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Legacy Collection, Thoughts On Pull Rates

This is an interesting set, and I believe we need to look into this a little bit more than usual.

What we know so far is that the Legacy Collection, will be replacing the Anniversary Collection Set of previous years. And, instead of just giving us all of the cards in one box, we’re hoping the RNG gods will help us with grabbing all the cards that we will need.

It’s a 200 card set, and each card will have a Premium Foil version, and also a Full Art version. As I previously stated, this might mean new art, I highly doubt it now. After I re-read the news article Square -Enix posted, it is just a different foil type. Will this be only for the Full Arts, or for the regular foils as well? That’s something that we will have to find out in February, unless we get shown some of these cards before hand.

Back to the the 200 cards. This set will give us a total of 600 cards plus the 2 Signature cards, and the 6 Crystal cards, these give us a total of 608 cards for a complete collection. And, that my friends will be a rare sight.

Speaking of the Gold Stamped Signature cards, how rare will these be? Because I’m sure it won’t be once in every 5 Master Cases, not with this many Full Arts. Even if they hand out 1 Full Art and one Foil in every pack you’ll still need at least 200 pack for a full set, which I don’t believe that they’ll do.

Let’s do some math.

A Master case is now 3 cases of 6 Boosters. A Booster is 20 packs. This gives us 360 packs per Master Case. Which makes it unlikely that we will be getting a complete set of Full Arts from one Master Case. Given that 200 of those cards will be the regular Foil Version, that leaves us with 160 slots for Full Arts, which I don’t believe that we’ll be getting that many.

And, since we won’t be getting a complete set of Full Arts in a Master Case, this brings me to believe that the chances of getting a Gold Stamped Signature card will be even rarer than the chances we all have with a regular set.

Let’s break this down a little further.

If we have 160 extra packs per Master Case, this gives us about 8-9 Full Arts per box. Which I believe is too high. I’ll say that they will be about 50 Full Arts per Master Case, which will give us about 3 Full Arts per box. Some boxes will have just 2 Full Arts if this is the case.

We’ll need 4 Master Cases for a complete set of Full Arts.

Since, we already know that with the regular sets, the chances of getting a Gold Stamped Signature was 1 in 5 Master Cases. That gives us 5 complete sets of Full Arts.


If we need 5 complete sets to pull a Gold Stamped Signature, That gives us 20 Master Cases.

That means we’ll be getting a Gold Stamped Signature in 1 out of 10 Master Cases.

Now, this is just my thoughts on it. We’ll have to wait until February to see a better number that’s closer to the pull rates.

Let us know what your thoughts are? Is my number too high or too low? Or did I hit the nail on the head?

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Legacy Collection

Are you ready for this?

It looks like this will be a replacement for the Anniversary Collection Sets that we have had over the last few years. And, you’ll either be Excited or Disappointed.

Excited because all those cards that are worth a lot will come down in price allowing you to grab those cards on the cheap. And disappointed because, well if you bought those cards at a high price, that price will come down soon.

From the looks of it the Legacy Collection will be coming out in a smaller box, as it will only have 20 packs per box, and 5 cards per pack, giving you 100 cards per box, plus the box topper. Which will be a Crystal.

What about the Foils?

I’m glad you asked, these cards will be newly designed. Does that mean that the Foiling will be different? Does it mean the cards will have a new design completely? I guess we’ll be finding out in February.

I noticed that the numbers on the cards will be different, allowing collectors and players an easy way to distinguish between the 2 cards. This is something that I have been hoping Square Enix would do, as it now gives us an easy way of distinguishing the cards between the originals and the reprints.

Full Arts!!!

Every card will have one. That in itself will make the Legacy Collection worth it. 200 different Full Arts, most of which we’ve never had before. The more I read about this set the better it gets.

And we now have a chance at getting 2 different Gold Stamped Signatures. Yuna (12-105L) and Warrior of Light (19-128L)

2025 looks like it’s going to be a great year for FFTCG!

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Hidden Trials – By Earth

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23-058C – Dark Knight

Oh wow, these Standard Unit Backups in this set are powerful. Sure, you need to have 5 Backups to get the full effect, but these Backups only cost 2CP.

Dark Knight comes in and gives a Forward. +1000 power and Brave.

If you have 5 Backups, then all of your Forwards gain +1000 power and Brave.

You can go all in swinging left and right with all of your Forwards, and then still have the resources to block your opponent’s attacks.


23-059C – Ignis EX

Noctis Is Down!! Hurry Phoenix Down!

That pretty much sums up Ignis.

When he enters the field you can grab a FFXV Character from your Break Zone, and add it to your hand. Not just Noct, but any XV Character that resides in there at that moment.

Best part is that this ability also comes off as an EX Burst.

Might be worth it … it’s always worth it if your grabbing cards from the Break Zone.

23-060L – Vincent

Beautiful card.

Though shall not pay 7CP to cast Vincent. Though shall pay 1CP to Warp Vincent. Vincent is Warp 6 meaning that 3 full turns need to pass before Vincent will enter the field. But the Warp Counters will reduce by one each time a Final Fantasy VII Character enters your field.

A ticking time-bomb, that once it goes off, you will Break one of your opponent’s Forwards and one of their Backups.
If you didn’t Warp Vincent, then you’ll just Break the Forward.

A Vincent worth playing?

23-061H – Warrior of Light

This is great.

If you have the CP, you can play a Standard Unit from the Break Zone at the begining of the Attack Phase. Doesn’t matter whose Attack Phase it is either! Yours. Your opponent’s. You can play that Standard Unit and buff up your defenses, add an attack, or play that Dark Knight from earlier, and give +1000 power and Brave to all of your Forwards.

You can also search for 2 Standard Units when Warrior of Light enters the field and send them to the Break Zone, so they’re ready for you whenever you’ll need them.

You can also splash any element with these Standard Units.

23-062H – Emet-Selch

Here’s one way to search for a high cost Forward.

And when you play a high cost Forward onto the field, Emet-Selch will deal another Forward 8000 damage.

And, that’s about it.

Other than that Emet-Selch costs 4CP, with a 8k body.

At least his ability to deal 8000 damage to a Forward goes off every time a high cost Forward enters the field. Maybe bounce that high cost Forward.

23-063C – Gladiolus

Gladiolus is ready to deal some serious damage, as long as his buddies are around.

Does that mean that this Gladiolus is a better play then the other Gladiolusi (? Gladioluses?)?

Probably not, but it might be fun to play in sealed, if there are more FFXV Characters in this set.

Gladiolus gains +1000 power and Brave if you have at least another FFXV Character on the field. Which you most likely will, or you won’t be playing Gladiolus.

Dawnhammer, Gladiolus’s Special ability that will 99% of the time break a Forward of your choosing.

23-064R – Golem

Would you like to see this Golem’s 3 card trick? He’s been hanging by the Korner with a Kardboard box and 3 cards. Would you like to try your luck?

I bet you do.

Choose a Forward, any Forward.

Now let’s flip over these 3 cards.

Grab one of the Forwards, return the other 2 to the bottom of your deck, and deal your Forwards Power as damage to the Forward that you have chosen.

Didn’t find a Forward?

Well, you’re out of luck.

23-065R – Gogmagog

Two heads are better than 1. 2 Monsters are better than one, too. And Gogmagog, is better with another monster on the field.

We already know that Gogmagog turns into a Forward with another Monster on the field.

So, let’s talk about what Gogmagog can do. Gogmagog can bring itself back from the Break Zone, as long as you remove a Monster in play from the game.

Should be good in any Monster deck.

23-066R – Jessie

Need a quick buff?

Jessie has 2 abilities that will buff you Forward.

The first one, she’ll buff any Final Fantasy VII Forward by 1000 power.

And secondly, If she buffs Cloud, Cloud will gain +2000 power.

Talk about favoritism.


23-067R – Shantotto

Do you recycle?

If so, Shantotto can help you get some recycled goods.

Shantotto comes in and grabs 2 Summons from either Break Zone. After that they are yours to keep until the end of the game, casting them whenever you need to.

This works good for you, as if your opponent is known for removing cards from your Break Zone, you can keep a couple of Summons that you know you’ll need later.

It’s like a side, side deck.

23-068C – SOLDIER Candidate

Earth’s Candidate to become a full fledged member of SOLDIER.

These are all pretty decent 2 cost Commons.

SOLDIER Candidate, come in and acts like Atlas?

… or was it Titan?

Well, SOLDIER Candidate comes in and you choose a Forward, and they deal damage to each other.

Might be a good way to get rid of a Forward.

23-069C – Narashima

Just like SOLDIER Candidate, only this time you choose your Forward that you want to trade blows with.

If you got an overpowered Forward, with plenty of buffs, well then this card is for you.

If you ask me, I’d pick Opus VII Fang, with 6 FFXIII Characters on the field, including Opus I Lebreaue. What’s that 11K?

I’m sure you can find a better Forward, but since Narashime is already a Category XIII Character. I stuck with that.

23-070H – Hythlodaeus

At first look I thought we were getting some Organization XIII cards. Then I realized we aren’t.

But, that doesn’t mean this isn’t a good card. In fact I think it’s great.

If Emet-Selch is on the field Hythlodaeus becomes a 3CP Forward with a 9K body.

That’s what you call a cheap Meat Shield. And, that is not the reason you’re playing this one.

You can use Hythlodaeus’s ability to put both her and Emet-Selch into the Break Zone. Then you shuffle your deck reveal the top 4 cards and play all the Characters onto the field.

If you’re lucky and all of your high cost Forwards pop up, you’ll be golden.

Just hope you don’t find any Summons there.

23-071C/15-080C – Geomancer

You know what time it is?

Copy/Paste time.


Standard Unit.



Maybe a Geomancer actually mines for Crystals.”

23-072 Brionac

A 5 cost Forward with 9000 power. Pretty normal for a Common, but during your Main Phase, you can remove 2 Earth cards from your Break Zone, from the game, and Brionac will gain +2000 power and Brave.

Brionac also has an ability that will deal 9000 damage to a Forward, but you’ll need a Crystal for that one.

If all you need is a Meat Shield, to block your opponent’s attacks, Brionac might be a good fit for you.

Best case scenario you find Brionac when you cast Golem.

23-073C – Prompto

Monster Hunter, or Monster Tamer?

Either way Prompto does things to Monsters that not many people do.

He takes pictures.

And those pictures will either Break a Monster, or Bring one back from the Break Zone.


Yeah, I got nothing.

23-074C – Wrieg

Here we are.

You can play Wrieg right before you play Prompto.

You’ll get your Monster back, and have a Forward and a Backup to show for it.

Is it worth playing?

I’d say that depends on if the Monster has an ability that goes off when it is put into the Break Zone.

At the very least, you’ll draw 2 Cards.

23-075R – Layle

A self sustainable Forward.

Layle comes in, gains a Crystal.

Layle attacks, gains a Crystal.

Layle attacks again, gains a Crystal.

Layle uses the Crystals when he is attacking and break a Monster or a Forward.

All this for 2CP.

23-076H – Regis

Regis might cost 7CP, but you get so much in return for that.

Regis comes in and you can grab a Final Fantasy XV Forward (of cost 5 or less) from your Break Zone, and play it straight to he field.

That alone will make Regis worth playing, but if you have already received 5 points of damage, you can go ahead and double that. This allows you to grab 2 XV Forwards from your Break Zone and play them straight to the field.

3 Forwards on the field for 7CP? Sounds like a good deal to me!

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Hidden Hope – Flooding Hope

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22-091C – Blue Mage

2 cost Backup that let’s you switch out a Monster for the top card of your deck.

And, if you don’t like that card that you drew, you can always, pay a CP, discard that card, and put Blue Mage in the Break Zone, to play that Monster that you discard earlier onto the field.

Yes, the card that you discard, needs to be a Water card.

Or, you can just use that ability to grab a Monster, that you ran out of.

more, like a Backup, Backup plan.

22-092C – Agrias

You can’t go wrong with 1CP.

Not this time. Agrias comes on in and if you have a Couple of Knights on the field you get to send one of your opponent’s Forwards that cost 3CP or less back to their hand. Making them pay the CP once again to get that card out.

And when you have received 3 points of damage, Agrias gains 4000 power, making her a 7k body that you paid for with 1 whole Crystal Point.

I’d say the only thing wrong with this card is that the cards name is Agrias.

22-093R – Anima (X)

Easy way to get rid of one of your opponent’s Forwards, Anima comes in and you remove the Forward from the game. No certain cost, no active, no dull it doesn’t matter. Any forward will do. And for 3CP that is a steal.

But, you’ll also have your opponent draw a card.

And if you only paid with Backups, you’ll also get to draw a card.

I think I’m on the fence with this one.

Some might like this one, some might not. Let’s see what happens.

22-094C – Vaan

Pirates and Vikings just keep getting stronger.

Vaan here, is just a Common, but adds quite a punch, or should we say blast. A Shotgun Blast.

For 2CP, and a couple more Pirates that are already on the field, you get to choose one of your opponent’s Forwards and reduce their power by 8000. Usually that is more than enough to break a Forward.

If it’s not enough, well it’ll be close to enough.

Can’t go wrong with this one. 2CP with 5000 power.

I have yet to play with the Pirates, but it is on my to-do list.

I just need to find the time to do it.

22-095H – Warrior of Light

Warrior of Light, 4 cost Hero that allows you to search for a Standard Unit.

And, then you will play that Standard Unit, and another 3 Standard Units, and you shall find that all of your Forwards gain +2000 power, except Warrior of Light. Add in a bunch of Backups and Forwards that will buff up your Standard Units, and you’ll be running an army of Standard Forwards that will take out anybody and anyone out. Send them straight to the Break Zone.

And, Shield of Light. If all else fails, you can give +5000 power to Warrior of Light giving him a 13,000 body.

Bring in the Drones!

22-096C – Clavat

Last of the 1 0f 6 Backups that are in every element.

Top card, take a look, leave or put it at the bottom of your deck.

They should have renamed these cards Fortune Teller. Or have had Cait Sith. Or Yuna, Rikku and Paine in their Psychic dress-sphere.

I don’t know just trying to take up space here.


22-097L – Curilla

This is the card that everybody wanted to try out. Hidden Hope came out and well let’s take a look at it. It’s only been a month or two before we got to it.

Well as you can see from the first line, there is a good reason that Knights are becoming a force to be reckoned with. I just took a look at a recent Qualifier, and Curilla was in 3 of the top 8 decks.

Curilla come in and you can take a look at the top 5 cards of your deck and play 2 Knights onto the field as long as their combined cost is 4CP or less.

And as long as Curilla is on the field, she also gives protection to all Knights from damage that is less than their power. Making Ping damage worthless against your Knights.

But, then again you can always just play Minwu (1-171H) and get the same effect, but for all of your Forwards, not just the Knights.

Imagine that?

22-098H – Siren (V)

“Are you a Gamblin’ man, Sandy?”

If so, you can save your Forwards, if they are chosen by your opponent’s Summons or abilities. Simply Wager the top card of your deck, if it’s not a Forward your Forwards are saved. If it is, you lose that top card.

Clavat, is a good way to determine if you should use the ability.

And, at 3 points of damage, whenever Siren is dealt damage,you can reduce that damage by 1000.

I’d say this is worth a shot.

22-099R – Severo

A 3 cost Backup that will return one of your opponent’s Forwards back to their hand, and Severo will also give you a Crystal for your troubles.

After that Severo just hangs out on the field, producing 1CP per turn as a Backup.

And, if needed you can pay the cost of 3 Water CP, 2CP of any color, dull Severo and put him in the Break Zone to place a Forward of your choosing back at the bottom of it’s owner’s deck.

Seems like a high cost for this, but it might be helpful.

22-100R – Chime

If you got the Backups for this, Chime is a great play.

Draw a card at the end of each of your turns, will help your turns become that much better.

Chime should be the 5th Backup you play as to get a better return with her.

No need to have Chime on the field if you don’t have 5 Backups, as the only reason to play Chime will be to draw that extra card at the end of the turn.

Your board should get bigger than your opponent’s and faster than your opponent’s board.

I’ll take it, I’ll take 3 actually and play it in a Ultros/Pirates deck with a handful of Vikings.

22-101C – Paladin

Now that’s a Standard Unit I can stand behind. The Paladin, a great meat shield if you ask me. And, this meat shield also has a shield.

For 5CP, you get a Forward with Brave and a 7K body, that grabs a 2 cost Forward from the Break Zone and plays it onto the field.

It’s 2 for the price of one.

Yes, you need a couple of Standard Unit Backups on the field for you to be able to use this ability, but that shouldn’t be that hard to do.

22-102C – Piranha

For the price of a Piranha, I shall grant you a card.

Sure, you’ll need 3 points of damage.

Sure, you’ll also need to put Piranha in to the Break Zone.

But, at the end of the day, Piranha shall double the CP used to pay for it.

And, when Piranha enters the field, you will choose a Forward and have it lose 2000 power.

It’s 1CP, it’s worth a shot.

22-103C – Faris

I don’t know if you’d play this Faris over the other Faris, but you can easily break one of your opponent’s Forwards, while drawing a card at the same time.

How do you do that?

It’s quite simple really.

You’ll play Faris, and you’ll choose to remove a Viking, either Viking (2-132C) or Viking (4-133C). Once that Viking is removed, your opponent will choose one of their Forwards and put them in the Break Zone, while you get to draw a card once your Viking leaves the field.

22-104R – Folka

We’re looking at 3 points of damage. Anything less and I’d say it wouldn’t be worth it to play Folka.

Well you could, or you can just remove Folka from the game, and your opponent will only be able to attack once this turn.
Now at 3 points of damage, like we said earlier, Folka becomes nearly unstoppable, when you are on the attacking side. In other words, during your turn.

Folka can’t be chosen by Summons or abilities, and if she is dealt damage, it becomes 0.

All this for 3CP.

You can try throwing a couple into your deck, if you got room for it.

22-105H – Miwa

Coming in with the Back Attack, Miwa is a safety net when you have Summons and abilities that will attack your whole front line.

And, at 5 points of Damage, Miwa will also give all of your Forwards a +2000 power buff.

And at only 2CP, you can not go wrong with that. Just throw in Miwa into any Water deck. If you have no room in your deck, well then you better make some room.

She’ll stick around as a 5k body, where you can just have her block to break herself, and then play another Miwa during your opponents next turn.

22-106R – Yuna

This card is actually called the Tidus Best Bang for your CP special.

We’ll go with the Tidus (16-116L), popular card, and a lot of people should still be playing it, because I don’t see why you wouldn’t.

Let’s start out by playing Yuna onto the field for 2CP, produced by a Water Summon. Then we’ll play Tidus for 1CP, and grab that Water Summon from the Break Zone.

For 1CP, you have 2 Forwards on the field, one of which can not be blocked and extremely hard to break.

I’m sure there are better Yunas to play, but if you’re just looking for a cheaper Tidus, look no further.

22-107C – Yuni


Cast Sap! or Attack Down or both.

Yuni can do that for you. And the effects will last just until the end of the turn. It’s 4000 power when Yuni comes in, and 2000 power every time Yuni dulls to cast her ability.

3CP/7k body, Not much else is going on here.


22-108H – Lenna

Warrior of Lights … Warriors of Light Unite!

If you ever needed a reason to play Warrior of Light (19-128L), well this isn’t it, but Lenna will help. A little.

If you have to elements already on the field, Lenna will allow you to draw a card when she enters.

And, if you have 4 different elements, Lenna will cause your opponent to place one of his Forwards into the Break Zone.

I’ll leave you with some words of wisdom.

There is no reason to play Lenna in a Mono-Water deck.

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Hidden Hope – Breathing Hope?

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22-037R – Alexander

I read this card wrong the first time I read it.

Now that I’m looking at it, this is a great card. Alexander comes in and casts reflect on one of your Forwards, sending that damage to one of your opponent’s Forwards instead. The best thing is that you get to choose the Forward, rather than have it randomly chosen when the damage hits.

And, if you only paid with Backups to cast Alexander, you will also draw a Card, making Alexander a 1 cost Summon.

I’ll gladly add this Alexander to a Wind deck. Probably the best Alexander yet.

22-038C – Wol

Wol has 2 abilities, one which is good, and the other is ok.

The first one will allow you to choose a High cost Forward and send it to the Break Zone. The other allows you to look at the top 5 cards of your deck and add a Wind Character to your hand.

You’ll most likely be playing this card to get rid of that High cost Forward.

I don’t got much else for this.


22-039C – Epiornis

This is a Common?

I have to say this is a great card, and at 2 CP it is the perfect monster to have on the field, once you get 3 points of damage.

Why is that?

Well, Epiornis becomes a Forward during your turn. And, Epiornis cannot be bloced by a Forward with a cost of 4CP. That in itself is great. But, if you already have received 3 points of damage, Epiornis cannot be blocked by a Forward of 3CP or less. Thus, making Epiornis unstoppable.

The only way that you can stop Epiornis’s attack, is by a Summon or ability that will deal it damage, or by sending it straight to the Break Zone.

Now, imagine if you have 3 of these on the field.

22-040H – Enkidu

A 3 cost Warrior that will activate 3 of your Backups when he enters the field. Thus making Enkidu a free play.

After that he’ll stick around as a 7K power body, attacking and blocking like he normally would.

This card also sticks to the story, allowing Gilgamesh to call on him when he enters the field. Enkidu must be in the Break Zone when Gilgamesh enters the field. Then you’ll pay 2CP and bring Enkidu in, while activating 3 Backups.

Gilgamesh (7-088L) would be a great choice. You’ll end up only paying 1CP for both Gilgamesh and Enkidu.

You don’t even need to play Wind/Lightning, you can just throw in Enkidu since you won’t need to pay by color if Enkidu is in the Break Zone.

22-041C – Kain

Haste, and First Strike for a Common?

Activate 2 Characters when Kain Attacks?

+1000 power at 3 points of Damage?

How is this a common?

Whatever Rarity Kain has, this card is great. Actually it’s GRRRRREAT!

And, don’t get me started on the artwork, because we’re not here to talk about the artwork.

Just throw Kain into any Wind deck and you’ll do fine.

22-042C – Ranger

Your Standard 2 cost Backup.

Ranger is straight to the point, just like his arrows fly straight towards their target.

Or something like that.

Ranger has 2 abilities. One deals a 2CP Forward 5000 damage, possibly breaking it, and the other breaks a Monster.

Both of these are useful.

And, there aren’t that many ways to get rid of Monsters and Ranger here provides you with a way.

22-043C – Clavat

Simple, basic and straight to the point.

Clavat comes in for 1CP and allows you to look at the top card of your deck. If you like it you can keep it there. If not send it to the bottom of your deck.

It does have plenty of benefits.

Depending on what you see there, your game plan will change for this turn.

Do you see an EX Burst that will cause plenty of damage to your opponent. Leave it there and take a point of Damage. Do you see the card you need to put your plan into motion, play that card that allows you to draw a card.

Worst case is that you don’t like the card, and you can just recycle it to the bottom.

22-044R – Cid (FFBE)

Cid has an ability that activates during very Attack Phase, which is something that makes Cid even more valuable as the game goes on.

You can either Activate 2 Characters, or you can grant all of your Forwards protection from all Summons that choose them.
4CP isn’t alot to pay to Activate a couple of Characters once per turn. Plus you get an 8k body that will be hard to get rid of. Because, once Cid is put into the Break Zone, you can pay 3CP and return Cid to the field. That’s cheaper than playing Cid from your hand.

I like this one.

22-045C – Sosha

4 cost Dragoon that turns into a 2CP Forward if you have a Dragoon already on the field.

2CP for an 8k body isn’t bad at all.

Sosha can also throw her spear onto a Forward of your choosing, dealing it 4000 damage. Best thing is that you don’t need to send her to the Break Zone in order to do it. Just dull Sosha and you’ll be dealing 4000 damage.

This is a decent card. Simple, effective and straight to the point.

If you’re playing Dragoons, you should try adding Sosha.

22-046R – Chelinka

Chelinka here to give Yuri some support, granting him Haste. You’ll just need another Crystal Chronicles Character on the field when you play Yuri, so you’ll have a total of 3 FFCC Characters on the field.

Other than that, that is it.

2CP, 5000 power.



22-047L – Dorgann

The Art of Removal.

Dorgann, has three different abilities that activate when he enters the field, and yes, you guessed it, they all are removal abilities.

Remove a Forward, Remove a Monster, Remove 2 cards from the Break Zone.

You’ll get to choose one of those abilities to activate. But, if you already played another 2 cards before you play Dorgann, you’ll get to use 2 of these abilities instead.

Meaning that you will probably end up paying only 2CP for Dorgann to come into play.

22-048H – Nanaa Mihgo

Yes, Yes, Yes.

I’ll take 3. I’d take more if I would be able to add more to my deck.

Nanaa Mihgo is a Robber, and she’s here to rob some of your cards and use those same cards against you.

That 2 cost Forward in their Break Zone? Check.

The 3 cost Summon in their Break Zone? Check as well.

You won’t even need to pay for the cost either, they just come into play as soon as Nanna Mihgo comes into the field.

Actually, no you don’t want this card. I’ll give you a dollar for your Full Arts. No? It was worth a try.

22-049H – Bartz

Well, Bartz if you’re not in a Warrior of Light deck, you shall be useless. The only thing you’ll have going for you would be a 5000 power body on the field just hanging around with nothing to do.

But, if you are playing a Warrior of Light deck, he becomes a little bit better.

Bartz has the ability to not be chosen by your opponents abilities, if you remove 3 Warrior of Light Characters from your Break Zone, and it lasts until the end of the turn.

The other ability, is the S ability, where you can pay the cost of a card, then you can search for it and play it onto the field. Which is pretty good. You’ll be able to play any Warrior of Light card in your deck straight to the field.

22-050C – Geomancer

Here we are, a decent Standard Unit Forward.

I like this one.

Geomancer has auto protection from your opponent’s abilities. Not all of them just the ones that can choose Geomancer.
And, if you already have a couple of Standard Unit Backups on the field, you get to Activate 3 of your Backups. Which in turn will make Geomancer a 1 cost Forward with an 8k body.

Can’t get much better than that.

22-051R – Hope

Hope is hidden in Hidden Hope.

You would have thought that he would have been on the box art.

Hope comes in and you get to reveal the top 4 cards of your deck, and grabbing a FFXIII Forward from there. If you don’t find one, they all go to the bottom of your deck.

At 2CP that isn’t bad at all. You might get a free play, if you do find a FFXIII Forward there.

And, if you ever needed a way to get rid of a high powered Forward, Hope here is your answer. With Aeroga, you can Break a Forward with at least 9000 power. And, we do have a more than enough targets for Aeroga.

22-052H – Helena Leonis

Helena Leonis was turning into a great Character, and then I stopped playing War of the Visions.

As we can see she is a Green Mage as well. Although she doesn’t have any attacking spells or abilities, she does allow you to look at the top 2 cards of your deck. One is put at the bottom of your deck, the other is removed from the game.

Now, why would you want to pay a Crystal to look at the top 2 cards of your deck, remove 1 and place the other at the bottom of your deck?

Well, the card you removed, you can cast it this turn for it’s cost minus 2 CP.

You might get a free play, which is always good in my book.

22-053C – Lilisette EX

“Put on your red shoes and dance the blues,
To the song they’re playing on the radio”

And, while we’re dancing Lilisette will come into the field, and deal one of your opponent’s Forwards 1000 damage for each Character you control. Forwards, Backups, and Monsters. Anything goes, Tonight.

You’ll most likely break something with Lilisette.

And, if you find a way to bounce her. You can do even more damage.

Let’s not forget this also comes off as an EX Burst.

22-054R – Reddas

Are Sky Pirates making a comeback? Yes, I’m basing this off of this one card, because Reddas is pretty good, and he’s not even a Legend, or a Hero.

If you have 5 Sky Pirates already on the field, Reddas is a free 9k Body, that will grant all of your other Sky Pirates some protection from Summons.

Your opponent will sure have some trouble trying to get rid of this one.

And, that’s all I need to say here, If you’re playing Sky Pirates, you better be playing Reddas.

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