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Palom & Porom, The Twin Mages

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Dauntless twins. Prodigious mages in the making.

Twin mages with vast magic potential, Palom and Porom trained daily to perfect their skills under the guidance of the Elder. The disobedient Palom often skipped out on his training, which frequently led his more diligent sister Porom to berate him. After Cecil arrives in Mysidia, the twins join the Dark Knight’s part to secretly monitor him. Once they realize Cecil’s trustworthiness, they join him in his fight.

You never know what you’re going to get with these two. One minute they’re spies, the next they’re trying to save you.

 -Taken from the Ultimania

2-015H – Palom

I’m looking at this card and I’m wondering why isn’t anyone using this?

Palom comes in for 3CP with 6000 power. Now, if he comes into the field through the Break Zone, or through Search and Play, Palom deals a Forward 7000 damage.

Up to here, this isn’t a great card.

But, let’s take a look at Comet.

Deal your opponent 1 point of damage.

Comet. That is one hell of an S ability, and the cost isn’t much either. 1 Palom card, dull an active Porom and dull Palom. No extra CP or anything else.

This card is worth a shot, especially if you’re playing with the Twin Mages.

“Blizzard! And that, my friends is how it’s done!”

2-016R – Palom

Here we are.

The perfect card for the previous Palom.

For 1CP you get a Forward that will attack and deal 2000 damage to a Forward.

So far so good.

Now, if Palom damages your opponent, or that Forward that was damaged is put in the break Zone, you can put Palom into the Break Zone, search for another Palom and play it onto the field.

And, there are plenty of Paloms to choose from that have decent Enter the Field abilities. Most just deal damage to one of your opponent’s Forwards. If you play Palom 5-018L you’ll also draw a card.

Give it a shot.

2-135H – Porom

Just like Palom 2-015H, you would like to play Porom off of a Search and Play or from the Break Zone. When she comes in you will return a Forward to it’s owner’s hand. This could be one of your cards as well as it doesn’t specifically say your opponent’s Forwards.

And, the S ability, is meh. You’ll much rather play Palom’s Comet, but if you want to use Pyroblast, you’ll deal a Forward 8000 damage.

That’s about it.

“You would expect him to try a little harder to fool us, wouldn’t you?”

2-136R – Porom

I like this one better than the previous Porom as it gives some sort of protection to the Twin Mages.

Whenever they are targeted by your opponent’s Summons or abilities, you can return them to your hand, instead of breaking them.

You can also just send Porom into the Break Zone, and search for another Porom and play it onto the field. I would probably pick Porom 3-140R, as it activates all of your Forwards.

“It was almost like we’d gained an older brother.”

3-016H – Palom

I can see why this one isn’t being used as much.

Whenever a Forward is dealt damage, that damage increases by 1000. Yes, there are ways to offset this, by playing Maria (1-083H) who gives all of your Forwards +1000 power, but you can also just use a different Palom and keep that +1000 power.
But, we’re not talking about Maria.

Palom does have a decent S ability, that deals damage to 3 of your opponent’s Forwards. 1st one gets 6000 damage, 2nd gets 4000 damage and the third one gets 2000 damage. Add in the damage increase of 1000, and that gives you 7K, 5K and 3K.

You might be able to take out a few Forwards with this ability.

It’s worth a shot.

3-140R – Porom

This card is still playable.

For 4CP you can Activate all of your Forwards. It would be a good idea to keep Porom on hand, and when you think you can win the game, you can go all out with your Forwards. If you don’t manage to win it, then just play Porom and activate all of your Forward in Main Phase 2.

That way, at least you’ll have some blockers on the field.

This alone makes Porom worth playing. Plus you get a Meat Shield after it too.

Curaga, will protect one of your Forwards from damage dealt to it this turn.

“That repulsive brat is my twin brother, Palom.”

5-018L – Palom

This is a great card to play off of Palom 2-016R, and only if Porom is already on the field.

If not, I would suggest to play a different Palom.

Palom comes in, and deals a Forward 7000 damage. And if Palom is on the field you will also draw a card from your deck.
The ability isn’t that great, just deals 1000 damage to a Forward.

You’d think this card would be a lot better, considering it is a Legend.

“Your goody-two-shoes attitude is gettin’ old.”

5-135L – Porom


Just like Palom, I don’t see much use for this.

Porom comes in, you look at the top 3 cards of your deck, grab one and put the other 2 at the bottom.

Ok, that just makes Porom a 2 cost Forward, with 5000 power.

Only thing that might be worth it is Porom’s ability to cancel an action ability.

It’s like a Mini-Amaterasu. Just different.


8-041H – Palom

Here’s something different. Palom is ready to put a cog in your opponent’s gears. Especially if he comes in during your opponent’s turn as a response to anything that your opponent tries to do. How can you do this? Palom 2-016R. Yes, we’re throwing that card everywhere.

Palom will come in and you can both discard a card, you freeze on of your opponent’s Forwards, or you can dull all of their Backups. And, if you’re playing something along the lines of Turbo Discard, they won’t have any moves this turn.

Fire/Ice? It should work.

“Geez. Why are adults so pigheaded?”

9-115R – Porom

Here we have a miniature White Mage, whose sole purpose is to grab a Summon from your Break Zone.

This will also come off as an EX Burst.

Simple. Effective.

And you’ll have a tiny meat shield on the field ready to be sent to the Break zone at all times.

“Tellah, look after Cecil for us!”

11-121C – Porom

If you need to shuffle some cards in your hand, you should play Porom.

You’ll discard a card, and whether it is a Final Fantasy IV Character or not, will determine how many cards you will draw.

Maybe 1, maybe 2.

If it’s 2 you’ll discard another card from your hand.

It’s the old Switcharoo.

Porom also protects a Forward with her ability, which reduces the damage dealt to it, by 2000.


13-013C – Palom

“Cheap Backup with an enter the field ability. Needs Porom to be any good, but then there are a few other Palom cards I would rather play than this one.”

I don’t know if I was wrong on this card, but years later the Foil version of this card is going for a pretty penny.

And, when I look at it right now, I would say the same thing I said back then.

Go figure.


15-011L – Palom

Now this look interesting. Palom almost looks like George from Peppa Pig. The way he’s holding that Dinosaur, I mean Dragon. But the card looks interesting as well.

George … I mean Palom here, has an ability that gets stronger after a couple of turns. Palom gains 1EXP Counter at the end of each of your turns. With each EXP Counter Palom gains 1K power.

The longer Palom remains on the field the stronger he gets. I would say that this is a great turn 1 card.

And Palom’s ability. For a total cost of 0CP, Palom can deal either 2K damage or 8K damage to one of your opponents Forwards.

Yes, Please. I’ll take 3.

15-119L – Porom

“Porom here, getting an EXP Counter Every turn. And Every turn you can choose 1 Forward of 5CP or less and it loses all abilities. And at 3 EXP Counters it’s power becomes 1000.

After that you just use Palom (15-011L) and finish that Forward off. Just Like that.

It’s called Twincast.”

Basically, what that says.

More EXP, more breaks. Just like the game.

20-017R – Palom

Kind of looks like this card was drawn with MS Paint. And, I don’t mean that in a bad way.

At 2CP, Palom won’t steal the show this set, but it’s still a decent card if you got the Crystals. That’s why we need the Samurai reprint this set.

Palom will come in and deal a Forward 8000 damage, with the help of a Crystal.

I’m figuring Porom will have a similar enter the field ability, after that they can both be sent to the Break Zone to deal a Forward 10,000 damage.

“Be thankful that the Mysidian genius Palom is going to help you!”

20-113R – Porom

Lots of recycling here, Water should be called the Recycling Center today. Cards for cards.

We’ll give you a card and then you’ll give us a card back.

More like a trade center?

Anyway Palom’s twin sister Porom comes in or leaves the field, and you get to draw and discard 1 card.

If you discard a FFIV Character you can also get a Crystal. Two for the price of one.

21-098R – Palom

I’d say this is a pass.

There are far better Paloms out there.

Sure, this one is Lightning and deals 9000 damage to one of your opponent’s Forwards that cost 3 CP or less.

I’d say the only good thing about this card is that the ability can go off from an EX Burst. And, that’s about it.

Leave this one at home, unless your drafting. Then you might want to use it.

23-018R – Palom

Palom, one half of the twin mages.

Palom is a free play, if Porom is already on the field.

If not he’ll only cost 2CP. Palom comes in with 5000 power and allows you to place 2 EXP Counters on a Forward. That Forward will gain +2000 power.

And, if the twins work together, I think Porom will be something like this as well.

“Grown-ups. They like trouble!”

23-110R – Porom

Porom, the other half of the twin mages.

Same thing here, Porom is a free play if you have Palom already on the field.

And, just like Porom she comes in with 5000 power.

When Porom comes in you can place 2 EXP Counters on a Forward, and that Forward gains a shield of sorts. Damage dealt to that Forward will be reduced by 2000.

You’ll be able to splash one or the other of these twins, as there is no cost to pay, if the other is on the field.

Looking for the Twins?

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Beyond Destiny : Finishing Starters

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21-125S – Onion Knight

Coming in with Haste this Onion Knight will bring a tear to your eye.

Meh, I tried.

Onion Knight comes in and if you decide to pay 2 Crystals, you can search for another Dissidia Forward and play them onto the field. Sure, they have to cost 3CP or less, but there are plenty of Dissidia Forwards to choose from.

No need to worry about Elements either.

Sword & Sorcery, is a decent ability that deals 10,000 damage to any Forward that decides to go up against Onion Knight and block him when he attacks.

Did we mention Haste?

21-126S – Cloud

Kingdom Hearts Cloud.

Was wondering when he would make another appearance.

Cloud is pretty straight forward. He enters the field, and deals 3000 damage for each Dissidia Forward that you control to a Forward of your choosing. This also comes off of an EX Burst.

Other than that Cloud is a 5 cost Forward with 9000 power. But, you can get around that. Instead of paying 5CP, you can just pay with 2 Crystals.

21-127S – Firion

Here’s Firion, the Rebel Warrior that will help you stock up on Crystals. That way you can pay for all of the Crystal abilities that the rest of your Deck likes to use. Weather it is paying for Cloud, or having Onion Knight search for a Dissidia Forward, or whatever else the rest of the Starters can do with the help of the Crystals.

Let’s get back to Firion.

Firion enters the field and deals a Forward 3000 damage. And if you have 2 Dissidia Forwards on the field, he’ll deal 7000 damage instead.

And that’s about it.

Sure, you won’t really care about his Entering ability, not when he has a way to acquire Crystals.

21-128S – Shantotto

Here’s another use for all the Crystals Firion will be able to get you.

When Shantotto enters the field, you can pay the additional cost of 2 Crystals, and grab a Dissidia Forward from your Break Zone and play it onto the field. Sure this Forward needs to cost 5CP or less, but it’s a free Forward so who cares.

You will be able to play 2 5CP Forwards for the price of one.

It’s Buy One Get One Free. Or B.O.G.O.

Salvation Scythe, is Dissidia’s answer to Opus I Jihl Nabaat.

Dull and Freeze 3 Characters.

I like it. You don’t even need to play Shantotto in a Dissidia deck. Just throw here in any Dull/Freeze situation to make thinks cooler.

21-129S – Terra

From the looks of it, it’s all about the Crystals.

A Crystal here, a Crystal there, here a Crystal, there a Crystal, everywhere a Crystal.

Terra shall come into the field, and your opponent discards a card. And if you’re playing this starter deck, you’ll probably be gaining a Crystal as well.

And then you can use that Crystal to Dull/Freeze, a Forward and draw a card as well.

Pair Terra with Shantotto and you can Dull/Freeze 4 Forwards.

It’s getting colder by the minute.

21-130S – Noctis

You see what they did there?

They gave you a somewhat cheap Forward with 9000 power, but you have to have a Dissidia Forward on the field in order to play Noctis.

But, you probably already got that covered. You’re playing this Starter Deck.

Well let’s see, Noctis comes in and Breaks a Dull Forward.

And, that’s about it.

It’s all because of the suit Noctis is wearing. And, then he’s pointing to himself, showing off his portrait on the wall.

Yes, we comment on the art when we have nothing else to say. We got to fill up space somehow.

21-131S – Warrior of Light

Here is another Crystal Generator

Warrior of Light comes in and gives you a Crystal, and after that, whenever a Dissidia Forward enters the field Warrior of Light gives you another Crystal. And, then you can use those Crystals and use them to pay for different abilities.

Such as the one right here on the card, that gives Warrior of Light +1000 power, and the ability to not be chosen by your opponent’s abilities. Now, that’s an ability.

Warrior of Light sure reminds me of Cecil. I actually thought it was Cecil until I started reading the card.

21-132S – Cecil

What’s not to like about this card?

Built in protection. Cecil is a Paladin like no other. Or so they say.

4CP/8000 power. Can’t be chosen by abilities, can’t take damage from abilities. A meat Shield at it’s finest.

Cecil also buffs all of the other Dissidia Forwards with +2000 power.

And, if that’s not enough, Paladin Force breaks those pesky high cost Forwards that like to stick around the field more than they should.

Now if Cecil had some FFIV synergy, this card would have been awesome.

21-133S – Tidus

Here’s a card in this deck that pretty much stands by itself, with no need for other Dissidia Characters. Tidus comes in and you return one of your opponent’s Forwards to their hand. And when you return a Forward to their owner’s hand, regardless of it being your or your opponent’s you draw a card and gain a Crystal.

And since there is no need for Dissidia Characters on the field for this ability to go off, you can pretty much play Tidus in any deck.

Sure, he costs 5CP, but you’ll get 2CP back when you return a Forward to your opponent’s hand. Plus, you could be drawing an extra card once per turn, making Tidus cheaper in the long run.

21-134S – Bartz

Bartz is ready to make this Dissidia deck work out. Bartz comes in and allows you to search for a Dissidia Character, add it to your hand. Bartz also gives you a Crystal

4CP, which comes down to 2CP after you draw a card. And if you already have another Crystal in your hand, play Shantotto, and then grab Cloud from the Break Zone.

Or something along those lines.

And, when Bartz is done attacking , and blocking and is sent to the Break Zone, you can remove Bartz from the game and gain an additional Crystal.

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Beyond Destiny : From Dusk ‘Till Dawn

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21-121L – Warrior of Light

If this works as planned, you get to play Warrior of Light for 1CP, if not well, then you paid 7CP. Even if you find just one 3 cost Forward in the top 5 cards of your deck, then Warrior of Light is a decent play.

Other than that, Ultimate Shield is a great ability to counter your opponent’s Summons and abilities. Meaning that Warrior of Light and the 3 cost Forwards you control cannot be targeted by your opponent’s Summons or abilities.

You’ll want to have plenty of Warrior of Light cards in your deck to make use of this ability whenever the need rises.

PS. Really love the art. But, that goes without saying.

21-122H – Skyserpent General Rughadjeen

We’ve seen all the other Serpent Generals, and now it’s time for the final Serpent General. Skyserpent General Rughadjeen, who does not need to be played with any Serpent Generals.

For 4CP you get a 9000 powered Forward with Haste, First Strike and Brave.

And, if that’s not enough, every time the Skyserpent General attacks, you can choose a Forward, give them +1K and Haste, choose one Forward give them +1K and First Strike, and choose one Forward give them +1K and Brave.

It does not say that you have to choose 3 different Forward, you can grant all of these ?upgrades? to one Forward if you’d like.

I’ll take 3 of these, and put General Rughadjeen into my all Haste deck.

21-123H – Darkness Manifest

This card looks good, even without paying with a reduced cost. Sure you can remove a Fire, Wind, Earth and Water Character and pay only 2CP, but that would mean you’re playing a 4 colored deck. Which might be hard to navigate. Although I have seen it done right.

All Darkness Manifest needs to do is stay on the field, and he will slowly chip away at your opponent. Once per turn during the beginning of Main Phase 1, Darkness Manifest will deal your opponent 1 point of Damage.

And, if he ends up leaving the field, you choose one Character, and you can send it to the Break Zone.

Now, all we need to figure out, is how to send Darkness Manifest in and out of the field, without losing him.

21-124L – Jack Garland

Jack Garland is Garland.


Well that is his last name isn’t it?

3CP/9k body with Brave.

You can just stop there, and you’d have a decent card.

But, this is a Legend.

Jack enters the field and allows you to search for a Strangers of Paradise card, add it to your hand. After that Jack has an action ability that allows you to Break a Dark Character of your choice, at the cost of 1 point of damage.

This is one of those abilities that can be very useful, when playing against an opponent that has multiple Dark cards on the field. The rules state that you can only have 1 Dark Character on the field at any time, but there are a couple of cards that allow you to have more. Break that Dark Character. It’ll either be Chaos or Spiritus. But either way, you get rid of them, and your opponent will have to chuck all the Dark Characters from the field except for 1.

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Beyond Destiny : Flood Born Warriors

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21-101C – Ashe

OK, Yes, I’ll take it.

What’s not to like? Every time Ashe attacks you draw a card.

I’ll throw Ashe in any deck, just to draw a card when she attacks. Especially with 8000 power. Throw in Wakka (1-180R) and Ashe will have +1K power to keep your opponent on their toes.

And, that’s about it. Simple yet effective … In helping you draw cards.

21-102L – Gau

I won’t say it this time.

The WASP Super fan is here once again, and he is perfect for your Monster deck. I might even put Gau in the Bomb deck I’m going to be building shortly.

Gau’s cost comes down for every Monster that you have on the field. Meaning, you don’t even need to have any Water CP, as long as you have 5 Monsters on the field. Should be simple enough. Especially if you have a swarm of Bombs ready to blow. You’ll just play Gau before they all explode.

Plus, when Gau enters the field you can send one of your opponent’s Forwards to the bottom of their deck, as long as their CP, is equal to, or less than the number of Bombs, … I mean Monsters you control.

Gau can also turn a Monster into a Forward with 8000 power.

It’s at the tip of my tongue, Gimme a Mic!

“I’m a Wild Chi ….”

I’ll stop.

21-103R – Kraken

Is it worth playing Kraken for 5CP?

If you’re playing Mono-Water, probably. If not then I might skip this.

You do draw a card when Kraken enters the field, so technically you’re just paying 3CP for Kraken.

Other than that if you have 7 Water Characters on the field, a Forward of your choosing loses 10,000 power.

This might be worth playing in a Viking deck.

21-104C – Sage

What’s not to like? Sage is a Standard Unit that can Activate a Character once per turn. You can also have three of these on the field at the same time.

Think about this.

You have a Character on the field that deals damage to all of your opponents Forwards. But, you have to dull that Character, cause that’s how most abilities work.

After that you can Activate that Character with Sage, and do it all over again.

And, again.

And, again.

And, one more time, but you can’t activate that Character this time.

That’s 1 ability going off 4 times in one turn.

I’ll take 3. Yes, please.

21-105C – Sahagin

Here we have a great addition to any deck that has Gau.

Especially since Sahagin is a 1CP Monster that will return a Forward to your opponent’s hand. Sure, this Forward, must cost 3CP or less, but with Gau’s help, this Monster can turn into a noble Forward that will happily protect you and your party of Forwards that lead themselves into the hands of your opponent’s party, that have one objective, which is to deal you 7 points of damage.

And, if that doesn’t work out, you can always send Sahagin into the Break Zone to return any Forward to their owner’s hand.

21-106H – Jed

That is not what Samurais look like. And, not even Tenzen can help Jed.

I mean sure Jed’s first ability is decent. Reducing the damage dealt to your Water or SOPFFO Forwards by 1000, but other than that I don’t really see a reason to play Jed.

And whenever I say that, somehow someone will figure out a way to play Jed and make him viable.

All Jed needs is a mustache and glasses.

I’ll lave Jed Flanders alone for now.

21-107R – Springserpent General Mihli Aliapoh

You can get Springserpent General Mihli Vanilli, i mean Aliapoh, down to 2CP if you got a couple of Water Characters on the field.

And, when Mihli Aliapoh is put into the Break Zone, you draw 1 card, thus making the Serpent General a free play when she comes full circle.

And if you have a couple of dull Characters on the field. Mihli here will activate them and give them +1000 power.
Not a bad card. Especially since this can turn into a free play.

21-108R – Ceodore

Little Prince Ceodore.

This is probably the best Ceodore yet. And, I like it.


Because, Ceodore will give all of the FFIV Forwards +1000 power. Sure, you’ll need Rosa or Cecil on the field to give your Forwards that boost, but then again, you won’t be playing Ceodore without Rosa or Cecil in the first hand.

And if Rosa or Cecil is already on the field, you can spend a Crystal instead of paying 4CP to play Ceodore onto the field.
I see a Wind/Water IV deck coming along nicely.

21-109C – Astrologian

And, you thought Astrology was fake.

This Astrologian, can actually see into the future, and you can change it however you’d like.

Simply put, Astrologian comes out, reads the stars, and as you look at the top 3 cards of your deck, you can add one to your hand. And place the other two at the top and bottom of your deck. Allowing you to place a perfectly good EX Burst at the top of your deck, as you real in your opponent to attack you for a point of damage.

And, if you get tired of Astrologian after this, you can always send her to the Break Zone, and draw a card for your troubles.
I’ll be giving this one a try.

21-110C – Desch

If you really want to play this card, you should play it right after you played Sahagin.

Because other than playing a 9000 body for 2CP, I really don’t see a reason to be playing Desch.

Unless you find the portrait art good, and you want Desch to stare down your opponent, as he tries to intimidate them into playing the wrong cards at the wrong time.

Yeah, that’s about it.

21-111C – Paladin

Water Elemental Backup here.

If you need that Crystal to play Ceodore, Paladin is here to help you.

Other than that, if you play Paladin early on, you can draw a card if there are 3 Backups or less on the field.

And, that concludes Paladin.


21-112C – Ninja

It’s been a while since we’ve had a Character with Back Attack.

And we have a nice little Combo here.

First off play Paladin, gain the Crystal.

Use that Crystal to help pay for Ninja, return a Forward to your opponent’s hand.

Play Desch for 2CP.

Yeah, it’s not the greatest.

21-113R – Bikke

Here is a free card for you.

If you have a couple of Pirates, and/or Vikings, Bikke comes in at no extra charge.

0CP for an 8K body.

Plus, he grants protection from your opponent’s abilities to all of your Vikings and Pirates. Named Pirates. Although I can’t think of a Pirate Standard Unit. We might be getting some in the upcoming sets.

It looks like we’re finally getting our Pirates/Vikings deck that most of us have been thinking about since Leila (6-126R).

21-114L – Faris

And, this is the other reason Pirate/Vikings will become a thing.

Imagine swarming the board with Vikings, and all of those Vikings now have 8000 power. You’ll be getting a board full of Meat Shields. As long as those Vikings keep coming, you’ll be drawing cards left and right, and you’ll have plenty of CP to play more Vikings.

Faris can also redirect a Summon or ability choosing her, to one of her sacrificial lambs, just waiting to get knocked out, by Ramuh or any other ability that may come her way.

And that covers it all.

I’ll take 3. Preferably foil.

21-115C – Larsa

Larsa comes in a searches for a high cost Forward.

There’s some use here.

But, I prefer the cards that search for any Forward regardless of cost. Sure there’s not that many, but sometimes cards like Larsa help.

End of the day, Larsa will technically cost you 2CP.


21-116H – Leviathan

Umm, .. .

I thought this one would have been better. I mean, it’s not bad, but when you hear Leviathan you just kind of expect more.
If you decide to play Leviathan during your turn, you’ll end up paying 2CP less out of the 6CP it costs to Summon Leviathan.
Leviathan, comes in and grabs a Forward and puts them at the bottom of their owner’s deck. That means you can choose one of your Forwards, if they’re being targeted by Summons or abilities.

After that, you can play a 2 cost Forward from your hand onto the field.

If this cost 4CP, instead of 6CP, where if you play it on your turn for 2CP it would have been great. Still there is some use here.

21-117R – Rhus

Yes, maybe, probably.

Rhus costs 6CP, but it’s actually 4CP. Unless it’s the first turn and you went first.

Rhus’s cost comes down for every card that you drew this turn. If you play your cards right you can play Rhus for 1CP. Shouldn’t be that hard with Vikings.

What’s great about Rhus is that you can discard a card, remove Rhus from the game, and then play Rhus back onto the field at the end of the turn.

You probably won’t need to really use that ability, as Rhus already comes equipped with a 9K body, but if you do, you know that you have a Backup plan.

I like this one. I’ll be trying this one out.

21-118H – Leila

This is a hard one. Which one do we keep?

Opus VI Leila or this one?

We already what Opus VI Leila does, so let’s take a look at this one.

Leila enters the field and you can search for a Viking, or a Pirate and add it to your hand. Giving Leila a total cost of 1CP.

After that whenever one of your Water Forwards attack, you can sap 1000 power from one of your opponent’s Forwards. And if you have enough Water Forwards, which you should, especially with Faris and Bikke, and a handful of Vikings, you should be able to Break a Forward per turn.

This one is a much stronger Leila, but grabbing and playing a Viking from the Break Zone and drawing a card is also good.
Maybe have both of them in a deck.

21-119H – Lenna EX

How is that an EX Burst?

Because it is, all you do is draw a card when Lenna enters the field. So, this 2 cost Lenna is actually a free play. And, we like it.

After that, Lenna has a great ability that doesn’t require you to send Lenna into the Break Zone. And, that is something that we don’t see too often. But, with an ability name like “Raise”, what would you expect? Lenna brings back a low cost Forward from the Break Zone.

It’s always good to carry a Phoenix down.

21-120R – Refia

Introducing your WoFF Reanimator.

Refia enters the field, grabs a WoFF Forward of 4CP or less from the Break Zone, and play them straight to the field. Kind of like Opus VI Leila.

I believe WoFF will be making a comeback. With all these WoFF cards we got this set, some of them are bound to be good.
Once Refia is on the field, and you already got the extra WoFF Forward on the field from the Break Zone, you will be able to dull and pitch Refia to the Break Zone, and reduce damage done to one of your Forwards by 3000.

I see Refia being a staple in future WoFF decks.

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Beyond Destiny – Twisted Transistors

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21-081L – Irvine

Well, I can see why this is a sought out card.

It’s the butterfly on Irvine’s finger. When it flaps it’s wings, it’ll cause your opponent to slowly get discombobulated. In a way, at least.

Irvine enters the field, you remove 2 cards from your opponent’s Break Zone, and it’s off to the races. The butterfly’s flap will give Irvine +2000 power, Haste and First Strike. Meaning Irvine can attack right off the bat, as a 9000 power Forward, and don’t forget First Strike. 99% of the time your opponent will either be sending a Forward to the Break Zone, or getting a point of damage.

And, Armor Break, breaks a Forward or a Monster.

You can’t go wrong with this one.

21-082C – Red Mage

Your Elemental Backup, that’s the same as the other Standard Unit Backups in the other Elements as well.

Maybe in draft, but I don’t see much play outside of it.

Prove me wrong, and I’ll send you a playset on the house.



21-083H – Ace

Is this Ace better than the rest?

I don’t think so, but I always used Ace when playing Type-0.

Sure the other Aces are better, but this Ace is a Hero.

Ace enters the field and you draw a card if you already have a couple of Cadets on the field. Thus making Ace a 2 cost Forward.

Other than that, you can discard a card, and dull a Forward, and give Ace +1000 power.

I think I’ll pass on this one.

21-084H – Odin

A Summon that will Break over 75% of all Forwards and Monsters. And, it only costs 3CP. You can even reduce that cost to 1CP if you have at least 5 Lightning Characters on the field. Because when you do you get to draw 1 card. And, everyone likes drawing cards.

There is another 2 Odins that will Break any Forward regardless of cost, but Odin (1-124R) costs 7CP. You also have Odin (12-077H) which costs 6CP, and that one’s cost is reduced by 1CP for each Odin in your Break Zone.

Playing this Odin with the Opus XII Odin might be a good idea.

Other than that you got some great Amano art.

21-085H – Emperor Gestahl

More Amano art, and Gestahl is starting to look like “The Wiseman” from the Labyrinth.

For a 2 cost Backup, Emperor Gestahl will allow you to grab a Forward from your Break Zone. Plays like these are always good. Especially if that Forward was the only one that you had. And, let’s not forget about their enter the field ability that will cause havoc on your opponents board.

Ok, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

Later on you can put Emperor Gestahl into the Break Zone, remove 4 of the same type cards from your opponent’s Break Zone, and draw a card.

I don’t see why not.

“sometimes the way forward is the way back.”

21-086C – Gunbreaker

This isn’t bad at all. And with Gunbreaker being a Standard Unit, you can have 3 of these on the field at the same time. Hopefully you’ll have a pocket full of Crystals, because I can see a board wipe shaping up here.

Every time Gunbreaker attacks, you deal 2000 damage to all of your opponents Forwards. If you have a Crystal, you can deal an additional 2000 damage to all of your opponent’s Forwards.

And, if you have a couple more Gunbreakers and a couple more Crystals, then you’re dealing 12,000 damage to all of your opponent’s Forwards.

Pair this with some Bombs and I see a deck forming.

21-087C – Machinist

What is this? 2CP?

For a 5K Forward?

I can see some use with this one.

Gunbreaker attacks, and then you play Machinist in your Main Phase 2, and deal 5000 damage to one of your opponent’s Forwards.

And, after that, once per turn, you can Dull Machinist and deal 2000 damage to a Forward.

21-088C – Gilgamesh

Que “Battle on the Big Bridge”

You can never go wrong with Gilgamesh, unless he pulls Excalipoor. And this, Gilgamesh is not pulling Excalipoor. Especially, if you got yourself a couple of Crystals on hand, and 3 points of damage. For when you do, Gilgamesh becomes a 9K body, with Haste and Brave, and can also attack twice in the same turn.

Pair this with Estinien (6-088L) and you can have the match over with in a couple of turns.

I like it, the only thing I would change about this card, is give it some Amano Art.

21-089R – Queen

A Forward with Haste, that doesn’t receive damage when attacking?

I’ll take it. It doesn’t matter what else Queen does, this is more than enough.

And, it still gets better. Queen, also, can’t be chosen by Summons or abilities either. And, if for some reason you need to give her more power, just spend 2CP and you’re set. You can even do this part multiple times to keep upping her power.

This will be going straight into the all Haste deck.


21-090R – Cloud

You wouldn’t play this Cloud in a FFVII deck, but you might in a WoFF themed deck.

2CP to cast a 5K body, that will maybe, just maybe break one of your opponent’s Forwards. Well, Cloud actually just might. There are plenty of low cost Forwards out there, and if you already have Reynn on the field, to help pay for Cloud, well then you have 2 WoFF Characters on the field. And, there are plenty of 2 cost Forwards to break.

Yeah, that’s about it. Break a Forward, and then you have a tiny meat shield to absorb an attack. Or something like that.

21-091C – Black Knight

Black Knight has 1 job, which can be done twice. Once when Black Knight enters the field, and once when Black Knight enters the Break Zone.

Break a 2 cost Forward or Monster. Which is pretty good considering the cost to play Black Knight is 2CP.

Black Knight will then hang out on the field, but when Black Knight starts heading to the Break Zone, Black Knight will Break any Forward or Monster that your opponent controls.

Sure, costs and blah blah blah, but I’ll give this one a try.

Or two.

21-092R – Man in Black

How come Lightning is getting all these good cards? Half of them are just Commons and Rares.

Like Man in Black here. a 4 cost Rare Forward, with an 8K body.

Ok, you’ll say, that’s just an average card. But upon closer inspection, every Attack Phase, Man in Black, allows you to choose 2 Forwards, and unless your opponent pays 3CP, they can”t attack or block this turn.

Allowing you to march Forward as you pile up cards in your opponent’s Damage Zone.

At 5 points of damage, Man in Black also gains +2000 power. Thus making Man in Black a 10K Forward.

12-093L – Xande

Mono-Lightning mean you’re playing Xande.

Xande might be 5CP, but you can reduce that by one if you have Glauca (11-091R) on the field. And if you have 8 Lightning Characters on the field you can grab a Forward from your Break Zone and play it straight to the field. No cost limit on this one. you can even grab those 10 cost Forwards and just play them straight to the field.

I’d say it’s worth having at least one Xande in your deck if you’re playing Mono-Lightning.


21-094C – Shantotto


That is what Shantotto is thinking.

How do I fit into a multi-element deck? One that can play every element, so I can get the most of my Enter the Field ability.

Tyro and Moogles and ….

Worst case scenario you’ll be dealing 3000 damage to one Forward.

Best Case 21,000 damage. I can’t think of any use in trying to find a way to have all the elements one the field, including one Light or Dark Character, but the look on your opponent’s face when you say I’m dealing your Viking 21K damage.

21-095C – Trey EX

Class Zero finally got a card that it needed.

Trey, the Recycler!

A card that will allow you to go into your Break Zone, and grab a Class Zero Cadet.

It’s always good to have a Backup, with a backup plan.

Dynamite Arrow, deal a Forward 9000 damage.

The only bad thing about this card, which isn’t really a bad thing, is that Trey can’t send himself to the Break Zone.

Other than that, you know you’ll be playing Trey in your Cadets deck.

21-096R – Nine

Nine reminds me of Amon from Opus II, which is still a great card.

Once per turn Nine is able to dull a Forward. Reducing your opponent’s numbers down. Allowing you to utilize a bigger attack, than you previously thought you’d be able to pull off. Add Opus II Amon and you’ll double that reduction.

Plus, let’s not forget that Nine has Protect cast on himself, as whenever he takes damage, that damage is reduced by 2000.

Class Zero has gotten some nice cards this set.

21-097R – Neilikka

Are there Brave Exvius decks out there?

Does anyone actually play Brave Exvius decks?

Just wondering, cause if they do they’ll probably play Neilikka here. She gains Haste if you have 2 Brave Exvius Characters on the field.

Neilikka costs 2CP and whenever she attacks she dulls, and deals 3000 damage to one of your opponent’s Forwards.

You can still play this card without any FFBE Characters, dealing damage to a Forward while dulling it is worth the 2CP alone.

21-098R – Palom

I’d say this is a pass.

There are far better Paloms out there.

Sure, this one is Lightning and deals 9000 damage to one of your opponent’s Forwards that cost 3 CP or less.

I’d say the only good thing about this card is that the ability can go off from an EX Burst. And, that’s about it.

Leave this one at home, unless your drafting. Then you might want to use it.

21-099H – Firion

Restrictions, restrictions, restrictions.

What do you expect? If there weren’t restrictions, we’d have so many over powered cards, where the winner would be determined by who goes first.

Or something like that.

I like this card. Should be played in Ice/Lightning. Dull everything in sight, and then you have Firion who can attack twice per turn is your opponent has 4 dull Characters on the field. See it doesn’t even say Forwards. Backups count as well, which more than likely will already be dull do to CP costs and playing cards.

Firion attacks twice, with Brave and +5000 power. making him a Forward with 8000 power. Add in Lulu (1-150R) and Maria (17-128L) and you’re turning Firion into a 11K wrecking machine.

All this for 1CP.

Can’t get more bang, for 1 Crystal Point.

21-100C – Dragoon

I keep telling myself, I should look into these Dragoons. They’re usually the “Cool” Characters. Take Kain, and Fang into consideration. Both great Characters, both are Dragoons. Even though Fang isn’t considered a Dragoon in FFTCG. Not yet any way, but her spear says other wise.

Let’s get back to the card.

Dragoon enters the field and deals either 4000 or 8000 damage to an active Forward. And it all depends on how many Backups you have.

By itself it’s an OK card.

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