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Opus XIV – Fire Review

14-001C – Amalj’aa

Amal’jaa, number 001. start off the set with a Backup. Who in turn gets activated when a Fire Primal enters the field.
All you do is use Amalj’aa to pay for the Primal, and once the Primal is in, Activate Amalj’aa and dull Amalj’aa to deal 1000 damage to a Forward.




14-002R : Ifrita EX

Everyone loves Ifrita, and by that, I mean I love Ifrita. Just by looking at the text you know you are going to add this one to your deck if you are already playing Ifrita (9-002H). You’ll be heading towards 5 Ifrits/Ifritas in your Break Zone before you know it. You’ll be dealing 7K damage to a Forward while also searching for another Ifrita to add to your hand.




14-003R – Illua

Haste? Check. Illua comes in attacks, right away and you can dull up to 5 Backups. Then you get to choose a Forward deal it up to 15K damage. Should be enough Damage to break it. Illua’s power will also increase 3K for each Backup you dulled, for power reaching up to 18K. Not a bad card if I do say so myself




14-004C : Warrior of Light

Your Standard 4CP/8K body. Gives all your Standard Units +1K. +3K if you received 3 points of Damage. I say this card will see plenty of play.





14-005C : Oelde Leonis

Strong card power wise, and when he is broken you choose one Standard Unit from your Break Zone add it to your hand. Could be a useful blocker, but at the 5CP cost is it worth the Standard Unit you’ll pull from the Break Zone. I’m sure someone will say that he is..




14-006R : Ifrit, Lord of the Inferno EX

For a second there, I thought it was a Summon, and decided that he is too expensive to deal a couple of Forwards 4K Damage.

Then I saw that he is a Forward. I was wondering why he had a Job. After that my opinion changed. He counts as an Ifrit for Ifrita. Which all Summons and character abilities deal 1K more Damage. I like it.

Don’t forget Fritt (7-004C) searches for him.


14-007L : Garland

As we talked about this card in one of our Box openings on YouTube. Garland is practicly unbeatable. He can still receive a beat down and be broken. But, it’s his abilities that make this a great card. Whenever a Backup, is put in the Break Zone, you get to draw a card. Could be any Backup not just your own.

And let’s not forget about Flare, Break a Forwards and then your opponent puts a Backup in the Break Zone. This as well could be one of your own Forwards. Maybe Break Oelde Leonis to grab a Standard Unit from the Break Zone, and draw a card.

Hmm … What Standard Unit are we looking for?

14-008C – Caius

Cheap Forward to play, and gets an 8K body whenever one of your Forwards is put into the Break Zone. Add, Brave and Caius just might be as good as Caius (5-004R). Now some of you might say that Opus V Caius isn’t that good, but I like him. He does good at what I want him to do.




14-009R – Gabranth

Your Basic 2CP Backup, that doesn’t do anything until you received 5 points of Damage.

After that, you can just Protect a Forward.




14-010H – Gutsco

I like it.

Keep removing cards till Gutsco gets broken, or removed from the game.

After that all the cards removed come back to your hand. And, you can have a lot of cards that you can storm the field with. I will be trying this one out.



14-011 – Susano, Lord of the Revel

Six Crystal Points to wipe the board, and get a free hit. This is the second board wipe Fire and XIV receives in 2 sets. And all you need to do is get rid of one Backup. You can even get rid of Ranperre. But, I don’t know how that would work out on the stack.




14-012 – Kojin

Don’t like the cards you just drew? Just play Kojin with those 2 cards and hopefully get something better. And if that doesn’t work, Dull and Break and hopefully you’ll get something better once again.




14-013C : Koboloid Yang

I’d call this a ticking time bomb. Everytime it ticks it gets more power. But this time bomb, you can have it go off whenever you choose to.

I’ll take it!




14-014C : Samurai

3CP/7K +2K if you’re playing Samurais.

And Brave.

And, you better fill up your Break Zone with Samurais to get the his on entry ability.

Samurai’s look like they have been getting great support.



14-015R – Zenos

Personally, I would have thought that this card was at least a Hero. But, it’s just a rare, throw this one in with the Shadowbringers Starter Deck, add Susano and you got yourself a good deck. Could it be that easy? Sometimes, but that’s just a quick tip. You’re welcome.

You can actually call this card Fat Chocobo in red. Or, Fired up Fat Chocobo.

Also gives Haste to all XIV forwards you control.


14-016C – Geomancer

Geomancer’s only job is to remove the ability of your opponents Forwards to block … well … you get what I’m trying to say.
Hey, do you see that Bhunivelze with 10K Power?

He’s the only one in between me and victory and all I got on the field is a measly Palom from Opus II with a 1000 Power. What shall I do?



14-017H – Mom Bomb

I had seen this card early on. And, loved it. Mostly because it’s Amano art.

But, this Monster becomes a 2 cost 8K Forward if you control 3 or more Fire Backups. your opponent will think twice about blocking this one due to the fact that it’ll deal 5K damage to all Forwards, including your own. I like when the cards mimic the games.



14-018C – Maliris (IX)

Discard one card Job Chaos and deal one forward 8000 damage. Is it worth it? I’m sure there are Summons that can do this more efficiently. But, for a common I’ll take it.





14-019R – Red XIII

2CP to play Red XIII, then when he enters the field you can play 1 Fire CP to play Susano? That can’t be right. And it’s just a Rare??? Sure the Forward you play will be removed from the game after the end of the turn, but if you’re wiping the board and getting a point of Damage does it really matter?

You can also Discard Red XIII to get Susano’s ability off.


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Ayame, the Samurai

Going back a little to Opus V. Ayame, don’t know much about this character so we’ll go straight to the card.

3CP – Fire
Job : Samurai
Category – XI
7000 Power


“If you have received 5 points of damage or more, Ayame gains +3000 power.”

There you have it.

Ayame has Brave so, that is a plus, and after 5 points of Damage she gains +3K. Ayame plays best when you have your back against the wall.

Now we already know that Samurai’s are a great Tribal deck. So, we’re looking straight at Tenzen, as if you didn’t expect that. You also have 3 Cyans to choose from. Don’t worry about Cyan (4-007H) as he fits better in a FFVI deck. From the other two, I would go with Cyan (11-003) as his ability revolves around Samurais. You might as well add Hien (8-138S) and Gosetsu who searches for Hien.

And if you would like to stick with the FFXI theme, you can also add Shadow Lord (4-148L) a decent legend that comes in with Brave. Volker (5-020R) whenever a category XI Forward enters the field, you choose a Forward opponent controls and it can not block this turn. And Naji (10-011R) simply because he costs 1CP, and is a 7K blocker for you.

Anything that you would do different? Let us know in the comments.

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Opus XIII – Starter Review

13-129S – Philia

Philia is a Monster. But, plays a Forward. There’s a good chance that when Philia enters the field, you’ll most likely have a board wipe. But with Philia’s ability that cancels the Damage dealt by abilities, Philia will be left all alone on the field. But, you will receive 1 point of Damage for your effort.

Now if you have a backup that can give Philia Haste, you will have a free shot at your opponent.



13-130S – Ran’jit

Unless you’re playing with at least 4 backups, I think Ran’jit is a bit too expensive.






13-131S – Emet-Selch

4CP to find and play a Forward. Not bad. Now let’s see. What backups did this deck have? Not any good ones. But, I’m sure there’s plenty of 4CP Backups that Emet-Selch can look for.

I think the other Emet-Selch (12-024H) is a better play.




13-132S – Titania

Now this is a card I like. 2CP/8K. Cheap to play with a great on entry ability. Only stipulation is that you have a Forward, a Backup, a Summon, and a Monster in your Break Zone before you can play Titania.





13-133S – The Crystal Exarch

The Crystal Exarch is a Forward that keeps on giving. And, the more the match goes on, the more she’ll give. If that makes any sense. And at 5 points of Damage you’ll most likely be breaking a Forward, every time The Crystal Exarch attacks. Which should be all the time. And the Full Art. Beautiful card.




13-134S – Y’shtola

If you’re playing Scions, you’ll get to grab a Forward from your Break Zone and play it straight to the field, depending on how many Scions you have, will determine the card.
I don’t see much play with this card, as there are plenty of options to choose from. I do like Y’shtola (12-119L) better. Perhaps that’s just my style of play. And, I am not good. I just love the cards.




13-135S – Urianger EX

2CP to possibly grab another XIV Character. Not bad, and you can always just use him as a blocker just to replay him.





13-136S – Thancred

I like this Thancred. Every time another Scion enters the field, Thancred gains +2K and Brave. Haste, too, if it’s on the same turn Thancred comes in. You’ll usually have a 10K body with Brave to throw around.

And Blasting Zone, will let you Break a Forward without even trying too hard.




13-137S – Innocence

9K with Brave, these Forwards get beefier with every set. And the two abilities Innocence has will send your opponent in a downward spiral. Especially of they’re discarding 2 cards each turn.





13-138S – The Oracle of Light

Do you have a Scions deck that needs more power? Well, have I got a card for you. The Oracle of Light here, will give all your Scions +2K. An Upgrade from the mere +1K most Backups give. Not only that The Oracle of Light is also a Forward, but does not count as a Scion.

When The Oracle of Light is broken, you can Remove her from the game and play a Scion from the Break Zone on to the field Dull.

I’ll take 3, Please.