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Hidden Trials – By Earth

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23-058C – Dark Knight

Oh wow, these Standard Unit Backups in this set are powerful. Sure, you need to have 5 Backups to get the full effect, but these Backups only cost 2CP.

Dark Knight comes in and gives a Forward. +1000 power and Brave.

If you have 5 Backups, then all of your Forwards gain +1000 power and Brave.

You can go all in swinging left and right with all of your Forwards, and then still have the resources to block your opponent’s attacks.


23-059C – Ignis EX

Noctis Is Down!! Hurry Phoenix Down!

That pretty much sums up Ignis.

When he enters the field you can grab a FFXV Character from your Break Zone, and add it to your hand. Not just Noct, but any XV Character that resides in there at that moment.

Best part is that this ability also comes off as an EX Burst.

Might be worth it … it’s always worth it if your grabbing cards from the Break Zone.

23-060L – Vincent

Beautiful card.

Though shall not pay 7CP to cast Vincent. Though shall pay 1CP to Warp Vincent. Vincent is Warp 6 meaning that 3 full turns need to pass before Vincent will enter the field. But the Warp Counters will reduce by one each time a Final Fantasy VII Character enters your field.

A ticking time-bomb, that once it goes off, you will Break one of your opponent’s Forwards and one of their Backups.
If you didn’t Warp Vincent, then you’ll just Break the Forward.

A Vincent worth playing?

23-061H – Warrior of Light

This is great.

If you have the CP, you can play a Standard Unit from the Break Zone at the begining of the Attack Phase. Doesn’t matter whose Attack Phase it is either! Yours. Your opponent’s. You can play that Standard Unit and buff up your defenses, add an attack, or play that Dark Knight from earlier, and give +1000 power and Brave to all of your Forwards.

You can also search for 2 Standard Units when Warrior of Light enters the field and send them to the Break Zone, so they’re ready for you whenever you’ll need them.

You can also splash any element with these Standard Units.

23-062H – Emet-Selch

Here’s one way to search for a high cost Forward.

And when you play a high cost Forward onto the field, Emet-Selch will deal another Forward 8000 damage.

And, that’s about it.

Other than that Emet-Selch costs 4CP, with a 8k body.

At least his ability to deal 8000 damage to a Forward goes off every time a high cost Forward enters the field. Maybe bounce that high cost Forward.

23-063C – Gladiolus

Gladiolus is ready to deal some serious damage, as long as his buddies are around.

Does that mean that this Gladiolus is a better play then the other Gladiolusi (? Gladioluses?)?

Probably not, but it might be fun to play in sealed, if there are more FFXV Characters in this set.

Gladiolus gains +1000 power and Brave if you have at least another FFXV Character on the field. Which you most likely will, or you won’t be playing Gladiolus.

Dawnhammer, Gladiolus’s Special ability that will 99% of the time break a Forward of your choosing.

23-064R – Golem

Would you like to see this Golem’s 3 card trick? He’s been hanging by the Korner with a Kardboard box and 3 cards. Would you like to try your luck?

I bet you do.

Choose a Forward, any Forward.

Now let’s flip over these 3 cards.

Grab one of the Forwards, return the other 2 to the bottom of your deck, and deal your Forwards Power as damage to the Forward that you have chosen.

Didn’t find a Forward?

Well, you’re out of luck.

23-065R – Gogmagog

Two heads are better than 1. 2 Monsters are better than one, too. And Gogmagog, is better with another monster on the field.

We already know that Gogmagog turns into a Forward with another Monster on the field.

So, let’s talk about what Gogmagog can do. Gogmagog can bring itself back from the Break Zone, as long as you remove a Monster in play from the game.

Should be good in any Monster deck.

23-066R – Jessie

Need a quick buff?

Jessie has 2 abilities that will buff you Forward.

The first one, she’ll buff any Final Fantasy VII Forward by 1000 power.

And secondly, If she buffs Cloud, Cloud will gain +2000 power.

Talk about favoritism.


23-067R – Shantotto

Do you recycle?

If so, Shantotto can help you get some recycled goods.

Shantotto comes in and grabs 2 Summons from either Break Zone. After that they are yours to keep until the end of the game, casting them whenever you need to.

This works good for you, as if your opponent is known for removing cards from your Break Zone, you can keep a couple of Summons that you know you’ll need later.

It’s like a side, side deck.

23-068C – SOLDIER Candidate

Earth’s Candidate to become a full fledged member of SOLDIER.

These are all pretty decent 2 cost Commons.

SOLDIER Candidate, come in and acts like Atlas?

… or was it Titan?

Well, SOLDIER Candidate comes in and you choose a Forward, and they deal damage to each other.

Might be a good way to get rid of a Forward.

23-069C – Narashima

Just like SOLDIER Candidate, only this time you choose your Forward that you want to trade blows with.

If you got an overpowered Forward, with plenty of buffs, well then this card is for you.

If you ask me, I’d pick Opus VII Fang, with 6 FFXIII Characters on the field, including Opus I Lebreaue. What’s that 11K?

I’m sure you can find a better Forward, but since Narashime is already a Category XIII Character. I stuck with that.

23-070H – Hythlodaeus

At first look I thought we were getting some Organization XIII cards. Then I realized we aren’t.

But, that doesn’t mean this isn’t a good card. In fact I think it’s great.

If Emet-Selch is on the field Hythlodaeus becomes a 3CP Forward with a 9K body.

That’s what you call a cheap Meat Shield. And, that is not the reason you’re playing this one.

You can use Hythlodaeus’s ability to put both her and Emet-Selch into the Break Zone. Then you shuffle your deck reveal the top 4 cards and play all the Characters onto the field.

If you’re lucky and all of your high cost Forwards pop up, you’ll be golden.

Just hope you don’t find any Summons there.

23-071C/15-080C – Geomancer

You know what time it is?

Copy/Paste time.


Standard Unit.



Maybe a Geomancer actually mines for Crystals.”

23-072 Brionac

A 5 cost Forward with 9000 power. Pretty normal for a Common, but during your Main Phase, you can remove 2 Earth cards from your Break Zone, from the game, and Brionac will gain +2000 power and Brave.

Brionac also has an ability that will deal 9000 damage to a Forward, but you’ll need a Crystal for that one.

If all you need is a Meat Shield, to block your opponent’s attacks, Brionac might be a good fit for you.

Best case scenario you find Brionac when you cast Golem.

23-073C – Prompto

Monster Hunter, or Monster Tamer?

Either way Prompto does things to Monsters that not many people do.

He takes pictures.

And those pictures will either Break a Monster, or Bring one back from the Break Zone.


Yeah, I got nothing.

23-074C – Wrieg

Here we are.

You can play Wrieg right before you play Prompto.

You’ll get your Monster back, and have a Forward and a Backup to show for it.

Is it worth playing?

I’d say that depends on if the Monster has an ability that goes off when it is put into the Break Zone.

At the very least, you’ll draw 2 Cards.

23-075R – Layle

A self sustainable Forward.

Layle comes in, gains a Crystal.

Layle attacks, gains a Crystal.

Layle attacks again, gains a Crystal.

Layle uses the Crystals when he is attacking and break a Monster or a Forward.

All this for 2CP.

23-076H – Regis

Regis might cost 7CP, but you get so much in return for that.

Regis comes in and you can grab a Final Fantasy XV Forward (of cost 5 or less) from your Break Zone, and play it straight to he field.

That alone will make Regis worth playing, but if you have already received 5 points of damage, you can go ahead and double that. This allows you to grab 2 XV Forwards from your Break Zone and play them straight to the field.

3 Forwards on the field for 7CP? Sounds like a good deal to me!

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Lion’s Roar

Where do we start?

That’s simple. You start with Cor (9-066C) because that is the card we chose to represent Cor in this Character of the week. We believe it is the better version, and that is that.

Now that Cor is set, we need to add the late king, Regis (15-103C), which not only gives Cor his permanent buff, simply because it’s Regis, but Regis also lowers the cost of casting the Kingslaive by 1CP.

Battling alongside King Regis, and Cor is Cid Sophiar (18-077R) and Clarus (11-068R). Cid Sophiar can grab a Character from the Break Zone, and Clarus let’s you search for a King. Which doesn’t have to be Regis.

What’s a Captain to do without the Kingsglaive? Well, we’ll need to grab them all and add them here. Pelna (15-098C) you can cast him for 1CP because you’ll most likely have more than one FFXV Character on the field already. And he’ll buff all of your XV Forwards by 2000 power.

Tredd (15-093R), for 1CP you can give a XV Forward +1K and Brave for the rest of the turn. If you put him in the Break Zone, it’s +3K and First Strike.

Libertus (11-102C), to let you grab a XV Character from the Break Zone, and possibly activate 2 Backups if you choose …
Nyx (11-097H), cause he’s about to strike down your opponent with Haste when you put a Kingslaive into the Break Zone, which could be …

Crowe (11-092C), who will help you grab a Forward from your Break Zone.

I’m lost.

With So, many Lightning Forwards we need to add Glauca (11-091R) to save us a Crystal Point every time we play a Lightning Forward.

Now that King Regis has passed away, Cor now watches over Noctis (12-121R) who comes in and grabs a FFXV Forward from the Break Zone. And every time he forms a party all the Forwards gain a 2K buff and Haste.

Cor will now need the help of the Retainers.

Ignis (20-066R), because everyone needs a meal, even when you’re on the road. Plus, you can put a Backup you control into the Break Zone, to break a Forward and grab a Forward from your Break Zone.

Gladiolus (18-135S), cause we need a powerhouse on the team, that can deal enough damage to Break even the most powerful Forwards.

And Prompto (8-082R), cause that’s the only Earth Prompto.

We’ll add Class Tenth Moogle (9-074C) to help us pay for Lightning CP.

We’re going to grab our Free Summons Fenrir (19-064R) and Ramuh (19-083R)

Then we’ll also grab Mist Dragon (9-068H) and another Fenrir (12-068H).

And that should complete our Cor Deck.


3x – Tredd (15-093R)
3x – Cor (9-066C)
3x – Glauca (11-091R)
3x – Noctis (12-121R)
3x – Nyx (11-097H)
3x – Regis (15-103R)
3x – Libertus (11-102C)
3x – Ignis (20-066R)


3x – Class Tenth Moogle (9-047C)
3x – Pelna (15-098C)
3x – Cid Sophiar (18-077R)
3x – Crowe (11-092C)
3x – Clarus (11-068R)
3x – Prompto (8-082R)


2x – Mist Dragon (9-068H)
2x – Fenrir (19-064R)
2x – Ramuh (19-083R)
2x – Fenrir (12-068H)

What would you do different?

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Crystal Dominion – Opinion on Lightning

15-085R – Aquila EX

Hmm, I’ve been trying to figure out how much this card will be used.

On one hand you’ll be gaining a Crystal once per turn when you cast a Summon. And at 3 points of Damage you can grab a Lightning Summon from your Break Zone when Aquila enters the field. Which makes him a 2 cost.

Now that I’ve written it out, I can see some use with Aquila. And of course, I just realized he is a Forward. 8K body.

Let’s give it a try.

15-086R – Axis

I seem to be missing the point here. If someone can enlighten me, that would be great.

Probably need to look into other Kingsglaive cards.

The only thing that I can come up with is, put Axis into the Break Zone and grab a Forward. When Axis is put into the Break Zone, Nyx gains Haste, or you can choose 1 Forward and dull it. But, that’s only if Nyx is already on the field.


15-087C – Aranea EX


That’s what you will be playing. Grab a card one she enters the field and at 3 points of Damage all the Dragoons gain +2K.

If she had more than 3000 Power, this card would have been at least a Hero. But, that’s just my opinion. Aranea might have been the card, that will make me want to try a Dragoon deck. Nothing crazy, just enough to give your Dragoons that extra bit of Oomph.

15-088H – Vayne

This is interesting.

You finally have another use for backups, with an on entry ability. and no other use after that. Remove 2 of them from the game and play Vayne for free, technically.

And, then one Vayne is on the field all your Forwards gain 2000 power and your opponents lose 2000 power. It’s kind of Like Titan, but better.


15-089C – Sky Soldier

This is what you call an ace up your sleeve.

You’re eyeing that one Forward that’s on the field that your opponent controls that has been causing you grief. Well this is what you’ll do. You attack with a Forward that only that one Forward can block and when that one Forward blocks your Forward, you’ll dull Sky Soldier and then that one Forward, that blocked your Forward will break once your Forward deals damage to the other Forward.


15-090H – Odin

Break a 2 cost or a 4 cost Forward.

Cause that’s what Odin does.




15-091C – Thunder Drake

How many 2CP Forwards are being played? Well you can get rid of one with Thunder Drake. And, if that doesn’t work, you can get rid of a 1 cost Forward. For 2CP that is not bad at all.

Now the Do or Die ability, that Thunder Drake has and so many other Monsters in this set. A meat shield that you can throw at your opponent, before it rots away at the end of the turn.


15-092C – Sonitus

2Cp for a Backup, that when you would like to Break a Forward, you can just pay 3CP more, and receive 1 point of Damage for your trouble.

Sonitus can work as your bluff card.

Just have him out on the field. He’ll give you 1CP every turn and he just might stop your opponent from doing something just because he is on the field.


15-093R – Tredd

For 1CP this card is great. Even if you just throw him in there to give a Forward +1K and Brave, and then use him to block an attack. You’re already ahead of the game. I’d play Tredd every turn if I could. In and Out.

Or, you can just put him in the Break Zone yourself, to give a Forward +3K and First Strike until the end of the turn.


15-094L – Nyx

Slowly removing the Kingsglaive from the Break Zone will make Nyx more powerful. You probably won’t have to use it every turn, but just knowing that you can makes it even better.

Or, you can remove 5 Kingsglaive from the Break Zone and search for a XV Forward of 5CP or less and play it on the field. A card like Ardyn (15-129L) would be a perfect candidate. Especially late in the game.


15-095C – Ninja

Enter the Ninja, and gain a Crystal.

Other than that, dull and put Ninja into the Break Zone to deal a Forward 1000 Damage.




15-096C – Noel

For a Common, this is a pretty decent card.

You can go all out with Noel, as when he is blocked he’ll deal 6000 damage to the Forward and then his attack will deal another 6K, which will most likely finish off your opponents Forward



15-097H – Feolthanos

There is something about this card. Only thing for certain is that you’ll be playing Feolthanos during your Main Phase 2. After
you’ve attacked with all your Forwards.

And if you’re playing an all Forwards deck, you won’t even need to worry about losing your Backups, because you won’t have any n the first place.



15-098C – Pelna

Simple, yet effective Backup. I can see an Earth/Lightning deck with just Noctis and Crew and the Kingsglaive, all going strong.

And, the +2K Power isn’t too shabby.



15-099C – Magitek Armor

5CP to enter, then dull and discard 2 cards, is a little too pricey to break 1 Forward.

I’ll pass.





15-100R – Ragelise EX

Here is Lady Lilith’s Crystal Maker.

There’s a good chance a Forward will enter the Break Zone at least once a turn.

And, at 3 points of damage, you gain a Crystal when she enters.

What shall we do with all these Crystals?


15-101R – Ramuh

Lightning Re-Print, but, it’s a decent one.

Pick 2 of the 4 Actions.

Not bad at all.



15-102H – Lilisette

Dull 1 Dancer to dull a Forward.

Or, Dull 4 Dancers to deal 8K damage to all the Active Forwards.

Kind of like Feolthanos.

Climatic Flourish, grants protection to all Dancers.


15-103R – Regis

Regis comes with his personal guard. That will protect him when ever a Summon or ability chooses Regis. Sure, You still have
to play the Kingsglaive from your hand, but you will do so at a lower cost.

Other than that Regis gains +1K at 3 points of Damage.



15-104L – Lady Lilith

One of the first cards that was revealed. Lady Lilith gives us the ability to gain a Crystal every turn, by removing a card from the game.

How good this card is, will depend on how good the Crystal abilities are. Lady Lilith’s abilities, are OK. For 1 Crystal you can give a Lightning Forward Haste, and for 2 Crystals you can Break a Forward of 5CP or less.

Give me a Forward to remove with good on entry abilities, and I’ll give you a reason to gain a Crystal. Or something like that.

15-105C – Remora

Pay a Crystal to reduce the cost of casting Remora.

Other than that Remora buff up one of your Forwards and reduce the Power of one of your opponents Forwards. What’s the word? Deflate? Gimp?