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Stellar Circle 5

“You don’t need a reason to take the top card of your opponents deck.” Or something like that.

2CP – Wind
Category : DFF – IX
Job – Tantalus Member/Thief
5000 Power

“When Zidane enters the field or attacks, your opponent removes the top card of their deck from the game. You can cast it as though you owned it at any time you could normally cast it. The cost for casting it can be paid using CP of any Element.

When Zidane enters the field, if you have cast 3 or more cards this turn, Zidane gains Haste until the end of the turn.”

Lani here… I mean Zidane, is a beefed up version of Lani from several Opuses? (Opi?) ago. Which gives you the chance to play your opponents cards. You don’t even need to worry about what element it is, because Zidane allows you to play it with any element.

Lani and Zidane should make an interesting Tag Team here, now that you have 2 ways to use your opponents cards against him.

This would be a perfect card for Bismarck, Lord of the Mists, as you will be bouncing Zidane back to your hand, Just to play him again and again.

And, again.

It seams like I keep mentioning Bismarck. Maybe it’s time I made a deck with the Lord of the Mists.