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If you can, but how will you know if you don’t try?

July 10th, 2022

We’ll be holding a Tournament along with Game Knight Chicago once again. Prizes for Top 8 once again. That means you’ll have a decent chance to walk away with something. Plus, you’ll get a couple of packs just for entering. Plenty of Vendors will be present once again. We’re sure someone there will have something that you’re looking for.

Let’s get down to it.

Pescodon Banquets
6254 S. Archer Rd
Summit, IL 60501

$25 Entry Fee, comes with 2 Booster Packs
Starts at 1PM – Registration from 11AM – 12:45PM

Standard Format
Swiss Rounds – 30 min, 1 match
Top Cut – 60 min, Best of 3

1st Place – Emissaries of Light Booster Box and Foil Promo
2nd Place – Emissaries of Light Prerelease Kit and Non-Foil Promo
3rd Place – FFX Custom Starter Set, and Non-Foil Promo
4th Place – 4 Booster Packs and Non-Foil Promo
5th-8th Place – Booster Pack and Non-Foil Promo

And, there you have it. You all better come down and have a go. I’ll probably be entering the Tournament this time, dusting off the Kardboard and I’m getting ready to take you all down. I got a couple of Ideas for a deck, we’ll see which one I bring.

See you all there!!!

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Volatile Spark

I can’t believe it’s Spoiler Season. I feel like I just finished doing my reviews for Emissaries of Light.

Well, I kinda did.

And, here I thought I would have a lot more free time now.

Anyways onto the card. From beneath the Shadows comes the Shadow Hunter. Or Noel, he’s gone Commando.

2CP – Wind
Job : Commando
Category : XIII
5000 Power

“When Noel attacks, you may remove Noel from the game. If you do so, at the beginning of your next Main Phase 1, play Noel onto the field

When Noel enters the field due to an ability of Card Name Noel, select 1 of the 3 following actions. “Choose 1 Character of cost 4 or more. Break it.” “Noel deals your opponent 1 point of damage” “Search for 1 Forward and add it to your hand”

Damage 3 – Noel gains Haste.”

As you can see, Noel is the Buy a Box Promo. A decent looking card, but what Noel does, is what we’re here for.

All you need to do is play Noel onto the field, and find a way to protect him. As he’ll be removing himself from the field and re-entering during your next Main Phase 1, and dealing your opponent 1 point of damage.

Now to get the full effect of this ability you would like to get yourself to 3 points of Damage as soon as possible. That way Noel will be able to attack from the get go. If not I’m sure there’s a Backup that will grant Noel Haste. Lightning (7-102R) will be a perfect choice. You’ll just Dull Lightning, every turn to give Noel Haste, and quickly attack and remove, for that 1 point of Damage during your next Main Phase.

Since we’re already going with Wind/Lightning, might as well add Kunshira to the list. And, that shall be the base of your Noel deck. Or, at least my deck.

What are you all planning to do with this card?

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Emissaries of Light – Light & Dark Thoughts

16-127L – Warrior of Light

Throw Warrior of Light into a Chocobo deck, and have Warrior of Light attack with almost unlimited power. 15000 power does not sound unreasonable here.

Once you have all your Chocobos on the field, You’ll attack with Warrior of Light, and during your opponents turn you will remove Warrior of Light from the game, granting protection to all your Forwards. None can be broken. …. Maybe I’m wrong. I’ll have to look into this, and I’ll update this if it’s wrong.

But, if I’m right, after your opponent is done swinging, you’ll have a full board of feathered Chocobos to take down your opponent.

16-128H – Bartz

This is one card that needs the Full Art treatment,

At 1CP/5K, Bartz doesn’t seem that strong, but his abilities are pretty decent.

You can Break a Forward for 4CP. That in itself is worth trying this card out.

And, once Bartz is in the Break Zone, you can pay 2CP and hopefully grab a card from your deck. We say hopefully, because you reveal the top 5 cards and see if you find a Job Warrior of Light.

16-129L – Chaos

Is this the answer to Soiree?

It, can be. If you know your opponent(S) will most likely be playing Soiree, the cost for Chaos is reduced immensely. You might even be able to play Chaos for free if they have all 6 elements on the board.

As soon as Chaos enters the field you can grab one of your opponents Forwards. They get to choose.

During your next turn, you can chuck that Forward and Break another Forward.

Maybe it’s not the whole answer, but you’ll be able to get rid of a couple of Forwards.

16-130H – Twintania

A Monster/Forward Beast, that can constantly target a Forward your opponent controls and deal it 7K damage.

Gigaflare Counters will be a hot commodity when your playing Twintania, as each Gigaflare counter equals 7000 damage. GigaFlare and attack.

I’ll take 3.


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Emissaries of Light – Water Thoughts

Here we go again, after I lost it all when my Computer Froze.

16-106R – Andrea Rhodea

Andrea Rhodea, Perfect for a FFVII deck. And that’s pretty much it. He might be a Dancer, but there doesn’t look like he has any Synergy with other Dancers. Maybe Mayakov, just cause he gives Rhodea Protection, and that you can play him once Mayakov enters the field.

But, FFVII is the way to go. Only question is which Cloud do we choose?



16-107R – Ezel

More like a Mathematician.

Ezel allows you to search for a Forward, as long as you can do some simple math.

Add up the CP of the cards you discard to find a Forward with the Same cost.

There should be an easier way to search for certain Forwards.


16-108C – Kimahri

Kimahri only job is to place a Ronso Counter on a Forward, and give that Forward some Protection against damage dealt by your opponents Summons or abilities.

Kimahri will come in and give a Forward a Ronso Counter. All you need to do is figure out a way to keep bouncing Kimahri.



16-109C – Kyrie EX

I always liked the cards that allow you to look at your opponents hand.

They won’t be discarding anything, but you’ll be able to look at the top 2 cards of your deck and see if you like what you’ll get.

If you don’t just send them to the bottom of your deck, and hope for something better.


16-110C – Clavat

Another backup Backup.

Clavat here lets you draw a couple of cards when he enters the field and gets sent to the Break Zone. And with you being able to play 3 Clavats you might be able to Draw 6 cards.

Imagine what kind of Damage you can do with up to 11 cards in your hand.



16-111R – Genbu EX

Along with the same abilities the other Shijin have. Genbu comes in with “Protect”

The damage dealt to Genbu is reduced by 3000. And it is a constant reduction.




16-112C – Corsair

Don’t like your cards, play Corsair.

You’ll draw 2 cards and discard 1 card from your hand.

After that you can always use his ability and draw 1 more card.



16-113C – Sahagin

Sahagin will come in use water gun on your opponent. Blinding one Forward you choose, just enough to send him back to your opponents hand.

After that it’s a Switcheroo as you grab a card and discard a card. All this for 3CP.

After that, need to look at the top cards of your deck?

Sahagin will jump into the Break Zone to allow you to do just that.

16-114C – White Mage

White Mage is here to have some fun with Sahagin.

Whenever you discard a card from his on-entry ability, you’ll draw 1 card.

And it doesn’t stop there. This can happen anytime you discard a card, but only once per turn.



16-115H – Sarah (MOBIUS)

Sarah is hungry for Crystals. And every time you find one, she just might be able to get you a Backup to add to your hand.

Now, you do gain a Crystal when she comes in, but it’s not just that Crystal, it’s any Crystal you can get.

And then just keep feeding her 1 Crystal per turn, and she’ll gain +1000 power and Protection from damage that is less than her power.

16-116L – Tidus

Tidus is the gift that keeps on giving.

As long as you play it safe, Tidus will always be around, and it will seem like there is no way around him. Only a slight reprieve when your opponent manages to get him off the field for a second.

Tidus cannot be blocked, so you know that you won’t be blocking with Tidus because you will be constantly attacking, chipping away at your opponent.

Oh, and every time you send Tidus to the bottom of your deck, you draw 3 cards.

Now it doesn’t specifically say only this Tidus. If your opponent has a Tidus and you send it to the bottom of their deck, do you also draw 3 cards?

16-117H – Tros

Do I see an Octopus deck coming into play?

Tros will easily let you draw cards when Ultros sends himself back to your hand.

Octopi/Tidus or Octopidust, yes that is what I shall call it. When I finally get around to making it that is.

You know it’s going to work.

16-118C – Fiona EX

For some reason I thought this was a Backup.

So, you’ll be basically paying 2CP for Fiona and you got an 8K body.

You can also draw a card off of an EX Burst.



16-119H – Fusoya

A Five color deck?

It can work. You already have Soiree going all out this set.

Just add Fusoya to the mix, and you’ll probably choose up to 4 abilities to cast.



16-120C – Firion

There are a lot of cards that help you draw cards. Water is Turbo Draw.

Just don’t mill yourself out.




16-121R – Vesvia EX

It seems like there’s a certain way to play Soiree.

Well you can play any way you’d like, but depending on how many Soiree Members are on the field, you can draw up to 2 cards. Thus, making Vesvia a free card.




16-122R – Marche

I’m on the fence about this Marche. Due to the cost, and if the Opus XI Marche is better.

But, you’ll probably be playing a different strategy if you play this one.

You’ll grab a 2 cost Character right off the bat, and after that every time Marche attacks, you draw 1 or 2 cards.



16-123L – Meia

Here is your discount card.

Meia comes in with Haste, and even though she cannot attack or block, she lets you cast a Summon from your hand for up to 3CP less. You’ll be playing 1CP for 4 cost Summons.

Who else can we pair Meia with?


16-124H – Lightning

Lightning comes in when you’re at a slight disadvantage. Depending on how many Forwards you and your opponent have, you’ll be able to remove one of their Forwards from the game.

With Switch Schemata, you’ll be able to save Lightning from being sent to the Break Zone, and have her just come back in at the end of the turn and Remove another one of your opponents Forwards from the game.


16-125C – Leviathan

It’s like your going fishing, and throwing the fish back into the sea.

Either that, or another fish you already caught.

Choose a 5 cost or less Forward and place it at the top or bottom of it’s owner’s deck. And maybe draw a card. But, you’ll be losing 2 cards.

Meh, I probably don’t see it.

16-126R – Leo

A what now?

More Math? Not exactly, but you’ll have to have Characters of cost 1-6 already on the field to play this 1CP/7K Forward.

And when Leo enters the field you can play a card from the top 5 cards of your deck. So, you’ll basically be coming up positive in the CP count with Leo.

After that return Leo to your hand, there are plenty of cards that will allow you to do that. Then rinse and repeat.

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It’s all Gone

Maybe it’s time for a new Computer.

I was working on the Water reviews for a couple of days now, and apparently I didn’t save anything. Does anyone know if there’s a way to recover lost progress? Didn’t think so.

It almost reminds me of the joke with Jesus and the Devil. I should start saving more.

Now, let’s see.

We have the Army of One Tournament this Sunday @ Pescadon. We’re expecting lots of people. You read about the Prizes, soon you shall see them. I’ll take some pictures and post them up on Social Media later on today.

You should come out. Game Knight Chicago holds Pop-up Markets. There should be plenty of Vendors there, including us. We’ll have your FFTCG, your Pokemon, some MetaZoo, and other TCGs as well. Boxes, Packs, Decks, Singles, Sleeves, Toploaders and most of your TCG needs.

You’re right, Astral Radiance did come out last Friday. You might be wondering why they aren’t up on the site. It’s quite simple. We were already Sold Out, by Pre-Orders and what we needed to have on hand on June, 5th.

And the FFTCG Anniversary Collection has been delayed to June, 10th. I would reserve a copy. Just in Case. It always seems like I’ll either get more than I need or not enough.

Time to restart the Water Review.