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Crystal Dominion – Fire Review

15-001R/9-002H – Ifrita

Starting off the set with a reprint?

I would too, if it’s Ifrita. Now along with the Ifrita we got in the previous set, It’ll be a lot easier to get Ifrits and Ifritas in your Break Zone.


15-002C – Sky Warrior

There’s a reason Sky Warrior is a common.

He costs too much for his abilities. Sure, you can say that he’ll pay you back for the costs if you use him to pay for CP, but I shall pass on this one.




15-003C – Sky Samurai

I would have said this card was a bust, but after playing against it, at the Prerelease, I realized I was wrong. I didn’t even put it in my deck, then I realized that it is a decent card.

Attack, Opponent Blocks, Discard a card for +2K, Break Opponents Forward.

Simple Enough.



15-004C – Edgar

Need a Backup?

If there is a way to recycle Edgar, he would have been a great card. Actually now that I think about it I know someone will know of a way to break your own Backups. And, that someone need to tell me.

But, Edgar here really shines if you’re playing a Category VI deck. That way, when you choose your Forward, you’ll also deal another Forward 7000 Damage, when you attack.


15-005R – Guy

5CP to search for a Rebel, and play it on the field. You can consider Guy as a free play if you pick a 3CP Rebel. Doesn’t even have to be Fire any element will do.

And, what better Rebel to search and play, other than Opus I Maria.

Give Guy +1K. And fill the rest of your deck with Warriors, or job Warrior. Then all you need is to cross out Guy’s name on the card and call him Swan.


15-006H – Cyan

Samurai’s getting a whole lot stronger this set.

Cyan and Tenzen will run this set. Just add as many generic Samurai cards as you can, and watch Cyan just manhandle your
opponent. By dealing a Forward 9K, every time a Samurai enters the field.

You won’t even need to play your whole hand. Just enough Samurais to wipe out your opponents Forwards.


15-007C – Samurai

Exchanging 2CP for a Crystal.

Seems like an even trade. Now to find what we’re going to use these Crystals for?

Samurai has no abilities, that consume Crystals, but there are plenty other cards that do. Samurai’s job is to give you a Crystal and then hopefully you’ll find a way to Break Samurai so you can play the your real Backups.


15-008C – Shadow EX

4CP/8K body that gives you a Crystal when Shadow is put into the Break Zone.





15-009C – Bahamut

A four cost Summon that can become a 2 cost Summon with the help of a Crystal.

Plenty of these Summons this set.

Deal a Forward 9K.

Plain and Simple.


15-010R – Vargas

The plan is to attack with a weaker Forward first. Once that Forward breaks, you will attack with Vargas and choose 1 of your opponents Forwards and make them block your next attack.

Choose wisely and you will break your opponents Forwards one by one.

Almost like Cyan, but cyan seams to be more effective.


15-011L – Palom

Now this look interesting. Palom almost looks like George from Peppa Pig. The way he’s holding that Dinosaur, I mean Dragon. But the card looks interesting as well.

George … I mean Palom here, has an ability that gets stronger after a couple of turns. Palom gains 1EXP Counter at the end of each of your turns. With each EXP Counter Palom gains 1K power.

The longer Palom remains on the field the stronger he gets. I would say that this is a great turn 1 card.

And Palom’s ability. For a total cost of 0CP, Palom can deal either 2K damage or 8K damage to one of your opponents Forwards.

Yes, Please. I’ll take 3.

15-012H – Faris

What a card.

Pirates and Vikings Unite.

Faris and Leila will have a field day with the Vikings, coming in and out and back and forth from the Break Zone and what not. It will work.

Then all you need to do is fill up your deck with a lesser value of 3CP, and give yourself multiple copies of Faris. Not just this one. All the other ones that you can find. And Spam Pirate Storm.

The Vikings will thank you.

15-013L – Firion

Have you got an extra Crystal lying around. Firion here can use it. Buff him up with Haste, First Strike and +1K Power. And, not just for this turn. Have an extra Crystal, give Firion +3K Power. But this one only lasts for 1 turn.

Other than that, there’s not much else to write about.



15-014H – Brynhildr EX

Deal 5K damage to a Forward and if you break it you win a card. Just grab it from the top of your deck.





15-015R – Bwagi

Fire, now will have a way to draw cards. As long as you have Bounty Counters on Bwagi, you’ll be able to draw a card on every turn.





15-016C – Bomb

Your Elemental Monsters are here. You know the ones that are practically the same in all elements, but different.

Bomb here, deals a Forward 5K damage, when it enters the field.

After that you can turn Bomb into a Suicide Bomber. Turn him into a Forward and no matter what happens Bomb will end up in the Break Zone.


15-017H – Machina

Why does it seem that Machina doesn’t synergize with the rest of the Class Zero Cadets? Could be the same reason I never used him in Type-0.

I can see this card being played early in the game. As soon as you’re opponent plays a couple of cards, you can unleash Machina. And, since he’ll be the only Forwards you have out at the moment. You’ll be able to start swinging, and have Brave for that matter as well.


15-018C – Sabin

These commons are getting a little bit more expensive.

But, there’s something about this Fire set with dealing 9K damage to a Forward your opponent controls. And Sabin here is no different.

At the start of every turn, yours and your opponents. You can use Sabin’s ability and deal 9K damage. Next turn another 9K.


15-019C – Josef

Simple Rebel searcher. Also works on an EX Burst.





15-020R – Rinok

Rinok enters with 2 Bounty Counters.

Now, his ability states that you need to use 1 Bounty Counter to use it, but you can remove the Bounty Counter from any character that has a Bounty Counter on them.




15-021R – General Leo

Hmm, now this is interesting. A card that disallows Summons, and Forwards must always block.

Asta La Vista Summons. So Long, Valefor. See ya Later Phoenix. Not this time Amaterasu. Ain’t going to work Diablos. After a while, Crocodile. You get the point.

Might be worth playing in any deck, just to see your opponent get angry when they can’t cast the summon to save themselves.

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Opus XIII – Fire Review

13-001R – Irvine

Weighing in at 2CP-5k. Irvine is an OK Forward, but his ability to deal 5000 damage to another forward, just by putting him in the Break Zone. You can deal unsuspecting damage to your opponents forwards that have just attacked. Might see some play, but this one is not for me.




13-002L – Akstar

The Fire Legend. Actually, just a Mercenary. His enter ability allows you to trigger an EX
Burst in your Damage Zone. Depending on what is in your Damage Zone, will decide if that ability is any good or not. You’ll probably just end up holding that card until you find something good to use. At Damage 3, you can search for 1 FFBE character other than Akstar and add it to your hand. Plenty of cards to choose from, but I would pick 13-017H Rain. I would say that Akstar is a glorified searcher.



13-003C – Imaginary Soldier

Cloud here, … well he was pretending … (Just like I pretend to know what I’m talking about.)

Basically, you can swarm your field with Manikins, just like Chocobos. But the more Manikins you have Cloud … I mean Imaginary Soldier just gets stronger. It would be pretty easy to pair this one with a couple of Manikins from this set and Opus II and III, just to make him a power house. And depending on when he enters the field, you might be able to Break your opponents strongest Forward. Except Feolthanos and probably a handful more, but it’s a start.


13-004C – Clavat

This one won’t see play in a Mono-Fire Deck. You don’t need Big brains to figure that out, but Fire/Ice or Fire/Lightning could work. Well, duh. That’s what the card says. Maybe throw Clavat in a Fire/Ice VI Deck. Or alongside a Class Zero Moogle or .. just don’t see much play for this one. Prove me Wrong.




13-005C – Black Mage

This card will work if you splash a single Lightning or Water card. Because then you’ll now exactly what you’ll end up with. Other than that. NEXT.





13-006C – Xande

Xande searches for Xande (10-008L) and at Damage 5, Xande plays 3 cards onto the field from your Break Zone. Nuff said. You can also choose to receive a point of damage to get you closer to 5 points of Damage.





13-007R – Cinque

Cinque deserves a spot in your Cadet Deck, play her on the field with Warrior (5-014C) and Lebreau (1-030R), and Cinque could be swinging for 12K with Brave. Break a forward on top of that.





13-008R – Vermilion Bird l’Cie Caetuna

I don’t see this one as being better than Vermilion Bird l’Cie Caetuna (6-010H), but in a few circumstances might be able to break one of your opponents forwards.





13-009H – Selphie

Make way for the Multi-Element forwards that don’t have Haste, because they now have Haste, if you decide to pay the extra Fire Crystal Point. 2CP/5k decent for what it is, and The End. “This is the end. Beautiful friend.” You can sing that song when you cast this ability.




13-010C – Onion Knight (FFT)

Have three of these tucked away at the end of the game and you’ll have 3 Forwards with 9k and Haste. Go in for a quick strike and you might make it out alive. If not you’ll have a couple of meat shields to take some Damage.





13-011C – Iron Giant

1CP/7k body. Monster that turns into a forward at 3 Damage. A cheap forward, with an enter ability that might, but probably won’t, break a forward.





13-012R – Bahamut EX

FREE BAHAMUT!!! FREE SUMMON!!! Late in the game, if you’re at 5 points of damage you can basically summon Bahamut EX for free. Yep, because his cost is reduced by 3, if you have Fang (1-020R) on the field his cost is reduced by 2. Although it can’t become 0. That’s where Mootie (11-012C) comes in. Just Dull Mootie and activate it once Bahamut is cast.

FREE BAHAMUT!!! FREE SUMMON!!! #freebahamut



13-013C – Palom

Cheap Backup with an enter the field ability. Needs Porom to be any good, but then there are a few other Palom cards I would rather play than this one.





13-014R – Larkeicus

A Cheaper Deathgaze (IX) (8-056R), but Larkeicus might be harder to remove. I like it, Fire/Wind coming soon. Deathgaze (IX) and Larkeicus Tag Team Champions of the …. It might work.





13-015C – Luneth

Need a quick attack, Luneth is your man. Gives Haste to a recently entered Forward. Well not any forward. Just a Standard Unit, or Warrior of Light. Gives you less of a choice. Now if you’d be able to cast it on Braska’s Final Aeon (11-015L) or Neo Exdeath (12-110L) that would be a different story.




13-016H – Rubicante

Just add Golbez (13-115L). Simple counter attack after Rubicante is put into the Break Zone. Up to 8k damage.





13-017H – Rain

The real Fire Legend in this set. Just like Lani was in Opus XII. (Well, that’s just my opinion. It should be your as well.) Rain gets cheaper the more backups you have. And the more Backups you have make Rain even more powerful. Up to 5k damage to a Forward every time he attacks, you’ll want to be swinging away A.S.A.P and when you have 3 points of Damage, he’ll also come in with Haste, and deal 5k damage, then attack and deal 5k damage. Might be a quick way to get rid of Illua (5-099H).