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Dissidia Collection

I just realized that the Dissidia Anniversary Collection is the Starter Set for Beyond Destiny. This whole time I thought that this was going to be just like the previous collection. But it is not. It’s just a Custom Starter Set, with an added 20 cards or so.

Yes, we haven’t seen any of the cards yet, but they did give us the numbers for the cards. And, they all start with 21.

21-125S – Onion Knight
21-126S – Cloud
21-127S – Firion
21-128S – Shantotto
21-129S – Terra
21-130S – Noctis
21-131S – Warrior of Light
21-132S – Cecil
21-133S – Tidus
21-134S – Bartz

And, let’s not forget the Full Art Premium Framed (that’s their own words) Y’shtola.

21-036H – Y’shtola

I wonder if it’s going to be a different kind of Foil, like they mentioned that Estinien would be?

Is this going to be a new way that Square Enix will be doing the Starter Sets, or will it be a one off? Maybe, a once a year Premium Set.

I do like that, the cards that they are reprinting in this collection, aren’t just reprints, but they are getting new artwork as well. Probably won’t cut into the prices of the original cards by that much.

And, the storage box is always nice. I mean who doesn’t need more storage to hold their cards? I know I do. I got cards lying around everywhere, but that’s a different story all together.

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From Nightmares – Howling Winds

19-035R – Alexander

Free for a limited time only. The Wind Forward you played this turn has paid for the Summon.

If you think about it you can actually play 3 in a row, if you have them in your hand.

The choice is yours on what Alexander will do. Break a high cost Forward, or Break a Monster and draw 1 card.

Doesn’t a Hope search for Alexander? Can’t remember which one, but there’s your free play right there.

19-036L – Vayne

A what now?

Your warp speed has just gotten faster.

Prepare Ship for Ludicrous Speed!!!

Cause that’s how fast we’ll be traveling with Vayne.

When he enters the field or at the beginning of each of your turns, Vayne will be removing Warp counters from Characters that are Warping.

Have the Characters will get Warp in by the next turn or 2, and before you know it, they’ll be on the board and have all their abilities going off, you won’t know which way anything is heading.

I’ll take 3, thank you very much.

19-037R – Wol

Wol is now acting a Furr …. I mean Cosplayer.

Wearing the Moogle Suit, and depending on how many Elements are in your field. Wol will allow you to search for a Multi-Element Forward.

I don’t really see much going for this card other than the fact that he can pay for the other Wol’s S-ability.



19-038R – Evrae

I remember playing this card at Pre-Release.

Evrae allows you to activate a Backup you control, and with Zu that will turn into a Forward when one of your Characters Activates, this is a good play. As activating Backups is always a good thing.




19-039R – Emerald Weapon

Emerald Weapon was much easier to beat than Ruby Weapon. If you had Knights of the Round Maxed out with W-Summon, you didn’t even need to have the Underwater Materia.

This 5CP Wind Forward with 9000 power will be a nightmare as your opponent won’t be able to keep him off the field, as he’ll be able to keep coming back for 1CP. Only way to break him is by blocking his attack.

Emerald Big Bang, is a high cost S-ability that can deal up to 10,000 damage to all of your opponents Forwards.
I think I like it. I’ll have to try it out though, see how well it works.

19-040C – Thief

Just your Common Thief, but a pretty good one.

Won’t take damage from your opponents abilities. This 4 cost has an 8K body, which is pretty high for a thief, but we’re not complaining.

The reason you’ll want to play this card is because, if you pay for Thief with at least 3 elements, your opponent will put the top 3 cards of their deck into the Break Zone.

Do that 3 times, and you might be able to make your opponent run out of cards.

19-041H – Cid Highwind

I mean this is very interesting. I haven’t checked yet, but I’m sure it’ll be in plenty of FFVII decks.

Cid Highwind, allows you to return an FFVII Character to your hand, and let’s you choose 2 Characters to Activate.

I’m sure there are plenty of Category FFVII entry abilities that you’d like to use at least once per turn. Like the Ice Sephiroth in this set. If you can send him to your hand once per turn, and you’re at 6 points of damage, you’ll be able to play Sephiroth at no cost, while activating 2 of your Characters.

I mean, it could work. It could work perfectly.

I like it.

19-042C – White Mage

Although the art has been reused, I’m pretty sure some other art has been reused as well in previous Opuses? Opera? Opi?
Well at 3 points of Damage, White Mage is a free play. And once he’s in you can use his ability to bring back a Multi-Element Forward from the Break Zone.

White Mage has one job and he does it well.

Cast Revive on a broken Character.


19-043C – Zu

Well, this monster does seem to fit well with Wind.

Considering that Wind usually has a way to reactivate Character’s with Summons and abilities.

Zu is a monster that will most likely become a Forward whenever a Character reactivates. Zu is more of a Backup Forward, than a Monster as he can come out in a pinch and either attack or block. Whichever one is needed at the moment.

Maybe it’ll see play, maybe it won’t.

I’m caught somewhere in the middle here.

19-044R – Sarah (MOBIUS)

Another Sarah, but this one is a Backup and not a Legend.

The Raven Peeress gives all your Category MOBIUS Forward +1000 power.

I always like these cards as they give your whole front line a boost.




19-045H – Sophie

Sophie has no use for Vayne, she is a Freelancer she works independently regardless of Faction. I don’t know where I’m going with this.

But, for 4 CP and 3 other Forwards on the field, Sophie can well become a danger to your opponent. If only for a turn.
Break a Monster, activate all your Backups, and give Sophie +2K power and Haste.

She can also come in with Warp, in which you will only pay 1CP for her, and you will wait for only 1 turn.

Maybe we do need Vayne. She’ll come in during your opponents turn and cause some damage. She will also Activate all your Backups, so you will be able to cast Summons and abilities as well, in order to protect yourself.

Yes, I’ll take it. 3 please and 3 Vaynes just to be on the safe side.

19-046C – Buddy

A searcher for FFX Backups. Why search for Backups? Cause you always need more Backups.

One thing is for sure. If you’re playing a FFX deck you’ll be playing Buddy. If only to search for Brother, to search for Opus XVI Tidus. Cause who isn’t playing that card.




19-047C – Gramps EX

This is the card you’ll want to hold on to the end. Or to your end. And when you do have those 5 points of Damage, you probably aren’t going to have this card on hand. You’ll have 3 copies in your Break Zone.

If you do manage to grab a copy when the time is right, Gramps will Break a Forward of 4CP or more.



19-048C – Bartz

Don’t know what to play, just play Bartz. That way on your next turn, you can put him at the bottom of your deck, and hopefully draw the cards you really need. If not, play Buddy to search for a FFX Backup that will find Tidus.





19-049R – Makki-Chebukki

This is actually very interesting.

Makki-Chebukki will cause your opponent to discard the top card of their deck. Once per turn.

Think about it. If you have Makki-Chebukki on the field from turn 1, every turn that goes by, your opponent will be putting their top card in the Break Zone.

That means they might be losing all the cards that they’ll need in order to make their game plan work. That and they’ll have less cards to play with, and will run out of cards faster.

19-050C – Matoya

If you have the extra CP Matoya might be a good play.

You’ll be able to Break a Forward when she enters the field. It’ll turn a pesky big body into a smaller body, that likely will not be able to block a big body of your own. If that makes any sense.

She might be a good addition to a Dancer deck. Are there enough Dancer’s to make one?

There are 12 Job Dancers and 6 of them are Penelo, 2 are Matoya and another 2 are Lilisette. After that there are 8 generic Dancers which can round up your deck. If any one makes one let me know so I can check it out.

19-051C – Rikku

So, many Rikkus, but only one on the field.

Depending on what you’re playing this one isn’t bad. It’s not great, but for what she does, she does it good.

Rikku can produce any element when paying for a Category X card. Which is always a good thing. This cards biggest problem is that it’s Rikku. You could have named this card Generic NPC from FFX and it would have been 10 times better. Simply for the fact that you can play a Rikku and this card at the same time.

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Resurgence of Power : Break Like the Wind

18-035R – Arc EX

Play Arc, hopefully grab a card from the top 5 cards of your deck.

One thing is for certain though. Arc needs at least 4 different elements on the field to become useful. But, he should play well into a Warrior of Light deck. Faris will be a great addition to it as well.

When you finally have 4 Forwards with different elements on the field, all of your Forwards will gain 2000 power.


13-036R – Iris

Fits great into the Noctis deck that recently came out.

For 2CP Iris just keeps on giving, as every time a XV Forward enters the field, Iris will activate, allowing you to use her again for a Crystal Point.

Not only that, but you can use her ability to protect a Forward from one of your opponents abilities.

She will pay for herself after a couple of turns. Think of it as getting interest on the CP you paid to cast her.

18-037C – Delusory Dragoon

Comes in with Haste, and when he comes in he grants another Manikin Haste.

Straight to the point, and that’s about it for this Manikin.

3CP for this card isn’t all that bad either.



13-038C – Kytes

Sky Pirates making a comeback? Maybe, if Kytes has anything to say about it.

Simply Speaking, Kytes can go from 4CP to technically being cast for 1CP. As if you find a XII Character from the top 3 cards of your deck, Kytes will activate, allowing you to use him for a Crystal Point.

Now, if you decide to use his ability, right after he has been activated, you can Activate 2 of your Characters.

I can see Kytes being played and right away using his ability to activate 2 Characters. It can happen easily.

13-039C – Ranger

Not many Forwards or Monsters that cost 1CP, but those Monsters and Forwards that cost 1CP will be easy to Break with this Ranger in your hand.





18-040H – Cerberus

Cerberus has 3 on entry abilities to choose from, and depending on your situation, there will always be a good reason to play him.

1) Get rid of that pesky High Cost Forward that seems to be foiling your plans.
2)Activate all your Backups.
3)Draw a card.

After that you are more than welcome to turn him into a Forward with a 9K body. Just as long as you already cast at least 2 cards this turn.

18-041C – Colkhab

Colkhab does have an interesting ability, but I’m thinking why would any one choose Colkhab as the target of a Summon or ability?

Sure, he is more of a meat shield as his 9K body will show you, but other than that there isn’t really a threat that he poses. Maybe once your at 3 points of Damage and his power becomes 10K, but even then.

There are far more important Forwards that should be dealt with before Colkhab.

But, if you’re able to save a Forward from Extinction might as well.

18-042C – Zhijie

I’m thinking they made this card to make the Opus VIII Final Fantasy VII Starter Set more viable. Especially with the new Yuffie.

Zhijie allows you to search for FFVII Forward, and that is about all he does.

Only problem is that you can only use his ability after he has activated. This would have been a better card if it was an upon entry ability.


18-043C – Thief

Discard Thief, draw a card. And, that’s about it.

Cheap Backup to play.




18-044R – Sherlotta

5CP to search for a card. I personally think the cost is too high, but you can search for any card. No restrictions here. I do like that you can use Warp to have her come in for only 2CP. but you’ll have to wait 2 turns for that.

I do like the art though.



18-045C – Dryad

For 2CP you can easily Break a Forward, depending on how many Wind Characters you control.

But, do you want to pay the extra cost to draw a card? Doesn’t seem like a bad deal to me. Especially if they’re cards you have no use for.



18-046R – Gnash

“Kevin” Gnash comes in and delivers a Jackknife Powerbomb to an unsuspecting Forward or monster of cost 4 or more. That is if you decide to pay the extra cost, but then again why wouldn’t you.

That alone is worth playing this card.

But that’s not all, on your next turn you can use his ability to deal a Big Boot to a 2 cost or less Forward and break them as well.

18-047H – Bartz

Oh, man!

Just look at that. Bartz is as always a Freelancer first. Thus allowing him to be any Job any time he enters the field. Imagine playing let’s say Cadets. You throw Bartz into the field and say his 3rd Job is Class Zero Cadet. Of course you’ll be playing with a full board of Cadets.

Bartz will gain +2000 power for each Cadet Forward that is on the field, thus making him very hard to beat.

Also, when you choose his 2nd Element, Bartz receives protection, in that he cannot be chosen by Summons and abilities coming from a Character or Summon that has the same element as Bartz.

This is a very interesting card.

18-048R – Poppy

Perfect for Wind/Ice or Wind/Earth. If you don’t believe me just read the card.

Wind Forwards will be getting free strikes, since they cannot be blocked by a Forward of cost 3 or more.

Ice Forwards will gain +1K power and First Strike

Earth Forwards will gain +1K power and Brave.

And Multi-Element Forwards will gain 2 of these 3.

Just throw her in the Noctis Starter Set and you should be good.

18-049R – Yuri

You better have a bunch of Crystal Chronicles Characters if you plan on using Yuri. Well at least another 2.

Yuri cannot be chosen by Summons or abilities. Because he has Self-Protection. But only when his Crystal Chronicles friends are around. If not then he’s just a regular Joe.

But, whenever he attacks, or enters the field, he can activate 2 Crystal Chronicles Characters.

A friend indeed.

18-050L – Yuffie

I really like this card. Had a chance to play with it during the Midnight Pre-Release.

For 5CP Yuffie comes in. She already has Haste so she can attack right away. But, I would let her sit back and attack after all the other Forwards attacked.

Once she attacks, she gains +1000 power, and cannot be chosen by Summons or abilities. Not only that, but she also activates all your Forwards. No more worrying about who is going to block, when they all can.

And Doom of the Living, her special ability is a damage dealer. Dealing 24000 damage to your opponents Forwards. Of course you’d have to choose the Forwards and then divide the 24000 among them.

I’ll take 3 and Zhijie to look for her.

Also a gold stamped auto wouldn’t hurt either.

18-051C – Leafkin

How is this a Common?

It allows you to play a 5 or 6 cost Forward straight from your deck, without paying the cost. Sure, you’ll need to have 3 points of damage to do so, but still.

People would still be playing this card even if that Forward was just added to your hand. Not many cards will allow you to go and search for any Forward you like.

You can splash a card like Behemoth K in a Mono-Wind deck, and that’s only the first card that popped into my head.

I’m sure this card will see plenty of play. I’ll take it and search for Yuffie while I’m at it.

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Emissaries of Light – Light & Dark Thoughts

16-127L – Warrior of Light

Throw Warrior of Light into a Chocobo deck, and have Warrior of Light attack with almost unlimited power. 15000 power does not sound unreasonable here.

Once you have all your Chocobos on the field, You’ll attack with Warrior of Light, and during your opponents turn you will remove Warrior of Light from the game, granting protection to all your Forwards. None can be broken. …. Maybe I’m wrong. I’ll have to look into this, and I’ll update this if it’s wrong.

But, if I’m right, after your opponent is done swinging, you’ll have a full board of feathered Chocobos to take down your opponent.

16-128H – Bartz

This is one card that needs the Full Art treatment,

At 1CP/5K, Bartz doesn’t seem that strong, but his abilities are pretty decent.

You can Break a Forward for 4CP. That in itself is worth trying this card out.

And, once Bartz is in the Break Zone, you can pay 2CP and hopefully grab a card from your deck. We say hopefully, because you reveal the top 5 cards and see if you find a Job Warrior of Light.

16-129L – Chaos

Is this the answer to Soiree?

It, can be. If you know your opponent(S) will most likely be playing Soiree, the cost for Chaos is reduced immensely. You might even be able to play Chaos for free if they have all 6 elements on the board.

As soon as Chaos enters the field you can grab one of your opponents Forwards. They get to choose.

During your next turn, you can chuck that Forward and Break another Forward.

Maybe it’s not the whole answer, but you’ll be able to get rid of a couple of Forwards.

16-130H – Twintania

A Monster/Forward Beast, that can constantly target a Forward your opponent controls and deal it 7K damage.

Gigaflare Counters will be a hot commodity when your playing Twintania, as each Gigaflare counter equals 7000 damage. GigaFlare and attack.

I’ll take 3.


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Crystal Dominion – Wind P.o.V.

15-043R – Alexander

Reprint Wind Summon. Not bad, but would have been better is it was also an EX Burst





15-044L – Vaan

Can you pay both a Wind Crystal Point and a Ice Crystal Point? I believe so. And, that makes Vaan a card to play if you are running Sky Pirates. I might even make a Sky Pirate deck just to play this card.

All Sky Pirates cannot be blocked by any Forward of cost 3 or more. That means with a decent Buff, your Sky Pirates will be unblockable. Well, your opponent will be able to block against them, but they will most likely just have their Forwards broken.

Wind Crystal point to activate all Sky Pirates, and an Ice Crystal Point to reduce a Forwards Power by 2K for each Sky Pirate you control. (Read : break a Forward.)

15-045H – Edge

2CP to protect a Wind Forward from Summons or abilities that target them.

It’s a no brainer.

A Wind Illua. Somewhat, but what Edge lacks in Illua’s Haste and Sheol. He makes up for it in that he is able to change the direction of a Summon or ability onto himself in so that he can save Rydia once again.

It doesn’t matter that all Rydias are Earth. You get what I’m saying.

I sure hope so, cause I lose my thought process easily sometimes.

15-046C – Dancer

Just the ability itself, which allows Dancer to deal 2K damage to all your opponents Forwards. It can be activated by simply attacking with Dancer.

If that won’t work out this turn because there is a more powerful Forward on the field, Just use the other ability to give all your Forwards +1K.

Then the first ability will off at the end of the turn.


15-047R – Kytes

A way to save a Sky Pirate.

Is your Sky Pirate being targeted by a Summon or ability, or is he on the receiving end of an attack that is much too powerful for him?

Kytes here can help. By removing Kytes from the game, you can remove your Sky Pirate from the game and then return him to the field at the end of the turn.

Your best bet is to pick a Sky Pirate with a good entry ability.

15-048L – Kain EX

Attack and choose. Draw a card or Activate all the Characters other than Kain?

All the Characters? Characters?

Every time Kain attacks you can Activate your whole board?

Screw the extra card. Get me some blockers, and Edge, Opus I Maria, and anyone else that can help protect Kain.

Oh. And, some characters that will give me Crystals. Don’t want to lose Kain at the end of my turn.

15-049C – Garchimacera

For a moment there I thought that Garchimacera was a Backup. And then, I thought he was a Monster.

And then I thought it was Firebrand, from Gargoyle’s Quest.

But, my friends. This is Garchimacera, and it is a Summon. Reduce the cost by paying a Crystal and Garchimacera will cost

1CP. After that, choose to either Break a Forward of 5CP and up, or return a 1-2CP Forward to their owner’s hand and draw a card.

15-050C – Gigantuar

Enter the field deal a 5CP and up Forward 8K Damage.

After that wait for the perfect moment to turn Gigantuar into a 6K Forward, and have him attack or block and attack, because he will be broken at the end of the turn anyway.




15-051C – Shikaree G

Here to give the Sin Hunters some more Fire Power.

Shikaree G, along with the help of Shikaree Y will make Shikaree G unblockable, and be able to swing for some free Damage.




15-052C – Chocobo

Why just 1 Forward in the party?

There are better Chocobos that give the party far more firepower than this bird.




15-053H – Diablolos

1CP? That is all Diabolos costs? 1CP?

All Forwards Power is now 3000. That is if you already cast 4 cards this turn. Pair this with Ifrita and 6 Ifrits in the Break Zone and you have yourself a board wipe.

Too much work.



15-054R – Nono

Activate all Moogles?

Are Moogles going to became a new Archtype?

Nono and Good King Moggle Mog XII to be the main players.

Let’s see someone have a crack at it.


15-055H – Bartz EX

Bartz enters the field and gains a Crystal. With that Crystal in your possession Bartz gains +2K.

But, if you manage to acquire more Crystals you will be able to save a Job Warrior of Light from the Break Zone.



15-056R – Filo

Now this is what I call a backup.

Allowing Sky Pirates to produce either Wind or Water CP.

But, that’s not all folks.

Wind Soul. Which Sky Pirate shall we choose? Any one that has high power will do.

Filo also gives you a reason to run 3 copies of Filo (10-059R). 3 more Wind Souls coming right up.

15-057R – Maria

With the Rebel Yell, She want More, more, more.

Are we going to be able to build a decent FFII deck this time around? Maria here beats out Opus I Maria, but only if you’re playing with Rebels.

Maria, gives a buff to all the Rebels and also reduces the damage they take.

I see Rebels in my future.


15-058C – Dragoon

You’ll need Dragoon to keep Kain on your side.

Other than that he enters the field. Gives you a Crystal. And finally you put him in the Break Zone and he gives 1 Forward
First Strike.



15-059C – Llyud

Llyud is ready to fly. How do you even pronounce his name? Lloyd? Leeood? Leroy? Anywho, Llyud here is able to attack and give all your Warriors +3K. And if you have already taken 3 points of Damage he comes in with Haste. Then he’ll attack and
buff the Warriors.




15-060R – Leon

Leon has a look in his eyes that say, play your cards right and you’ll draw a card every time I attack. Llyud would be a great card to play with Leon.

And, like a good brother, Leon grabs his sister from the Break Zone if you have taken 3 points of Damage.



15-061H – Lehko Habhoka

How likely is it that you will have cast at least 3 cards this turn?

3 is easily done, but 5, might be tricky. But if you can manage to do that you’ll be able to search for an 8CP Character and play them onto the field.

And, until you end up casting 5 cards, you can always dull Lehko Habhoka for 1CP.



15-062C – Rem

2 cost Backup.

Activates 1 Character when she enters the field, and when she is put into the Break Zone.

You can easily put Rem into the Break Zone to gain a Crystal and activate a Character.

Rem will be in my new Cadets deck.


15-063C – Romaa Mihgo

Every time you draw a card, or just the one time?

Makes a big difference.