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Opus XIV – Multi-Element Review

14-119C – Ardyn

How is this just a common? At 2CP? Is it because it’s Fire/Earth?

Anyway. Ardyn here is a 7K body which comes in with 2 great abilities. You get to choose 1. Either is good. He’ll fit in good with the VII Forwards in this set.




14-120H – Tifa

If you remember from the video when they first revealed this card, we spoke about how Cloud is going to be a great card without knowing what the text was on Cloud’s card. Now that we know. Tifa and Cloud go hand in hand together. So, all you Cloud/Aerith shippers know that you are wrong. It’s Cloud/Tifa.

But, yeah. 3 of these and 3 Clouds, add a Barret and you got yourself a deck. Just throw in the rest of Avalanche and you’re good.


14-121L – Barret

It is highly unlikely that Barret will succumb to Damage, since any Damage dealt to him below 9K becomes 0. And if he is buffed up +X power, I can’t find any Forward that would be able to defeat him, save for a couple.

Now, all the AVALANCHE Operative Forwards gain Haste, and you can discard 1 card and grab an AVALANCHE Operative card from your Break Zone.

You can probably grab Tifa, which in turn will let you grab Cloud.


14-122L – Al-Cid

Al-Cid is up to his usual self here. And, buy that I mean, it’s a great card once again.

You’ll actually play 2 cards when you play Al-Cid on the field, so it’s pretty much a Buy 1 Get 1 Free. #BOGO

Other than that, depending on who enters the field you can Freeze or Dull your opponents Forwards.


14-123C – Sephiroth

Simple Sephiroth.

Simple Power.

Great ability. Second one is better than the first. Should play well with Physalis.



14-124H – Zeromus

Huh? It’s like all these new cards are great and powerful, and then you think, what do I do against this card. How am I going to block if all my cards are dull? How do I get rid of Zeromus? I’d like to see how this plays out.

Ice/Lightning FTW!



14-125L – Vaan

Activate. Activate. And play a Sky Pirate.

And then, activate some more.




14-126C – Aerith

Pick 1

A) Bounce a Forward

B) Protect a Forward

Either way, I still think Opus 1 Aerith is better. But, with all the Wind Activating going on, there might be some room for a different Aerith.


14-127H – Zidane

At 2CP this card should be a Legend.

It’s like this Zidane is Opus I and Opus III combined. And it’s only a Hero. Only a Hero

Think of the Shenanigans you can pull off with this.

Can’t be blocked. Return a Forward to their owner’s hand. Reveal your opponents hand, choose 1 card remove it, and then play it yourself.

I’ll take 3. Foils. Please let us get a Full Art.

14-128H – Prishe

From far away it looks like she’s sticking her tongue out at you.

For an extra 3CP you can play an Wind or an Earth card onto the field.

At 3 points of Damage, Prishe gains Brave and +1K. I like the other Prishe better. Which one? Not this one.



14-129H – Gessho

Another card that reveals your opponents hand, only this time you just remove 1 card from the game.





14-130H – Cloud of Darkness

Do it right, and you’ll have an 8K body played for free.Other than that just Dull and Freeze a Character when she enters the field.

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Opus XIV : Earth Review

14-058C – Dark Knight

Play this card and deal yourself 1 point of Damage. If you already have 4 points of Damage, you might as well play this card as 5 points of Damage will give this card Brave.

You’ll have a 9K body with Brave, for a measly 3CP.

Just don’t play this card when you have 6 points of Damage.



14-059R – Wol

Opus V Wol is better all around. The only reason you’ll play this card is to play anther MOBIUS Forward from your hand at no cost.

At 3 points of Damage he becomes something like a Diet Opus V Wol. It’s similar, but just not the same.



14-060R – Carbuncle EX

Mono-Earth? Sure, +2K Buff to all the Forwards, and a free card. You’ll becoming out +1 on this transaction.





14-061H – Calbrena

Add this one to the Same deck as Carbuncle. Give me Mono Earth and a 9K Calbrena to knock off your socks. And if Calbrena gets broken for whatever reason. You can put her back together by discarding an Earth Backup.

Yes, Please and Thank you!



14-062L – Titan, Lord of Crags

It looks like Earth has a Diet Shantotto as well, but this one deals your opponent 1 point of Damage as well. I take that back. This card is just as good as Shantotto, just a little different. And this one is also a Forward. Titan can’t break himself, so he’ll be free to attack if he wipes the board.




14-063C – Chichu

Not as good as the other Monsters in this set, with Monster Counters. But, being able to give a Forward +2K power for each Monster Counter on Chichu, might be good.

Did I mention I know a guy named Chichu?




14-064R – Kitone EX

Hmm, War of the Visions has a great Backup. Just the on entry ability is great, you’ll be able to stop a powerful forward in it’s tracks. For one turn at least.

And, “Dream Within a Dream”, 4K Damage to one Forward, and you can recast it, with a single Earth Crystal Point, without paying the S cost.




14-065L – Cloud

Is this the chase card for the set? FFVII, Cloud, Legend, Full Art, they all come together in this one card.

I mean, just look at this card. If your opponent controls any Forwards, Cloud gains 2K. If your opponent didn’t have any Forwards, you wouldn’t need to play Cloud. You could have gotten the job done with Choobo (2-060C)

When Cloud attacks, choose one Forward and that Forward has to Block this turn. So, you can start picking off pesky Forwards that you want to get rid of.

Finally, discard a FFVII card and Cloud gains +1K and he can’t be chosen by Summons or abilities.

At the end of the day, Cloud is an 11K Forward that deals Mass Destruction with his Cross-Slash. Even though there is no ability names Cross-Slash on the card.

14-066C – Kobold

Activate Kobold, each time a Primal enters the field. You can also dull Kobold and give a Forward +1K power. And then activate him and repeat when another Primal enters the field.

I’m guessing not so much.



14-067H – Shantotto

Made for Earth/Wind decks.

Well thank you Captain Obvious.

Now, is the 5CP worth it to potentially draw another 2 cards?



14-068C – Dark Elf

Only way to Break this card is with a precise 8000 damage.

Now if you find a way to buff him up to a 9K body, he is unbeatable.

“Kobold, I was wrong about you, come back.”



14-069R – Noctis

The Prince is back, as a backup.

4CP to grab a XV Forward from the Break Zone and play it onto the field. Sounds like a good deal to me. You can actually grab another Noctis (12-121R) who in turn will let you grab another XV Forward, other than Noctis, from the Break Zone.

You’ll actually gain a Crystal point by doing this. I don’t know if it’s efficient but, it’s something you can do.


14-070C – Ba’Gamnan

Time to get rid of that pesky forward you can’t get rid of. Force it to block and attack him with your strongest Forward.
14-071C – Paladin

Don’t like the cards you just drew? Just play Paladin with those 2 cards and hopefully get something better. And if that doesn’t work, Dull and Break and hopefully you’ll get something better once again.


14-072R – Hojo

Hojo finally makes his appearance. And he comes with an experiment. A trade off where you can change a Forward you control with a Forward from your Break Zone. Only stipulation is that it’s cost needs to be inferior to the one you removed from the game.

Play a Forward with an upon entry ability, once it’s played out recycle the Forward.



14-073R – Muraga Fennes EX

At first I thought this card was a Summon. It would have been a decent card if it was. But, now that I’ve seen that it’s a Forward it makes it very playable. I would keep this card on hand, to bring back a forward that has just been broken.




14-074C – Monk

If you’re playing Monks you’re playing this card. And, if you’re playing Monks, you’re playing Sophie (13-119L).

You’ll have plenty of Earth Forwards on the field, so this card should read. When Monk enters the field, choose 1 Forward opponent controls. Break it.



14-075H – Mont Leonis

For 11CP – 1CP for each Forward you control you can play 1 Earth Forward of Cost 6 or less from your Break Zone.

Now this wouldn’t be one of the first cards you play, but later on in the game when you’ll have 5 Earth Backups, and a bunch of Forwards on the field, you might just play 2CP for Mont.

I thought Mont would have had some synergy with Macherie, but I was wrong.

Oh, well.

14-076C – Lich (IX)

Discard one card Job Chaos and deal one forward 8000 damage. Is it worth it? I’m sure there are Summons that can do this more efficiently. But, for a common I’ll take it.

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Sophie’s Choice

Another great card here, as we move on with our Card of the Week. Sophie a Monk that packs a Punch. But, why is she carrying a weapon?

On the the card.

2CP – Earth/Water
Job : Monk
Category : Mobius
4000 Power

“For each Earth Forward other than Sophie you control, Sophie gains +2000 power.

For each Water Forward other than Sophie you control, Sophie gains +2000 power.

At the end of each of your turns, if Sophie has 10000 power or more, draw 1 card and Sophie deals your opponent 1 point of damage.”

At 2CP, this card is a no brainer. And with those abilities, she’s deadly. starting at 4K, but each Earth or Water forward gives her +2K. You can just throw her in a deck with Vikings and call it a day. Now if you control 3 other Forwards that are either Earth or Water, she’ll have 10K. And, at 10K she deals your opponent 1 point of Damage at the end of the turn. Your turn, and your opponents. The game will pretty much take care of itself if you just pass and defend Sophie.

We already said Leila (6-126R) and Vikings, namely Viking (4-133C). You play Leila for 4CP grab a Viking out of your Break Zone and play it onto the field. That takes care of 2 Forwards. Sarah (MOBIUS) (13-118C) would also be a good choice as you can use her first ability when she enters and have Sophie get rid of a pesky Forward your opponent controls.

The quicker you can get Sophie on the field, the quicker you’ll be heading towards victory.

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The Leo King

Here come the King. King Leo, or just Leo as the text says on the card. Hailing from Crystal Chronicles. Kind of gives you an idea on what to play.

On to the Stats.

Job : King
Category : FFCC
3000 Power

At 1CP, you should be able to play Leo whenever you need to.

“When Leo enters the field, place 1 Kingdom Counter on Leo for each Category FFCC Character you control.

(1)(D), remove X Kingdom Counters from Leo, Choose 1 Forward other than Card Name Leo, Light or Dark in your Break Zone. If its cost is X, play it onto the field. You can only use this ability during your turn and only once per turn.”

The plan would be to play Leo, give him Haste, and have him play the card from the Break Zone onto the field. But, you’ll need to make sure you have enough Category FFCC Characters on the field.

Then attack with Leo for an easy break, and replay him to get another big body on the field. As long as it’s not Leo, or a Light or Dark card, you can play anything you want. Bhunivelze (13-062H) comes to mind right away. Feolthanos (10-098L), Behemoth K (13-079L) are both good choices as well. And if you can get some of these cards on back to back turns, you are very likely to be in a good position.

Now, what are some good FFCC cards to pair with Leo?

Let’s find some searchers. Epitav (6-067R) and Kolka (7-069C) will both let you search for Leo. While Luminous Puma (8-080C) will allow you to grab Leo from the Break Zone. You might as well grab Larkeicus (9-076H) to be able to grab Luminous Puma from the Break Zone or to search for him.

And, since Luminous Puma is a 5 cost, might as well add Mira (4-137L) to the mix. And when Luminous Puma is put from the field into the Break Zone, you can search for a Luminous Puma and add it to your hand. You can add all sorts of Monsters. Especially ones that turn into Forwards.

Now, I think it would be a great idea to play Tyro ((11-072R), as he can also search for Leo, but he will also allow you to dull for any color CP. Allowing you to play any element that you’d like. As all the FFCC Forwards are different elements, this will allow you to bring all the Crystal Chronicles characters into the game for Leo to use his ability. Go ahead and play that Yuri/Chelinka Combo from Opus VII.

You might also want to add Sara (13-093H) to the mix as she will allow you to search for royalty.

Do you think Leo will survive the Opus, and be a card worth playing? Let us know in the comments.

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Opus XIII – Starter Review

13-129S – Philia

Philia is a Monster. But, plays a Forward. There’s a good chance that when Philia enters the field, you’ll most likely have a board wipe. But with Philia’s ability that cancels the Damage dealt by abilities, Philia will be left all alone on the field. But, you will receive 1 point of Damage for your effort.

Now if you have a backup that can give Philia Haste, you will have a free shot at your opponent.



13-130S – Ran’jit

Unless you’re playing with at least 4 backups, I think Ran’jit is a bit too expensive.






13-131S – Emet-Selch

4CP to find and play a Forward. Not bad. Now let’s see. What backups did this deck have? Not any good ones. But, I’m sure there’s plenty of 4CP Backups that Emet-Selch can look for.

I think the other Emet-Selch (12-024H) is a better play.




13-132S – Titania

Now this is a card I like. 2CP/8K. Cheap to play with a great on entry ability. Only stipulation is that you have a Forward, a Backup, a Summon, and a Monster in your Break Zone before you can play Titania.





13-133S – The Crystal Exarch

The Crystal Exarch is a Forward that keeps on giving. And, the more the match goes on, the more she’ll give. If that makes any sense. And at 5 points of Damage you’ll most likely be breaking a Forward, every time The Crystal Exarch attacks. Which should be all the time. And the Full Art. Beautiful card.




13-134S – Y’shtola

If you’re playing Scions, you’ll get to grab a Forward from your Break Zone and play it straight to the field, depending on how many Scions you have, will determine the card.
I don’t see much play with this card, as there are plenty of options to choose from. I do like Y’shtola (12-119L) better. Perhaps that’s just my style of play. And, I am not good. I just love the cards.




13-135S – Urianger EX

2CP to possibly grab another XIV Character. Not bad, and you can always just use him as a blocker just to replay him.





13-136S – Thancred

I like this Thancred. Every time another Scion enters the field, Thancred gains +2K and Brave. Haste, too, if it’s on the same turn Thancred comes in. You’ll usually have a 10K body with Brave to throw around.

And Blasting Zone, will let you Break a Forward without even trying too hard.




13-137S – Innocence

9K with Brave, these Forwards get beefier with every set. And the two abilities Innocence has will send your opponent in a downward spiral. Especially of they’re discarding 2 cards each turn.





13-138S – The Oracle of Light

Do you have a Scions deck that needs more power? Well, have I got a card for you. The Oracle of Light here, will give all your Scions +2K. An Upgrade from the mere +1K most Backups give. Not only that The Oracle of Light is also a Forward, but does not count as a Scion.

When The Oracle of Light is broken, you can Remove her from the game and play a Scion from the Break Zone on to the field Dull.

I’ll take 3, Please.