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Emissaries of Light – Opinion on Ice

16-022R – Erwin

Wasn’t I just talking about discard?

Actually I’ve been talking about discard since Physalis came out.

But, Erwin here also comes with 4 or more Job Morze’s Soiree Member stipulation. And this is the second one we’ve seen.

I’m more interested in what other cards I shall find.


16-023H – Agrias

This is one Knight I can stand behind.

I’m guessing you’ll already be playing FFT/Knights or some sort, making Agrias a 2CP/8K Forward that gains a Crystal every time she attacks.

I’ll take 3 please.



16-024H – Vincent

How about a way to stop your opponents Backups from activating?

Vincent here has got your Back(up), dulled up and not being able to activate. Which is a pretty good deal if you ask me. And, that’s not even taking into account his S ability. Making Vincent near invincible to all Damage.



16-025C – Bard

Another card that you can place on the field, until you need to use his ability. Then you return to hand and replay it, to put Bard into the Break Zone and make your opponent discard 2 cards from their hand.




16-026L – Cloud of Darkness

Removal of the Crystal kind.

Cloud of Darkness + 2 Crystals = 1 Forward removed from game to the 2nd power. Make any sense?

And +2K at 3 points of Damage.

Looks like too much math over here. Is there a Full Art of this card?

16-027C – Black Waltz 1

Same as Black Waltz 2.

“There’s more to this card than just the Beautiful (yes, a capitol B) artwork.

Black Waltz 1 can work wonders all by himself.

Black Waltz 1 discards Black Waltz 1 from your hand. And you deal 4000 Damage for discarding Black Waltz 1 from your hand, and 7000 Damage to a dull Forward when you discard a Job Black Mage from your hand.

You’re either Breaking 1 or 2 Forwards with this ability.”

Well, almost the same.

16-028C – Shiva

Break a dull Forward.

Depending on what you’re playing your opponent will discard a card from their hand. Sometimes. Not all the time.



16-029R – Shelke

This card should have been WoFF/VII. Would have made more sense.

I think I like this card. Works just like Meltigemini (8-128R), but Shelke only works in your favor.

There’s something else I wanted to say, but I must have forgotten. Something about Vincent, but I went and looked at that card again and couldn’t remember what it was.

And, don’t forget about Countertek.

16-030L – Shantotto

Shantotto is now Ice??? What has this game come to?!?

This is a great card. Shantotto still does what Shantotto does.

If you’re playing a discard deck, you’re already ahead as you’ll end up paying only 1CP for Shantotto and you’ll grab a card from the Break Zone. Technically they’re paying you to cast Shantotto. If that’s not enough well then, that’s all Shantotto does.

Unless you decide not to play Shantotto and just remove her from the game from your hand, and You’ll dull all your opponents Forwards.

That is all.

16-031R – Scarlet

Scarlet took her sweet time to appear in FFTCG. Only 16 sets.


1CP and dull Scarlet for a Development Counter. Choose 1. Next turn 1CP and dull. Choose 2. And so on and so forth.
The longer Scarlet stays on the field, the harder time your opponent will have getting anything done.

Is Shinra about to become a threat?

Yes, I did base that off of just one card.

16-032H – Serah

You’re playing a XIII deck with Ice? Hmm, just grab the XIII starter set and your set. Either one will do, and throw Serah in there.

That’s the easy way out.

Decent card though. Your opponent discard a card, and you draw a card.

But, what I really want to know is … Are we gonna get a new Fang?


16-033C – Celes

Hmm, Celes is taking Jihl Nabaat’s duties. But, for Backups.

Ice is getting good cards.




16-034C – DG Sniper

If you got 2 DG Snipers you can Break a Forward when the second one enters the field.

That is if you have some Crystals stashed away.




16-035C – YKT-63

YKT-63 can play well with DG Sniper.

That way you’ll only need 1 DG Sniper instead of 2.

YKT-63 is also a little cheaper to play.



16-036C – Devout

Simply play this card for the Crystal, and to have your opponent discard 1 card.





16-037R – Babus

This one is a fun card.

Instead of you choosing what this card does, your opponent gets to choose whatever he would like inflicted on him.
I mean, I’d play it just to have them decide on what they get to do. Or not do.



16-038H – Byblos

We talked about Byblos last month, but now you also get to see all the cards that will play well with Byblos that just came out this set.

It seems like every other Ice card stated, “Your opponent discards 1 card.”

Lots of Ammo, for Byblos in this set.


16-039C – Heavy Armored Soldier EX

Here we go, search for a Standard Unit, or more specifically DG Sniper.

5CP is quite high for a search, but you can also search for a Standard Unit off an EX Burst.




16-40R – Mustadio

A free card to play during your opponents turn after you made your opponent discard a card from there hand.
Or even during your own turn. I’m sure you already have plenty of cards in your hand that will cause your opponent to
discard a card from their hand.

Dull a Character when Mustadio enters the field, and gain a Crystal when he is put into the Break Zone.


16-041C – Yunalesca

Play Yunalesca to discard a card, to make your opponent discard a card, to play Mustadio.

I’m sure there’s a better use for this.




16-042R – Lasswell

How is this just a Rare?

I would have made Lasswell a Hero.

Every time a Knight enters the field, Dull and Freeze 1 Character?

And at the end of your turns if Knight attacks your opponent discards a card.

All this for only 2CP. 5000 power is easily fixed by Ovelia (1-156C) and Duke Larg (1-057R)

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Emissaries of Light – Thoughts on Fire

16-001R – Vaan

I have been seeing a lot of cards recently that say “if you have cast 3 or more cards this turn”, Which is something that is very possible given the low cost Forwards and Backups that we already have for Sky Pirates.

I just realized that Vaan is a Backup as well, I’ve been looking for how much Power he had and was wondering why it was missing from the card.

Vaan is the Backup that will keep on giving. He comes in and deals Damage to one of your opponents Forwards. 3K or 8K depending on the cards you’ve cast. And after that, he’ll either give you a Crystal Point each turn, cause that’s what Backups do, or he’ll deal 7K Damage to 1 Forward.

16-002H – Ace EX

Another Ace up our sleeve?

Ace here can work good in an Fire/Wind/Lightning Cadet deck. Like the one I’ve been trying to build since Opus XIII.

Deal Damage to a Forward, at least 3K if you have one Element and up to 9000 if you’re playing the aforementioned deck.
And his Power can get up to 10K in the same deck.

Doesn’t mean that you should play the deck that I’m mentioning, simply because it doesn’t exist yet.

16-003C – Elbis EX

Elbis is useless unless you have Morze’s Soiree Member on the field.

Speaking of which, I’ll need to see these other cards before I comment further.

But, I only write down my first impressions of each card, as I read them for the first time.



16-004C – Onion Knight

Switch out a couple of cards for 2 new ones.

Onion Knight also becomes an attacker because he is a Forward. A 4CP/8K Forward with a pretty decent ability. And, it’s only a Common.

I’m sure we’ll see a couple of Onion Knights in a couple of Decks.



16-005C – Cloud

Another Backup Cloud.

I mean what’s the point? No one, in their right mind will play a backup Cloud. Even if that reason is that you don’t think Cloud should be a Backup. He’s a Forward, and so, I’ll only play Cloud as a Forward. Then I can use Omni-Slash and defeat Sephiro …

Sorry, got carried away.

For a Common, it’s a decent card. It’s only drawback is that this card is named Cloud.

16-006C – Crimson Hound

3CP to deal 8000 Damage.

After that just chuck Crimson Hound into the Break Zone and look at the top 2 cards of your deck. Then you can play Onion Knight and grab those cards if you’d like.




16-007R – Black Waltz 2

There’s more to this card than just the Beautiful (yes, a capitol B) artwork.

Black Waltz 2 can work wonders all by himself.

Black Waltz 2 discards Black Waltz 2 from your hand. And you deal 4000 Damage for discarding Black Waltz 2 from your hand, and 5000 Damage when you discard a Job Black Mage from your hand.

You’re either Breaking 1 or 2 Forwards with this ability.

16-008C – Black Mage

Black Mage here is pretending to be a Summon. For 3CP you can deal up to 5000 Damage to 1 Forward.

After that Black Mage sticks around to block, or even attack.. The choice is yours.




16-009C – Samurai

Easy way to get back that one Samurai Forward that you just lost.

Especially if that 1 Forward was Cyan (11-003R). Play him onto the field, deal 2000 Damage to all Forwards. Search for another Samurai to add to your hand, and when a couple more Samurais attack, deal 1000 Damage to all the Forwards opponent controls for each Samurai that attacks.



16-010H – Djinn

How would you make Djinn a Monster?

I guess it’s ok since you can turn him into a Forward when you receive 3 points of Damage. Maybe it’s one of your 3 wishes.
Djinn here will also gives your Fire Forwards +1000 Damage done to the Forwards they attack. Djinn, Warrior (5-014C), Lebreau (1-030R) and Lava Spider (8-022R) will all work together very well.


16-011L – Squall

The one card that deserves the Full Art Treatment did not get one.

Anyways, this card is a beast onto itself.

Once Squall attacks he deals 4000 Damage to all of your opponents Forwards, and if that’s not enough, if your opponent chooses to block, Squall will deal an additional 4000 damage to all of your opponents Forwards.

Should I block or take the Damage?

16-012R – Suzaku EX

Part of the Shijin 4.

Every time Suzaku attacks deal 5000 damage to one Forward.

Cost can be paid by and Element if there is a Shijin in the Break Zone.



16-013H – Sol

Crystals are back once again. And this one is a good one. Play Sol and and pay a Crystal, and you can play a 4CP Forward or less from your hand onto the field.

Sol also gives you a way to gain Crystals every time a party attacks.

And you can use that Crystal you just gained to pay for Sol’s abiity to give 2000 Power to all the Forwards you control.

I’d like to see what kind of Decks people will come up with that will utilize this card.

16-014R – Delita

At 5CP/9K Delita is finally Fire(d) up, after being Earth for so long.

Delita comes in and deals 4000 damage to all the Forwards, even your own. And if any of those Characters gets sent to the Break Zone, you’ll gain a Crystal for each Character.

You can also raise his Power by 2000 if you remove a Forward from the game. A little saving grace, just in case you need it.



16-015H – Morrow

I had to stop for a second and just look at the art.

Morrow comes in with Haste forms a party and attacks. You discard a card from your hand and you draw 2 Cards. And if it’s late in the game your opponents receives 1 point of Damage as well.

I like this card, and not just for the artwork either. I’ll add it to the AVALANCHE deck from Crystal Dominion and call it a day.


16-016C – Bahamut

For a Common, this card is not bad at all.

Deal a Forward up to 12000 Damage. Other than that not much to write about.




16-017R – Ramza

Sol and Delita will bring Ramza in and get him Fired up as well.

And, for the cost of 2 Crystals Ramza becomes “T.G. Cid” 9000 Power with Haste, First Strike and Brave, and he can attack twice in the same turn!

Looks like a Legend to me.



16-018C – Lilty

Keep Lilty on call, on the field producing CP until you’re ready to use Lilty’s ability.

Once you reach 5 points of Damage, return Lilty to your hand, play Lilty on to the field and put him in the Break Zone to deal 10K Damage to one Forward.




16-019R – Luneth

Not a bad card at all, but how many Warrior of Light decks are actually played?

But, Luneth here will compliment any Warrior of Light card. At the beginning of each Attack Phase, you can either choose a Warrior of Light and boost it with Haste, First Strike and +1K. Or you can strike down one of your opponents Forwards by dealing it 1000 Damage for each Warrior of Light card you control.



16-020L – Luso

A card to play, when you’re playing with your back against the wall. Luso is not a great card to play during the beginning of your match, Unless you plan on taking Damage left and right just to receive those 6 points of Damage.

Because at 6 points of Damage, in a Mono-Fire Deck, you’ll probably be playing 2 cards onto the field at the beginning of each of your Attack Phases.



16-021C – Rain

This is not one of the better Rain cards.

Costs too much, for the ability that you are getting.

Probably why this is only a Common as well.

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Master of the Shijin

“… It is time to reap your reward.”


6CP – Earth
Category : XI
Job : Kirin
9000 Power


“Kirin cannot become dull by your opponent’s Summons or abilities.

The Job Shijin Forwards you control gain +1000 power.

When Kirin enters the field, reveal the top 5 cards of your deck. Play 1 Forward of cost 4 among them and return the other cards to the bottom of your deck in any order.”

This will make some interesting play. I was just talking about how they should make an Archfiends deck. And, they listened. Sort of. We now have Kirin & the Shijins, coming to a bar near you. Playing all your favorite oldies. Ok, I got a little carried away.

Kirin comes in lets you hopefully play a Shijin from your deck to the field, and give all the Shijins +1K. And since he comes in with Brave, and cannot become dull by Summons or abilities, Kirin looks like he’ll be around for a long time.

Now let’s take a look at the Shijin.

Suzaku, Seiryu, Byakko and Genbu.

They all have one ability that reads. “If you have a Job Shijin in your Break Zone, the cost required to cast (card name) can be paid with CP of any Element.” Why is this important? It’s the basis of the whole strategy. You shall quickly discard the First Shijin to pay for Kirin, and hopefully you’ll find a Shijin.

And can’t forget about the EX Burst “When (card name) enters the field, you may search for 1 Job Shijin Forward other than Card Name (card name) and add it to your hand.” You’re already adding Shijins to your hand after you, hopefully, play one from Kirin’s ability. You’re likely to swarm the board pretty quickly here.

But, that’s not all.

Each Shijin also has a 3rd ability.

Suzaku – “When Suzaku attacks, choose 1 Forward deal it 5000 damage.”

Seiryu – “Seiryu cannot be chosen by your opponent’s abilities.”

Byakko – “When Byakko attacks, choose 1 Forward. Dull it.”

Genbu – “If Genbu is dealt damage, reduce the damage by 3000 instead.”

Other than searching for each other, these cards really don’t play well together. But, I’m sure with help from other cards these can do some damage to your opponent.

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Crystal Dominion – Opinion on Water

15-106C – Atomos

Easy way to get rid of a Forward. Doesn’t matter which one, you’ll still get rid of one.

Add a Crystal and only pay 1CP for Atomos.

Not bad, not bad at all.



15-107H – Umaro

1CP/9K Power

That is one hell of a trade. But, you’ll also pay 1 Crystal. At least you’ll get it back when Umaro is put into the Break Zone.

That is, if he ever makes it to the Break Zone.



15-108C – Dancer

I would have never thought that they would make a card like this.

All of a sudden that 1 Forward loses all it’s abilities and Categories and wait … does Job count as a Category? What about Element? I’ll have to check on that. … But even if it’s only Category it will still put a dent in some decks.

Now, Imagine if they had a card that would do this to the whole board.



15-109R – Ultros

The card with the best art this set. I don’t care what anyone says. This is the Chase Card.

Ultros being Ultros.

As of this moment you can have up to 12 Ultros in your deck. That means you’ll most likely hit an Ultros if you reveal the top 5 cards of your deck.

Each Ultros has the ability to find you another Ultros if it gets chosen or broken.

This will be the card I am making a deck out of this set.

Thank you, I’ll take 3.

Shiny Holo Full Art.

15-110C – Gau EX

“Gau’s a Wild Child,
come and love him,
He wants yoooouuuuuuu, ooooo”

I wonder if Gau is a WASP fan. He and Blackie Lawless can form a band and gain a Chris “tal” Holmes when he enters the field. Get it? XD No?

At least I didn’t quit my day job. Yet.

Any who, for 2CP you’ll gain a Crystal and at 3 points of Damage, Gau gains 3K power.

15-111C – Keiss

See, Gau and Blackie Lawless would have been perfect for this card.

Keiss is just a Free card that can generate double the CP for you. If you got a party going that is.

Simple as that.



15-112R – Shinryu Celestia

Expensive card, if you want to se her on entry ability. It’s almost like paying 6CP for it.

But, if you’re playing Cadets, it might be worth it. For, every time one is sent to the Break Zone, one of your opponents Forwards will lose 3000 Power.




15-113C – Strago

Pay a Crystal, get rid of a pesky Forward that’s been bothering you for a bit, and draw a card.

I hope that Forward doesn’t have an on entry ability cause he only went as far as his owner’s hand.

But, you still get a card.



15-114C – Dracoknight

Self-reviving Forward.

3CP/7K will recycle for you and then you can play Dracoknight again the next turn. Or even the same turn if you have the CP.




15-115H – Penelo

If you’re playing Sky Pirates, you’re playing this Penelo.

You will be paying 0CP for her ability.

Protect a Forward, Weaken a Forward, or Draw a card.

The option is up to you.



15-116C – Hilda EX

Technically you’re paying 2CP for Hilda, and if you play her late game, it might even be free. because at 5 points of Damage you can play a 3 cost Forward or less from the Break Zone onto the field. And if that card is a Viking, You are drawing 1 more card.





15-117R/9-113H – Famfrit

Reprint from opus IX.

Nothing to see here, move along.

Well, Famfrit used to be a Hero, now he’s just a Rare.

Put 2 Forwards or Monsters in the Break Zone.



15-118C – Blue Wyrm

Draw a card, and cash out when you need a Forward with 6000 Power.

Do or Die, or Do and Break.





15-119L – Porom

Porom here, getting an EXP Counter Every turn. And Every turn you can choose 1 Forward of 5CP or less and it loses all abilities. And at 3 EXP Counters it’s power becomes 1000.

After that you just use Palom (15-011L) and finish that Forward off. Just Like that.

It’s called Twincast.



15-120H – Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer is Lani’s (12-018H) Water Summon form.

Grab one of the top 2 cards of your opponents deck and cast it without paying the cost. But, only this turn. Lani would allow you to keep the card and cast it whenever you would like. But, you would pay the cost.

I’ll take it.

Let me grab that Sophie of the top of your deck. Opus 1 Shantotto? I think I’m ready for a board wipe.

15-121R – Mayakov

A forward that dances the effects of your opponents abilities away. Mayakov has the 4CP/8K Power we all have come to know, but it’s his ability that makes him stand out. Plus playing a Dancer from your hand onto the field, also lowers his cost to 1CP.

How many Dancers do we have?




15-122L – Mog (VI)

Hmm, this is interesting.

Pay a Crystal, draw some cards, and hopefully Break one of your opponents Forwards, or your own, if that’s what you’d like. Or just return them to their owner’s hand.

Either way Mog, has the ability to draw even more cards, with Water Harmony, only this time you don’t need to discard any cards.



15-123C – Oracle

I had a plan with Oracle. And then I realized that it wouldn’t work.

So, scratch that.

Oracle will give you a crystal every time she enters the field. You can dull, and put her in the Break Zone to reduce damage to one of your Forwards and grab her back with Robel-Akbel.

Oracle’s use will be determined by the abilities that revolve around Crystal use.


15-124H – Relm

Like Relm here. Oracle will give you the Crystals for Relm to search for Monsters to play onto the field.

And there are plenty of 5 cost Monsters that will do some damage. Some Monsters will even let you grab Characters from the Break Zone.

Build your own Army of Monsters, all you need to do is protect Relm.



15-125R – Lunafreya

At 1CP/7K Power, Lunafreya is only here to protect a XV Forward.

Which one you chose is up to you. But, you will need Noctis if you plan on attacking with Lunafreya. Or block for that matter.
Other than that, you can just cast Lunafreya and keep her like a Monster. Just standing in her own Zone. Not blocking, not attacking. Just a constant 2K buff to your XV Forward along with a veil of Protection against Summons and abilities.



15-126R – Lenna

Here’s another use for Oracle.

Lenna will allow you to grab a Forward from the Break Zone and play it onto the field. 2CP or 3CP, depending on how many Crystals you use to pay.

There are plenty of 2 cost and 3 cost Forwards that you can play. They don’t even need to be Water Forwards. Any element will do. Like that sneaky Zidane from Opus III.

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Crystal Dominion – Opinion on Lightning

15-085R – Aquila EX

Hmm, I’ve been trying to figure out how much this card will be used.

On one hand you’ll be gaining a Crystal once per turn when you cast a Summon. And at 3 points of Damage you can grab a Lightning Summon from your Break Zone when Aquila enters the field. Which makes him a 2 cost.

Now that I’ve written it out, I can see some use with Aquila. And of course, I just realized he is a Forward. 8K body.

Let’s give it a try.

15-086R – Axis

I seem to be missing the point here. If someone can enlighten me, that would be great.

Probably need to look into other Kingsglaive cards.

The only thing that I can come up with is, put Axis into the Break Zone and grab a Forward. When Axis is put into the Break Zone, Nyx gains Haste, or you can choose 1 Forward and dull it. But, that’s only if Nyx is already on the field.


15-087C – Aranea EX


That’s what you will be playing. Grab a card one she enters the field and at 3 points of Damage all the Dragoons gain +2K.

If she had more than 3000 Power, this card would have been at least a Hero. But, that’s just my opinion. Aranea might have been the card, that will make me want to try a Dragoon deck. Nothing crazy, just enough to give your Dragoons that extra bit of Oomph.

15-088H – Vayne

This is interesting.

You finally have another use for backups, with an on entry ability. and no other use after that. Remove 2 of them from the game and play Vayne for free, technically.

And, then one Vayne is on the field all your Forwards gain 2000 power and your opponents lose 2000 power. It’s kind of Like Titan, but better.


15-089C – Sky Soldier

This is what you call an ace up your sleeve.

You’re eyeing that one Forward that’s on the field that your opponent controls that has been causing you grief. Well this is what you’ll do. You attack with a Forward that only that one Forward can block and when that one Forward blocks your Forward, you’ll dull Sky Soldier and then that one Forward, that blocked your Forward will break once your Forward deals damage to the other Forward.


15-090H – Odin

Break a 2 cost or a 4 cost Forward.

Cause that’s what Odin does.




15-091C – Thunder Drake

How many 2CP Forwards are being played? Well you can get rid of one with Thunder Drake. And, if that doesn’t work, you can get rid of a 1 cost Forward. For 2CP that is not bad at all.

Now the Do or Die ability, that Thunder Drake has and so many other Monsters in this set. A meat shield that you can throw at your opponent, before it rots away at the end of the turn.


15-092C – Sonitus

2Cp for a Backup, that when you would like to Break a Forward, you can just pay 3CP more, and receive 1 point of Damage for your trouble.

Sonitus can work as your bluff card.

Just have him out on the field. He’ll give you 1CP every turn and he just might stop your opponent from doing something just because he is on the field.


15-093R – Tredd

For 1CP this card is great. Even if you just throw him in there to give a Forward +1K and Brave, and then use him to block an attack. You’re already ahead of the game. I’d play Tredd every turn if I could. In and Out.

Or, you can just put him in the Break Zone yourself, to give a Forward +3K and First Strike until the end of the turn.


15-094L – Nyx

Slowly removing the Kingsglaive from the Break Zone will make Nyx more powerful. You probably won’t have to use it every turn, but just knowing that you can makes it even better.

Or, you can remove 5 Kingsglaive from the Break Zone and search for a XV Forward of 5CP or less and play it on the field. A card like Ardyn (15-129L) would be a perfect candidate. Especially late in the game.


15-095C – Ninja

Enter the Ninja, and gain a Crystal.

Other than that, dull and put Ninja into the Break Zone to deal a Forward 1000 Damage.




15-096C – Noel

For a Common, this is a pretty decent card.

You can go all out with Noel, as when he is blocked he’ll deal 6000 damage to the Forward and then his attack will deal another 6K, which will most likely finish off your opponents Forward



15-097H – Feolthanos

There is something about this card. Only thing for certain is that you’ll be playing Feolthanos during your Main Phase 2. After
you’ve attacked with all your Forwards.

And if you’re playing an all Forwards deck, you won’t even need to worry about losing your Backups, because you won’t have any n the first place.



15-098C – Pelna

Simple, yet effective Backup. I can see an Earth/Lightning deck with just Noctis and Crew and the Kingsglaive, all going strong.

And, the +2K Power isn’t too shabby.



15-099C – Magitek Armor

5CP to enter, then dull and discard 2 cards, is a little too pricey to break 1 Forward.

I’ll pass.





15-100R – Ragelise EX

Here is Lady Lilith’s Crystal Maker.

There’s a good chance a Forward will enter the Break Zone at least once a turn.

And, at 3 points of damage, you gain a Crystal when she enters.

What shall we do with all these Crystals?


15-101R – Ramuh

Lightning Re-Print, but, it’s a decent one.

Pick 2 of the 4 Actions.

Not bad at all.



15-102H – Lilisette

Dull 1 Dancer to dull a Forward.

Or, Dull 4 Dancers to deal 8K damage to all the Active Forwards.

Kind of like Feolthanos.

Climatic Flourish, grants protection to all Dancers.


15-103R – Regis

Regis comes with his personal guard. That will protect him when ever a Summon or ability chooses Regis. Sure, You still have
to play the Kingsglaive from your hand, but you will do so at a lower cost.

Other than that Regis gains +1K at 3 points of Damage.



15-104L – Lady Lilith

One of the first cards that was revealed. Lady Lilith gives us the ability to gain a Crystal every turn, by removing a card from the game.

How good this card is, will depend on how good the Crystal abilities are. Lady Lilith’s abilities, are OK. For 1 Crystal you can give a Lightning Forward Haste, and for 2 Crystals you can Break a Forward of 5CP or less.

Give me a Forward to remove with good on entry abilities, and I’ll give you a reason to gain a Crystal. Or something like that.

15-105C – Remora

Pay a Crystal to reduce the cost of casting Remora.

Other than that Remora buff up one of your Forwards and reduce the Power of one of your opponents Forwards. What’s the word? Deflate? Gimp?