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Beyond Destiny – Twisted Transistors

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21-081L – Irvine

Well, I can see why this is a sought out card.

It’s the butterfly on Irvine’s finger. When it flaps it’s wings, it’ll cause your opponent to slowly get discombobulated. In a way, at least.

Irvine enters the field, you remove 2 cards from your opponent’s Break Zone, and it’s off to the races. The butterfly’s flap will give Irvine +2000 power, Haste and First Strike. Meaning Irvine can attack right off the bat, as a 9000 power Forward, and don’t forget First Strike. 99% of the time your opponent will either be sending a Forward to the Break Zone, or getting a point of damage.

And, Armor Break, breaks a Forward or a Monster.

You can’t go wrong with this one.

21-082C – Red Mage

Your Elemental Backup, that’s the same as the other Standard Unit Backups in the other Elements as well.

Maybe in draft, but I don’t see much play outside of it.

Prove me wrong, and I’ll send you a playset on the house.



21-083H – Ace

Is this Ace better than the rest?

I don’t think so, but I always used Ace when playing Type-0.

Sure the other Aces are better, but this Ace is a Hero.

Ace enters the field and you draw a card if you already have a couple of Cadets on the field. Thus making Ace a 2 cost Forward.

Other than that, you can discard a card, and dull a Forward, and give Ace +1000 power.

I think I’ll pass on this one.

21-084H – Odin

A Summon that will Break over 75% of all Forwards and Monsters. And, it only costs 3CP. You can even reduce that cost to 1CP if you have at least 5 Lightning Characters on the field. Because when you do you get to draw 1 card. And, everyone likes drawing cards.

There is another 2 Odins that will Break any Forward regardless of cost, but Odin (1-124R) costs 7CP. You also have Odin (12-077H) which costs 6CP, and that one’s cost is reduced by 1CP for each Odin in your Break Zone.

Playing this Odin with the Opus XII Odin might be a good idea.

Other than that you got some great Amano art.

21-085H – Emperor Gestahl

More Amano art, and Gestahl is starting to look like “The Wiseman” from the Labyrinth.

For a 2 cost Backup, Emperor Gestahl will allow you to grab a Forward from your Break Zone. Plays like these are always good. Especially if that Forward was the only one that you had. And, let’s not forget about their enter the field ability that will cause havoc on your opponents board.

Ok, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

Later on you can put Emperor Gestahl into the Break Zone, remove 4 of the same type cards from your opponent’s Break Zone, and draw a card.

I don’t see why not.

“sometimes the way forward is the way back.”

21-086C – Gunbreaker

This isn’t bad at all. And with Gunbreaker being a Standard Unit, you can have 3 of these on the field at the same time. Hopefully you’ll have a pocket full of Crystals, because I can see a board wipe shaping up here.

Every time Gunbreaker attacks, you deal 2000 damage to all of your opponents Forwards. If you have a Crystal, you can deal an additional 2000 damage to all of your opponent’s Forwards.

And, if you have a couple more Gunbreakers and a couple more Crystals, then you’re dealing 12,000 damage to all of your opponent’s Forwards.

Pair this with some Bombs and I see a deck forming.

21-087C – Machinist

What is this? 2CP?

For a 5K Forward?

I can see some use with this one.

Gunbreaker attacks, and then you play Machinist in your Main Phase 2, and deal 5000 damage to one of your opponent’s Forwards.

And, after that, once per turn, you can Dull Machinist and deal 2000 damage to a Forward.

21-088C – Gilgamesh

Que “Battle on the Big Bridge”

You can never go wrong with Gilgamesh, unless he pulls Excalipoor. And this, Gilgamesh is not pulling Excalipoor. Especially, if you got yourself a couple of Crystals on hand, and 3 points of damage. For when you do, Gilgamesh becomes a 9K body, with Haste and Brave, and can also attack twice in the same turn.

Pair this with Estinien (6-088L) and you can have the match over with in a couple of turns.

I like it, the only thing I would change about this card, is give it some Amano Art.

21-089R – Queen

A Forward with Haste, that doesn’t receive damage when attacking?

I’ll take it. It doesn’t matter what else Queen does, this is more than enough.

And, it still gets better. Queen, also, can’t be chosen by Summons or abilities either. And, if for some reason you need to give her more power, just spend 2CP and you’re set. You can even do this part multiple times to keep upping her power.

This will be going straight into the all Haste deck.


21-090R – Cloud

You wouldn’t play this Cloud in a FFVII deck, but you might in a WoFF themed deck.

2CP to cast a 5K body, that will maybe, just maybe break one of your opponent’s Forwards. Well, Cloud actually just might. There are plenty of low cost Forwards out there, and if you already have Reynn on the field, to help pay for Cloud, well then you have 2 WoFF Characters on the field. And, there are plenty of 2 cost Forwards to break.

Yeah, that’s about it. Break a Forward, and then you have a tiny meat shield to absorb an attack. Or something like that.

21-091C – Black Knight

Black Knight has 1 job, which can be done twice. Once when Black Knight enters the field, and once when Black Knight enters the Break Zone.

Break a 2 cost Forward or Monster. Which is pretty good considering the cost to play Black Knight is 2CP.

Black Knight will then hang out on the field, but when Black Knight starts heading to the Break Zone, Black Knight will Break any Forward or Monster that your opponent controls.

Sure, costs and blah blah blah, but I’ll give this one a try.

Or two.

21-092R – Man in Black

How come Lightning is getting all these good cards? Half of them are just Commons and Rares.

Like Man in Black here. a 4 cost Rare Forward, with an 8K body.

Ok, you’ll say, that’s just an average card. But upon closer inspection, every Attack Phase, Man in Black, allows you to choose 2 Forwards, and unless your opponent pays 3CP, they can”t attack or block this turn.

Allowing you to march Forward as you pile up cards in your opponent’s Damage Zone.

At 5 points of damage, Man in Black also gains +2000 power. Thus making Man in Black a 10K Forward.

12-093L – Xande

Mono-Lightning mean you’re playing Xande.

Xande might be 5CP, but you can reduce that by one if you have Glauca (11-091R) on the field. And if you have 8 Lightning Characters on the field you can grab a Forward from your Break Zone and play it straight to the field. No cost limit on this one. you can even grab those 10 cost Forwards and just play them straight to the field.

I’d say it’s worth having at least one Xande in your deck if you’re playing Mono-Lightning.


21-094C – Shantotto


That is what Shantotto is thinking.

How do I fit into a multi-element deck? One that can play every element, so I can get the most of my Enter the Field ability.

Tyro and Moogles and ….

Worst case scenario you’ll be dealing 3000 damage to one Forward.

Best Case 21,000 damage. I can’t think of any use in trying to find a way to have all the elements one the field, including one Light or Dark Character, but the look on your opponent’s face when you say I’m dealing your Viking 21K damage.

21-095C – Trey EX

Class Zero finally got a card that it needed.

Trey, the Recycler!

A card that will allow you to go into your Break Zone, and grab a Class Zero Cadet.

It’s always good to have a Backup, with a backup plan.

Dynamite Arrow, deal a Forward 9000 damage.

The only bad thing about this card, which isn’t really a bad thing, is that Trey can’t send himself to the Break Zone.

Other than that, you know you’ll be playing Trey in your Cadets deck.

21-096R – Nine

Nine reminds me of Amon from Opus II, which is still a great card.

Once per turn Nine is able to dull a Forward. Reducing your opponent’s numbers down. Allowing you to utilize a bigger attack, than you previously thought you’d be able to pull off. Add Opus II Amon and you’ll double that reduction.

Plus, let’s not forget that Nine has Protect cast on himself, as whenever he takes damage, that damage is reduced by 2000.

Class Zero has gotten some nice cards this set.

21-097R – Neilikka

Are there Brave Exvius decks out there?

Does anyone actually play Brave Exvius decks?

Just wondering, cause if they do they’ll probably play Neilikka here. She gains Haste if you have 2 Brave Exvius Characters on the field.

Neilikka costs 2CP and whenever she attacks she dulls, and deals 3000 damage to one of your opponent’s Forwards.

You can still play this card without any FFBE Characters, dealing damage to a Forward while dulling it is worth the 2CP alone.

21-098R – Palom

I’d say this is a pass.

There are far better Paloms out there.

Sure, this one is Lightning and deals 9000 damage to one of your opponent’s Forwards that cost 3 CP or less.

I’d say the only good thing about this card is that the ability can go off from an EX Burst. And, that’s about it.

Leave this one at home, unless your drafting. Then you might want to use it.

21-099H – Firion

Restrictions, restrictions, restrictions.

What do you expect? If there weren’t restrictions, we’d have so many over powered cards, where the winner would be determined by who goes first.

Or something like that.

I like this card. Should be played in Ice/Lightning. Dull everything in sight, and then you have Firion who can attack twice per turn is your opponent has 4 dull Characters on the field. See it doesn’t even say Forwards. Backups count as well, which more than likely will already be dull do to CP costs and playing cards.

Firion attacks twice, with Brave and +5000 power. making him a Forward with 8000 power. Add in Lulu (1-150R) and Maria (17-128L) and you’re turning Firion into a 11K wrecking machine.

All this for 1CP.

Can’t get more bang, for 1 Crystal Point.

21-100C – Dragoon

I keep telling myself, I should look into these Dragoons. They’re usually the “Cool” Characters. Take Kain, and Fang into consideration. Both great Characters, both are Dragoons. Even though Fang isn’t considered a Dragoon in FFTCG. Not yet any way, but her spear says other wise.

Let’s get back to the card.

Dragoon enters the field and deals either 4000 or 8000 damage to an active Forward. And it all depends on how many Backups you have.

By itself it’s an OK card.

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Lumina – Deck

As we take a look at Lumina’s ability it reads, “When Lumina enters the field, you may search for 1 Category XIII Forward and add it to your hand.”

That simply means, we need to fill up this deck with as many FFXIII Forwards that we can. And we do have a lot to choose from. But, we’re going to keep this as Characteristic as possible. We’ll Start off with Lightning and Serah. In the beginning I was trying not to use Lightning (19-138S), but for a deck filled with FFXIII Forwards, you need to use this card. Buffs and draws, and damage.

Serah? We went with Serah (16-032H). Ice Forward, that if played after you have 2 Ice Characters on the field, your opponent discards a card. If you have a XIII Forward you draw a card.

Moving on forward. Noel (19-136S) is our next Forward. Coming in with Haste and a buff for every FFXIII Character you control. Cid Raines (19-135S) is also here. You can tell we’re pretty much using the FFXIII Custom Starter Set for most of it. (If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.) So, we’ll just add Vanille (19-129S), Fang (19-131S), and Snow (19-132S) to round it out.

And, that’s still not enough. Especially cause there’s hardly any Lightning Forwards and Lumina is Lightning. We’ll just roll the dice and grab Lightning (19-082H), Anima (11-099H) and Cid Raines (19-135S), Yes they are all FFXIII Forwards. This way Lightning’s abilities will go off, and so will Serah’s when she enters the field, and also Noel’s. These 3 will be your main attackers.

For Backups, we’ll add Lebreau (5-151S). I usually go for the Opus I Lebreau, but we don’t have enough Fire Forwards to warrant that card. Class Second Moogle (10-016C), to help us with Ice CP. Mog (XIII-2) (1-196S), because he acts just like Lumina and searches for a FFXIII Forward. and Jihl Nabaat (1-193S) cause that still is a great card.

As For Summon, we’re just grabbing Bahamut, because with Fang on the field he becomes a Free Summon. And both Odins for Lightning’s (19-082H) ability.

All in all, this deck is made to get as many Forwards out on the field as fast as possible. After that just keep attacking and attacking, with at least 3 Forwards per turn.

Or something like that.

Deck List


Noel (19-136S) x3
Lightning (19-138S) x3
Serah (16-032H) x3
Vanille (19-129S) x3
Anima (11-099H) x3
Fang (19-131S) x3
Snow (19-132S) x3
Lightning (19-082H) x3
Cid Raines (19-135S) x3


Jihl Nabaat (1-193S) x3
Lebreau (5-151S) x3
Class Second Moogle (10-016C) x3
Mog (XIII-2) (1-196S) x3
Lumina (13-085R) x3


Odin (15-090H) x3
Odin (13-072R) x3
Bahamut (19-130S) x2

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Crystal Dominion – Opinion on Lightning

15-085R – Aquila EX

Hmm, I’ve been trying to figure out how much this card will be used.

On one hand you’ll be gaining a Crystal once per turn when you cast a Summon. And at 3 points of Damage you can grab a Lightning Summon from your Break Zone when Aquila enters the field. Which makes him a 2 cost.

Now that I’ve written it out, I can see some use with Aquila. And of course, I just realized he is a Forward. 8K body.

Let’s give it a try.

15-086R – Axis

I seem to be missing the point here. If someone can enlighten me, that would be great.

Probably need to look into other Kingsglaive cards.

The only thing that I can come up with is, put Axis into the Break Zone and grab a Forward. When Axis is put into the Break Zone, Nyx gains Haste, or you can choose 1 Forward and dull it. But, that’s only if Nyx is already on the field.


15-087C – Aranea EX


That’s what you will be playing. Grab a card one she enters the field and at 3 points of Damage all the Dragoons gain +2K.

If she had more than 3000 Power, this card would have been at least a Hero. But, that’s just my opinion. Aranea might have been the card, that will make me want to try a Dragoon deck. Nothing crazy, just enough to give your Dragoons that extra bit of Oomph.

15-088H – Vayne

This is interesting.

You finally have another use for backups, with an on entry ability. and no other use after that. Remove 2 of them from the game and play Vayne for free, technically.

And, then one Vayne is on the field all your Forwards gain 2000 power and your opponents lose 2000 power. It’s kind of Like Titan, but better.


15-089C – Sky Soldier

This is what you call an ace up your sleeve.

You’re eyeing that one Forward that’s on the field that your opponent controls that has been causing you grief. Well this is what you’ll do. You attack with a Forward that only that one Forward can block and when that one Forward blocks your Forward, you’ll dull Sky Soldier and then that one Forward, that blocked your Forward will break once your Forward deals damage to the other Forward.


15-090H – Odin

Break a 2 cost or a 4 cost Forward.

Cause that’s what Odin does.




15-091C – Thunder Drake

How many 2CP Forwards are being played? Well you can get rid of one with Thunder Drake. And, if that doesn’t work, you can get rid of a 1 cost Forward. For 2CP that is not bad at all.

Now the Do or Die ability, that Thunder Drake has and so many other Monsters in this set. A meat shield that you can throw at your opponent, before it rots away at the end of the turn.


15-092C – Sonitus

2Cp for a Backup, that when you would like to Break a Forward, you can just pay 3CP more, and receive 1 point of Damage for your trouble.

Sonitus can work as your bluff card.

Just have him out on the field. He’ll give you 1CP every turn and he just might stop your opponent from doing something just because he is on the field.


15-093R – Tredd

For 1CP this card is great. Even if you just throw him in there to give a Forward +1K and Brave, and then use him to block an attack. You’re already ahead of the game. I’d play Tredd every turn if I could. In and Out.

Or, you can just put him in the Break Zone yourself, to give a Forward +3K and First Strike until the end of the turn.


15-094L – Nyx

Slowly removing the Kingsglaive from the Break Zone will make Nyx more powerful. You probably won’t have to use it every turn, but just knowing that you can makes it even better.

Or, you can remove 5 Kingsglaive from the Break Zone and search for a XV Forward of 5CP or less and play it on the field. A card like Ardyn (15-129L) would be a perfect candidate. Especially late in the game.


15-095C – Ninja

Enter the Ninja, and gain a Crystal.

Other than that, dull and put Ninja into the Break Zone to deal a Forward 1000 Damage.




15-096C – Noel

For a Common, this is a pretty decent card.

You can go all out with Noel, as when he is blocked he’ll deal 6000 damage to the Forward and then his attack will deal another 6K, which will most likely finish off your opponents Forward



15-097H – Feolthanos

There is something about this card. Only thing for certain is that you’ll be playing Feolthanos during your Main Phase 2. After
you’ve attacked with all your Forwards.

And if you’re playing an all Forwards deck, you won’t even need to worry about losing your Backups, because you won’t have any n the first place.



15-098C – Pelna

Simple, yet effective Backup. I can see an Earth/Lightning deck with just Noctis and Crew and the Kingsglaive, all going strong.

And, the +2K Power isn’t too shabby.



15-099C – Magitek Armor

5CP to enter, then dull and discard 2 cards, is a little too pricey to break 1 Forward.

I’ll pass.





15-100R – Ragelise EX

Here is Lady Lilith’s Crystal Maker.

There’s a good chance a Forward will enter the Break Zone at least once a turn.

And, at 3 points of damage, you gain a Crystal when she enters.

What shall we do with all these Crystals?


15-101R – Ramuh

Lightning Re-Print, but, it’s a decent one.

Pick 2 of the 4 Actions.

Not bad at all.



15-102H – Lilisette

Dull 1 Dancer to dull a Forward.

Or, Dull 4 Dancers to deal 8K damage to all the Active Forwards.

Kind of like Feolthanos.

Climatic Flourish, grants protection to all Dancers.


15-103R – Regis

Regis comes with his personal guard. That will protect him when ever a Summon or ability chooses Regis. Sure, You still have
to play the Kingsglaive from your hand, but you will do so at a lower cost.

Other than that Regis gains +1K at 3 points of Damage.



15-104L – Lady Lilith

One of the first cards that was revealed. Lady Lilith gives us the ability to gain a Crystal every turn, by removing a card from the game.

How good this card is, will depend on how good the Crystal abilities are. Lady Lilith’s abilities, are OK. For 1 Crystal you can give a Lightning Forward Haste, and for 2 Crystals you can Break a Forward of 5CP or less.

Give me a Forward to remove with good on entry abilities, and I’ll give you a reason to gain a Crystal. Or something like that.

15-105C – Remora

Pay a Crystal to reduce the cost of casting Remora.

Other than that Remora buff up one of your Forwards and reduce the Power of one of your opponents Forwards. What’s the word? Deflate? Gimp?

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Opus XIII – Lightning Review

13-069C – Red Mage

Maybe I’m wrong about these cards. Might just be a good way to draw a card.






13-070C – Delusory Warlock

Here’s another card that will drop Lightning Exdeath’s CP by 1. And you also get to search for a Manikin. Double win.





13-071R/2-101H – Exdeath

And this whole time I thought this was a new card. I just realized it’s a reprint. No wonder it’s only a rare. They gave this card the treatment Chaos, Walker of the Wheel (3-071H) got. It’s still a good card, and now everyone has a better chance of grabbing this card in a pack to play Manikins.

Exdeath gives all Manikins +1K, and every Manikin gives ExDeath +1K. So, the more Manikins you have, the stronger ExDeath becomes.

The Main Attraction of your Manikin Deck.


13-072R – Odin EX

Coming off of an EX Burst this card is great, and even better after you’ve taken 5 points of Damage as the cost is only 2CP.

I think the 7CP Odin is slight better as you can Break any Forward. Even if the cost is a little higher. Or, you can just play both.




13-073H – Kain

Kain is a great card if you can play him straight from the Break Zone. Cause once he gets broken, he’ll be under your opponents control.

Thancred (12-124L) and Y’shtola (13-134S) can play him straight out of the Break Zone.




13-074C – Clavat

Not bad, breaking a Monster that is also a forward, or returning it to it’s owner’s hand. You can even use it on yourself

Want to return that Chocobo (6-050C) to your hand, to play it and play another Chocobo onto the field? Well, you can.




13-075R – Sakura

4CP to Break a 4CP Forward. Sounds like an even trade.






13-076R – Jake

Don’t see this one getting play when you can play Jake (8-097H).






13-077C – Zemus

At 3 points of Damage this card pays for itself. As you get to grab a Forward and a Backup. Might see some play late game, if you need to grab a couple of cards back.





13-078C – Propagator

Cheap Monster that might break a Forward, but that is highly unlikely. Becomes a Forward with 7k at Damage 3, which might be a reason to play.





13-079L – Behemoth K

Now this Behemoth is a Beast with a capitol B. Attack, Deals Damage, Gains 3K. Only way to get rid of him is with a Summon. Or Shantotto (1-107L). But, you can always just play him again.

Scary Good. I’ll take 3 please.




13-080C – Marach

Just entering the field and Pinging all your opponents Forwards except one that they choose for 4000 Damage is a good reason to play this card. Add in Rapha (13-082C) for an extra 1K every time Marach deals Damage.





13-081H – Lightning

Beautiful artwork. If nothing else that by itself is a reason to play this card. That and the fact that you can either remove a couple of Forwards your opponent controls, or a couple from your Break Zone, until Lightning leaves the field.

Either way you’ll benefit as your opponent won’t be able to play their cards, and you’ll have a couple of extra Forwards in your hand when Lightning leaves the field.



13-082C – Rapha

Combined with Marach (13-080C), these two will make a killer combo. Enter Marach, Deal 5000 Damage to all Forwards except 1. And then Dull Rapha and deal 4000 Damage for a total of 9000 Damage.

Most of the time your opponent will only have one Forward left on the field.




13-083H – Lid

Lid is a mix between Viking (4-133C) and Fat Chocobo (9-051R) in that she can add a Multi-Element card on entry when she leaves the field. Now, it won’t always work as you can only choose the top four cards of your deck.

Other than that she’s a 7K forward.




13-084C – Dragoon

If you’re playing Dragoons, this is a 2CP/8K Forward with Haste. If not, don’t bother.






13-085R – Lumina

3CP to search for a XIII forward. Nothing exciting, but you would think that they would have done something better for Lumina.