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Opus XIV – Wind Review

14-039R – Adelle

The more Wind Backups you have, the better this card is. But, you don’t necessaraly need to have 5 Wind Backups as there are cards that provide the same effect. 3 should be the optimal choice as you’ll give her 8000 power and Haste. And, you only paid 2CP to play this card.




14-040C – Abquhbah

Play him early on, and he’ll usually be buffed up every turn. Other than that not much to say.





14-041C – Ixali

Activation guaranteed, with a Primal.





14-042L – Bismarck, Lord of the Mists

Return to hand. Return to hand. Return to hand.

Bismarck need to tag team with Leviathan. more on that later.

But, when a Character is returned to your or your opponents hand, you draw 1 card. And you can choose to return a card to your hand at the end of each turn.

As if Wind/Water needed more ammunition


14-043C – Cactuaroni

Just a common?

“Need some activation tactics? Cactuaroni is your macaroni. For the cost of a simple Monster Counter you can activate one Character.” /endcommercialannuncervoice

This card is great, simple and to the point. You can end up activating your whole board if you wait long enough. But, why wait if you can just find a way to grab Cactuaroni from your Break Zone.


14-044C – White Mage

Activate 2 Backups of any element other than Wind.

YRP making a comeback? Don’t call it a comeback, YRP never left.





14-045H – Sin

What would you call this? Silence? Paralyze? Stop? Probably Silence. Casts Silence on opponents Forwards. And now, they can’t use any abilities.

Probably not silence, cause that’s just Magic.

I had said the other Sin was better, but now that I’m re-reading it. This is interesting.



14-046C – Sniper

Like I said before, I’m not to sure on the wording, but if this goes off when Sniper dulls from attacking. It’s a great card card. If not, I still like it.





14-047R – Choco/Mog EX

Almost sounds like a candy bar.

The first part is easy. Having a Chocobo and a Moogle on the field when he shows up, is pretty easy too.




14-048C – Tiamat (IX)

Hmm, I’m seeing a pattern here.

“Discard one card Job Chaos and deal one forward 8000 damage. Is it worth it? I’m sure there are Summons that can do this more efficiently. But, for a common I’ll take it.”




14-049H – Typhon

I’m still waiting for a Typhon that has synergy with Ultros.

Other than that, You’re playing Mono-Wind, you’re playing this card. Plus removing a Forward and placing him in a spot where you (probably) won’t see him for a couple of turns.

This is another great card.


14-050R – Naja Salaheem

Double up on all the counters that are on any character whenever Naja deals Damage to your opponent.

+Naja cannot be chosen by your opponents Summons or abilities.




14-051C – Vanu Vanu

Don’t like the cards you just drew? Just play Vanu Vanu with those 2 cards and hopefully get something better. And if that doesn’t work, Dull and Break and hopefully you’ll get something better once again.




14-052C – Fran

You can easily cast 3 cards a turn with Wind, and all the activate your Backups and Characters and Monsters and Summons and anything else you want. Because that’s what wind does. So, you’ll probably end up drawing a card when you play Fran.

3 points of Damage +2K Power



14-053R – Mjrn

Did I mention, I like these Black & White cards?

For 2 Cp you can activate Fran and Jote.

You can also pay 3 Wind CP and Break a Forward of cost 5 or more.



14-054R – Jote EX

Just a simple searcher that searches for Fran or Mjrn. You can also search for them off of an EX Burst.





14-055C – Lezaford

Took me a second to realize this Lezaford was a Forward. I should start paying more attention.

Now, it makes sense that this is a 5 cost. At first I thought it was 5CP to play a Backup, which if the cost to play was paid with at least 3 different elements, than you can break a Forward.

I was going to say how this Lezaford is terrible and that the Opus VI Lezaford is so mucch better. But, this one is Forward and that changes everything. It can work. Someone will find a way. It’s simple if you play Light and Dark actually.

14-056R – Garuda, Lady of the Vortex

Here’s an answer to some cards. 6CP isn’t that much to pay for the on entry ability Garuda has.

Sorry, Sophie, it was fun.

Bhuni, Get out of here.

Neo-Exdeath, don’t make me laugh

Ark, No one played with you anyway.

Now, if this card was an Ex it would have been amazing.

14-057H – Rosa

Great artwork once again. You can tell apart the Amano artwork. I remember seeing a Magic card with his art on it, and recognized it immediately. But, that’s another story.

Just like we said before, activate all the Backups, if you’ve cast 3 cards this turn.

With Fran (14-052C) you’ll also draw 1 card.

All those activations will lead you into a 5th card cast this turn, which you’ll end up playing the top card of your deck. Unless it’s a Summon. Then it just goes back to the tops of your deck.

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Opus XIII – Multi-Element Review

13-105R – Lasswell

Your opponent discards a card, and you get to deal extra damage every time a Fire or Ice Forward attacks.

Will go perfect in a Fire/Ice VI Deck




13-106H – Onion Knight

You can just keep recycling Onion Knight, every time he is put into the Break Zone. Plus, deal 9K Damage to three Forwards, by removing 3 Onion Knights from the Break Zone. Doesn’t even have to be this Onion Knight. You could remove any of them, including the 1CP Onion Knights from Opus X.




13-107C – Cater

Most of the time, you will only be using the first ability. Activate 3 Backups to either use the other Backup’s ability, or to add more bodies on the field.





13-108L – Llednar

Talk about a way to get your opponent to Discard 2 Cards. And, then you still need to deal with Llednar. Add this to Marche/Ritz and you have a good chance at winning.





13-109R – Hope

Freeze and Activate, either way this card packs a punch. Dull a card it is now Frozen.
This is one of the better Hope cards. If not the best one yet. Even beats out the Opus IV Hope (4-068H)





13-110H – Unei

Let your opponent pick their poison. They get to choose which Summon you’ll cast.
As for Holy, Holy Moly!!!

Deal a dull Forward 20K Damage. That’s sure to knock anyone out. Even Behemoth K (13-079L). Sacrificing Unei is a worth getting rid of Behemoth K.




13-111C – Delita

This Delita would go well in the Tactics Deck. Although you’ll end up playing 4 different colors, but with Tyro (11-072R) You shouldn’t have a problem getting around that.





13-112L – White Tiger l’Cie Nimbus

If you’re playing Ice/Earth, sure. But, I believe Genesis (3-033L) would be a better play.






13-113R – Gudon

Yes, Please and Thank You.

This card should not be a Rare, it should be at least a Hero.
Brave – Check
Attack twice – Check
Doesn’t Dull – Check

What more can you ask for.


13-114H – Kunshira

Early in the game this card is a Beast. 2CP/9K with Haste. And Tempest Spellblade? Add in Behemoth K, and another 44 cards. Doesn’t matter what the other cards will be. You have a winner here.

And, it’s only a Hero




13-115L Golbez

How fast can you get yourself to 6 Damage, and how many Archfiends will you have in your hand? Considering there’s only 4, it’s up to you to find out which one is the best one when your playing with your back against the wall. That’s when we play our best. High risk, high reward.

Technically, you can search for four Forwards of 2CP, and all four of the Archfiends have a variation that is a 2 cost. You won’t even need them to be in your hand as you can just search for them and play them.

Just play all four from this set, and you should be good to go. Definitely worth a try.

13-116C – Lightning

2CP/5K is OK, but other than have her search for Odin, Lightning (5-116H) is a much better play in my opinion.





13-117R – Wol

+2K to all Mobius Forwards, plus a way to grab Mobius characters from the Break Zone. This Wol might give Wol (5-075L) a run for his money.





13-118C – Sarah (MOBIUS)

Decent card for 2CP, you can either Break a Forward, or Draw a card.






13-119L – Sophie

This is the card Sarah (Mobius) (13-118C) was made to be paired with. As Sophie gains 2K power for each Earth or Water Forward on the field, you can easily bulk her up to 10K in which she will be able to defeat all Forwards. Minus one or 2.

The real treat comes at the end of the turn. If Sophie has 10K Power or more, you get to Draw a card and your opponent gets 1 point of Damage.

Watch out for that EX Burst.


13-120H – Doga

You’ll get 3 cards back if you discard Summons to play Doga. And, with those 3 Summons in your Break Zone, Doga gains 1K.

That would be enough to play him, but there’s more.

9 Summons in your Break Zone means you can cast a Summon when Doga attacks.



13-121R – Ramza

If you’re playing a Tactics Deck, Ramza seems like he’ll be a good card. Choosing which 2 cards your opponent can choose from in which they have to discard 1.

If you’re not playing Tactics, this Ramza is too expensive, and there are plenty of other Ramza’s to choose from.




13-122H – Aldore Emperor

Most of the time, you’ll be Breaking at least 1 Forward. At Damage 5 it’ll be 2 Forwards. Is the 5CP worth it? I’ll say … Yes. After you’re done with the abilities, you’ll still have a 9K body on the field.





13-123L – Nine

If you’re playing Cadets this is a no brainer. You don’t even need to pay the cost to play Nine. Just Dull 2 Cadet Forwards, one Lightning and one Fire, and you have a 9K body to throw around. And every time Nine attacks for 9K, his ability comes into play and one of your opponents Forwards loses 2K for each Class Zero Cadet that you control.

Nine for 9K. Sounds like a special

Nine here, and Cinque (13-007R), shall be the basis of my new Cadets Deck.


13-124C – Noel

Hey, might as well use this card to give Nine (13-123L) Haste and 2K. And it’s not just because I’m excited about Nine.





13-125R – Yuzuki

Fire, Water, Burn. Have all your Fire Forwards be Damage Free from abilities, and reducing Damage to Water Forwards by 2K.

Does Yuzuki count as both a Fire and a Water Forward?

Not a Cadet but could be a good addition.



13-126C – Ultimecia

Either way you’ll have an advantage. As you can bring back a card to your hand and recast it for it’s on entry ability. At 2CP it’s a good card to keep on hand.





13-127H – Chime

Yes, and if you have enough CP to play this twice in one turn, than Ultimecia (13-126C), will work out well. Dull and Freeze 2 Forwards, and Return another 2 to your opponents hand. There’s a good chance you’ll have a couple of free shots. And, who doesn’t like Free.




13-128L – Celestia

Your opponent will think twice before casting a Summon on your Ice Characters, as it will cause one of there Cards to Dull and Freeze. Just having Celestia on the field should cause your opponent to play a little more cautiously.


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Opus XIII – Lightning Review

13-069C – Red Mage

Maybe I’m wrong about these cards. Might just be a good way to draw a card.






13-070C – Delusory Warlock

Here’s another card that will drop Lightning Exdeath’s CP by 1. And you also get to search for a Manikin. Double win.





13-071R/2-101H – Exdeath

And this whole time I thought this was a new card. I just realized it’s a reprint. No wonder it’s only a rare. They gave this card the treatment Chaos, Walker of the Wheel (3-071H) got. It’s still a good card, and now everyone has a better chance of grabbing this card in a pack to play Manikins.

Exdeath gives all Manikins +1K, and every Manikin gives ExDeath +1K. So, the more Manikins you have, the stronger ExDeath becomes.

The Main Attraction of your Manikin Deck.


13-072R – Odin EX

Coming off of an EX Burst this card is great, and even better after you’ve taken 5 points of Damage as the cost is only 2CP.

I think the 7CP Odin is slight better as you can Break any Forward. Even if the cost is a little higher. Or, you can just play both.




13-073H – Kain

Kain is a great card if you can play him straight from the Break Zone. Cause once he gets broken, he’ll be under your opponents control.

Thancred (12-124L) and Y’shtola (13-134S) can play him straight out of the Break Zone.




13-074C – Clavat

Not bad, breaking a Monster that is also a forward, or returning it to it’s owner’s hand. You can even use it on yourself

Want to return that Chocobo (6-050C) to your hand, to play it and play another Chocobo onto the field? Well, you can.




13-075R – Sakura

4CP to Break a 4CP Forward. Sounds like an even trade.






13-076R – Jake

Don’t see this one getting play when you can play Jake (8-097H).






13-077C – Zemus

At 3 points of Damage this card pays for itself. As you get to grab a Forward and a Backup. Might see some play late game, if you need to grab a couple of cards back.





13-078C – Propagator

Cheap Monster that might break a Forward, but that is highly unlikely. Becomes a Forward with 7k at Damage 3, which might be a reason to play.





13-079L – Behemoth K

Now this Behemoth is a Beast with a capitol B. Attack, Deals Damage, Gains 3K. Only way to get rid of him is with a Summon. Or Shantotto (1-107L). But, you can always just play him again.

Scary Good. I’ll take 3 please.




13-080C – Marach

Just entering the field and Pinging all your opponents Forwards except one that they choose for 4000 Damage is a good reason to play this card. Add in Rapha (13-082C) for an extra 1K every time Marach deals Damage.





13-081H – Lightning

Beautiful artwork. If nothing else that by itself is a reason to play this card. That and the fact that you can either remove a couple of Forwards your opponent controls, or a couple from your Break Zone, until Lightning leaves the field.

Either way you’ll benefit as your opponent won’t be able to play their cards, and you’ll have a couple of extra Forwards in your hand when Lightning leaves the field.



13-082C – Rapha

Combined with Marach (13-080C), these two will make a killer combo. Enter Marach, Deal 5000 Damage to all Forwards except 1. And then Dull Rapha and deal 4000 Damage for a total of 9000 Damage.

Most of the time your opponent will only have one Forward left on the field.




13-083H – Lid

Lid is a mix between Viking (4-133C) and Fat Chocobo (9-051R) in that she can add a Multi-Element card on entry when she leaves the field. Now, it won’t always work as you can only choose the top four cards of your deck.

Other than that she’s a 7K forward.




13-084C – Dragoon

If you’re playing Dragoons, this is a 2CP/8K Forward with Haste. If not, don’t bother.






13-085R – Lumina

3CP to search for a XIII forward. Nothing exciting, but you would think that they would have done something better for Lumina.

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Opus XIII – Ice Review

13-018C – Quistis

Most of the time Quistis will cost only 1 CP, based on what you draw. You’ll most likely draw an ice card. Espeially if your playing Mono-Ice. Do Multi-Element count as Ice? If ice is one of the elements. I would say know, but I’ll need to find out for sure. And at 5 Damage, you’ll be able to bring Rinoa (6-041L) out of the Break Zone.




13-019C – Coeurl

Basic Ice Monster. Dull or Freeze an opponent. Turns into 7K Forward.






13-020C – Kurasame

Dull for 1K boost, to a Type-0 Forward. Bulk up for a block or to finish off your opponents Blocker. You can even buff up Cinque (13-007R), but we already talked about her.






13-021R – Shiva EX

I forgot Shiva looked like this in Type-0, maybe I need to replay it.
Dull and Freeze 2 Forwards, sign me up. Especially since this can come off an EX. I’ll be playing 3 of these in every Ice Deck. Now, I just need to find a way to play Shiva for free.





13-022H – Cid Randell

Cid casts Silence, and breaks your opponents advantage because their auto-abilities will not trigger. So, no searching for a card, no grabbing a card from the Break Zone, no playing a card from your hand, no dulling, no freezing, no …. you get the point. Now which Remedi is Cid a better pair with.




13-023R – Charlotte

Once you get to 3 Damage, Charlotte becomes a 9K blocker. Just having her on the field might cause your opponent to rethink if the wants to attack. They might just find a way to get rid of her, but just might attack anyway.





13-024R – Squall

Quickly trip up your opponents plans with Squall here. They got one card in their hand, they were hoping to use on the next turn once their CP replenished. Nope, not today. But, then it might have been just a card to be used for CP.





13-025C – Onion Knight (FFT)

Please look at Onion Knight (FFT) (13-010C), if not then I can just Copy, Paste

“Have three of these tucked away at the end of the game and you’ll have 3 Forwards with 9k and Haste. Go in for a quick strike and you might make it out alive. If not you’ll have a couple of meat shields to take some Damage. ”




13-026C – Tellah EX

Use Ark (8-135H) to help pay for Tellah, Grab Ark back from the Break Zone. Next turn Dull Tellah, Discard Ark, put Tellah in the Break Zone. Yell “You, Spoony Bard!!!” Deal 30K Damage to one Forward.





13-027C – Time Mage

Just like Black Mage (13-005C). This card will work if you splash a single Fire or Water card. Because then you’ll now exactly what you’ll end up with. Other than that. NEXT.





13-028L – Physalis

Physalis will keep on generating an advantage for you. Half the time you’ll be able to draw 1 card. Give her Haste when she enters and that’s 2 Cards if you decide to attack. And every time you attack you’ll be drawing a card, unless you decide to Dull and Freeze a Character instead. Akstar (13-002L) can search for her.

And, her ability, You’ll pretty much Break a Forward, make your opponent discard a card, and then you can attack and draw a card. I must say I like this card.



13-029C – Counterfeit Wraith

If you’re playing Manikins, you’ll probably already have 3 Job Manikins on the field. Add to it the fact that you can play 3 of these, your opponent may discard his whole hand. In which case enter Physalis.





13-030C – Yuke

If all goes well, Yuke, in certain circumstances can be a great card. But, how many times will you be able to play it when you need it. That and the Wind and Water CP you’ll need might not make it playable when you need it.





13-031R – Laguna

Looks like a small upgrade to Laguna (1-059R). You’ll also need Squall on the field to get the full effect. Almost plays like Genesis (3-033L) with his on entry ability.





13-032H – Rinoa

Is it possible to play Rinoa for free? It does not say it cannot become 0. But, even of you discard a card to play Rinoa, you’ll still get the 2CP back. You might even come up Positive from what you started with. +1 at least.

Damage is at 5? Attack and dull all the Characters. Easy Win?




13-033R – Levnato

Most of the time you’ll have a Summon in your hand. 3CP/8K is a pretty decent cost, since most 8K bodies are a 4 cost.

And if you have 2 Summons, Break a dull Forward.




13-034H – Remedi

Your opponent will not be able to grab extra cards, due to Remedi’s ability. And when they search, they discard, and you get to search for Cid Randell.