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Breaking the Limit?

Final Fantasy TCG – Anniversary Collection Set 2024 (that’s a mouthful) is just around the Korner. If you haven’t gotten your Pre-Orders in yet, we have some still available.

Pre-Order Here.

What’s on the Soap Box today?

Limit Breaks.

If you can remember they first showed up back in Final Fantasy VII when Cloud took enough damage and unleashed Braver for the first time. Running towards the enemy and then jumping up like a Dragoon, and bringing his sword down as he’s falling to strike at the enemy causing damage.

I had you there for a second.

We’re actually going to talk about the new mechanic that will be introduced in Hidden Hope.

Limit Break cards will actually be set in a side deck that consists of up to 8 cards. These Limit Break cards are only for your side deck. And, can be played at anytime you would normally be able to play them. You’ll be almost like a Black Mage, with spells ready to go. As long as you have enough MP that is. That MP is your side deck as well. Once you pay the cost to cast a Limit Break, you’ll also need to pay for the Limit Break cost as well. You can just take a look at how Toriyama has explained it.

Let’s take a quick look at these cards now.

Zack – 22-112R

Zack enters the field and deals 3000 damage to a Forward. After that he just sticks around the board, hacking a slashing, blocking and attacking. Until he breaks, and gets sent back to the Limit Break deck, but not before stopping by the Break Zone to confirm that he is actually broken.

Ace – 22-116L

Ace is looking like he will be a powerful card. Once Ace enters the field, Ace deals 1000 damage to all of your opponents Forwards. Just think for a second of what Ace can do if you’re playing Chocobos.

And, that’s not all cause when Ace attacks, you can reveal the top card of your deck, and if it’s a Wind card, which it will be if you’re playing Chocobos, you’ll add it to your hand.

Sure, Ace costs 8CP, but you’ll probably get that CP back, with the extra cards you’ll be drawing.

Viktora – 22-114H

With Viktora, you’ll want to keep your opponents hand at zero. Make them spend every last CP that they have. And, since Viktora is already a Dragoon, and most Dragoons are Lightning. Ice/Lightning is already good at this, Simply adding Viktora to your side deck will make your main deck that much better.

Shop Singles and more at our TCGplayer Pro Shop.

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Super Smash Bros?

We recently got my son a Switch, and as he was playing, I heard some very familiar music. I look up and I see Mario battling, Samus, Link and Pikachu, but the battle was taking place in Midgar! Now I haven’t been paying much attention to video gaming lately, due to cardb … I mean Kardboard taking over a vast amount of my time. And, I was surprised to see Midgar in Super Smash Bros.  With Ramuh, casting Lightning Bolts, and Leviathan casting a Tidal Wave, as the train keeps on rolling around Midgar.

So, of course I did what any sane person will do. I walked over and started paying closer attention. He was having fun, and so was I. Just watching him cry for joy when he did something that he thought was super cool. Yes, he is just a four year old, excited with his new toy.

Then we started playing together. I noticed there were no Final Fantasy Characters on the Character selection screen, so I picked Samus to begin with. We started doing Team Battles, and every so often after a battle, there would be a screen that pops up, and says “A New Foe Has Arrived”. Some Character named Villager.


Now, I got to battle this guy?

Well, we lost the first time, cause we still were getting used to the controls. I had to change them up a little, because I kept hitting the wrong buttons as to what I would normally be pressing. Y is to Attack, not Jump. I thought the controls would have been similar to the old Super Mario games of my time. After some tweaking, I was ready to go. And, go we went. We started grabbing new Characters left and right. Princess Peach, King K. Rool, Lil Mac, Diddy Kong, Some guy with a sword. And, then it was bedtime.

I put the kids to bed and sat at my desk to finish up packaging some orders. I took a break and looked up Super Smash Bros had Cloud in it. Can’t stop now, I still have some orders to finish.

Finished up the orders, and I grabbed my son’s Switch and I started playing. Hoping to get Cloud. This has been going on for a couple of nights and still no Cloud in sight, but we did grab some cool Characters. Sonic, Snake, and Bayonetta. I can feel it Cloud is right around the corner.

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Final Fantasy XIII and a Sale of Sorts

Shop for singles and more at our TCGPlayer shop.

What do we talk about today?

Snow? Lightning? Final Fantasy XIII?

Just because it’s cold, doesn’t mean we have to talk about Shiva. Or Snow for that matter.

But, he’s a Hero, you’ll say. And, I’ll say. Tell that to Hope.

I’m not going to get into Final Fantasy XIII at the moment, but I feel like I kind of have to just because of Hidden Trials. And, how I believe that it will be a great set. Well, that’s how all sets look like when they are first announced months in advance. Just like Hidden Hope, we have a new Mechanic that will be debuting in just a couple of months.

And, then I heard something about a side board, but I can’t remember where I heard that, or seen that. I’m just wondering when they’ll start adding Weapons. And, spells, where you can add Omnislash to any Cloud that you control. It would be a good mechanic, just ask Cloud, he’ll tell you it would work great.

And, as we’re waiting on Hidden Hopes, and Hidden Trials, we’re also waiting on some news for the Magic : The Gathering Final Fantasy set. It was first announced a couple of years ago. I was expecting it to have been out already, but the only thing we know is that it should be released this year.

And, since we’re on the topic of Final Fantasy XIII we have a sale going on for the Final Fantasy XIII Kai Art Museum boxes. $25 off your order if you order one by 02/08/2024. Just use Coupon Code FANG

Don’t know what’s in it? Well we decided to open one up on camera.

Let’s see if we can embed it.

There we are.

Get your Pre-Orders Here.

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Pre-Orders Now Available

Looking to secure a box or two or 12 of upcoming releases. Well now you can. We’re opening up Pre-Orders for upcoming Final Fantasy TCG releases.

Final Fantasy TCG : Anniversary Collection 2024

Final Fantasy TCG : Hidden Hope Booster Box

Final Fantasy VII : Anniversary Art Museum Digital Card Plus Vol.2

Final Fantasy TCG : Hidden Trials Booster Box

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Hidden Trials

We have just received word of a new set coming out.

Opus XXIII, Opus 23 or Hidden Trials. Call it whatever you’d like.
And we are excited!

Lightning graces the Booster Box with original artwork. And it sure is looking good. We can already guess on which card will have the Golden Signat … wait, … I don’t believe there is a Golden Signature. It just mentions a Special Card with an original illustration. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.

We do get to see some of the cards, and I can tell you Lightning and Queen just look amazing.

We’re getting a new Tyro as well. This time Tyro is representing Wind, we’ll see how well he does in his new element. It also mentions that Final Fantasy Record Keeper will be a “Featured Title” so, I’m expecting at the very least a bunch of Record Keeper Standard Units, and Maybe just maybe, we’ll get the pixel art cards I’ve been wanting for a long, long time. You heard it here first. January, 11th 2024.

Legacy cards are back. Lightning (15-041L), Rydia (15-083L) and Refia (19-102L). I don’t get why they are just grabbing cards from newer sets, I believe that since they are named Legacy cards they should have come from older sets. At least 10 sets.

But, what do I know.

And with that I’ll just leave the press release here.

Hidden Trials will elevate the ‘Limit Break’ mechanic to new heights thanks to custom-themed cards that can turn the tide of battle, revolutionising the deck-building experience for players.

For the collectors, this Opus will include a very rare, Special Card [23-037R] showcasing an original illustration of FINAL FANTASY XIII Lightning by Miki Yamashita. Additionally, three beloved Legacy cards, Lightning [15-041L], Rydia [15-083L], and Refia [19-102L], are included.

As per tradition, renowned artists have contributed stunning new art pieces to bring the characters to life:

New Art




Ryoma Ito, FINAL FANTASY TACTICS A2: Grimoire of the Rift

Yukihiro Kajimoto, FINAL FANTASY


Sara Shimokobe, FINAL FANTASY IV

Toshitaka Matsuda, FINAL FANTASY TYPE-0

Fumio Minagawa, FINAL FANTASY XI