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Rebellion’s Call & Kain

Well, I was wrong on who is going to be on the Box Art. I was close though. I said it could be Leon or Queen Hilda. What we got was Minwu. Minwu? Why Minwu? Is it perhaps to tell us that this set will be all about protection. Probably not. Minwu as we all know was the one who helped Firion, Maria and Guy, after they were beaten to a pulp by the Black Knights. So, I’m guessing support. Or just a little bit of everything as usual.

3 Legacy cards once again. nothing changed here.

-Firion (6-019L)
-Veritas of the Dark (8-136L)
-Y’shtola (12-119L)

130 card + 10 starters and 22 Full Arts leaves us with one more card, which will probably be another Crystal. 21 cards per element and 2 and 2 for Light and Dark.

We did get a look at some of the cards. Just artwork, but you can tell Serah, Penelo, Cissnei, Glaciela And Exdeath are all Forwards. And we know that 3 of them are Legends. Serah, Glaciela and Exdeath. Penelo is a Hero, Cissnei a Rare. And Our Summon Atlas. Just a Rare as well.

From these cards without knowing what they do. I’m interested in Cissnei and Glaciela. We always need more Turks support. Along with the Avalanche Vs Shinra Starter deck. I’m hoping we’ll be able to make that deck stronger. Turn Turks into the next Scions. We already have a great Starter Deck. Give us more cards to Overpower it now.



Speaking of Starter Decks.

Golbez Vs. Cecil

I wanted to write Golbez Vs. Kain for some reason.

You can actually say Kain Vs. Kain. As he is in both decks. Which Kain will reign Supreme? The one with a Evil Warlock in his corner, Or the one with a righteous Paladin?


Starter Cards

– Kain (17-131S)
– Zeromus (17-132S)

– Scarmiglione (17-133S)
– Baigan (17-134S)

– Edge (17-135S)
– Kain (17-136S)

– Rydia (17-137S)
– Rosa (17-138S)

– Cecil (17-139S)

– Golbez (17-140S)

We’re seeing characters in elements that they haven’t been before. Kain makes his debut in Fire, and Rydia in Water. And Golbez is now a Dark card. That’ll be 4 different elements to his name.

(Hmmm, I wonder if we’ll ever get a Character that has a copy of himself in all elements. I’m guessing when it finally happens it should be Kain. But, that’s a story for another day.)

Full Art Foils included in this set as well. Both Cecil and Golbez will have one. I can’t say I know how these decks will play out, but they will be here before we know it.

Do you think Minwu was a good choice for the box art? Let us know.

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Crystal Dominion – Fire Review

15-001R/9-002H – Ifrita

Starting off the set with a reprint?

I would too, if it’s Ifrita. Now along with the Ifrita we got in the previous set, It’ll be a lot easier to get Ifrits and Ifritas in your Break Zone.


15-002C – Sky Warrior

There’s a reason Sky Warrior is a common.

He costs too much for his abilities. Sure, you can say that he’ll pay you back for the costs if you use him to pay for CP, but I shall pass on this one.




15-003C – Sky Samurai

I would have said this card was a bust, but after playing against it, at the Prerelease, I realized I was wrong. I didn’t even put it in my deck, then I realized that it is a decent card.

Attack, Opponent Blocks, Discard a card for +2K, Break Opponents Forward.

Simple Enough.



15-004C – Edgar

Need a Backup?

If there is a way to recycle Edgar, he would have been a great card. Actually now that I think about it I know someone will know of a way to break your own Backups. And, that someone need to tell me.

But, Edgar here really shines if you’re playing a Category VI deck. That way, when you choose your Forward, you’ll also deal another Forward 7000 Damage, when you attack.


15-005R – Guy

5CP to search for a Rebel, and play it on the field. You can consider Guy as a free play if you pick a 3CP Rebel. Doesn’t even have to be Fire any element will do.

And, what better Rebel to search and play, other than Opus I Maria.

Give Guy +1K. And fill the rest of your deck with Warriors, or job Warrior. Then all you need is to cross out Guy’s name on the card and call him Swan.


15-006H – Cyan

Samurai’s getting a whole lot stronger this set.

Cyan and Tenzen will run this set. Just add as many generic Samurai cards as you can, and watch Cyan just manhandle your
opponent. By dealing a Forward 9K, every time a Samurai enters the field.

You won’t even need to play your whole hand. Just enough Samurais to wipe out your opponents Forwards.


15-007C – Samurai

Exchanging 2CP for a Crystal.

Seems like an even trade. Now to find what we’re going to use these Crystals for?

Samurai has no abilities, that consume Crystals, but there are plenty other cards that do. Samurai’s job is to give you a Crystal and then hopefully you’ll find a way to Break Samurai so you can play the your real Backups.


15-008C – Shadow EX

4CP/8K body that gives you a Crystal when Shadow is put into the Break Zone.





15-009C – Bahamut

A four cost Summon that can become a 2 cost Summon with the help of a Crystal.

Plenty of these Summons this set.

Deal a Forward 9K.

Plain and Simple.


15-010R – Vargas

The plan is to attack with a weaker Forward first. Once that Forward breaks, you will attack with Vargas and choose 1 of your opponents Forwards and make them block your next attack.

Choose wisely and you will break your opponents Forwards one by one.

Almost like Cyan, but cyan seams to be more effective.


15-011L – Palom

Now this look interesting. Palom almost looks like George from Peppa Pig. The way he’s holding that Dinosaur, I mean Dragon. But the card looks interesting as well.

George … I mean Palom here, has an ability that gets stronger after a couple of turns. Palom gains 1EXP Counter at the end of each of your turns. With each EXP Counter Palom gains 1K power.

The longer Palom remains on the field the stronger he gets. I would say that this is a great turn 1 card.

And Palom’s ability. For a total cost of 0CP, Palom can deal either 2K damage or 8K damage to one of your opponents Forwards.

Yes, Please. I’ll take 3.

15-012H – Faris

What a card.

Pirates and Vikings Unite.

Faris and Leila will have a field day with the Vikings, coming in and out and back and forth from the Break Zone and what not. It will work.

Then all you need to do is fill up your deck with a lesser value of 3CP, and give yourself multiple copies of Faris. Not just this one. All the other ones that you can find. And Spam Pirate Storm.

The Vikings will thank you.

15-013L – Firion

Have you got an extra Crystal lying around. Firion here can use it. Buff him up with Haste, First Strike and +1K Power. And, not just for this turn. Have an extra Crystal, give Firion +3K Power. But this one only lasts for 1 turn.

Other than that, there’s not much else to write about.



15-014H – Brynhildr EX

Deal 5K damage to a Forward and if you break it you win a card. Just grab it from the top of your deck.





15-015R – Bwagi

Fire, now will have a way to draw cards. As long as you have Bounty Counters on Bwagi, you’ll be able to draw a card on every turn.





15-016C – Bomb

Your Elemental Monsters are here. You know the ones that are practically the same in all elements, but different.

Bomb here, deals a Forward 5K damage, when it enters the field.

After that you can turn Bomb into a Suicide Bomber. Turn him into a Forward and no matter what happens Bomb will end up in the Break Zone.


15-017H – Machina

Why does it seem that Machina doesn’t synergize with the rest of the Class Zero Cadets? Could be the same reason I never used him in Type-0.

I can see this card being played early in the game. As soon as you’re opponent plays a couple of cards, you can unleash Machina. And, since he’ll be the only Forwards you have out at the moment. You’ll be able to start swinging, and have Brave for that matter as well.


15-018C – Sabin

These commons are getting a little bit more expensive.

But, there’s something about this Fire set with dealing 9K damage to a Forward your opponent controls. And Sabin here is no different.

At the start of every turn, yours and your opponents. You can use Sabin’s ability and deal 9K damage. Next turn another 9K.


15-019C – Josef

Simple Rebel searcher. Also works on an EX Burst.





15-020R – Rinok

Rinok enters with 2 Bounty Counters.

Now, his ability states that you need to use 1 Bounty Counter to use it, but you can remove the Bounty Counter from any character that has a Bounty Counter on them.




15-021R – General Leo

Hmm, now this is interesting. A card that disallows Summons, and Forwards must always block.

Asta La Vista Summons. So Long, Valefor. See ya Later Phoenix. Not this time Amaterasu. Ain’t going to work Diablos. After a while, Crocodile. You get the point.

Might be worth playing in any deck, just to see your opponent get angry when they can’t cast the summon to save themselves.

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Crystal Dominion – Starter Review

Wedge (15-131S)

Well, you know that these cards all go well together. You will most likely be playing 1CP for Wedge as you will have another Job AVALANCHE Operative. And you will be forming parties and attacking. Tifa must have made some great cocktails at 7th Heaven, because everyone is partying up.

Once you party up, Wedge will be able to Break 1 Dull Character of cost 4 or more.

Jessie (15-132S)

-Insert Wedge’s first paragraph here.-

Everyone will want to party up with Jessie, because she is the only girl on the team. Tifa doesn’t count unless you’re playing Tifa (14-120H). And then you might be able to pull off something really good. I don’t know what that is but it involves Jessie, Cloud and Tifa. Menage a …. I mean … Manage the Trio right and you’ll be putting a beat down on your opponent.


Barret (15-133S)

Barret works a little different as he doesn’t party. Could be because Marlene is always there, and he is trying to be a good role model. But, he still will still only cost 1CP as you’ll be playing AVALANCHE.

Now, I see Barret being held till the end of the Attack phase into Main Phase 2, and if one of your Forwards were broken, then you can simply dull Barret and Break one of the opponents Forwards.


Biggs (15-134S)

Charlie Sheen here, is known for his partying. And, whether he’s going as Charlie, or Topper, or Rick Vaughn, or Biggs. I don’t know about you, but the first time I saw Biggs in the FFVII Remake, I thought Charlie Sheen was going to be his voice actor.

Now, from the party abilities, I think this one is one of the better ones. Drawing a card and protecting all the party members at the same time. I like it.

Sign me up. I’ll take 3

Tseng (15-135S)

Beef up your Turks with Tseng. Plenty to choose from. And when he enters the field you take a look at the top five cards of your deck. Add 1 Turk to your hand, and play a Turk from your hand on to the field. From what I’m reading you won’t be able to play a Turk unless you grab a Turk.

Wonder if they’ll include Vincent as a Member of the Turks?



President Shinra (15-136S)

Just a Backup that’ll let you search for a card once he enters the field.

Nothing much else to write here, I’m just pretending that I have something important to say about the card so we can fill up this blank space next to it.

That’s not saying that you shouldn’t play this card. It’s just a simple card that will let you search for what you need.
Rude (15-137S)

Ravishing Rick Rude, only this time he’s bald. Now you’ll want to have either President Shinra or Rufus. Give all the Turks Brave and +1K. And that’s only part of it.

You will want to be playing as many Turks as you can. Because if you have 4 or more on the field, at the beginning of each attack phase you will dull all the Forwards your opponent controls.

Rude will stop your opponent in their tracks.

Reno – (15-138S)

Reno is always teaming up with Rude.

So, it would make sense that these two cards will compliment each other. For one, If President Shinra or Rufus is on the field, Reno gives all the Turks +1K and First Strike.

And, at the beginning of each of your attack phase, with 4 or more Turks, all the Turks gain Haste.


Cloud (15-139S)

Another Set, another Cloud.

But, which one do you choose. Depends on the situation. This one works well with this deck, but would you use it in any other deck, when there are a couple of other Clouds that are far better? All you need is one Job Avalanche Operative, and we do have that in Tifa (14-120H) which might make Cloud a threat in the late game. You’ll Break a Forward and grab a AVALANCHE Operative from the Break Zone, throw it onto the field and well … let’s see what happens.


Rufus (15-140S)

Just when you thought it was all over. You’ve taken 5 points of Damage and all of a sudden, Shantotto comes out and wipes the board. What do you do? All the Turks are in the Break Zone.

Have no fear. For Rufus is in your hand.

Once you play Rufus and pay for the extra cost, Out comes the cavalry. All the different Turks that are in your Break Zone can come out to play. Straight to the field. No stopping for gas. And once you enter the Attack Phase. Hopefully you were smart enough to play Reno and give Haste to all the Turks on the field.

Now, my friend. You can go to town on your opponent.

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FFX Custom Starter Deck

We got some news today. Final Fantasy X Custom Starter Set. Set for release in 2022. These usually come out a month before the new set comes out. Crystal Dominion is November, so “Opus XVI” (we’ll just call it that till we get the official name for it), should be coming out in February. That means this deck will be out in January 2022.

Comes with a 50 card Wind/Water deck, and another 50 cards that you would be able to change around as you see fit. 24 pre-configured Fire cards, that you’ll be able to switch out Wind or Water with. The rest of the cards will be 7 Fire, 7 Wind, 8 Water, and 4 cards will be Light and Dark. Probably 2 Light and 2 Dark.

There will be 10 new Starter cards that come in this deck, and since they are numbered, we know that “Opus XVI” will have 140 cards. But, we’re not here for that. Here’s the list.

Jecht – 16-131S Fire
Bahamut – 16-132S Fire
Braska – 16-133S Fire
Yuna – 16-134S Wind
Lulu – 16-135S Wind
Auron – 16-136S Water
Rikku – 16-137S Water
Wakka – 16-138S Water
Tidus – 16-139S Light
Sin – 16-140S Dark

Now let’s take a look at that Tidus card, real quick. Even though we won’t get it for another 4-5 months. This card is money. You’ll most likely come out ahead cost wise. You’ll be searching for a card, and depending on the FFX Forwards you have on the field, you’ll be up 2CP.

And when Tidus attacks all your Forwards gain +2K Power. I might dust off the Opus I FFX Starter deck and just add this card to it. Rikku (1-201S) will be pretty much unbeatable.

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Opus XIII – Starter Review

13-129S – Philia

Philia is a Monster. But, plays a Forward. There’s a good chance that when Philia enters the field, you’ll most likely have a board wipe. But with Philia’s ability that cancels the Damage dealt by abilities, Philia will be left all alone on the field. But, you will receive 1 point of Damage for your effort.

Now if you have a backup that can give Philia Haste, you will have a free shot at your opponent.



13-130S – Ran’jit

Unless you’re playing with at least 4 backups, I think Ran’jit is a bit too expensive.






13-131S – Emet-Selch

4CP to find and play a Forward. Not bad. Now let’s see. What backups did this deck have? Not any good ones. But, I’m sure there’s plenty of 4CP Backups that Emet-Selch can look for.

I think the other Emet-Selch (12-024H) is a better play.




13-132S – Titania

Now this is a card I like. 2CP/8K. Cheap to play with a great on entry ability. Only stipulation is that you have a Forward, a Backup, a Summon, and a Monster in your Break Zone before you can play Titania.





13-133S – The Crystal Exarch

The Crystal Exarch is a Forward that keeps on giving. And, the more the match goes on, the more she’ll give. If that makes any sense. And at 5 points of Damage you’ll most likely be breaking a Forward, every time The Crystal Exarch attacks. Which should be all the time. And the Full Art. Beautiful card.




13-134S – Y’shtola

If you’re playing Scions, you’ll get to grab a Forward from your Break Zone and play it straight to the field, depending on how many Scions you have, will determine the card.
I don’t see much play with this card, as there are plenty of options to choose from. I do like Y’shtola (12-119L) better. Perhaps that’s just my style of play. And, I am not good. I just love the cards.




13-135S – Urianger EX

2CP to possibly grab another XIV Character. Not bad, and you can always just use him as a blocker just to replay him.





13-136S – Thancred

I like this Thancred. Every time another Scion enters the field, Thancred gains +2K and Brave. Haste, too, if it’s on the same turn Thancred comes in. You’ll usually have a 10K body with Brave to throw around.

And Blasting Zone, will let you Break a Forward without even trying too hard.




13-137S – Innocence

9K with Brave, these Forwards get beefier with every set. And the two abilities Innocence has will send your opponent in a downward spiral. Especially of they’re discarding 2 cards each turn.





13-138S – The Oracle of Light

Do you have a Scions deck that needs more power? Well, have I got a card for you. The Oracle of Light here, will give all your Scions +2K. An Upgrade from the mere +1K most Backups give. Not only that The Oracle of Light is also a Forward, but does not count as a Scion.

When The Oracle of Light is broken, you can Remove her from the game and play a Scion from the Break Zone on to the field Dull.

I’ll take 3, Please.