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Krile’s Splinter

Krile, your Backup Warrior of Light. Taking Galuf’s spot on the team and she does a good job at it. We’re actually going to use 2 Kriles in this deck. Krile (7-068H) and Krile (18-055R). Both of these Kriles work around Summons, and the Resurgence of Power Krile also allows you to grab a FFV Forward from your Break Zone. Thus bringing us to the next Character, Galuf.

You know we had to bring in her Grandfather. And, we are going with Galuf (12-056H), any Forward that has the ability to attack twice in one turn, especially with +10K power, is a go. And when he is sent into the Break Zone, you can search for a 2 cost Earth Forward and play it onto the field.

Next we’ll add Kolka (7-069C) and Tyro (11-072R). Both are Backups and both allow us to search for Krile, or Galuf if Krile is already on the field. And since Tyro allows us to produce CP of a different Element, we will add in the rest of the Warriors of Light.

Bartz (7-059L), cause this is a great card that can attack up to 3 times. You’ll just need some extra Bartzes on hand in order to do so. 3 to be exact. So we’ll just go ahead and add Bartz (19-048C) Because he is easy to recycle back into your deck. And any other Bartz you like, we’ll go with Bartz (12-052H).

Lenna (12-109L), just help us grab a Forward from the Break Zone and play it onto the field. And, Faris to help us grab a FFV Character from the top of your deck when she enters the field. If Lenna is on the field, Faris gains +2000 power.

Ghido (3-131H)? What? Who plays Ghido? Well, Ghido can contact Krile telepathically and that is why he is in here. Ghido is a little bit of a Backup plan that can return high cost Forwards to their owner’s deck.

If we take a look back at Galuf’s ability of searching for an Earth Forward, we are grabbing Ewen (17-080R) and Aerith (16-067L).
We need some more Backups. Let’s get some protection here. Cait Sith (XIV) (6-072C) and Layle (8-088C), both of these cards will protect us from Summons.

Summons are next. We’re bringing in Syldra (3-035H) as it is the only FFV Summon that we have, and it does a pretty decent job so, we’ll keep it.

Fenrir (19-064R), because everyone likes free cards. And Titan (17-070R) to give everyone a 5K boost.

And we’ll grab Objet d’Art (12-064C) which can turn into a Forward, or give all your Forwards +2K and Brave.


3x – Ewen (17-080R)
3x – Aerith (16-067L)
3x – Bartz (7-059L)
3x – Galuf (12-056H)
3x – Lenna (12-109L)
3x – Krile (7-068H)
3x – Faris (7-120H)
3x – Bartz (12-052H)


1x – Cait Sith (XIV (6-072C)
2x – Layle (8-088C)
3x – Ghido (3-131H)
3x – Kolka (7-069C)
3x – Krile (18-055R)
3x – Tyro (11-072R)


3x – Titan (17-070R)
3x – Fenrir (19-064R)
3x – Syldra (3-135H)


2x – Objet d’Art (12-064C)

What would you do differently?

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Wave 1 – Auron – 1-002R

It’s been a while since we did this, but we’re back at it, with card number 2-002R. Before we start let me give you the links from the guides from the introduction post that will help you guide your way.

“Distinguishing Final Fantasy TCG Opus 1 Wave 1 from Future Waves”

“Differences in Opus I Wave 1 Printing vs Later Waves”

Auron (2-002R), is very easy to distinguish Wave 1 from Wave 2. Especially if you have them side by side. Let’s take a quick look at the cards. Can you tell which one is which?

All you need to do is look at the background picture. The transparency between the two is very noticeable. Wave 1 Auron looks more like the background color of the card, while Wave 2 has a bit of skin coloring. Which you can see better in this picture.

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Krile – Card Analysis

Plenty of Kriles to choose from. Well not that many, but we do have 4 different ones.

Krile (3-078H)

Mystic Knight

“Spellblade: Fira (S)(F): Deal 6000 damage to all the Forwards opponent controls.

Spellblade: Thundara (S)(L): Choose up to 2 damaged Forwards. Break them.”

With 6000 power and 2 abilities, this Krile wouldn’t be more than a Rare these days. Sure you can use both abilities in one turn, if you have the extra Kriles on hand to break a couple of your opponents Forwards.

If you have a hand full of Kriles, you can wipe out all of your opponents Forwards.

I mean, it could work.

Krile (7-068H)

Warrior of Light

“The cost required to cast your Summons can be paid with CP of any Element.

When you cast a Summon, choose 1 Forward. It gains +1000 power until the end of the turn.

Discard 1 Summon: Until the end of the turn, Krile cannot be chosen by your opponent’s abilities.”

This Krile is great for a Summon based Earth deck. Allowing you to pay for all of your Summons with CP of any element. And, when you do cast a Summon, Krile gives a Forward +1000 power.

Krile also gains protection from your opponents abilities, when you discard a Summon.

Krile (12-061L)

Warrior of Light

“When Krile enters the field, choose 1 Summon from either player’s Break Zone. You can cast it as though you owned it this turn. If you cast it, remove that Summon from the game after use instead of putting it in the Break Zone.

(1)(D): Choose 1 Summon from either player’s Break Zone. You can cast it as though you owned it this turn. If you cast it, remove that Summon from the game after use instead of putting it in the Break Zone.”

“Does your opponent have that Summon that you forgot to put in your deck, today? Well you can now cast it at will, if your opponent has placed said Summon n the Break Zone! Simply, Play Krile onto the field and grab that Summon to play it right away.

If Krile is already on the field, no worries, just pay the small cost of 1CP if Krile is active, and cast away that Summon like no tomorrow.”

That’s pretty much it. Summon Heavy, on both sides.

Krile EX (18-055R)

Warrior of Light

EX BURST When Krile enters the field, select 1 of the 2 following actions.

“Choose 1 Summon in your Break Zone. Add it to your hand.”

“Choose 1 Category V Forward in your Break Zone. Add it to your hand.”

I just wrote about this a couple of sets back, let’s see what it was.

“Just lost a card you need to the Break Zone?

Have no fear, Krile here will grab that card back. But, only if it’s a Summon or a Category V Forward.

If you’re playing Krile you’re probably already playing a FFV themed deck for the most part.

I had her in my Pre-Release event and did use her quite a bit.”

Well there you have it. I shall stand behind what I said when Resurgence of Power was first released.

Out of the 4 cards, there are 2 that I like. And, I must say the Legend isn’t one of them. I’m sure plenty of people will disagree with that.

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Site Update 08-08-2023

We’ve been busy.

And, that’s a good thing.

As you can see we started a new series, and it’s one I enjoy doing. Character of the week. We talk about Characters from all of the Final Fantasy games. Every Character can be included as long as they have a FFTCG card, just so we can build a deck around them. The only thing that can exclude a Character, is if I haven’t played the game in which they are in. But, I’m working on it, slowly.

Characters are selected with a Random Number Generator, which gives me a surprise every time it’s time to pick a new Character of the Week. So far, we’ve had Lumina, Gutsco and this week we have Krile. I can tell you, these aren’t the first 3 I would have picked. It would have gone something along the lines of Fang, Vivi, Setzer, Rikku, Kain, Kefka, Matoya, and so forth.
We’re also looking for some deck builders. So, if you want to showcase your skills on send me an email at

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Krile Mayer Baldesion

“Ow! Take this!”

From the Ultimania –

“Galuf’s granddaughter, born with the mysterious power to talk to moogles and wind drakes. Krile lost her parents at an early age, and was raised by her loving grandfather. She worries for the safety of her only remaining blood relative, and follows her grandfather all the way to another world. Krile inherits Galuf’s abilities after he perishes by Exdeath’s hand, and she takes his place on Bartz’s team.”

As you can see Krile, doesn’t actually show up as a playable character, until later in the game, when she takes Galuf’s spot in the lineup, gaining all of his abilities as well.

I’m guessing that since she can talk to animals, we can make a deck focusing around Monsters … but none of her abilities involve Monsters so Summons will have to do, add in the Warriors of Light, not all of them, maybe just some that will compliment her, as she will be the main focus of our deck.

Let’s see what we can come up with.