door.
$5 – For Kids
$10 – For Adults
But, you can purchase your tickets online for $3-$6
June is here, the Purge is complete, for the most part. Only the Boss Deck cards are still on the site, but those should be gone soon as well.
It’s time to slowly, very slowly, start getting ready for the next Trial. Hidden Trials is just a couple months away, and the Spoilers should be starting up. I wouldn’t be surprised if the first Spoiler came out tomorrow. As we’re about 8 weeks away from Pre-Release. Speaking of Pre-Release, Midnight Pre-Release will be held once again. We’ll have details for that coming up as well. But, if you have already been to a Midnight Pre-Release you already know all of the details.
We’re also thinking about holding a free play night once a week. We’ve been thinking about it for quite some time now. Wednesdays seem like a good night. The plan is for it to start at 9PM every Wednesday, if there’s enough people we can hold a little tournament, if not it will all be just casual.
Not much else going on right now. Other than sorting. Lots and lots of sorting, after that it’s listing, and shipping, and buying more cards to sort.