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Behind the Wol

Wol’s Job is Wod.

5CP – Wind
Job – Warrior of Dawn
Category – Mobius
9000 Power

“The cost required to cast Wol is reduced by 1 for each Character of cost 5 or more you control (it cannot become 0).
The Forwards of cost 5 or more other than Wol you control gain “This Forward cannot be chosen by your opponent’s Summons or abilities.”

When you cast a Character of cost 5 or more, draw 1 card. This effect will trigger only once per turn.”

If you ever needed a reason to build a high cost deck, now you have one. Wol here will give you a chance to draw a card for every Character of 5CP or more that you play. In other words you’re just paying 2CP less than what you normally would have paid.

And, all these high cost Forwards will have some protection added on to them if Wol is on the field.

You already have a couple of Backups that will search for Wol. Echo (10-047R) and Mog (MOBIUS) (5-093C). Echo searches when she enters the field and Mog, when he is put into the Break Zone.

Your best bet, would be to play a bunch of 5 cost Forwards. That way you will be managing your CP efficiently. Probably not, but it makes sense in my head. There are currently 168 5CP Forwards. 42 of them are Legends and only 1 is Wind. The other one is Wind/Lightning

I doubt we’ll be playing Golbez, so let’s just take a look at Bismarck, Lord of the Mists. There should be a combo somewhere about playing Bismarck, and activating all your Backups with the card that you will be recycling at the end of your turn.

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Master of the Shijin

“… It is time to reap your reward.”


6CP – Earth
Category : XI
Job : Kirin
9000 Power


“Kirin cannot become dull by your opponent’s Summons or abilities.

The Job Shijin Forwards you control gain +1000 power.

When Kirin enters the field, reveal the top 5 cards of your deck. Play 1 Forward of cost 4 among them and return the other cards to the bottom of your deck in any order.”

This will make some interesting play. I was just talking about how they should make an Archfiends deck. And, they listened. Sort of. We now have Kirin & the Shijins, coming to a bar near you. Playing all your favorite oldies. Ok, I got a little carried away.

Kirin comes in lets you hopefully play a Shijin from your deck to the field, and give all the Shijins +1K. And since he comes in with Brave, and cannot become dull by Summons or abilities, Kirin looks like he’ll be around for a long time.

Now let’s take a look at the Shijin.

Suzaku, Seiryu, Byakko and Genbu.

They all have one ability that reads. “If you have a Job Shijin in your Break Zone, the cost required to cast (card name) can be paid with CP of any Element.” Why is this important? It’s the basis of the whole strategy. You shall quickly discard the First Shijin to pay for Kirin, and hopefully you’ll find a Shijin.

And can’t forget about the EX Burst “When (card name) enters the field, you may search for 1 Job Shijin Forward other than Card Name (card name) and add it to your hand.” You’re already adding Shijins to your hand after you, hopefully, play one from Kirin’s ability. You’re likely to swarm the board pretty quickly here.

But, that’s not all.

Each Shijin also has a 3rd ability.

Suzaku – “When Suzaku attacks, choose 1 Forward deal it 5000 damage.”

Seiryu – “Seiryu cannot be chosen by your opponent’s abilities.”

Byakko – “When Byakko attacks, choose 1 Forward. Dull it.”

Genbu – “If Genbu is dealt damage, reduce the damage by 3000 instead.”

Other than searching for each other, these cards really don’t play well together. But, I’m sure with help from other cards these can do some damage to your opponent.

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Emissaries of Light, Thoughts on Starters

16-131S – Jecht

A FFX Starter Set with a card that deals damage to a Forward for each Category X character you have? Who would have thought?

Jecht shines a little more than that. You can put Jecht into the Break Zone and search for a Light or Dark card. You’d think it’s to search for Tidus, which can be true, but Jecht is here to find himself. And bring Sin into your hand, and pretty much break a Forward.



16-132S – Bahamut

Another Bahamut for a “Free” play. That is if you got 10 Fire cards, or FFX Characters in your Break Zone, and Mootie (11-012C) on the field.

Other than that, you’ll most likely remove a Forward from the game. Be it your opponents or your own.



16-133S – Braska

A 2 cost Forward with an easily accessible Special ability that deals 7K Damage to a Forward. And you don’t dull Braska when it goes off. So depending on how many Summons you have in your hand, you can start shooting down Forwards left and right. (Correct me if I’m wrong on this)

Braska’s second ability is a little trickier to pull off, due to the Elements needed to activate it. But it is very well worth the cost, as it deals your opponent one point of Damage.


16-034S – Yuna

Plenty of Yunas to choose from.

Play a 1CP or 2CP card from the Break Zone onto the field. Activate all the Backups you control. and All the Guardians gain +2000 Power. Now, all three of these abilities will only go off, if Yuna enters the field when you have 5 points of Damage.



16-135S – Lulu

I don’t know. Something tells me this card would have been better as a Backup. Being a Forward means that Lulu can be easily broken by your opponent.

But, then again Lulu comes with some built in protection. In case you haven’t noticed.

Lulu enters the field. You search for Yuna, or a Summon if Yuna is already on the field. When Lulu attacks and your opponent Blocks her, all you have to do is cast a Summon. Doesn’t matter which one. Because when that Summon is cast you can choose the Attacking Forward and turn his Power 5K. And since Yuna is already on the field, Lulu gains +2K power, thus making her 7K and successfully beating your opponents Forward which now has 5000 power.

16-136S – Auron

Auron has turned into a Meat Shield, as all Summons and abilities must choose him. And, that’s ok. Because other than just blocking your opponents Forwards, or taking a hit from Summons and abilities. Auron will let you draw a card when he enters the Break Zone.




16-137S – Rikku

I like this Rikku.

Because once per turn you’ll be able to get rid of one of your opponent’s Forwards.

And depending on if Yuna is on the field or not, you’ll be drawing a card as well.



16-138S – Wakka

I don’t know. I still think the Opus I Wakka was the best one. Same can be said about Shantotto.

But, being able to Break a Forward for a couple of Reel counters isn’t too shabby.




16-139S – Tidus

Tidus really puts this whole Starter Set together. You’ll either be playing Tidus for free, or you’ll be playing him early on to start getting all the pieces out, as you’ll be searching for Jecht, Yuna or Wakka.

And that is not all.

+2K to all the Forwards, every time the Tidus attacks.

Oh, and did I mention that this one comes as a Full Art Foil?

16-140S – Sin

Sin does what Sin does.

Destroy everything.

Unless you already have received 6 points of Damage.

I can already hear everyone complain about the unoriginal artwork for Sin.

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Crystal Dominion – Wind P.o.V.

15-043R – Alexander

Reprint Wind Summon. Not bad, but would have been better is it was also an EX Burst





15-044L – Vaan

Can you pay both a Wind Crystal Point and a Ice Crystal Point? I believe so. And, that makes Vaan a card to play if you are running Sky Pirates. I might even make a Sky Pirate deck just to play this card.

All Sky Pirates cannot be blocked by any Forward of cost 3 or more. That means with a decent Buff, your Sky Pirates will be unblockable. Well, your opponent will be able to block against them, but they will most likely just have their Forwards broken.

Wind Crystal point to activate all Sky Pirates, and an Ice Crystal Point to reduce a Forwards Power by 2K for each Sky Pirate you control. (Read : break a Forward.)

15-045H – Edge

2CP to protect a Wind Forward from Summons or abilities that target them.

It’s a no brainer.

A Wind Illua. Somewhat, but what Edge lacks in Illua’s Haste and Sheol. He makes up for it in that he is able to change the direction of a Summon or ability onto himself in so that he can save Rydia once again.

It doesn’t matter that all Rydias are Earth. You get what I’m saying.

I sure hope so, cause I lose my thought process easily sometimes.

15-046C – Dancer

Just the ability itself, which allows Dancer to deal 2K damage to all your opponents Forwards. It can be activated by simply attacking with Dancer.

If that won’t work out this turn because there is a more powerful Forward on the field, Just use the other ability to give all your Forwards +1K.

Then the first ability will off at the end of the turn.


15-047R – Kytes

A way to save a Sky Pirate.

Is your Sky Pirate being targeted by a Summon or ability, or is he on the receiving end of an attack that is much too powerful for him?

Kytes here can help. By removing Kytes from the game, you can remove your Sky Pirate from the game and then return him to the field at the end of the turn.

Your best bet is to pick a Sky Pirate with a good entry ability.

15-048L – Kain EX

Attack and choose. Draw a card or Activate all the Characters other than Kain?

All the Characters? Characters?

Every time Kain attacks you can Activate your whole board?

Screw the extra card. Get me some blockers, and Edge, Opus I Maria, and anyone else that can help protect Kain.

Oh. And, some characters that will give me Crystals. Don’t want to lose Kain at the end of my turn.

15-049C – Garchimacera

For a moment there I thought that Garchimacera was a Backup. And then, I thought he was a Monster.

And then I thought it was Firebrand, from Gargoyle’s Quest.

But, my friends. This is Garchimacera, and it is a Summon. Reduce the cost by paying a Crystal and Garchimacera will cost

1CP. After that, choose to either Break a Forward of 5CP and up, or return a 1-2CP Forward to their owner’s hand and draw a card.

15-050C – Gigantuar

Enter the field deal a 5CP and up Forward 8K Damage.

After that wait for the perfect moment to turn Gigantuar into a 6K Forward, and have him attack or block and attack, because he will be broken at the end of the turn anyway.




15-051C – Shikaree G

Here to give the Sin Hunters some more Fire Power.

Shikaree G, along with the help of Shikaree Y will make Shikaree G unblockable, and be able to swing for some free Damage.




15-052C – Chocobo

Why just 1 Forward in the party?

There are better Chocobos that give the party far more firepower than this bird.




15-053H – Diablolos

1CP? That is all Diabolos costs? 1CP?

All Forwards Power is now 3000. That is if you already cast 4 cards this turn. Pair this with Ifrita and 6 Ifrits in the Break Zone and you have yourself a board wipe.

Too much work.



15-054R – Nono

Activate all Moogles?

Are Moogles going to became a new Archtype?

Nono and Good King Moggle Mog XII to be the main players.

Let’s see someone have a crack at it.


15-055H – Bartz EX

Bartz enters the field and gains a Crystal. With that Crystal in your possession Bartz gains +2K.

But, if you manage to acquire more Crystals you will be able to save a Job Warrior of Light from the Break Zone.



15-056R – Filo

Now this is what I call a backup.

Allowing Sky Pirates to produce either Wind or Water CP.

But, that’s not all folks.

Wind Soul. Which Sky Pirate shall we choose? Any one that has high power will do.

Filo also gives you a reason to run 3 copies of Filo (10-059R). 3 more Wind Souls coming right up.

15-057R – Maria

With the Rebel Yell, She want More, more, more.

Are we going to be able to build a decent FFII deck this time around? Maria here beats out Opus I Maria, but only if you’re playing with Rebels.

Maria, gives a buff to all the Rebels and also reduces the damage they take.

I see Rebels in my future.


15-058C – Dragoon

You’ll need Dragoon to keep Kain on your side.

Other than that he enters the field. Gives you a Crystal. And finally you put him in the Break Zone and he gives 1 Forward
First Strike.



15-059C – Llyud

Llyud is ready to fly. How do you even pronounce his name? Lloyd? Leeood? Leroy? Anywho, Llyud here is able to attack and give all your Warriors +3K. And if you have already taken 3 points of Damage he comes in with Haste. Then he’ll attack and
buff the Warriors.




15-060R – Leon

Leon has a look in his eyes that say, play your cards right and you’ll draw a card every time I attack. Llyud would be a great card to play with Leon.

And, like a good brother, Leon grabs his sister from the Break Zone if you have taken 3 points of Damage.



15-061H – Lehko Habhoka

How likely is it that you will have cast at least 3 cards this turn?

3 is easily done, but 5, might be tricky. But if you can manage to do that you’ll be able to search for an 8CP Character and play them onto the field.

And, until you end up casting 5 cards, you can always dull Lehko Habhoka for 1CP.



15-062C – Rem

2 cost Backup.

Activates 1 Character when she enters the field, and when she is put into the Break Zone.

You can easily put Rem into the Break Zone to gain a Crystal and activate a Character.

Rem will be in my new Cadets deck.


15-063C – Romaa Mihgo

Every time you draw a card, or just the one time?

Makes a big difference.

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Crystal Dominion Prerelease Kit Preview.

We finally got a look at the Pre-release Kit, and the Theatrhythm Promo card, featuring none other than Butz .. I mean Bartz. Sleeves featuring Firion and 9 packs of Crystal Dominion goodness. And it shall be here next month. 6 weeks away if nothing goes wrong. Let’s see if Joe actually does something. Along with UPS, Fedex and Walmart. But, that’s  another story.

Now, we do have a card here, Let’s take a look.

Bartz EX
Category – Theatrhythm-V
Job – Wanderer/ Warrior of Light
8000 Power

“EX BURST When a Job Warrior of Light other than Bartz enters your field, gain (C).

If you have a (C), Bartz gains +2000 power.

When a Job Warrior of Light you control is put from the field into the Break Zone, you may pay (C)(C)(C). When you do so, play it onto the field. This effect will trigger only once per turn.”

Do you know what that means. You need a card Job : Warrior of Light that will also serve as your main card. Wait, What? Let me rephrase this.

Faris (12-128L) that is the card you will be playing. Or atleast I would. Think about it. Faris attacks for 8k not counting buffs. Even if she doesn’t break the blocking Forward. She will be sent to the Break Zone. You’ll bring her back for 3(C). And when she re-enters the field, you will gain (C). Which, even if you used your last Crystals, Bartz will still have his +2K power and Faris will deal 2k damage to a Forward for each Job Warrior of Light you control.

And come to realize it. Faris and Bartz are both Category : V as well.

Let’s see Warrior of Light Theme Deck become a thing. Now if we can only get Jack aboard. Maybe by Resurgence of Power.