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Crystal Dominion – Wind P.o.V.

15-043R – Alexander

Reprint Wind Summon. Not bad, but would have been better is it was also an EX Burst





15-044L – Vaan

Can you pay both a Wind Crystal Point and a Ice Crystal Point? I believe so. And, that makes Vaan a card to play if you are running Sky Pirates. I might even make a Sky Pirate deck just to play this card.

All Sky Pirates cannot be blocked by any Forward of cost 3 or more. That means with a decent Buff, your Sky Pirates will be unblockable. Well, your opponent will be able to block against them, but they will most likely just have their Forwards broken.

Wind Crystal point to activate all Sky Pirates, and an Ice Crystal Point to reduce a Forwards Power by 2K for each Sky Pirate you control. (Read : break a Forward.)

15-045H – Edge

2CP to protect a Wind Forward from Summons or abilities that target them.

It’s a no brainer.

A Wind Illua. Somewhat, but what Edge lacks in Illua’s Haste and Sheol. He makes up for it in that he is able to change the direction of a Summon or ability onto himself in so that he can save Rydia once again.

It doesn’t matter that all Rydias are Earth. You get what I’m saying.

I sure hope so, cause I lose my thought process easily sometimes.

15-046C – Dancer

Just the ability itself, which allows Dancer to deal 2K damage to all your opponents Forwards. It can be activated by simply attacking with Dancer.

If that won’t work out this turn because there is a more powerful Forward on the field, Just use the other ability to give all your Forwards +1K.

Then the first ability will off at the end of the turn.


15-047R – Kytes

A way to save a Sky Pirate.

Is your Sky Pirate being targeted by a Summon or ability, or is he on the receiving end of an attack that is much too powerful for him?

Kytes here can help. By removing Kytes from the game, you can remove your Sky Pirate from the game and then return him to the field at the end of the turn.

Your best bet is to pick a Sky Pirate with a good entry ability.

15-048L – Kain EX

Attack and choose. Draw a card or Activate all the Characters other than Kain?

All the Characters? Characters?

Every time Kain attacks you can Activate your whole board?

Screw the extra card. Get me some blockers, and Edge, Opus I Maria, and anyone else that can help protect Kain.

Oh. And, some characters that will give me Crystals. Don’t want to lose Kain at the end of my turn.

15-049C – Garchimacera

For a moment there I thought that Garchimacera was a Backup. And then, I thought he was a Monster.

And then I thought it was Firebrand, from Gargoyle’s Quest.

But, my friends. This is Garchimacera, and it is a Summon. Reduce the cost by paying a Crystal and Garchimacera will cost

1CP. After that, choose to either Break a Forward of 5CP and up, or return a 1-2CP Forward to their owner’s hand and draw a card.

15-050C – Gigantuar

Enter the field deal a 5CP and up Forward 8K Damage.

After that wait for the perfect moment to turn Gigantuar into a 6K Forward, and have him attack or block and attack, because he will be broken at the end of the turn anyway.




15-051C – Shikaree G

Here to give the Sin Hunters some more Fire Power.

Shikaree G, along with the help of Shikaree Y will make Shikaree G unblockable, and be able to swing for some free Damage.




15-052C – Chocobo

Why just 1 Forward in the party?

There are better Chocobos that give the party far more firepower than this bird.




15-053H – Diablolos

1CP? That is all Diabolos costs? 1CP?

All Forwards Power is now 3000. That is if you already cast 4 cards this turn. Pair this with Ifrita and 6 Ifrits in the Break Zone and you have yourself a board wipe.

Too much work.



15-054R – Nono

Activate all Moogles?

Are Moogles going to became a new Archtype?

Nono and Good King Moggle Mog XII to be the main players.

Let’s see someone have a crack at it.


15-055H – Bartz EX

Bartz enters the field and gains a Crystal. With that Crystal in your possession Bartz gains +2K.

But, if you manage to acquire more Crystals you will be able to save a Job Warrior of Light from the Break Zone.



15-056R – Filo

Now this is what I call a backup.

Allowing Sky Pirates to produce either Wind or Water CP.

But, that’s not all folks.

Wind Soul. Which Sky Pirate shall we choose? Any one that has high power will do.

Filo also gives you a reason to run 3 copies of Filo (10-059R). 3 more Wind Souls coming right up.

15-057R – Maria

With the Rebel Yell, She want More, more, more.

Are we going to be able to build a decent FFII deck this time around? Maria here beats out Opus I Maria, but only if you’re playing with Rebels.

Maria, gives a buff to all the Rebels and also reduces the damage they take.

I see Rebels in my future.


15-058C – Dragoon

You’ll need Dragoon to keep Kain on your side.

Other than that he enters the field. Gives you a Crystal. And finally you put him in the Break Zone and he gives 1 Forward
First Strike.



15-059C – Llyud

Llyud is ready to fly. How do you even pronounce his name? Lloyd? Leeood? Leroy? Anywho, Llyud here is able to attack and give all your Warriors +3K. And if you have already taken 3 points of Damage he comes in with Haste. Then he’ll attack and
buff the Warriors.




15-060R – Leon

Leon has a look in his eyes that say, play your cards right and you’ll draw a card every time I attack. Llyud would be a great card to play with Leon.

And, like a good brother, Leon grabs his sister from the Break Zone if you have taken 3 points of Damage.



15-061H – Lehko Habhoka

How likely is it that you will have cast at least 3 cards this turn?

3 is easily done, but 5, might be tricky. But if you can manage to do that you’ll be able to search for an 8CP Character and play them onto the field.

And, until you end up casting 5 cards, you can always dull Lehko Habhoka for 1CP.



15-062C – Rem

2 cost Backup.

Activates 1 Character when she enters the field, and when she is put into the Break Zone.

You can easily put Rem into the Break Zone to gain a Crystal and activate a Character.

Rem will be in my new Cadets deck.


15-063C – Romaa Mihgo

Every time you draw a card, or just the one time?

Makes a big difference.

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Opus XIV – Lightning Review

14-077C – Ovjang

Easy way to grab a Forward of cost 3 or less that was recently broken. Any Forward will do.

But, you’ll probably want to play Aphmau.




14-078H – Trap Door

Trap door, if you walk through it you’ll break a Forward.

Your opponent will think twice before breaking Trap Door.




14-079 – Aphmau

If you grabbed Aphmau from the Break Zone, you can play a card named Aphmau from your hand for 1 Lightning Crystal Point. Doesn’t have to be this one, but there aren’t any other cards named Aphmau.




14-080R – Exdeath

8CP is a bit high. But, you get to do 2 things at once. Break a Forward and grab a Forward from your Break Zone that is 4CP or less.

But, you’re probably going to be playing this card for the ability, Black Hole. For 1 Lightning CP and an Exdeath you can remove 1 Forward from the game.



14-081C – Puppetmaster

Hmm, this Puppetmaster needs his puppet to dull a Forward.





14-082C – Gnath

Don’t like the cards you just drew? Just play Gnath with those 2 cards and hopefully get something better. And if that doesn’t work, Dull and Break and hopefully you’ll get something better once again.




14-083C – Fachan

I’d call this a ticking time bomb. Every time it ticks it gets more power. But this time bomb, you can have it go off whenever you choose to.





14-084C – Schuzelt

For Mono-Lightning this card can be great. Deal a Forward 1000 Damage and then use Grim Reaper to Break it. You can use Grim Reaper more than once.





14-085C – Sylph (XIV)

A primal activates Sylph, and sylph can dull and reduce the Damage one of your Forwards takes by 2000.

I’m wondering, what a Primal deck would look like. Every time a Primal enters the field you can activate all of your Backups.

Hmm.. Let me look into it.


14-086R – Heidegger

Break a Forward when Heidegger enters the field, but you’ll need to discard 2 cards. 6CP, not bad for it. Cheaper then 8 that Exdeath had.

Next turn, you can pay 1 Lightning CP, and dull Heidegger and put him in the Break Zone to add 1 Forward to your hand. If you find one in the top 5 cards.

Even Heidegger is wondering if this is a good deal.


14-087L – Ravana, Savior of the Gnath

Ravana can attack 4 times???

Move over Gilgamesh, Ravana has taken your spot. It doesn’t really matter that Ravana can’t gain Brave when he activates every time a Character is put into the Break Zone. Yours or your opponents.

And the Damage that he is dealt is reduced by 5K.

Gilgamesh and Ravana. Ice/Lightning. The game can be over in 1 turn.

14-088C – Mneejing

This card was probably meant to help Aphmau, but it probably won’t be used for Aphmau.

You can choose any Forward 3CP and under to use it on.




14-089C – Ewen

For 1CP you can Break a damaged Forward.

Nuff said.




14-090R – Ramuh, Lord of Levin

Unless you’re playing Ramuh early on, he is coming in with Haste.

And, you’ll be breaking Forwards left and right. You can have Ramuh on the field and cast Raiden (Revenant Wings)
(10-100C), and Break all the active Forwards your opponent controls.

Remember you heard it here first.


14-091R – Ramuh

Same thing as above. If you already control Ramuh, Lord of Levin, you’ll be Breaking 2 Forwards each time you cast this card.





14-092C – Dragoon

Are you playing Dragoons? You might want to pass this card, unless you can find a way to play him for cheaper. But then you still have a body on the field.





14-093H – Luso EX

I can see some playing this card. For 2CP you get to search for a FFTA2 Character, and if that doesn’t work, at least you have a blocker. That will last through one round.

Engage on the other hand, is the same as his n entry ability, except for the fact that the FFTA2 Character is played straight to the field than to your hand.



14-094R – Ravus

Plenty of Captains to choose from but, one that stands out is Captain (12-094C). I can see some shenanigans that will come out of these 2 cards.

With that being said, 1CP for a 9K body, is what you would want to play every chance you get.

A Forward losing 5K when he enters either the field or the Break Zone isn’t bad either.


14-095H – Roche

Roche. The perfect play Turn 1.

If he is in your hand on your First turn, You will basically, just lay the card down and deal your opponent 1 point of Damage. If not, then there is nothing special about him. Except the first time you fight him in FFVII Remake.

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Opus XIII – Lightning Review

13-069C – Red Mage

Maybe I’m wrong about these cards. Might just be a good way to draw a card.






13-070C – Delusory Warlock

Here’s another card that will drop Lightning Exdeath’s CP by 1. And you also get to search for a Manikin. Double win.





13-071R/2-101H – Exdeath

And this whole time I thought this was a new card. I just realized it’s a reprint. No wonder it’s only a rare. They gave this card the treatment Chaos, Walker of the Wheel (3-071H) got. It’s still a good card, and now everyone has a better chance of grabbing this card in a pack to play Manikins.

Exdeath gives all Manikins +1K, and every Manikin gives ExDeath +1K. So, the more Manikins you have, the stronger ExDeath becomes.

The Main Attraction of your Manikin Deck.


13-072R – Odin EX

Coming off of an EX Burst this card is great, and even better after you’ve taken 5 points of Damage as the cost is only 2CP.

I think the 7CP Odin is slight better as you can Break any Forward. Even if the cost is a little higher. Or, you can just play both.




13-073H – Kain

Kain is a great card if you can play him straight from the Break Zone. Cause once he gets broken, he’ll be under your opponents control.

Thancred (12-124L) and Y’shtola (13-134S) can play him straight out of the Break Zone.




13-074C – Clavat

Not bad, breaking a Monster that is also a forward, or returning it to it’s owner’s hand. You can even use it on yourself

Want to return that Chocobo (6-050C) to your hand, to play it and play another Chocobo onto the field? Well, you can.




13-075R – Sakura

4CP to Break a 4CP Forward. Sounds like an even trade.






13-076R – Jake

Don’t see this one getting play when you can play Jake (8-097H).






13-077C – Zemus

At 3 points of Damage this card pays for itself. As you get to grab a Forward and a Backup. Might see some play late game, if you need to grab a couple of cards back.





13-078C – Propagator

Cheap Monster that might break a Forward, but that is highly unlikely. Becomes a Forward with 7k at Damage 3, which might be a reason to play.





13-079L – Behemoth K

Now this Behemoth is a Beast with a capitol B. Attack, Deals Damage, Gains 3K. Only way to get rid of him is with a Summon. Or Shantotto (1-107L). But, you can always just play him again.

Scary Good. I’ll take 3 please.




13-080C – Marach

Just entering the field and Pinging all your opponents Forwards except one that they choose for 4000 Damage is a good reason to play this card. Add in Rapha (13-082C) for an extra 1K every time Marach deals Damage.





13-081H – Lightning

Beautiful artwork. If nothing else that by itself is a reason to play this card. That and the fact that you can either remove a couple of Forwards your opponent controls, or a couple from your Break Zone, until Lightning leaves the field.

Either way you’ll benefit as your opponent won’t be able to play their cards, and you’ll have a couple of extra Forwards in your hand when Lightning leaves the field.



13-082C – Rapha

Combined with Marach (13-080C), these two will make a killer combo. Enter Marach, Deal 5000 Damage to all Forwards except 1. And then Dull Rapha and deal 4000 Damage for a total of 9000 Damage.

Most of the time your opponent will only have one Forward left on the field.




13-083H – Lid

Lid is a mix between Viking (4-133C) and Fat Chocobo (9-051R) in that she can add a Multi-Element card on entry when she leaves the field. Now, it won’t always work as you can only choose the top four cards of your deck.

Other than that she’s a 7K forward.




13-084C – Dragoon

If you’re playing Dragoons, this is a 2CP/8K Forward with Haste. If not, don’t bother.






13-085R – Lumina

3CP to search for a XIII forward. Nothing exciting, but you would think that they would have done something better for Lumina.