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Heading to the Opera

Well, I started playing Dissidia Opera Omnia again.

And, I had to start from the beginning once again. But, it’s easier this time. For some reason all my Characters start at Level 70. Which isn’t bad at all. I’m not really looking into perfecting everything. I just need to get through the main game. With the Characters that I prefer over the others. My party consists of Fang, Setzer and Vivi. And, what a party it is.

So far I just entered Chapter 5. I remembered just part of the story. Other parts looked new to me.

Spoilers Ahead. (Sort of.)

So far, it looks like Onion Knight is the only one with a head on his shoulders. Everyone else is just blindly following Mog. And, from what I remember from the last time I played which was about 2 years ago or so. I didn’t trust Mog towards the end. I think I had gotten to Chapter 8, I don’t remember. But, Mog was starting to act suspicious. Allowing enemies to enter our ranks.

/End Spoilers

I gotta say, that Final Fantasy Record Keeper was probably the best mobile game that Square-Enix released. I used to play that one all the time. Putting a Final Fantasy Dream Team together, with 16bit graphics. If Record Keeper had a story to it, other than just being only battles, it would have been a lot better, but I’ll take what I can get.

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Lumina – Deck

As we take a look at Lumina’s ability it reads, “When Lumina enters the field, you may search for 1 Category XIII Forward and add it to your hand.”

That simply means, we need to fill up this deck with as many FFXIII Forwards that we can. And we do have a lot to choose from. But, we’re going to keep this as Characteristic as possible. We’ll Start off with Lightning and Serah. In the beginning I was trying not to use Lightning (19-138S), but for a deck filled with FFXIII Forwards, you need to use this card. Buffs and draws, and damage.

Serah? We went with Serah (16-032H). Ice Forward, that if played after you have 2 Ice Characters on the field, your opponent discards a card. If you have a XIII Forward you draw a card.

Moving on forward. Noel (19-136S) is our next Forward. Coming in with Haste and a buff for every FFXIII Character you control. Cid Raines (19-135S) is also here. You can tell we’re pretty much using the FFXIII Custom Starter Set for most of it. (If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.) So, we’ll just add Vanille (19-129S), Fang (19-131S), and Snow (19-132S) to round it out.

And, that’s still not enough. Especially cause there’s hardly any Lightning Forwards and Lumina is Lightning. We’ll just roll the dice and grab Lightning (19-082H), Anima (11-099H) and Cid Raines (19-135S), Yes they are all FFXIII Forwards. This way Lightning’s abilities will go off, and so will Serah’s when she enters the field, and also Noel’s. These 3 will be your main attackers.

For Backups, we’ll add Lebreau (5-151S). I usually go for the Opus I Lebreau, but we don’t have enough Fire Forwards to warrant that card. Class Second Moogle (10-016C), to help us with Ice CP. Mog (XIII-2) (1-196S), because he acts just like Lumina and searches for a FFXIII Forward. and Jihl Nabaat (1-193S) cause that still is a great card.

As For Summon, we’re just grabbing Bahamut, because with Fang on the field he becomes a Free Summon. And both Odins for Lightning’s (19-082H) ability.

All in all, this deck is made to get as many Forwards out on the field as fast as possible. After that just keep attacking and attacking, with at least 3 Forwards per turn.

Or something like that.

Deck List


Noel (19-136S) x3
Lightning (19-138S) x3
Serah (16-032H) x3
Vanille (19-129S) x3
Anima (11-099H) x3
Fang (19-131S) x3
Snow (19-132S) x3
Lightning (19-082H) x3
Cid Raines (19-135S) x3


Jihl Nabaat (1-193S) x3
Lebreau (5-151S) x3
Class Second Moogle (10-016C) x3
Mog (XIII-2) (1-196S) x3
Lumina (13-085R) x3


Odin (15-090H) x3
Odin (13-072R) x3
Bahamut (19-130S) x2

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From Nightmares – Starter Opinions

19-129S – Vanille EX

Search for Lightning. Or Fang. Or Hope, But who wants to search for Hope. Yes, I am still biased on Hope from his character in the first game. He was a child, but he was a spoiled brat. I won’t get in to it here.

3 cost 7K body, with Imperilga which will double the damage dealt to a Forward your opponent controls. And 2000 damage to all of your opponents Forwards, which is technically 4K.

I’m losing track of this card.

19-130S – Bahamut

There are ways to cast Bahamut for Free, and everyone loves free Summons. I know I do. All you need is 3 XIII characters and one of them being Fang.

When Bahamut is cast, deal a Forward 10,000 damage, and if it is broken, remove it from the game instead.

Nuff’ said.

19-131S – Fang

Plenty of things to go through to have Fang deal 2 points of Damage.

Is it worth to go through all of this for that? I believe so.

Fang comes in with Haste, and although you won’t be able to attack twice in a turn. Meaning that Fang won’t attack after she casts Bahamut for free.

But, if your opponent blocks Fang, then you cast Bahamut on that Forward, which in turn will most likely break it, Fang’s attack will go through for 2 point of Damage.

I’ll take 3.

19-132S – Snow

Snow comes in and if Lightning is on the field, Snow grants protection from Summons. to himself and to Lightning.

Now, when Snow enters the field you can either have your opponent discard a card, or if you have his fiance on the field you can dull and Freeze 3 of your opponents Characters.

Freeze those Backups, so they can’t reproduce.


19-133S – Serah EX

Let’s search for Mog (XIII-2).

Just the new one that costs 1CP.

And, if you play that Mog, or any moogle, you get to activate or dull 2 Characters.

And with Froststrike, you get to deal a Forward 8000 damage. And, if you play a Moogle after that, and have an extra Serah in your hand. You get to recast Froststrike.


19-134S – Mog (XIII-2)

Look at the grin on his face. And, those teeth. Razor Sharp.

But, he’s just a Moogle, and he does grant Serah protection from Summons and abilities. For the low cost of 1CP you have a terrible blocker, but that’s OK. You don’t need much power to block an attack.

Plus, Mog also gives a XIII Forward +2K power.



19-135S – Cid Raines

High cost Forward, but has same bite to it.

Considering Cid Raines is a L’Cie, that isn’t much of a surprise.

Cid Raines shall come in and break one of your opponents Forwards.

And the more points of damage you receive, Cid becomes even more powerful. At 3 points Cid gains +1000 power and First Strike.

His true power comes out, when you have your back against the wall. Every time Cid Raines attacks, you get to choose a Forward your opponent controls, and send it broken down to the Break Zone.

19-136S – Noel

This is a nice card. 2CP comes in with Haste, and depending on how many XIII Characters you have on the field, Noel gains that much power, X 1000.

Just a simple Forward, but every time one of your opponents Forward’s leaves the field, you get to dull another one of their Forwards. Which is good, in that you will either slow down their attacks, or leave them open for yours.


19-137S – Hope

Well, this Hope is pretty decent. Especially if you’re playing a XIII themed deck, and if you aren’t, you wouldn’t be playing this.

Hope comes in and either searches for a XIII Forward or deals damage to one of your opponents Forwards. How much damage? Depends on how many XIII Characters you control.

I do see this XIII deck coming out strong. And, this might be the first Hope card I like.


19-138S – Lightning

Such a great card. comes in with Haste, and all these abilities that come into play when Category XIII Forwards attack.
If 1 attacks, all your Forwards gain +1000 power.

If 2 attack, you draw 1 card.

And, if 3 attack, you deal your opponent 1 point of damage.

Plus Lightning comes in with Haste, so you can use these abilities right away.

It’s a good addition to any deck, if you ask me. And, if you don’t, it still is.

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Opus XIV – Wind Review

14-039R – Adelle

The more Wind Backups you have, the better this card is. But, you don’t necessaraly need to have 5 Wind Backups as there are cards that provide the same effect. 3 should be the optimal choice as you’ll give her 8000 power and Haste. And, you only paid 2CP to play this card.




14-040C – Abquhbah

Play him early on, and he’ll usually be buffed up every turn. Other than that not much to say.





14-041C – Ixali

Activation guaranteed, with a Primal.





14-042L – Bismarck, Lord of the Mists

Return to hand. Return to hand. Return to hand.

Bismarck need to tag team with Leviathan. more on that later.

But, when a Character is returned to your or your opponents hand, you draw 1 card. And you can choose to return a card to your hand at the end of each turn.

As if Wind/Water needed more ammunition


14-043C – Cactuaroni

Just a common?

“Need some activation tactics? Cactuaroni is your macaroni. For the cost of a simple Monster Counter you can activate one Character.” /endcommercialannuncervoice

This card is great, simple and to the point. You can end up activating your whole board if you wait long enough. But, why wait if you can just find a way to grab Cactuaroni from your Break Zone.


14-044C – White Mage

Activate 2 Backups of any element other than Wind.

YRP making a comeback? Don’t call it a comeback, YRP never left.





14-045H – Sin

What would you call this? Silence? Paralyze? Stop? Probably Silence. Casts Silence on opponents Forwards. And now, they can’t use any abilities.

Probably not silence, cause that’s just Magic.

I had said the other Sin was better, but now that I’m re-reading it. This is interesting.



14-046C – Sniper

Like I said before, I’m not to sure on the wording, but if this goes off when Sniper dulls from attacking. It’s a great card card. If not, I still like it.





14-047R – Choco/Mog EX

Almost sounds like a candy bar.

The first part is easy. Having a Chocobo and a Moogle on the field when he shows up, is pretty easy too.




14-048C – Tiamat (IX)

Hmm, I’m seeing a pattern here.

“Discard one card Job Chaos and deal one forward 8000 damage. Is it worth it? I’m sure there are Summons that can do this more efficiently. But, for a common I’ll take it.”




14-049H – Typhon

I’m still waiting for a Typhon that has synergy with Ultros.

Other than that, You’re playing Mono-Wind, you’re playing this card. Plus removing a Forward and placing him in a spot where you (probably) won’t see him for a couple of turns.

This is another great card.


14-050R – Naja Salaheem

Double up on all the counters that are on any character whenever Naja deals Damage to your opponent.

+Naja cannot be chosen by your opponents Summons or abilities.




14-051C – Vanu Vanu

Don’t like the cards you just drew? Just play Vanu Vanu with those 2 cards and hopefully get something better. And if that doesn’t work, Dull and Break and hopefully you’ll get something better once again.




14-052C – Fran

You can easily cast 3 cards a turn with Wind, and all the activate your Backups and Characters and Monsters and Summons and anything else you want. Because that’s what wind does. So, you’ll probably end up drawing a card when you play Fran.

3 points of Damage +2K Power



14-053R – Mjrn

Did I mention, I like these Black & White cards?

For 2 Cp you can activate Fran and Jote.

You can also pay 3 Wind CP and Break a Forward of cost 5 or more.



14-054R – Jote EX

Just a simple searcher that searches for Fran or Mjrn. You can also search for them off of an EX Burst.





14-055C – Lezaford

Took me a second to realize this Lezaford was a Forward. I should start paying more attention.

Now, it makes sense that this is a 5 cost. At first I thought it was 5CP to play a Backup, which if the cost to play was paid with at least 3 different elements, than you can break a Forward.

I was going to say how this Lezaford is terrible and that the Opus VI Lezaford is so mucch better. But, this one is Forward and that changes everything. It can work. Someone will find a way. It’s simple if you play Light and Dark actually.

14-056R – Garuda, Lady of the Vortex

Here’s an answer to some cards. 6CP isn’t that much to pay for the on entry ability Garuda has.

Sorry, Sophie, it was fun.

Bhuni, Get out of here.

Neo-Exdeath, don’t make me laugh

Ark, No one played with you anyway.

Now, if this card was an Ex it would have been amazing.

14-057H – Rosa

Great artwork once again. You can tell apart the Amano artwork. I remember seeing a Magic card with his art on it, and recognized it immediately. But, that’s another story.

Just like we said before, activate all the Backups, if you’ve cast 3 cards this turn.

With Fran (14-052C) you’ll also draw 1 card.

All those activations will lead you into a 5th card cast this turn, which you’ll end up playing the top card of your deck. Unless it’s a Summon. Then it just goes back to the tops of your deck.

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Opus XIII – Wind Review

13-035C – Arc

It’s like casting Protect on the fly. But, only on 2 Job Types. Probably won’t be used much.






13-036R – Eight

3CP/7K Eight should’ve had 8K. No? Ok, but, he gets cheaper if you play Cadets. 1CP/7K. Even Free!!! And, a 7K body at that. And if you already cast 2 cards this turn he comes in with Haste. This card should be played in almost every Cadets deck.





13-037C – Ochu

Just a simple card to re-Activate 2 Backups. If you got room in your deck add it. Plays well with Chocobos.

/sidenote : Also becomes a Forward




13-038H – Cid Haze

I didn’t realize how many Cid’s there are. Or Engineers. At first glance, I thought this card would be so-so. There are 17 Engineers including Cid Haze. And, 11 Cids. 12 if you count Cindy.

You can probably put together an Engineer deck. And have Cid Haze attack to Activate all of your cards. It might work. Or a Cid Deck. Who wants to build a Cid deck.



13-039C – Cid Pollendina EX

Searches for Cid Haze (13-038H). That’s all you need to know. Very important part of your Engineer Deck.





13-040L – Shara EX

Ritz (11-063L) just got stronger. I’m sure it’ll be easy enough to stack on those Viera Counters, making Ritz unbeatable.





13-041C – White Mage

Quick way to pretty much cast Protect. And the fact that you don’t have to Dull, means you can cast it on White Mage before he attacks.





13-042C – White Mage

Once again we Copy, Paste

“This card will work if you splash a single Fire or Ice card. Because then you’ll now exactly what you’ll end up with. Other than that. NEXT.”




13-043C – Stiltzkin

A 1 Cost Forward, or Monster. I took a look and there is 77 different cards to choose from.

Like Ochu (13-037C) just to name one.





13-044C – Selkie

I prefer the second ability on this card. Now to find a Wind/Earth deck to play it in.






13-045R – Dryad EX

Decent Summon. Casts off an EX Burst and at 5 points of damage becomes 5 times more powerful. Plus, you get to draw a card.





13-046R – Pavlov

I like the artwork on this card. It stands out, just like his ability to activate 2 FFCC characters. Yuri (7-128H) being one of them and Chelinka being the other. And, deal some Damage.





13-047H – Barbariccia

You just might be able to clear the board with her enter ability. And play Golbez at the end of both yours and your opponents turn. And Golbez is …. well, you’ll have to wait till we get there.





13-048H – Balthier

This card was made to play Fran (10-060L) from the Break Zone. And since Balthier will already be on the field when she enters, She will turn into a tough forward to beat. You can also use Balthier’s second ability. By dulling to Active Sky Pirates to give Fran +2K and Haste.

So, at the very least Fran will come in with Haste, and 10K Power.

So many Ideas for decks, not enough time. Or cards.


13-049C – Counterfeit Youth

Basically, if you control 4 or more Manikins, this card becomes a powerhouse.






13-050R – Mid

Mid can be thrown in the mix during your opponents turn with Back Attack, and potentially save one of your Forwards with her Enter Ability.





13-051R – Mog (FFBE)

Need a FFBE Forward, than this card is for you. Nothing else to write about.