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Almost Here.

23 days away till our first event will be held. We decided on November, 26th. There’s still some things that we need to finish up, but we have plenty of time. Enough time. To do all the things we need.

We have a banner that is in the works. Waiting on a proof, so we can see what it’s going to look like. Product will most likely be here the week of. Plenty of Prerelease Kits, and Booster boxes.

Prize support. At the very least a winner will walk away with a Prerelease kit. And depending on how many people have showed up will determine how many prizes will be available. I’m thinking every 8 people that show up, we’ll throw in something else. 8 people will have a Kit and something else. 16 a kit and 2 other things. Something like that.

How many people will show up is a different story. I’ll be happy with 8. We’ll have a good little tournament with that. Into the Brackets and we’ll have our winner before the night is over. A couple of pictures for Instagram and Facebook. And, the website of course. And, we’ll call it a night.

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Crystal Dominion – Starter Review

Wedge (15-131S)

Well, you know that these cards all go well together. You will most likely be playing 1CP for Wedge as you will have another Job AVALANCHE Operative. And you will be forming parties and attacking. Tifa must have made some great cocktails at 7th Heaven, because everyone is partying up.

Once you party up, Wedge will be able to Break 1 Dull Character of cost 4 or more.

Jessie (15-132S)

-Insert Wedge’s first paragraph here.-

Everyone will want to party up with Jessie, because she is the only girl on the team. Tifa doesn’t count unless you’re playing Tifa (14-120H). And then you might be able to pull off something really good. I don’t know what that is but it involves Jessie, Cloud and Tifa. Menage a …. I mean … Manage the Trio right and you’ll be putting a beat down on your opponent.


Barret (15-133S)

Barret works a little different as he doesn’t party. Could be because Marlene is always there, and he is trying to be a good role model. But, he still will still only cost 1CP as you’ll be playing AVALANCHE.

Now, I see Barret being held till the end of the Attack phase into Main Phase 2, and if one of your Forwards were broken, then you can simply dull Barret and Break one of the opponents Forwards.


Biggs (15-134S)

Charlie Sheen here, is known for his partying. And, whether he’s going as Charlie, or Topper, or Rick Vaughn, or Biggs. I don’t know about you, but the first time I saw Biggs in the FFVII Remake, I thought Charlie Sheen was going to be his voice actor.

Now, from the party abilities, I think this one is one of the better ones. Drawing a card and protecting all the party members at the same time. I like it.

Sign me up. I’ll take 3

Tseng (15-135S)

Beef up your Turks with Tseng. Plenty to choose from. And when he enters the field you take a look at the top five cards of your deck. Add 1 Turk to your hand, and play a Turk from your hand on to the field. From what I’m reading you won’t be able to play a Turk unless you grab a Turk.

Wonder if they’ll include Vincent as a Member of the Turks?



President Shinra (15-136S)

Just a Backup that’ll let you search for a card once he enters the field.

Nothing much else to write here, I’m just pretending that I have something important to say about the card so we can fill up this blank space next to it.

That’s not saying that you shouldn’t play this card. It’s just a simple card that will let you search for what you need.
Rude (15-137S)

Ravishing Rick Rude, only this time he’s bald. Now you’ll want to have either President Shinra or Rufus. Give all the Turks Brave and +1K. And that’s only part of it.

You will want to be playing as many Turks as you can. Because if you have 4 or more on the field, at the beginning of each attack phase you will dull all the Forwards your opponent controls.

Rude will stop your opponent in their tracks.

Reno – (15-138S)

Reno is always teaming up with Rude.

So, it would make sense that these two cards will compliment each other. For one, If President Shinra or Rufus is on the field, Reno gives all the Turks +1K and First Strike.

And, at the beginning of each of your attack phase, with 4 or more Turks, all the Turks gain Haste.


Cloud (15-139S)

Another Set, another Cloud.

But, which one do you choose. Depends on the situation. This one works well with this deck, but would you use it in any other deck, when there are a couple of other Clouds that are far better? All you need is one Job Avalanche Operative, and we do have that in Tifa (14-120H) which might make Cloud a threat in the late game. You’ll Break a Forward and grab a AVALANCHE Operative from the Break Zone, throw it onto the field and well … let’s see what happens.


Rufus (15-140S)

Just when you thought it was all over. You’ve taken 5 points of Damage and all of a sudden, Shantotto comes out and wipes the board. What do you do? All the Turks are in the Break Zone.

Have no fear. For Rufus is in your hand.

Once you play Rufus and pay for the extra cost, Out comes the cavalry. All the different Turks that are in your Break Zone can come out to play. Straight to the field. No stopping for gas. And once you enter the Attack Phase. Hopefully you were smart enough to play Reno and give Haste to all the Turks on the field.

Now, my friend. You can go to town on your opponent.

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Crystal Dominion Prerelease Kit Preview.

We finally got a look at the Pre-release Kit, and the Theatrhythm Promo card, featuring none other than Butz .. I mean Bartz. Sleeves featuring Firion and 9 packs of Crystal Dominion goodness. And it shall be here next month. 6 weeks away if nothing goes wrong. Let’s see if Joe actually does something. Along with UPS, Fedex and Walmart. But, that’s  another story.

Now, we do have a card here, Let’s take a look.

Bartz EX
Category – Theatrhythm-V
Job – Wanderer/ Warrior of Light
8000 Power

“EX BURST When a Job Warrior of Light other than Bartz enters your field, gain (C).

If you have a (C), Bartz gains +2000 power.

When a Job Warrior of Light you control is put from the field into the Break Zone, you may pay (C)(C)(C). When you do so, play it onto the field. This effect will trigger only once per turn.”

Do you know what that means. You need a card Job : Warrior of Light that will also serve as your main card. Wait, What? Let me rephrase this.

Faris (12-128L) that is the card you will be playing. Or atleast I would. Think about it. Faris attacks for 8k not counting buffs. Even if she doesn’t break the blocking Forward. She will be sent to the Break Zone. You’ll bring her back for 3(C). And when she re-enters the field, you will gain (C). Which, even if you used your last Crystals, Bartz will still have his +2K power and Faris will deal 2k damage to a Forward for each Job Warrior of Light you control.

And come to realize it. Faris and Bartz are both Category : V as well.

Let’s see Warrior of Light Theme Deck become a thing. Now if we can only get Jack aboard. Maybe by Resurgence of Power.

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We’re starting off with a Bang! Spoiler Season is here like we’ve mentioned earlier this week and we just keep on going. Final Fantasy XI, we got Robel-Akbel. And with that …

On to the card

4CP – Earth
Category : XI
Job : Black Mage/Warlock Warlord
8000 Power

“When Robel- Akbel enters the field, you may pay (C).

When you do so, choose 1 Forward or Monster, Break it.

At the beginning of Main Phase 1 during each of your turns, choose 1 backup in your Break Zone. Add it to your hand”
We’ll just jump straight into that second ability. At the beginning of Main Phase 1, grab a Backup from your Break Zone. At the beginning of your opponents Main Phase 1, grab a Backup from your Break Zone.”

As Long as Robel-Akbel is on the field. You will be getting an extra 2CP you can use during each of your turns. That way you can have your reserve list of Backups in your Break Zone and grab them whenever you’ll need them.

You’ll probably be looking for a 2 cost Backup that has either an entry ability or an ability that hits when it is put into the Break Zone. That way you can keep recycling it over and over.

A card like Kazusa (3-026C). Your opponent will be discarding cards left and right while you’re just recycling Kazusa and another Backup.

As for the Crystal ability, upon entry, Robel-Akbel can Break 1 Forward or Monster. There are plenty of ways to gain Crystals, we’ve seen a couple already. And now we also have a Crystal Card available.

What other Backup would you pair Robel-Akbel with? Let us know in the comments.

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Spoiler Season Has Arrived

Spoiler Season is here. We got ourselves the first reveals of Crystal Dominion. One of each element. These cards were revealed in the Japanese Magazine Card Gamer. Square Enix was kind enough to post pictures of the cards in English. Remember when they said that they would introduce Crystals? Well these cards have abilities that use Crystals to pay for the cost.

Samurai, a 2CP Backup that gives you a Crystal when she enters the field. You’ll be able to discard this card with her ability so you can play another one after, or another card that will work with what you’re trying to accomplish.

Snow. Now with Snow you can pay a Crystal and choose between Freezing all the Forward or Backups.

Kytes doesn’t use Crystals but can save a Sky Pirate from being broken. I like the artwork even though it looks like it was drawn in MS Paint. It’s also one of the first Full Arts we see from Crystal Dominion.

Hecantoncheir. Here’s another Full Art. Hecantoncheir is a Summon that can wipe out the board. Cheaper than Shantotto.

Lady Lilith. Our first Legend with the ability to Gain Crystals by removal, and then you can either use those Crystals for Haste or Removal.

Penelo will be joining your Sky Pirate Deck. It’ll be like your playing Revenant Wings with Kytes, and I’m sure Vaan will make his appearance somewhere.