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Tears of the Planet

The new set has been revealed.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, “Tears of the Planet”!

Sounds like an album title if you ask me. But, you’re not asking me. I’m telling you.

Let’s start off with the box art, as you can see Aerith has finally made it, on her own box. Yes, she was on Hidden Hope, but that was with Zack. And, this is her Solo Project.

First off, these sets are getting smaller and smaller. Only 118 cards for this set, with 30 Full arts. 1 is will be the Golden Signature featuring Aerith, and one is a Crystal. That leaves 28 Full arts. If one is the Buy a Box Promo, and the other the Prerelease Promo, that gives us 26 Full Arts. And if we’re still getting a full set of Full Art cards per set, which I don’t see changing. That means in every Master Case, there will be 2 boxes with 3 Full Art cards in them.

That’s something worth noting.

The date set for us is March 28th, 2025, That also means Midnight Pre-Release will be on March 21st, 2025, so mark your calendars, because it always is a great time.

/Self Promotion

Let’s take a look at Zack (25-073L).

Final Fantasy VII will be getting plenty of support. With plenty of Lightning support, even if you throw Zack in a Shinra themed deck, he will become a threat.

Every time Zach attacks, you can bring a Final Fantasy VII Character back from the Break Zone, only requirement is that, that Character costs 2CP or less. Shouldn’t be that hard to find one, even if you keep bringing the same Character in after they attack or block.

Rush Assault? When Zack Attacks, you can use his Signature ability and break one of your opponent’s Forwards! No cost Requirements, no nothing. Just stock up on all Zacks from every Opus.

Yes, please. May I have another?

And, Aerith (25-035L)

We know what happens next.

But, we won’t say anything, just in case you’ve been living under a Meteor … I mean Rock.

Aerith comes in and one of your opponent’s Characters lose all of their abilities for as long as Aerith is on the field.

And when she finally gets sent to the Break Zone, you can remove Aerith from the game, and you’ll be able to draw a card.

This will make Aerith a Free Play in the end.

From these 2 cards, I would say that the Zack is a much better card, compared to the Aerith.

Legacy cards are also making a comeback, this time we get Ovelia (13-090L), Squall (16-011L) and Griever (21-027L). These three aren’t bad picks, as the art for all 3 of these will be well presented as a Full Art Foil.

And, we’ll leave it right there, until we get some more information.

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Pre-Orders Now Available

Looking to secure a box or two or 12 of upcoming releases. Well now you can. We’re opening up Pre-Orders for upcoming Final Fantasy TCG releases.

Final Fantasy TCG : Anniversary Collection 2024

Final Fantasy TCG : Hidden Hope Booster Box

Final Fantasy VII : Anniversary Art Museum Digital Card Plus Vol.2

Final Fantasy TCG : Hidden Trials Booster Box

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Reporting for Duty.

We got a troop of Zack’s here. So, let’s just start off right at the beginning.

Zack (1-012R)

3CP – Fire

“If you control [Card Name (Aerith)], Zach gains +2000 power.

When Zack enters the field, choose 1 Forward opponent controls. Deal it 2000 damage.”

Not much here. The first Zack might have been good back when Opus I came out, but not anymore.

If Aerith is on the field, Zack will have 8000 Power.

And, when he enters the field you can deal a Forward 2000 damage.

Zack (3-012L)

5CP – Fire

“When Zack enters the field, all the Forwards you control gain +2000 power until the end of the turn.

When Zack is put from the field into the Break Zone, you may search for 1 Card Name Cloud of cost 4 or less, and add it to your hand or play it onto the field dull.”

Zack comes in and gives a 2K buff to all of your Forwards.

Sure, Zack costs 5CP, but when he is put into the Break Zone, you can search for Cloud, that costs up to 4CP, and either add it to your hand, or play it onto the field.

Technically, Zack will cost you nothing, because searching for a card to add to your hand is +2CP and playing that Cloud is another +4CP.

Zack EX (4-013C)

3CP – Fire

“EX BURST When Zack enters the field, choose 1 Card Name Cloud or Job SOLDIER in your Break Zone. Add it to your hand.”
Just a simple Backup that allows you to grab a card from the Break Zone. Either Cloud, or a SOLDIER.

Not much else to say, but this ability will also activate with an EX Burst.

Zack (10-007H)

4CP – Fire

“When Zack or a Fire Forward enters your field, choose 1 Forward opponent controls. Deal it 2000 damage.

When Zack or a Category VII Forward enters your field, choose 1 Forward opponent controls. Deal it 2000 damage.”

Welcome to Ping City.

Zack enters the field, and deals 2000 damage x 2 to one of your opponents Forwards.

Combine that with another 2000 damage every time a Fire Forward enters the field, and anther 2000 every time a FFVII Forward enters the field.

And if that Forward that enters the field is a FFVII Fire Forward it’s another 2000 x 2.

Now I’m wondering why this card never made it. It’s actually a really good card.

But, what do I know?

Zack (11-007R)

1CP – Fire

“At the end of each of your turns, choose 1 Forward opponent controls. Discard 1 card from your hand. If you do so, deal it 5000 damage.”

An 8k body for 1CP point? Sign me up.

You can just throw this card into any Fire deck, and you’ll have a great Meat Shield, that won’t break the bank.

And if you have a surplus of cards in your hand, you can just discard one at the end of each of your turns and deal 5000 damage to one of your opponents Forwards.

Yes, Yes!! I’ll take 3.

Zack (16-089H)

5CP – Lightning

“If you control a Category VII Character of an Element other than Lightning, the cost required to cast Zack is reduced by 2.

When Zack is put from the field into the Break Zone, you may play 1 Category VII Character from your hand onto the field. If its cost is 5 or more, Zack deals you 1 point of damage.”

Let’s see what we wrote when Emissaries of Light came out.

“Zack looks like he’s ready to save Cloud once again.

He’ll come in take care of all the enemies and when he is ready to be sent to the Break Zone, Cloud will come in and finish the job.

It would have been nice if it was that easy.

But, still a pretty decent card for a FFVII deck.”

Well, maybe.

I mean Zack will most likely cost you 3CP, and with a 9000 body, you should have a great attacker.

Once Zack is broken or sent to the Break Zone, you can play any FFVII Character onto the field, regardless of cost. Although if the cost is over 5CP, Zack will deal you a point of Damage.

Zack EX (19-122C)

5CP – Fire/Lightning

“Warp 2 ― (F)(L)

EX BURST When Zack enters the field, choose 1 Forward. Deal it 7000 damage.

When Zack enters the field due to Warp, until the end of the turn, Zack gains Haste, First Strike, and Brave.”

At From Nightmares’s release we wrote,

“You will not play Zack unless you Warp him in.

First of all, it’s a 3CP difference. Paying 5CP to deal 7000 damage to a Forward is too much. You can do more damage with a well placed Summon.

Now, if you do Warp Zack in, he is worth every Crystal Point you pay. All 2 of them.

First off he will deal 7000 damage to a Forward, and when he enters the field, he has Haste, First Strike and Brave.

So, even if he just comes in and attacks. you will most likely deal your opponent 1 point of Damage. After that just keep Blocking until Zack is broken, just so you can Warp him in again.”

For 2CP this is a decent card. And, we’ll stick with what we said.

Zack (20-009L)

5CP – Fire

“When Zack attacks, choose 1 Forward opponent controls. Deal it 5000 damage for each Job SOLDIER you control.

When Zack leaves the field, you may search for 1 Category VII Forward of cost 4 or less and play it onto the field.

Meteor Shots (S)(F)(D) : Deal 7000 damage to all the Forwards opponent controls.”

Dawn of Heroes just recently came out, so not much has changed since then, and we’ll just keep what we said.

“I remember reading somewhere. “Finally a Zack that can be played.” Or something along those lines. If you’re reading this and you are the one that said that, please let me know, so, I can add your name to the quote.

This one will fit right at home with AVALANCHE. You play Zack for 5CP, and every time he attacks you can deal a Forward 5K damage for each SOLDIER you control. Zack and Cloud, that’s 10k right there, and I’m sure you’ll be able to find a couple of SOLDIERs laying around somewhere.

When Zack leaves the field you can play a FFVII Forward of 4CP or less onto the field. With about 100 or so FFVII Forwards that cost up to 4CP there are plenty to choose from, Opus XIV Cloud, Tifa and Barret. If you’re still running AVALANCHE that’s an easy way to get them on the field.

And, let’s not forget Meteor Shots, where you can deal 7000 damage to all of your opponents Forwards.

Let’s keep an eye on this one.”

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Zack Fair

“Hey, would you say I became a hero?”

Shinra SOLDIER: Second Class. He left his hometown and came to Midgar with dreams of becoming a hero.

He tackles his assignments head-on as he aspires to one day be promoted to SOLDIER: First Class.

-taken from the website

We all know how this ends. If you don’t move along, nothing to see here.


It’s raining, Cloud is useless due to the Mako poisoning, and Shinra is looking for the 2 escaped test subjects.

That is pretty much the ending to Crisis Core. Zack Vs the Shinra Army. I remember that battle. It felt like it would never end. The Soldiers just kept coming and coming, until they finally took Zack down.

Before all of that happened, Zack was a teenager, that ran away from home to join the Shinra army and became a SOLDIER. Angeal took Zack under his wings, and hands down the Buster Sword to Zack, who then passes it on to Cloud at the end of his story.

Zack met Aerith after falling down through the roof of the Sector 5 church. They began dating, but that all ended when Zack was sent on a mission to Nibelheim, alongside Sephiroth and Cloud. After the events that transpired there Hojo took Zack and Cloud for his new experiment the “Jenova Reunion Theory”. Zack escapes, helping Cloud escape as well.