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Lumina – Deck

As we take a look at Lumina’s ability it reads, “When Lumina enters the field, you may search for 1 Category XIII Forward and add it to your hand.”

That simply means, we need to fill up this deck with as many FFXIII Forwards that we can. And we do have a lot to choose from. But, we’re going to keep this as Characteristic as possible. We’ll Start off with Lightning and Serah. In the beginning I was trying not to use Lightning (19-138S), but for a deck filled with FFXIII Forwards, you need to use this card. Buffs and draws, and damage.

Serah? We went with Serah (16-032H). Ice Forward, that if played after you have 2 Ice Characters on the field, your opponent discards a card. If you have a XIII Forward you draw a card.

Moving on forward. Noel (19-136S) is our next Forward. Coming in with Haste and a buff for every FFXIII Character you control. Cid Raines (19-135S) is also here. You can tell we’re pretty much using the FFXIII Custom Starter Set for most of it. (If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.) So, we’ll just add Vanille (19-129S), Fang (19-131S), and Snow (19-132S) to round it out.

And, that’s still not enough. Especially cause there’s hardly any Lightning Forwards and Lumina is Lightning. We’ll just roll the dice and grab Lightning (19-082H), Anima (11-099H) and Cid Raines (19-135S), Yes they are all FFXIII Forwards. This way Lightning’s abilities will go off, and so will Serah’s when she enters the field, and also Noel’s. These 3 will be your main attackers.

For Backups, we’ll add Lebreau (5-151S). I usually go for the Opus I Lebreau, but we don’t have enough Fire Forwards to warrant that card. Class Second Moogle (10-016C), to help us with Ice CP. Mog (XIII-2) (1-196S), because he acts just like Lumina and searches for a FFXIII Forward. and Jihl Nabaat (1-193S) cause that still is a great card.

As For Summon, we’re just grabbing Bahamut, because with Fang on the field he becomes a Free Summon. And both Odins for Lightning’s (19-082H) ability.

All in all, this deck is made to get as many Forwards out on the field as fast as possible. After that just keep attacking and attacking, with at least 3 Forwards per turn.

Or something like that.

Deck List


Noel (19-136S) x3
Lightning (19-138S) x3
Serah (16-032H) x3
Vanille (19-129S) x3
Anima (11-099H) x3
Fang (19-131S) x3
Snow (19-132S) x3
Lightning (19-082H) x3
Cid Raines (19-135S) x3


Jihl Nabaat (1-193S) x3
Lebreau (5-151S) x3
Class Second Moogle (10-016C) x3
Mog (XIII-2) (1-196S) x3
Lumina (13-085R) x3


Odin (15-090H) x3
Odin (13-072R) x3
Bahamut (19-130S) x2

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Character of the Week

As some of you might have noticed, there’s something a little different about the last few posts.

There is. We decided to start a new series, along with the other series that we have started. (and we’ll get back to those, now that we finished the big project we started last summer.) We decided to take our card of the week, and turn it into Character of the Week. It’s a little better as we can look into each character before we actually show you a deck.

We’re using RNG to determine which Character is next.

Every Character in every Final Fantasy will be up for consideration. As long as they have a card in the game. It’s a surprise for us each time we need to write an article on it.

So, hold on to your seats because, this shall be a fun ride.

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Lumina – Card Analysis

First off, let’s check what I wrote when Opus XIII : Crystal Radiance came out.

“13-085R – Lumina

3CP to search for a XIII forward. Nothing exciting, but you would think that they would have done something better for Lumina.”

Have no fear, we will go into a deeper analysis today.

3CP – Lightning
Mysterious Woman

“When Lumina enters the field, you may search for 1 Category XIII Forward and add it to your hand.”

Now, when I said nothing exciting, I meant just that. Lumina is considered a Trickster in the game, so, you would think that she would do something devious to your opponent. Don’t get me wrong, you can never have enough searchers in your deck.

At the time of this writing, there are 93 Forwards that Lumina can choose from. There are FFXIII Forwards in every Element except for Dark. There shouldn’t be too much of a problem finding a Forward to grab from your deck.

Most of the cards in the FFXIII Custom Starter Set are great candidates for Lumina to search for. Especially that Light Lightning. You cant go wrong with that card.

I’ve looked long and far, and can’t remember if there is a card that searches for a Lightning Character, Backup, or any Character for that matter. I might be wrong, and find it later. And, If I do, I shall update this post.

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“I have a name. It’s Lumina. And, I know a lot about you.”


If you haven’t played Lightning Returns and don’t want anything ruined, move along.

If you have, continue on.

Datalog Entry


This mysterious young girl appears to be able to control the power of Chaos, and likes to get in Lightning’s way at every turn.

It seems that she has met Snow before, and the two have more than just a passing acquaintance. but Lightning has spent the last five centuries in crystal, and she has no way of knowing what could have happened between the two.

Still, she cannot deny that the girl bears a striking similarity to Serah. But Serah is dead, and this Lumina seems to have her own goals.


So, just who is Lumina?

Lumina, is a vessel that was created when Lightning went into Crystal Stasis, in order to protect Serah’s heart to protect her from Chaos.. And, while Lightning was in Crystal Stasis, Lumina kept in contact with everyone that was a part of Lightning’s story.

From being there when Fang and Vanille woke up from their Crystal Stasis, to keeping Vanille company when she was lonely as the High Priestess. Showing Noel the oracle drive where he defeats Lightning, Giving Sazh a coffer of souls to collect Dajh’s Soul Fragments in order for him to wake up. Lumina also came in contact with Caius and Snow, but not Hope. Nothing to do with Hope, because Hope is dead. He’s just a puppet now. Bhunivelze’s puppet.

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Dawn of Heroes Midnight PreRelease

Hope you had a great 4th of July.

And, now it’s time for the real Fireworks.

Dawn of Heroes Midnight PreRelease is here. In just 2 short weeks, you’ll be able to get your first taste at these new cards, and hopefully pull that Estinian Full Art. Lightning can strike twice, no pun intended, much. We managed to pull Cloud last PreRelease, it’s time we pull Estinien.

On to the details.

When? July 21st, 2023 at 10:00PM you can start coming in for some casuals, and when the clock strikes midnight, we’ll start giving out the kits.

Where? Same spot as usual.

9229 S. Cicero
Oak Lawn, IL 60453


Really? If you don’t already know, well … then it’s time you found out. Every set we hold a Prerelease event, where you can win another Prerelease kit. Simple as that.

Who? Um … Kardboard Korner. Your one stop Final Fantasy TCG shop. If we don’t got it you don’t want it.


Simply come on over, have some fun. $45 for your first kit, and event fee. After that each kit will be $40.