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Fantasy Card Show 09/07/2024

New show added, we’re just adding them left and right, and we’re about to get really busy. And, that’s a good thing.

Fantasy Card Show

As, this is just cards, that’s all that we’ll be bringing to this show. We might even bring out some MetaZoo. Yeah, we probably won’t.

Let’s get to it!


Fantasy Card Show


“Fantasy Card Show has returned!
Don’t miss out on shopping with 60+ TCG vendors & competing in tournaments at the event!
Sullys Abode will be hosting on demand tournaments for the following games:
Pokémon, One Piece, Magic The Gathering, Yugioh, Lorcana, Vanguard, DragonBall, and more!
Vendors also carry vintage collectible marvel cards, Garbage Pail Kids, and more.
Presales begin July 18th.
See you there!”


Countryside Banquet & Conference Center
6200 Joliet Road
Countryside, IL 60525


Saturday, September 7th, 2024
11:00 AM – 5:00 PM CDT


At the door.
$5 – For Kids
$10 – For Adults

But, you can purchase your tickets online for $3-$6

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Hidden Trials – Limit Break

Shop these Singles & More @ our TCG Player Store

23-118H – Ardyn LB

The Chief Minister has grand plans.

Ardyn has found a way to bring himself back from the dead.

Simply put, when Ardyn enters the Break Zone, you can bring an Ardyn from your Limit Break deck onto the field.
The real question is, can you fill up your Limit Break deck with cards that aren’t LB? I doubt it, I’ll have to check out the rules to make sure.

This card is a turn 1 play.

As long as you have a Playset of Ardyns in your Limit Break deck, you’ll be good to go.

23-119R – Vincent LB

Well, Vincent looks like he’s ready to take on the Tsivets.

This is the Limit Break that Vincent starts the game off with, and that suggests that we will be getting the other 3 later on down the line.

Let’s take a look and see what Galian Beast does.

Vincent comes in with First Strike, and when he enters the field, you can throw a Fire Backup into the Break Zone, and deal one of your opponent’s Forwards 9000 damage. You’ll have a good chance at breaking it.

If my calculations are correct, we’ll soon have a Vincent deck equipped with all of his Limit Breaks. Might take a couple of years before we can get it, but it might be fun.

23-120R – Kuja LB

Kuja is a 5 cost Forward with 8000 power and the ability to get out of some of your opponent’s abilities, and maybe some of their Summons.


It’s simple, you can just dull Kuja to Dull the Forward using that ability.

Dull/Freeze that Forward and your opponent will think twice before targeting Kuja.


23-121L – Cait Sith LB

Sometimes the first time you look at a card, you think it’s great.

then you look at it again and think, Huh? How is this a Legend.

It’s a decent card, don’t get me wrong, but Freezing all of your opponent’s Backups, and having them discard a card is not what I’d call Legend material.

On a side note, Cait Sith needs you to control 5 Backups in order for his ability to go off.

I’ll take a hard pass on this one.

23-122R – Cid Highwind LB

Roll of the dice. Or is it a flip of the cards?

Cid Highwind comes in on the Highwind, and gives you an airdrop right before he enters the field.

Flip three cards and if you find a Backup add it to your hand. If not well just put all the cards at the bottom of your deck. You might want to use Cid, when you only have 3 cards left. And, you better win before you run out of cards.

Is it worth playing?

Probably. You can just add it to your Limit Break deck, just so you have enough cards in it.

23-123 – Deathgaze LB

That’s a lot to pay to Break a Forward. And, that Forward also needs to be a certain cost in order for this to be effective.

There are 270 Forwards that cost 5CP. Yes, that’s a pretty big amount, but how many of those Forwards actually see play?
And there are only 2 Forwards that cost 10CP.

Unless Bhunivelze, and Garuda start seeing some play, i’d say it’s best to leave this card at home.

Odin (1-124R) costs 7CP and let’s you break any Forward you want.

23-124L – Eiko LB

Have you ever thought that you wish you had a certain Summon at a certain point of the game?

I’m sure you have, we’ve all had.

Well, Eiko here, is here to help you search for that Summon, and once you find it you can remove it from the game.

Not much help there, but once that Summon is removed from the game, you can cast it without paying the cost.

That’s a little bit better.

23-125R – Noctis LB

Even though Noctis costs 6CP, this is probably one of the better Limit Breaks.

Noctis allows you to grab a Forward from your Break Zone. Yes, there are plenty of cards that allow you to do this. The difference is that, you don’t need to rely on luck to draw the card that will grab a Forward from the Break Zone. Noctis is ready to go whenever you’d like, as long as you have the CP to pay for him.

Other than that, he’ll be a 7K body, lingering on the field.


23-126L – Edge

Are you Serious? Yes, serious with a capital S.

This card is amazing.

Mono-Lightning and Ninja themed decks are going to dominate in 2024 and beyond.

Might be why I’ve been selling plenty of Ninjas lately.

Edge gives you an advantage for one turn. Every Lightning Forward and Ninja deals 7000 damage to one of your opponent’s Forwards. That might be good enough to wipe the board. It might be good enough to get you the game.

Either way, you’re going to do some damage. Just need to find a way to give Edge Haste.

23-127R – Nyx LB

If you’re playing Mono-Lightning, or Kingsglaive, just throw Nyx into your Limit Break deck.

You’re bound to have a Lightning Character or a Kingsglaive Character hit the Break Zone, and when you do, you might as well play Nyx, for the whopping cost of 1CP. 0CP if you have Regis already on the field.

And, that’s all Nyx does. a glorified Meat Shield, ready to take on your opponent’s Forwards with his 9K body.

10k if you already have Lulu (1-150R) on the field.

You can’t go wrong here.

23-128R – Beatrix LB

Here’s another Knight for the Queen’s Guard.

God save the Queen, and the Forward that will be sent to the Break Zone whenever Beatrix attacks.

As long as you have 3 Knights on the field, Beatrix will be good to go, breaking a Forward once per turn.

It’s as simple as that.

Play Knights, Play Beatrix.

23-129H – Lunafreya LB

Look at the top 5 cards of your deck, and find the one with an EX Burst. Once you add it to your hand the EX Burst will go off.
This can be a great play where you grab a card with a great EX Burst that you can play right away, giving you double the EX, double the Burst. Double the damage. Double Trouble.

Or, you might get a card that you don’t need or want at that point in the game.

Now, I don’t know if these Limit Break cards are bounceable, but if they are, imagine what you can do if you keep bouncing Lunafreya.

23-130H – Luso LB

5CP to play Luso, who also searches for a Standard Unit, of a certain Element. That Element is chosen by you when Luso enters the field.

After that, whenever you play a Standard Unit onto the field, Luso gains +4000 power, giving him a 9k body until the end of the turn.

And, if you’re using Frimelda, you can play a Standard Unit each turn, giving Luso a constant 9K.

And, that’s all I got. I can’t focus anymore.

More Singles?

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Hidden Trials – By Light & Dark

Buy these Singles & More at our TCG Player store.

23-115L – Venat

Ok, this is the third time I’m trying to write about Venat.

And I don’t see anything that Special with this card.


Strong enough Forward to play, you have your Crystal abilities. One which allows you to remove a Forward from the game when Venat is sent to the Break Zone.

The only thing I like about this card, is that you can search for a card whenever you’d like as long as you have the Crystals to pay for it.

23-116H – Illua

Did you ever think we’d get another Illua as good as Opus V?

I don’t know about you, but this one is up there.

Illua already comes in with Haste, which is always a plus, and depending on how many Backups you have on the field determines her ability.

If you have up to 3 Backups on the field, every time Illua attacks, you choose one of your opponent’s Forward and they lose 5000 power.

If you have at least 4 Backups, Illua becomes unblockable.

Either way you need to get Illua on the field as soon as possible.

23-117L – Chaos

I read this card wrong the first time, I was thinking to myself who would have that many Chaoses in their deck. Then I read Job Chaos, and it makes much more sense now.

Once Chaos comes into the field, remove a mixture of 5 Monsters and Chaos (the Job not the Legend) and your opponent will put one of their Forwards into the Break Zone, they will also discard 2 cards from their hand.

Talk about thinning out a hand.


If you got 10 cards left in your deck, and you need 1 point to win the game, you have already one if you got an extra Chaos in your hand. Maybe Amaterasu can stop Chaos and Flare, but other than that 99.99% chance you’re going to win when you cast Flare at that point.


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Hidden Trial – By Water

Shop these Singles and More at our TCG Player Store!

23-096C – Akpallu

Pay 1CP to draw a card.

Not bad, at all. If you don’t have anything going on in your hand, might as well play Akpallu to draw another card.

And after Akpallu is on the field, not doing anything, just sitting there, you can then use Akpallu to pay the cost for Fencer (XIII)’s ability and Break one of your opponent’s Forwards.

There are more cards that need another Monster to pay for the cost to use their ability.

I’d say Akpallu is a decent card.

23-097C – Altennia

A simple add-on to your Knight deck.

When a Knight attacks, Altennia gives a Forward +2000 power. Now what will happen when all of your Knights attack? You’ll be handing out +2000 power like candy on Halloween.

It’s like adding 200 horse power to your Knight engine.




23-098C – Alphinaud

Alphinaud is Alisae’s Backup, who will save her from the Break Zone in order to do whatever Alisaie has to do.

If we take Alisaie from Hidden Trials, it’s a pretty decent combo.

Once you have an Alisaie in your Break Zone, you’ll use Alphianaud’s ability and play Alisaie onto the field. Once Alisaie is on the field you can search for a card that has the same name as one of the cards in your Break Zone, and add it to your hand.

Yeah, that’s pretty much it.

Not bad.

23-099C – Urianger

Urianger is already flipping the cards to see what Scions he can find.

I mean yes, .. maybe . . not really.

Depends on what you’re playing.

You can pull this out if you’re drafting Hidden Trials and you’re trying to run Scions.

Other than that, there are far better Uriangers out there.



23-100L – Young Excenmille

Coming in with 5000 power, Young Excenmille surely loves his Crystals.

You’ll need a constant supply of Crystals to keep Young Excenmille well fed.

Feed him once and he cannot be chosen by your opponents abilities, and his Power will become 9000 until he is sent to the Break Zone.

Feed him once more along with a Water CP, and you can search for a Water Forward of cost 3 or less, and play them straight to the field.

I like it.

23-101C – Dancer

Last Chance to Dance.

Dancer, just like the rest of the Elemental, Class Action, 5 Backup plan, Backups is better played when Dancer is the 5th Backup that enters your field.

When he does, as the 5th Backup on your field, all of your opponent’s Forwards lose 4000 power.

You might break a couple if you’re lucky.

If not, Dancer just chooses one of your opponent’s Forwards, and they lose 2000 power.

23-102R – Gizamaluke

A Monster, the sort of searches for a Monster.

Gizamaluke, comes in and you reveal the top 3 cards of your deck, and grab a Monster, if you find one there. If you do, you just got a Gizamaluke for Free.

Gizamaluke also turns into a Forward if you have another Monster on the field. Technically you can get a 0CP Forward with an 8K body.




23-103C – Quina

My Bombs will get that much stronger.

Because once per turn, whenever a Monster enters the field, I get to draw a card. Doesn’t matter whose turn it is. If a Monster enters the field you get to draw 1 card.

And let’s not forget about the Frog Drop. (Just don’t catch them all, cause then they can’t reproduce and you won’t be able to get 99 frogs.) Once Frog Drop goes off, 1 Forward will lose 3000 power for each Monster that is on the board.

How many Quina’s can you fit in your deck?

23-104H – Witch of the Fens

Here’s a decent card for your Monster deck.

Witch of the Fens comes in, and if you already have a Monster on the field, you can draw a card.

And, let’s not forget about that ability.

Put a Monster in the Break Zone, and one of your opponent’s Forwards will lose 7000 power until the end of the turn.

How many Monsters do you have in that hand of yours?

23-105C – Defender

What there’s no Water SOLDIER Candidate? All we get is a cheap knockoff? And, I was looking forward to making a 6 elemental SOLDIER Candidate deck. Guess I can’t do that now.


Defender can probably be played on his own. No need for the other SOLDIER Candidates. (But, the other ones could be played in their respective element as well.) As before, if you have at least 2 Standard Units in your Break Zone, SOLDI.. . I mean Defender gains +3000 power.

2CP/8K, the true definition of a cheap Meat Shield. And, we mean that in a good way.

Meat Shield here, also does not receive any damage that is less than it’s power. He’ll take a beating and you still won’t be able to get rid of him.

23-106H – Tataru

Tataru pays for Tataru during your next turn.

As long as you have another 3 Scions of the Seventh Dawn on the field, you’ll be able to dull Tataru for an extra card.

And, that is pretty much it. Don’t like your hand? Dull Tataru and hope for the best.





23-107L – Frimelda

Frimelda should just get thrown in your Warrior of Light deck.

It’s as simple as that, and if I needed to tell you that, well … You’re Welcome.

This card is pretty straight “Forward”. (No, that just came out, i didn’t think of that.)

You’ll need at least 4 different elements on the field in order to make use of Frimelda. Water can be the 4th element you play when she comes in, and her ability will go off as soon as you enter your Attack Phase. It will also trigger when your opponent goes into their Attack Phase as well.

Double Trouble.

You can either play a Forward that costs 4CP or less onto the field, or you can have one of your opponent’s Forwards lose 2000 power for each element that is on your board.

Choice is yours, bulk up your defenses, or get rid of theirs.

23-108R – Fourchenault

Who would have thunk that Fourchenault would cost Four CP? And, if you have Alisaie and Alphinaud on the field Fourchenault is a Free Play!

Fourchenault’s Enter the Field abilities are great and decent. One is better than the other, but the other has it’s use as well.

First one, return one of your opponent’s Forwards to their hand. Which is good, getting rid of a Forward, even if temporarily is always good. As long as they don’t have an enter the field ability.

The other is Activate a Scion of the Seventh Dawn.

And, when all is said and done, you’ll have an 8K body on the board.

23-109C – Portia

The more I see new Dancers the more I ponder the idea of making a deck. Yes, let’s add one more to the list of decks that I will never make.

For a Common, Portia is a great card. First of all she pays for herself, as if you already have a couple Dancers on the field, you will draw a card. You’ll have a no cost 5K body on the field ready to go to work.

And if you have 4 Dancers on the field, You’ll be able to send one of your opponent’s Forward to the bottom of their deck.

Let’s make Mayakov proud.

23-110R – Porom

Porom, the other half of the twin mages.

Same thing here, Porom is a free play if you have Palom already on the field.

And, just like Porom she comes in with 5000 power.

When Porom comes in you can place 2 EXP Counters on a Forward, and that Forward gains a shield of sorts. Damage dealt to that Forward will be reduced by 2000.

You’ll be able to splash one or the other of these twins, as there is no cost to pay, if the other is on the field.

2-111C/15-123C – Oracle

It’s straight from the (Re)printers!

And, a Copy/Paste from Dawn of Heroes.

“Didn’t we say recycling center earlier? Maybe we meant the Printers, reprinting cards and such.

Not that I have anything against reprints, I just would rather have a new card that does something similar instead of having reprints.

Anyways, Oracle gives you a Crystal when she comes in, and reduces the next damage dealt to a Forward by 1000.”

2-112H – Young Rahal

Rahal! Where are those Crystals!? Young Excenmille is hungry for those Crystals.

And, that is his job. Feed Yound Excenmille to bring out more Water Forwards onto the field.

How is Younf Rahal going to feed Young Exenmille? You gain 2 Crystals when he enters the field.

And that’s not all. When Young Rahal enters the field or attacks, all your Water Forwards gain +2000 power.

Combine this with Palom and Porom, and you have a decent front line, for almost half the cost.

23-113R – Leviathan

Finally, there is a way to get the one card you needed that ended up in the Damage Zone.

Not only that, but Leviathan let’s you draw a card as well. Only downside would be that you have to return another card back to the Damage Zone, but you probably have a card you don’t need in your hand.

This is one of the better cards in this set.

Leviathan is your insurance policy.


23-114R – Lilisette

“A live wire, barely a beginner
But just watch that lady go
She’s on fire, ’cause dancin’ gets her higher
Than anything else she knows”

David Lee Roth, might have been singing about Lilisette, and I wouldn’t blame him.

Lilisette comes in and searches for a Dancer, cause well, it takes 2 to Tango. And, that also comes off as an EX Burst.

Other than that, you have Rousing Samba. An ability that gives all of your Forwards +2000 power, and all of your opponent’s Forwards lose 2000 power, tilting the dance floor in your favor. At least until the end of the turn.

But, that turn can be a Break or Make moment.

The only thing that I would change with this card is the art.

Cool Singles?

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Tears of the Planet

The new set has been revealed.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, “Tears of the Planet”!

Sounds like an album title if you ask me. But, you’re not asking me. I’m telling you.

Let’s start off with the box art, as you can see Aerith has finally made it, on her own box. Yes, she was on Hidden Hope, but that was with Zack. And, this is her Solo Project.

First off, these sets are getting smaller and smaller. Only 118 cards for this set, with 30 Full arts. 1 is will be the Golden Signature featuring Aerith, and one is a Crystal. That leaves 28 Full arts. If one is the Buy a Box Promo, and the other the Prerelease Promo, that gives us 26 Full Arts. And if we’re still getting a full set of Full Art cards per set, which I don’t see changing. That means in every Master Case, there will be 2 boxes with 3 Full Art cards in them.

That’s something worth noting.

The date set for us is March 28th, 2025, That also means Midnight Pre-Release will be on March 21st, 2025, so mark your calendars, because it always is a great time.

/Self Promotion

Let’s take a look at Zack (25-073L).

Final Fantasy VII will be getting plenty of support. With plenty of Lightning support, even if you throw Zack in a Shinra themed deck, he will become a threat.

Every time Zach attacks, you can bring a Final Fantasy VII Character back from the Break Zone, only requirement is that, that Character costs 2CP or less. Shouldn’t be that hard to find one, even if you keep bringing the same Character in after they attack or block.

Rush Assault? When Zack Attacks, you can use his Signature ability and break one of your opponent’s Forwards! No cost Requirements, no nothing. Just stock up on all Zacks from every Opus.

Yes, please. May I have another?

And, Aerith (25-035L)

We know what happens next.

But, we won’t say anything, just in case you’ve been living under a Meteor … I mean Rock.

Aerith comes in and one of your opponent’s Characters lose all of their abilities for as long as Aerith is on the field.

And when she finally gets sent to the Break Zone, you can remove Aerith from the game, and you’ll be able to draw a card.

This will make Aerith a Free Play in the end.

From these 2 cards, I would say that the Zack is a much better card, compared to the Aerith.

Legacy cards are also making a comeback, this time we get Ovelia (13-090L), Squall (16-011L) and Griever (21-027L). These three aren’t bad picks, as the art for all 3 of these will be well presented as a Full Art Foil.

And, we’ll leave it right there, until we get some more information.