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Lumina – Card Analysis

First off, let’s check what I wrote when Opus XIII : Crystal Radiance came out.

“13-085R – Lumina

3CP to search for a XIII forward. Nothing exciting, but you would think that they would have done something better for Lumina.”

Have no fear, we will go into a deeper analysis today.

3CP – Lightning
Mysterious Woman

“When Lumina enters the field, you may search for 1 Category XIII Forward and add it to your hand.”

Now, when I said nothing exciting, I meant just that. Lumina is considered a Trickster in the game, so, you would think that she would do something devious to your opponent. Don’t get me wrong, you can never have enough searchers in your deck.

At the time of this writing, there are 93 Forwards that Lumina can choose from. There are FFXIII Forwards in every Element except for Dark. There shouldn’t be too much of a problem finding a Forward to grab from your deck.

Most of the cards in the FFXIII Custom Starter Set are great candidates for Lumina to search for. Especially that Light Lightning. You cant go wrong with that card.

I’ve looked long and far, and can’t remember if there is a card that searches for a Lightning Character, Backup, or any Character for that matter. I might be wrong, and find it later. And, If I do, I shall update this post.

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“I have a name. It’s Lumina. And, I know a lot about you.”


If you haven’t played Lightning Returns and don’t want anything ruined, move along.

If you have, continue on.

Datalog Entry


This mysterious young girl appears to be able to control the power of Chaos, and likes to get in Lightning’s way at every turn.

It seems that she has met Snow before, and the two have more than just a passing acquaintance. but Lightning has spent the last five centuries in crystal, and she has no way of knowing what could have happened between the two.

Still, she cannot deny that the girl bears a striking similarity to Serah. But Serah is dead, and this Lumina seems to have her own goals.


So, just who is Lumina?

Lumina, is a vessel that was created when Lightning went into Crystal Stasis, in order to protect Serah’s heart to protect her from Chaos.. And, while Lightning was in Crystal Stasis, Lumina kept in contact with everyone that was a part of Lightning’s story.

From being there when Fang and Vanille woke up from their Crystal Stasis, to keeping Vanille company when she was lonely as the High Priestess. Showing Noel the oracle drive where he defeats Lightning, Giving Sazh a coffer of souls to collect Dajh’s Soul Fragments in order for him to wake up. Lumina also came in contact with Caius and Snow, but not Hope. Nothing to do with Hope, because Hope is dead. He’s just a puppet now. Bhunivelze’s puppet.

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Malfunction V1.069 : Resolved

I finally figured it out. As you can see the Card of the Week has changed. And what took me a month or so to figure out, was a process that took a total of 1 minute to fix. I didn’t even think it would work, but I tried it anyway. After a month or so of researching, resetting, deleting uploading and all the other good stuff, it was a simple plugin that I needed to install. End of story.

Now we can get back to focusing on what really matters.

Cracking Packs.

I should, make another video for YouTube. Maybe tonight. Speaking of which, I’ve been thinking of starting Box Breaks. If anyone is interested drop me a line. Or, just hit the Contact Us page up on the top and you’ll be able to get a hold of me.

I also finally found time to build that Type-0 deck I’ve been trying to build since Opus XIII came out. It’s going to need some refining, but I think it’ll be fun to play. Nine, and Cinque. Both from Opus XIII was the reason I built this deck. Just to see if these two can take anything down. I’ll probably need to add more than 1 Fire backup as well. But, it’s very Forward heavy rounded out by Behemoth K, and Kunshira.

Now, it’s time to try this deck out and see what changes need to be made.

Until next time.

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Celestial Moonlight??

Celestia, the card you didn’t know you needed, if you’re playing Sophie (13-119L). Why? Well we’re glad you asked, but first …

On to the card

4CP : Water/Ice
Job : Warrior
Category : Type-0
9000 Power

“The Water Characters you control cannot be broken by opposing Summons or abilities that don’t deal damage.

When an Ice Character you control is chosen by your opponent’s Summons or abilities, choose up to 1 Character. Dull it and Freeze it.”

That first ability is all you need, as Sophie is Earth/Water she counts as Water. (Correct me if I am wrong.) With her not being able to be broken by abilities or Summons that don’t deal damage, she will most likely not be able to be broken if you have enough Earth and Water Forwards on the field. It is simple as that.

Now, how will you pay for Celestia without having to make a tremendous change to your deck? Very Simple. Tyro (11-072R). With Tyro, you can dull him for 1CP of any color. I’ll keep saying it, too. Great card, if you play Earth you can splash any other color you’d like as you’ll have a way to pay for it.

That was my take. And, then I took a look at Ashe’s Prison was the deck.

And, saw something I did not think of. I never said I knew everything. But, apparently you can pair Celestia with Minwu. Your Water Forwards will be unbeatable. And that deck looks like it would be fun to play.

Let us know what you think in the comments.

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Sophie’s Choice

Another great card here, as we move on with our Card of the Week. Sophie a Monk that packs a Punch. But, why is she carrying a weapon?

On the the card.

2CP – Earth/Water
Job : Monk
Category : Mobius
4000 Power

“For each Earth Forward other than Sophie you control, Sophie gains +2000 power.

For each Water Forward other than Sophie you control, Sophie gains +2000 power.

At the end of each of your turns, if Sophie has 10000 power or more, draw 1 card and Sophie deals your opponent 1 point of damage.”

At 2CP, this card is a no brainer. And with those abilities, she’s deadly. starting at 4K, but each Earth or Water forward gives her +2K. You can just throw her in a deck with Vikings and call it a day. Now if you control 3 other Forwards that are either Earth or Water, she’ll have 10K. And, at 10K she deals your opponent 1 point of Damage at the end of the turn. Your turn, and your opponents. The game will pretty much take care of itself if you just pass and defend Sophie.

We already said Leila (6-126R) and Vikings, namely Viking (4-133C). You play Leila for 4CP grab a Viking out of your Break Zone and play it onto the field. That takes care of 2 Forwards. Sarah (MOBIUS) (13-118C) would also be a good choice as you can use her first ability when she enters and have Sophie get rid of a pesky Forward your opponent controls.

The quicker you can get Sophie on the field, the quicker you’ll be heading towards victory.