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Beyond Destiny – Quake Shake

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21-061H – Ursula

Crystals and more Crystals.

Bring us your Crystals.

At least Ursula will give you one when she enters the field. And you can go ahead and use a Crystal to give her +3000 power. And, then you can use another Crystal and give her another +3000 power. And so on and so forth.

Or you can use that Crystal to grant your Forwards some protection from EX Bursts.

I wonder if this counts as EX Bursts that result from damage taken.

Either way, it’s still a good ability to spend a Crystal on.

21-062H – Ash

There’s a Strangers of Paradise Hero in every element. I just realized this.

Ash here, is a great supporting card. As long as you have Forwards with Brave on the field, Ash will give them a +3000 buff. I don’t think I ever thought about having a deck with only Forwards that have Brave. It might actually be a little interesting.
Anyways, Ash can grab a Character from the Break Zone when he enters the field, but only if you have a couple of SOPFFO Forwards already on the field.

And last, but not least, Ash can give another Forward Brave. And, once he gives that Forward Brave, that Forward gets the +3K buff as well.

I like this card. I might have to try it out.

21-063C – Dark Knight

This reminds me of an old card, Dark Knight (1-092C) to be exact.

Dark Knight gains +1000 power for each point of damage you have received. Which along with Enna Kros, and Ash, if you have 6 points of damage, Dark Knight will have a total of 16,000 power. But, only if you use Ash’s ability to give Dark Knight Brave.

Dark Knight also has an ability that will allow you to break a Forward. Sure, he’ll also deal you a point of damage, but, if you’re playing Dark Knight, that’s pretty much what you want. Get to 6 points of damage as fast as you can.

21-064L – Ingus EX

If you have 5 Earth Backups on the field, Ingus costs a total of 1CP.

And, after that, Ingus will search for an Earth Forward.

If you’re playing Mono-Earth you will be playing Ingus.

I mean where else can you hopefully pay 1CP for a 9k body.

And, that’s all I got.


21-065R – Onion Knight

It’s been a while since we’ve seen a card with no text.


9000 Power

Meat Shield at it’s finest.

21-066C – Guy

Guy and Ash should make a Tag Team.

Guy is a simple card, one that talk to animals. And, those animals tell Guy that he should always attack as long as Ash is on the field.

For whenever Guy attacks, he’ll gain +3000 from his ability, and another +3000 from Ash. making Guy hit hard. 11,000 power in one attack.

Not bad.

Not bad at all.

21-067R – Galuf

This is awesome, and it’s just a Rare.

Imagine that.

Galuf gives all of your low cost Forwards +2000 power. And when he enters the field, you can most likely grab a 2 cost Forward from the top 5 cards of your deck, and play it straight to the field.

Galuf costs 4CP, but you’ll probably get the 2CP back if you find a Forward.

Blade of Dawn deals one of your opponents Forwards 8000 damage.

Stick Galuf in a deck with Maria (17-128L) and you’ll be all set ready to go.

Let’s put this idea for a deck on the back burner. Along with the countless other decks I want to try and build.

21-068C – Qiqirn

Roll of the dice?

Qiqirn comes in, checks the top 5 cards of your deck and grabs a Forward from there, while the other cards go to the bottom of your deck.

After that Qiqirn is just a Backup, that had the ability to Break a dull Forward, before heading into the Break Zone.

Don’t tell me you don’t think you’ll find at least one Forward out of the top 5 cards of your deck. Worse case scenario, is that you don’t find a Forward, and you see the card you needed head back to the bottom of the deck.

21-069C – Krile

For 2CP you can discard a Summon, and deal a Forward 8000 damage.

And, after that, you can pay 2CP and grab that same Summon from the Break Zone and add it to your hand.

Recycling at it’s finest.

Krile may not help with your empty soda cans, but, she’ll love to grab some slightly used Summons.

Even Krile can’t believe how bad that one was.

21-070C – White Mage

This is a great card.

At least I think so.

And, is I think so, well then I’m going to persuade you that it is.

You play White Mage for 4CP, and then you a play a 3 cost Forward straight from the Break Zone.

It’s a POGO on a Forward. What’s POGO. Play One, Get One.

Yes, I’ll keep a foil play-set on hand.

21-071H – Titan

When are we going to get some 8bit cards.

If you’re doing a Titan from FFIII at least give us sprites.


Imagine a Mosaic with 8bit art.

Anyways, Titan simple summon. Either deal a Forward 9000 damage, or break a dull Forward.

21-072H – Tulien

Need a way to make a Forward attack or block? Tulien is here to help you with that.

During your turn you can use his ability and have a Forward attack or block.

Get rid of those pesky Forwards that have low HP and a irritating ability that you want to get rid of.

Plus, when Tulien attacks or blocks, the damage he deals goes up by 2000.

Thus, making Tulien a 3 cost Forward with 9000 power and 7000 HP.

I wonder if that’s how it works?

21-073R – Stoneserpent General Zazarg

You can throw this Serpent General in any Earth deck, and it will make that earth deck, just a little bit better. Throw in Ash as well and you’ll have a body on the field that will be tough to get rid of.

General Zazarg comes in for 2CP, if you already have 2 Earth Characters on the field.

What I like is Stoneserpent General Zazarg’s ability that triggers whenever he is dealt damage by your opponent’s Summons or abilities. What is this ability? You simply get to deal 8000 damage to any Forward.

Maybe you’ll break the Forward dealing damage, before they deal damage.

21-074L – Neo Exdeath

Standing in at 8CP and 10,000 Power.

I don’t know what’s better.

The Amano art or the ability?

Neo Exdeath is a one-sided board wipe. Neo Exdeath will come in, sacrifice to of your Backups, and remove all of your opponents Forwards and Monsters from the game.

‘Nuff said.

21-075R – Haveh

“Haveh your way!”

How is this just a Rare?

Haveh comes in and puts a cog in your opponent’s gears. By canceling power increase from your opponent’s Summons and abilities.

Plus, Haveh gives a nice buff to your Warriors, and he gains, +1000 power and Brave at 3 points of damage. Add in Ash, and your set.

You can actually just throw Haveh into that Warrior tribal deck we made a while ago.

21-076C – White Tiger l’Cie Qun’mi

First time I saw this card I thought it was Lightning, and then I realized it wasn’t. But, since Type-0 and FFXIII are somehow connected through the Fabula Nova Crystallis myth, I believe that White Tiger Qun’mi and Lightning are connected. Sure, I base this off the artwork of this card, and I’ll stop here.

4 cost Forward, with 8000 power. Just a regular Common, but it does have an ability that whenever White Tiger l’Cie Qun’mi is chosen by a Summon or ability she gains +2000 power.

And, this is where Ash comes in. I think Ash might be the best card in Earth this set.

Ash will give White Tiger l’Cie Qun’mi Brave, thus giving her +2000 power and +3000 power. Making her a Forward with 13,000 power.

That’s a big body.

21-077C – Monk

I just realized each element has the same Standard Unit Backup again.

And they all do the same thing.

Monk comes in and gives you a Crystal, and if you have less than 3 Backups on the field, you also draw a card.

And, that pretty much sums it up.


21-078C – Ram

You can actually use this Monster to buff White Tiger l’Cie Qun’mi, to grant her +5000 power.

Ram doesn’t really do much, he just come in dull, activates during your next turn, where you can use it’s ability, and after that Ram will take a nap, as it does not activate during your next active phase. You’ll have to wait an additional turn in order to use it’s ability once more.

I’d say this one is a Sleeper.


12-079R – Lich

7CP for Lich?

Yes, and you’ll be happy to pay for it. Especially if you’re running Mono-Earth. Simply because you can pay the 7CP upfront, and every time Lich is put into the Break Zone, you can discard a card and play Lich back onto the field. Yes, you can only use this ability if you have at least 7 Earth Characters on the field.

Then you’ll ask, Why would I want to pay 7CP for a 9K Forward?

That’s because every time Lich enters the field, his Enter the Field ability goes off, and you can choose one of your opponents Forwards and Break it at the end of the turn. In other words, Lich casts Doom with a tiny bit of time on the counter.

After that find a way to break Lich, discard a card and Voila, you can reuse Doom.

This is a card that will become a problem.

12-080R – Runda

Simple 2 cost Backup, that can cast some Protect, or Shell on one of your Forwards.

If one of them is being targeted by a Summon or ability that causes damage, you can dull Runda, and reduce that damage by 3000.

And, that pretty much sums Runda up.

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Beyond Destiny – Twistin’ Turbulence

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21-041C – Evil Weapon

Doesn’t look that evil. Evil Weapon looks like he belongs in the hit movie “Ghoulies”.

If you haven’t watched it, you should. If you like 80’s horror movies that aren’t actually that scary.

Let’s see now. Evil Weapon cost a a whole whopping 1CP. And, for what it does is pretty cheap. I know some people just play certain cards just to gain a Crystal. And Evil Weapon here, will give you a Crystal, and also deal 4000 damage to one of your opponent’s Forwards.

Evil Weapon, is more like a side weapon, a pistol to your shotgun. If your Forward doesn’t Break your opponent’s Forward, just use this Evil Weapon to finish it off.

21-042H – Vaan

If you’re playing Mono-Wind, Vaan could be of some use. As he’ll be a free Forward, if you already have 7 Wind Characters on the field.

If not he costs a whopping 7CP to play a Forward with 9000 power.

Not much to say about this one. I’ll probably just leave it on the side to gather dust.

But, not all is bad.

If you already cast 3 cards, you draw a card. So, you might come up with +2CP.

But, is it really worth it?

21-043C – Viera

Now this is a decent card as well.

Play Viera onto the field and grab one of the top 2 cards of your deck. The other one goes to the bottom of your deck.
And when Viera is active on the field, you can dull Viera and do it once again.

3CP for a Backup with a great ability.

You can’t go wrong with Viera.


21-044C – Dancer

Technically, this is a free card.

A 4CP Forward, that gets reduced to 2CP if you already have a Dancer on the field. And if you paid the cost with a couple of Backups, you can choose to activate those Backups, by Dancer’s ability. Which goes off once she enters the field.

That brings us to a total of 0CP.

Not bad for an 8000 power Forward.


21-045C – Princess Goblin

This is the kind of Backup that everyone likes. A searcher.

Princess Goblin enters the field and allows you to search for a Warrior of Light, or a Princess Sarah.

She comes in does her job, and hopefully gets your board to where you need it to be.

If not, well, at least she’ll provide a Crystal Point once per turn.


21-046C – Cid (II)

Cid is here staring at you to make sure that you’re going to play this card.

And, as long as you have cards that can warp in, there’s a 94.38762% chance that you will. Yes, this conclusion came off of extended research and as of December, 5th 2023, this is accurate. It might not be in the next hour or so, but we’re sticking to our research. And stuff.

Cid (II) comes in and you’re searching for a card that Warps.

You Warp that card right away.

Next turn, you’ll be sending Cid to the Break Zone, in order to speed up the Warp process.

Simple, and effective.

I like it.

21-047C – Summoner

Summoner summons a Summon.

Well, that’s what Summoners are supposed to do.

Once Summoner comes in, you get to grab a Wind Summon from your deck.

And, Every time that you cast a Summon, Summoner gains +2000 power. From how I’m reading it, you can cast a couple of Summons and keep stacking that +2000 power on top of the other. Plus. it’s a Standard Unit so you can have 3 of these on the board at any time.

Combine this with Meia (16-123L) and you have a reduced Summon cost. Add in plenty of low cost Summons and you’ll have 3 Summoners who serve as Meat Shields, or attackers.

Meat Shield just sounds better.

21-048L – Princess Sarah

Look no further. If you needed a way to keep Feolthanos on the board, so he can see EX Bursts, Princess Sarah can help you out.

Once per turn you can choose a Forward and that Forward cannot be chosen by EX Bursts.

After that, just dull and discard a Princess to make the next damage dealt to it 0.

Now, you don’t need to have Feolthanos, but I’d say you play these cards together.


21-049R – Sarah (Mobius)

Yes, she gives a +1K buff to all of your Forwards.

Yes, she is a 2 cost Backup.

Yes, she is probably good for draft.

No, I will not be playing this card, actually maybe I will.

I would have said to just go ahead and play Opus I Maria, for 3CP and the same buff to all of your Forwards, but what’s stopping you from playing both at the same time.

I started thinking this card wasn’t that great, it’s decent, but I started changing my mind the more I started writing about it.

I might give it a shot.

21-050H – Sophia (SOPFFO)

For a second there I read that Biker Mage.

You can throw Sophia and Summoner in the same deck. Both grab Summons, and when a Summon is cast they both have abilities that can go off.

Sophia here will deal 5000 damage to a Forward when you cast a Summon. Sure, you can only use this once, as you’ll have to dull Sophia, but that 5k can help out. Especially if the Summon you cast has dealt some damage to a Forward but not enough to Break it.

I wouldn’t call this a Hero, more like a Rare.

21-051R – Tiamat

Chocobos are going to make a comeback, just you watch.

I’m just saying that cause I can’t think of another Mono-Wind deck at the moment.

If you are playing Mono-Wind, you will be playing Tiamat. 4CP/8K body, throw in Opus 1 Maria and a bunch of Chocobos, and you have an unstoppable beast.

Hey, that’s pretty much what Tiamat is.


21-052R – Niini

This isn’t bad, especially for the cost.

1CP allows you to look at the top card of your deck. If you like what you see, you can keep it there. If not send that card to the bottom of your deck.

If you cast at least 3 cards this turn, you can grab that card, or grab the next one if you already sent it to the bottom of your deck.

Good thing about this is if you can check to see if you have an EX Burst coming up. If you do you can leave it there and when you take Damage you’ll know that you’ll have a surprise for your opponent.

21-053L – Balthier

Even though I’ll probably never play a Sky Pirates deck. This is a great card.

You can probably just throw it in any Mono-Wind deck, and you’ll do great.

Because every time a Wind Character comes in, you’ll be dealing 3000 damage to one of your opponents Forwards. And 3000 is enough to Break some Forwards, and then I’m sure you’ll have a way or two to finish them off.

Now if you’re playing Sky Pirates, Balthier will be able to Activate all of your Characters once per turn. Right at that moment when you get into your Main Phase 2, you can discard a Sky Pirate and have Balthier’s ability go off, and you’re left with a bunch of active Characters, ready to block, and what not.

21-054H – Pandemonium

And, here I thought this was a Backup.

For 2CP this is great card. Summon comes in and if you played a couple of cards this turn Pandemonium will deal 5000 damage to one of your opponent’s high cost Forwards, and Pandemonium searches for a high cost Forward for you.
If Pandemonium is the first card you played, you can pick one or the other.

Still great for 2CP.


21-055H – Penelo

These Sky Pirates just keep getting better and better.

Kind of wants me to make a Sky Pirate deck.

Penelo, a 2CP/5000 power Forward. that activates 2 Characters when she enters the field, as long as you have at least 2 Sky Pirates already on the field.

The best part is that when Penelo is sent to the Break Zone you can grab a 3 cost Sky Pirate from your Break Zone and add it to your hand. I think Balthier would be the perfect card to pick.

21-056R – Galeserpent General Najelith

Here we have the pixelated 3d graphics of FFXI. Even though this was on the PS2, the graphics look like they came from the FFVII era. Enough of the art.

It’s actually not that bad of a card.

Galeserpent General Najelith’s cost can be reduced by 2 if you already have a couple of Wind Characters on the field. Thus making her, a 2 cost Forward with 8000 power.

She cannot be chosen by your opponent’s abilities, giving her protection from that, and you can dull her and deal a Forward 4000 damage. This is where Penelo and Balthier come in.

Dull, 4000 damage, activate, Dull, 4000 damage, activate, dull, 4000 damage.

That’s 12,000 damage right there.

21-057R – Fran

Can’t go wrong with 1CP.

Especially since Fran grants protection to Balthier.

And, if Fran is in the Break Zone, you can play Balthier and grab Fran from the Break Zone and play her onto the field. At the small cost of 1 Wind Crystal Point.

Now I kinda, want to see what Balthier does.


21-058C – Machina

Finally a Machina that has synergy with your Type-0 Cadets.

And at only 2CP this is a great card.

If you have at least 2 Cadets on the field, Machina has 8000 power, Haste and Machina cannot be chosen by your opponent’s Summons.

Let’s not forget Armor Break, if you need to you can break a high cost Forward.

I do like it. It’s probably time to dust off that old Cadets deck and see what happens when we add Machina.

21-059C – Dragoon

Play Dragoon early, as your second or third Backup. As, that’s when you’ll get the most value from Dragoon.

Once he comes in you’ll gain a Crystal, and if you have 3 or less Backups on the field you get to draw a card. Which makes Dragoon cost a total of 1CP.

And, that is all. Simple, effective and straight to the point.

Not much else going on here.


21-060R – Rikku EX

Most of these Wind cards work well together.

Rikku here is another example of why you should be playing Mono-Wind.

When she enters the field, you’ll reveal the top card of your deck, and since it’s a Wind card, and you’re playing Mono-Wind you’ll just go ahead and add that card to your hand.

This also activates as an EX Burst when you get that point of damage, and Rikku pops her head.

And at 3 points of damage, Rikku gains +2000 power making her a 7000 power Forward.

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Beyond Destiny – Ice Sculptures

21-021C – Red Mage

For 2CP and a Common, I’d like to say that this is a pretty good card.

Red Mage comes in and dull/freezes a Character. Same thing whenever Red Mage forms a party and attacks.

Now you can also play 3 Red Mages, have them all form a party and attack, and then you’ll be Dull/Freezing 3 Characters every turn.

Red Mage might not have a lot of Power, clocking in at 5000, but her ability to Dull/Freeze sure makes up for it.

21-022H – Astos EX

The Dark Elf. I haven’t seen how Astos looks in Strangers of Paradise, and after looking at this card, I have got to say they did a great job. That is very close to what I pictured Astos looking like. I don’t know why, but the art for the Character is spot on.
Anyway, on to the card.

Astos comes in with Brave, and whenever he enters the field of leaves the field you gain a Crystal.

And, if you have 3 Crystals, you can Dull all of your opponent’s Forwards and then deal 9000 damage to all of your opponent’s Forwards.

Astos is a ticking time-bomb.

Play Astos, Play Rinoa (6-041L), Bounce Astos, and you have 3 Crystals. Next turn you use his ability and hopefully you get a board wipe.

21-023L – Ultimecia

There’s a lot of text here. And there isn’t really a way to summarize it, but we’ll try.

Ultimecia comes in, you remove up to 5 Characters from your Break Zone with a cost of 5CP or more. Once they are removed you can Dull/Freeze up to 5 Characters. Your opponent also discards one card.

If you’re playing a deck with a lot of high cost Characters, Ultimecia can do some damage, if not then she isn’t really worth the price of admission.


21-024C – Scholar

The 3CP Backup that gives you a Crystal when she enters the field.

Also, if you have 3 Backups or less you’ll also draw a card.

Not Bad. Not Great either, just something to play when you don’t know what else to play.



21-025R – Kiros

If Ward is here, you know that Kiros is just around the Korner. And Laguna shouldn’t be too far behind.

But, we’re here to talk about Kiros.

All you want to do is warp. Over and over and over.

Not only is the cost cheaper, but when Kiros Warps in you can Dull and Freeze one of your opponents Characters. And, that’s not all. When any Forward Warps in you can Dull and Freeze a Character.

So, keep Kiros safe, and Warp.

21-026C – Bard

I mean, who doesn’t like that ability.

Best part it doesn’t cost anything, so I don’t see a reason not to have Bard on the field. Or at least in your deck.

Bard is a 4 cost Forward with 8000 power. And, once per turn you can use his ability for a total of 0CP. And have a Forward lose all of it’s abilities until the end of the turn.

That Forward that has protection from Summons, or abilities, or damage, well Bard is here to take care of that Forward, and allow your attacks to go through.

21-027L – Griever

That’s one way to search for a Witch. Plus side to this one is that you”ll play the Witch straight to the field.

Considering the cost, you’d probably want to search for a high cost Witch to play straight to the field. Like Edea (2-099L) or Ultimecia (7-133S), or like the one that is probably in this set that I just haven’t seen yet.

If you decide to keep Griever on the field, his ability let’s you break a dull Forward, or have your opponent discard a card.
There’s a tag team here. Griever and Amon (2-098L) Amon dulls and Griever Breaks.

Ice and Lightning do work well together.

21-028H – Shiva

This Shiva is like a reusable Ice Cube.

Once Shiva has been cast, You can remove 4 Ice Cards from your Break Zone, and put Shiva back in the Freezer … I mean your hand.

After that you can just cast Shiva over and over again, until you run out of Ice cards in your Break Zone. But by then you should have Dull/Freezed? all of your opponents Characters. If not proceed to a triple party attack from the 3 Red Mages.


21-029R – Squall


Did I mention I have yet to play World of Fina Fantasy?

At first I thought this was a decent card. Then I took a closer look and actually read the card from top to bottom. And for a rare, it’s a great card.

First of all, Clo … I mean Squall comes in and has First Strike. And when he attacks, if you have at least 2 WoFF Characters, your opponent discards a card.

See like I said decent.

But, here’s where it gets good.

Squall attacks, and he gets blocked. You can use his ability to deal 3000 damage to the Forward that is blocking. And with First Strike already on hand, you’re 95% going to come out on top.

21-030C – Snow

Since when is Snow a Martial Artist?

To me he’s always been a Meat Shield that can punch.

Any ho, Snow will turn into a Meat Shield after you get 3 points of damage.

Up until then every time Snow attacks you can, you guessed it, Dull/Freeze a Character. You can just go ahead and party attack with Red Mage.

Plus Snow gets Haste, if you have another WoFF Character on the field.

21-031H – Setzer

“Are you a gambling man, Sandy Claws?”

I like this card, I actually played Ice just to play Setzer. Well not all Ice, it was Fire-Lightning while I splashed 6 Ice cards. I think.

Setzer comes in and you remove 2 Forwards from your Break Zone, from the game. After that you can play those 2 Forwards whenever you’d like.

Sure, if Setzer gets sent to the Break Zone you lose those 2 Forwards but they were already broken to begin with.
I’ll take it, and I’ll figure out how to make it work.

21-032R – Terra

Trying to figure out if this Terra is better than that Terra or the other Terra.

At 5CP, Terra comes in and allows you to search for 2 Ice Summons. And, that brings her cost down to 1CP.

For 1CP this is a great card. 8000 power and Magitek Laser.

What’s Magitek Laser?

Terra’s S Ability, where the cost is another Terra card and a Summon. Any Summon. You can play those 2 cards and deal 9000 damage to a Forward. Which has a decent chance of Breaking that Forward.

Or you can just cast the Summons you searched for.

21-033R – The Girl Who Forgot Her Name

The Searcher you didn’t know you needed. Well now you got it.

The Girl Who Forgot Her Name will search for Squall, and that will give Squall the 2 WoFF Characters he needs to have your opponent discard a card whenever he attacks.

Or if you want to go another route. I still haven’t seen Reynn or Lann so, we’ll have to wait on that.


21-034C – Fomor

Don’t F.O.M.O. on Fomor.


Never mind.

Fomor is a pretty decent Monster.

Fomor comes in and deals damage. Fomor leaves and deals Damage.

4k here, 4k there. You’d think we’re talking about televisions.

21-035C – Minwu

Minwu looks mad.

I always thought that Minwu was an older White Mage. this card clearly depicts him as a teenager. Nothing wrong with that, it’s just that I always thought that he was older.

Anyway, let’s get to the card.

Minwu comes in and Freezes a Character.

And then you can pay a CP and dull Minwu and send him to the Break Zone to Dull/Freeze a Character.

For a Common this isn’t bad at all, but unless you’re playing a Rebel deck, I don’t see you playing this Minwu, not when you have the Opus I Minwu which suits my play style a little bit more. And, I don’t even have that Minwu in the deck right now.
At least I don’t think so.

21-036H – Y’shtola

We got a new element for Y’shtola. Not only does this card look good, but I believe the Ice Blue suits her well.

Y’shtola here, is perfect for discard decks. The fewer cards your opponent has in their hand the more powerful Y’shtola becomes. 0 being the perfect number of cards that you want in your opponents hand. because each time Y’shtola attacks she’ll deal damage to one of your opponent’s Forwards, for a max of 9000. The damage will decrease by 1000 for each card that your opponent has in their hand.

I’d like to see how this will fit in the Scions deck.

21-037C – Reaper

Here’s a card you can play, right before you have Y’shtola attack.

Reaper comes in and forces your opponent to discard a card. Or you can go ahead and send a dull Forward to the Break Zone. Sure, it’s cost needs to be 3CP or less, but you’re still breaking a card, or forcing your opponent to spend CP in order to counter it.



21-038R – Rinoa

A decent Backup if you’re plan on using Summons, or if you plan on saving your Summons in the Break Zone, from the chance of your opponent removing your whole Break Zone from the game.

Rinoa comes in removes a Summon from your Break Zone, and then you can use that Summon whenever you’d like.
It’s like an Ace up your sleeve.


21-039C – Lufenian

With a Job Title of Lufenian, Lufenian, is a the perfect card to play to start your game.

For 2CP, you play Lufenian, and if Lufenian is the only Backup you control, you’re opponent will discard a card, from their hand. Leaving them with one less card than the number of cards they had in their hand before you decided to play Lufenian.
Thank you, Captain Obvious.

I’m just surprised this isn’t a Standard Unit.

Decent card, Y’shtola will love working with Lufenian.

But, then again, Lufenian only has one job. And, if she doesn’t get it done right away, she’s worthless.

21-040R – Rursan Arbiter

All Ice cards look like they’re working well together.

Lots of discard, and abilities that go off when your opponent has no cards in their hand.

Y’shtola deals a Forward damage, and Cid here, I mean Rursan Arbitar, Breaks one of your opponent’s Forwards.

Now I”m looking at all these cards, and I’m wondering why I didn’t use more Ice at Prerelease.

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Beyond Destiny – Firestarters

21-001R – Ward EX

Decent Forward to start off the set.

Ward can only be paid for with Fire CP, but 3CP isn’t much for this 8000 body.

Good thing is that Ward will deal 7000 damage to a Forward when he comes in.

This ability also comes off of an EX Burst.

How many Fire FFVIII Characters are we going to get this set?


21-002R – Edgar

Edgar is back, but this time he isn’t a Category VI Character. Edgar belongs to the World of Final Fantasy. I’m guessing there will be some synergy with Reynn and Lann. Hey we might even get a new Reynn this set.

Edgar is a great card for playing low cost Characters onto the field. You can play one as soon as Edgar enters the field, and you can also play one with his ability.

It might be an easy way to swarm the field with some low cost Standard Units.


21-003R – Flameserpent General Gadalar

What’s this?

A Fire Forward that can attack twice in the same turn? For 4CP? Actually 2CP if you already have a couple of Fire Characters on the field.

Sure, you’ll probably have to pay the cost to activate Flameserpent General Gadalar, but you can also put a Fire Backup into the Break Zone to activate the Serpent General.

This might be a good way of getting rid of some Backups that have done their job when they entered the field, and are now just sitting around, not doing anything worth noting.

I shall be trying this one out.

21-004L – Cyan

That’s a lot of text.

How does 8CP sound for a board wipe? Or close to a board wipe?

Cyan might only cost 3CP, but you can pay with extra CP, up to a maximum of 5CP for a total of 8CP. And, with all of the extra Crystal Points you paid, you gain a Crystal. That gives us 5 Crystals. Which you can use to deal 9000 damage to all of your opponents Forwards.

Sure, you can use the CP for the other abilities, just in case you need to get rid of a Forward that didn’t go down with the 9000 power attack, or buff Cyan with 3000 power so he can withstand an attack.

And, after all is said and done, you still have a Forward with 7000 power on the field.

They need to start printing Amano Full Arts. And, not just for reprints.

21-005C – Black Mage

Still waiting on the FFI 8bit version.

Coming in at 3CP with 7000 power, Black Mage enters the field and if you pay an extra Crystal Point you gain a Crystal.

You can then use that Crystal to give Black Mage +1000 power, and when Black Mage attacks, you can deal 5000 damage to a Forward.

Not bad for a Standard Unit.


21-006C – Samurai

Samurai comes in and gives you a Crystal. And if you don’t have that many Backups on the field, you’ll also draw a card.
All we need now is to figure out how to recycle this Samurai.

Or Backups in general.

I’d say play Samurai as early as possible. You also don’t need Rocket Science for that piece of advice.


21-007L – Shadow

That is some great art. I’m just sitting here, staring at the card without bothering to read the text at the bottom of it. But, we got to do it.

Shadow 7 cost Forward, with 9000 power.

That’s pretty steep, but you can Warp Shadow in for 1CP. And if you play it properly, You’ll come up +3 on the CP count. Which is probably why you would want to play Shadow.

For 1CP you can Warp Shadow in, and you’ll probably have some FFVI Characters already on the field, so at the end of your turn, Shadow will come in, you’ll discard your hand and draw 2 cards.

But what if you don’t have any cards in your hand?

Well then you’ll just draw 2 cards. Which is what you’re trying to get to.

21-008R – Vermilion Bird l’Cie Caetuna

This is it!

We’ve been looking for a way to get rid of Backups. And we have it right here. For Fire at least. You can put 3 Backups into the Break Zone to deal 2 Forwards 10,000 damage.

All those Backups that have an enter the field ability, will be able to get off the field with Vermilion Bird l’Cie Caetuna’s 2nd ability.

And her first ability will remove a Forward from the game instead of just sending it to the Break Zone.

This one potentially has potential.

21-009C – Warrior

Didn’t we just make a Warrior deck a while ago, featuring Benjamin? I believe we did.

And, this card would be a perfect fit for it.

Warrior, has the ability to dull another Warrior (Name or Job) that you control, and gives him protection. That Warrior cannot be broken. Your opponent can try all they want, but that Warrior will stay on the field.

I like this card. Just a regular Common, but it has it’s uses.

21-010H – Taivas

The Warriors just keep getting better and better.

Taivas will let you, once per turn, toss in a Warrior (Job or Name) of cost 3 or less.

As long as you have a Warrior on your hand, you’ll be able to play him. And, if you don’t Taivas will let you search for one when he enters the field.



21-011H – Neon

I haven’t played Strangers of Paradise yet, so I don’t know who these Characters are or what they do.

All I know is that Neon, is great for a Fire deck. Giving your Fire Forwards +1000 to the damage they deal to another Forward.
Now the other ability will only work if you have a couple more Strangers of Paradise Forwards on the field. If you do you can choose up to 2 Forwards and deal them 7000 damage. Now it doesn’t say your opponents Forwards, so I’m wondering if there is a Forward whose ability goes off when they get damaged.

21-012H – Bahamut

Our very first Amano Bahamut.

For a second there I thought this would be a Free Summon, but I could only get Bahamut down to 1CP.

1CP to deal 10,000 damage to one Forward isn’t a bad trade off. And if you Break that Forward you’ll actually be removing that Forward from the game. Or RFG as the cool kids say.

This Bahamut is good if you’re going all out on the offensive. Just add Fang (1-020R).

21-013H – Feolthanos

Feolthanos is a card, that you just want to bring out and have him sit on the field as he watches over everything.

Cause once he sees an EX Burst it’s over for your opponent. That’s 3 points of damage, just coming out of no where. And, with no way to block it. Almost no way, Feolthanos looks like a real threat.

Plan of attack would be to bring out Feolthanos, and find a way to protect him at any given cost.

And, if he finally gets broken, Feolthanos will deal 9000 damage to 2 of your opponent’s Forwards.

All this for 5CP.

Yes, I’ll take 3, please.

21-014C – Bomb

Just like a Time Bomb, or a Mine in a Minefield.

Bomb is a a great Bomb.

You can play dull Bomb pay the cost, put Bomb into the Break Zone, deal a Forward 4000 damage, and search for another Bomb and play it onto the field.

I’m thinking it’s time to build a Bomb deck. There are 8 different Bombs, 9 if you count Mom Bomb.

I’m going to have to take a closer look into this.

21-015R – Marilith

4CP/5K body, doesn’t look like a good deal to me.

Marilith does come in and deals 8000 damage to one of your opponents Forwards.

And if you’re playing Mono-Fire you’ll probably give 2 of your Forwards Haste.

I mean, maybe. Maybe not. Probably not.

Prove me wrong.

21-016C – Mutsuki

A decent 3 cost Backup that comes in and deals 5000 damage to one of your opponents Forwards, and if you have another 2 Type-0 Characters on the field, it becomes 8000 damage instead.

It’s a decent attack when she comes in, after that all she does is hang around producing a CP per turn.

Which is still good, if you got rid of one of your opponent’s Forwards with that attack that hit for 8000 damage earlier.

21-017C – Monk

Monk has Warp, and Monk has Brave.

And that is it.

4CP for an 8000 power Forward. You can call Monk a Meat Shield.

But, since you can pay only 1CP to have Monk Warp in, It’s a decent card to have around. If you don’t have something better to play.


21-018R – Rain

Rain comes in with Haste, and if you cast Warp instead of paying the cost to play him on the field, Rain deals one of your opponents Forwards 7000 Damage.

You can go ahead and attack right away.

And, you’ll have an extra body to throw around.

This isn’t one of the better Rains.


20-019C – Reynn

This Reynn on the other hand, will fit very well in the Bomb deck that I would like to build.

At 2CP, Reynn just hangs out on the board until you want to grab a Monster from the Break Zone. A Bomb in our case, and you play that Monster straight to the field.

“Straight out the Break Zone,
Is a Monsta that’ll smother yo’ foe”

Or something like that.

20-020C – Lehftia

Yes, Yes, Yes!

I do like this card.

2CP, for a +2000 power attack from your Fire Characters or Summons. Yes, this includes Backups and Monsters. I can’t believe this is just a Common, I’ll be throwing this in any Mono-Fire deck that I make, along with Warrior (5-014C) and Lebreau (1-030R)

So, you’ll want to be able to protect Lehftia from all attacks.

Plus, when you get 3 points of damage, when Lehftia enters the field she’ll deal 6000 damage to one of your opponents Forwards. +2000 for a total of 8000.

I’ll take 3.

Need to grab some of these Singles?
Here’s our Singles Shop on TCG Player


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Wave 1 : Ranger 1-008C

Here we are again, with an easy card to distinguish whether it is Wave 1 or Wave 2. I present to you your Standard Unit Ranger.

But, first let me give you the links to these 2 guides.

“Distinguishing Final Fantasy TCG Opus 1 Wave 1 from Future Waves”

“Differences in Opus I Wave 1 Printing vs Later Waves”

First off you’ll say, these 2 just look the same, as all Opus I cards do. If you take a closer look, you can spot the difference. Take a look at the colon right after the Dull symbol.

Do you see where it is placed on both cards? One is lower than the other. And, if you said that that one is the Wave 1 card, you are right.

Now that we know that we have 2 different Waves on our hands, let’s take a closer look at the cards and spot some more, differences to help us with the other cards that don’t have a sure way to tell if it is either Wave 1 or Wave 2.

If you take a look at the Green coloring on the shirt and hat, you can can see that the Wave 1 Ranger is duller than the Wave 2. And, the Wave 2 is a different shade of green as well. More like a Forest Green if you ask me.