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Hidden Legends of Ice

24-019R – Umaro

I don’t see why anyone would play Umaro on to the field, when his ability goes into play when Umaro is in your hand.
For 3CP you can discard Umaro from your hand a break a dull Forward.

That’s it. Plain and Simple.

I mean you can play Umaro on to the field for 2CP, but that’s about it. He’ll just stay on the field producing 1CP per turn.

I’d say Umaro is more like a 3 cost Summon, and he should be treated as such.

24-020C – Ulmia

Can you here the Harps playing your song?

Ulmia is ready to Freeze one of your opponent’s Characters.

And if you got another Final Fantasy XI Forward on the field, Ulmia will make your opponent discard a card.

Ulmia will make Anselmo proud.

“Walk on home, boy!”

Maybe she can take Dime’s spot. Put some Distortion on that Harp.

24-021H – Kurasame

Deja vu?

I think we’ve seen this one before.

This time Kurasame is a Hero though, instead of a Legend.

Kurasame comes in and Freezes your opponent’s Characters. How Many? Depends on how many Backups you have on the field.

And depending on if your opponent has at least 4 dull Characters on the field, Kurasame will draw you a card every time he attacks.

You can run this one and the Hidden Hope Kurasame, and you’ll have 6 Kurasames that will Freeze your opponent’s Characters.

24-022H – Gogo

Gogo is back!

And s/he is better than ever.

Whatever FFVI Deck you’re playing, just throw Gogo into your deck. 3 copies will be perfect.

First line of attack, play Gogo, and protect Gogo at all costs.


Gogo casts Reraise on one FFVI Forward once per turn.

If a Final Fantasy VI Forward is put into the Break Zone, once per turn Gogo will bring them back!

If that’s not a great card, I don’t know what is.

24-023C – G Deleter

A backup that causes a splash.

Why a splash?

Because G Deleter is Ice splashing in Water.

G Deleter comes in and you draw a card, and if you have 4 Ice Backups, you can dull and Freeze one of your opponent’s Characters.

Not bad for 3CP, and you get 2CP back once he enters the field.

24-024R – Shiva (XVI)

Shiva comes in and you can Break 2 dull Forwards.

And at the end of each of your turns if 2 or more of your opponent’s Forwards are sent to the Break Zone, your opponent discards a card.

You get all of this and a Forward with 9000 power.

You’ll probably just want to Prime into Shiva instead of paying the 7CP.


24-025L – Genesis

First off the card is awesome. The art, the abilities and that we’ll finally have a great card to start off a SOLDIER deck.

Genesis comes right in for 5CP. Yeah, it’s your standard 5CP for a 9k body, but you get to choose from 1 of 3 abilities.

Have your opponent discard a card, choose 2 Characters to Dull and Freeze, or have your next SOLDIER’s cost be 3CP less.

The best part is that, you can choose more than once. Every time a SOLDIER enters the field one of Genesis’s abilities will
trigger, allowing you to choose which one you would like to do.

You should keep a playset of Genesis until Tears of the Planet comes out, that way you can use it in a Ice/Lightning deck with that Zack card that was spoiled for the next set.

24-026H – Zalera, the Death Seraph

4CP to break a Forward.

Not bad, when you consider that Summons that break Forwards come in at a high cost.

Zalera does hit a little different. You just choose the cost of the Forward. 4 or less, or 5 or more. After that your opponent will choose which Forward to break.

I wouldn’t say that this is a great card, it is good card, it’s just the chance of using it and getting what you want out of this Summon is slim.

Unless they only have 1 Forward that is 5CP or more, then you’ll know that you’ll hit your target.

24-027C – Shantotto

Shantotto coming in with a trombone, and I’m ready to crack a joke about rust. But, I’ll keep my mouth shut this time.

Shantotto reduces the cost of casting your Summons by 1, add Opus I Yuna to the mix, and all of your Summons cost will be reduced by 2.

And, that’s not all. Shantotto has the ability to Dull/Freeze a Forward if you have already cast a Summon this turn.

If I was a heavy Summon player, I would be playing a Yuna/Shantotto Combo.

24-028R – Jill

Lots of cost reducing in this set.

Jill is no different.

Jill’s cost is reduced by 2 if Clive or Torgal is on the field.

That means for 1CP you can Dull/Freeze one of your opponent’s Forwards, and you’re still left with a 7K body.

After that, you can Prime into Shiva (XVI) and break 2 dull Forwards.

I think we’ll have to see Priming in action before I get excited about it.

24-029C – Squall

Squall acting like he’s Opus IV Viking.

Getting things done when he enters the field and when he leaves the field.

Squall won’t draw you a card, but he will deal a dull Forward 5000 damage. Which can be more than enough to Break it.

And, let’s not forget Rough Divide, which gives Squall +1000 power and First Strike.

And it’s only 3CP!

Given Squall’s 8000 power, it would normally have been 4CP.

This is a decent Common to have.

24-030C – Terra

Theatrhythm is going strong in this set.

Terra comes in and grabs a Summon from the Break Zone.

This also comes off of an EX Burst.

You can then cast that Summon for one less Crystal Point with Shantotto.

After that Terra sticks around as a 5K body, ready to block. Or, attack.


24-031R – Torgal

Well here is the main card of your Final Fantasy XVI engine.

Torgal, the Wolf.

I don’t know much about Torgal, except for the fact that most of your FFXVI Forwards can be paid with CP from any element. This includes Priming costs as well.

Being a Backup, it is a little harder to have Torgal sent to the Break Zone, but, there are a couple of cards that can break Backups, but I think Torgal will be just fine.

This will be played.

And, it’s only 2CP.

24-032R – Piscodaemon

Why do I always go to write Psycho Demon when I’m trying to write Piscodaemon?

2 cost Monster that can be sent to the Break Zone when one of your Forwards attack.

And when Piscodaemon is put in the Break Zone, you can choose 2 Characters and Dull/Freeze them.

After that in your Main Phase 2, you can bring in Shiva (XVI) and break those 2 dull Characters. If they’re Forwards. Not Backups.

“Psycho Demon, Qu’est-ce que c’est?”

24-033L – Bhunivelze

Bhunivelze is back. It’s been a long wait since Crystal Radiance to get a new Bhunivelze card.

I can see this card being played in a Monster deck, especially if all those Monsters have effects that go off when the Monsters are sent into the Break Zone.

And, for every Monster or Forward that you’ll put in the Break Zone, your opponent will choose 1 Forward they control and send it to the Break Zone.

Mass Extinction going on here.

This could be Game Over for your opponent.

After all is said and done, you’ll still have a body with 10,000 power.

Just in case your opponent survives the onslaught.

24-034C – Velis EX

Well, this confirms it.

Warriors of the Crystal will be a thing here.

At least for a month or 2, just so everybody can try it out.

All you need is some Crystals to be able to bring in all the Warriors of the Crystal into play without worrying about color fixing.

Let’s talk about Velis now.

Whenever Velis or a WotC (imagine that) comes indull and Freeze one of your opponent’s Forwards.

It will be a bunch of abilities going off at the same time.

I believe it’ll be fun.

24-035C – Mateus (XII RW) EX

2 cost Summon.

2 choices.

Which one will you pick.

Break a dull Forward that costs 3CP or less.


Dull a Forward, Draw a Card.

Choice is yours.

Ex Burst as well.

24-036C – Nu Mou

Nu Mou, just chilling in your back line until an Ice Forward enters your field.

After that you can put Nu Mou into the Break Zone, and you can Dull and Freeze one of your opponent’s Forwards.

It seems like all the Ice cards were Dull and Freeze and dull and Freeze some more.

But that’s what Ice does.

Now you have more cards to choose from.

Shop for these Singles and more at our TCG Player Store.

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“I have a name. It’s Lumina. And, I know a lot about you.”


If you haven’t played Lightning Returns and don’t want anything ruined, move along.

If you have, continue on.

Datalog Entry


This mysterious young girl appears to be able to control the power of Chaos, and likes to get in Lightning’s way at every turn.

It seems that she has met Snow before, and the two have more than just a passing acquaintance. but Lightning has spent the last five centuries in crystal, and she has no way of knowing what could have happened between the two.

Still, she cannot deny that the girl bears a striking similarity to Serah. But Serah is dead, and this Lumina seems to have her own goals.


So, just who is Lumina?

Lumina, is a vessel that was created when Lightning went into Crystal Stasis, in order to protect Serah’s heart to protect her from Chaos.. And, while Lightning was in Crystal Stasis, Lumina kept in contact with everyone that was a part of Lightning’s story.

From being there when Fang and Vanille woke up from their Crystal Stasis, to keeping Vanille company when she was lonely as the High Priestess. Showing Noel the oracle drive where he defeats Lightning, Giving Sazh a coffer of souls to collect Dajh’s Soul Fragments in order for him to wake up. Lumina also came in contact with Caius and Snow, but not Hope. Nothing to do with Hope, because Hope is dead. He’s just a puppet now. Bhunivelze’s puppet.

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Opus XIII – Earth Review

13-052C – Abyss Worm

For it’s cost this is a great card. Giving a Forward +3K and Brave, is good enough for this 1 cost. But the fact that it turns into a Forward at 3 Damage, makes it even better.





13-053R – Alexander EX

Hmm, I don’t know if I would use this card much, but keeping one in a deck for the rare chance that it’ll pop out after you’ve taken 5 points of Damage might be worth it.





13-054C – Lady of Antiquity

Reducing Exdeath’s (13-071R) CP doesn’t seem like a big deal. You still have to pay 5CP, but the second ability will let you play a 6 color Manikin Deck, in which the aforementioned ExDeath will be your main attraction.





13-055C – Ingus

+1k and Brave to a Standard Unit or Warrior of Light. Alexander EX (13-053R) seems a little better as you can choose any character. But, Ingus can use his ability once per turn.





13-056R – Vanille

I’m actually surprised this card is only a Rare.

This card will pay for itself, if your opponent does not get rid of it soon enough. There are plenty of cards you can play every other turn unless your opponent finds a way to Break Vanille. All these High cost cards will be Free plays from Your Break Zone.

Vanille Deck in progress. Just Vanille and High cost forwards.



13-057H – Graff

A constant +2K during the Attack phase. Main Phase the Forwards will still have their regular power.





13-058C – Sherlotta

Perfect to use in any 2 color deck. Even three. Or as many as you’d like. Tyro (11-072R) does this better, but Sherlotta is only a 2 cost.





13-059H – Scarmiglione

Trying to Break a Forward, well have I got a card for you. Scarmiglione here will double the damage dealt to a Forward. Any Forward. Ping it to death, till it lies broken in the Break Zone.





13-060R – Cecil

Not one of the better Cecil’s, but it might be worth the 1 point of Damage to get rid of a forward that’s been causing you trouble. And if that extra point of Damage gives you Brave, and +1K, well you might actually play this card.





13-061C – Hugh Yurg

4CP/8K who might have Brave depending on your cards. Decent Common.






13-062H – Bhunivelze

10CP for 10K. But you can find a way to get him down to Free, if you’re playing that many colors. As the game goes on, Bhunivelze just keeps getting better, and better. 3 Damage – Brave and Double Attack. 6 Damage Break a character every time Bhunivelze attacks. Times 2

And the fact that you can play this card from the Break Zone with Vanille (13-056R), I wouldn’t be surprised if this was in every Earth Deck. Simply just because you can.



13-063C – Monk

If you’re playing Monks, this is a good card. If you’re not, it’s too expensive.






13-064R – Yang

If you’re playing Mon…. I already said that. Yang will give your Monks a boost. High powered Forwards with Brave. Add Enna Kros (1-095R) and they will have an extra 1K. I saw that Monks already took first place, and Yang was a part of that.





13-065R – Rydia

I don’t know if Rydia is cost effective. 6CP to play a summon without paying the cost. I’ll pass.





13-066C – Lilty

Ice/Earth or Earth/Lightning take your pick. Or neither, With Tyro, you can choose any element you’d like. Discard or Break. The choice is yours.





13-067L – Leo

You might be able to play a high cost card for a couple of CP, depending on how many Crystal Chronicle Characters you’re controlling. Vanille (13-056R) is the better choice in my opinion.





13-068C – Alchemist

Just like Black Mage (13-005C). This card will work if you splash a single Ice or Wind card. Because then you’ll now exactly what you’ll end up with. Other than that. NEXT.

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More Delays

Well, it looks like we have more delays coming up. First it was the Sephiroth Tins, and now Opus XIV is delayed and so is a new 2-Player Starter Set. But, at least we know of these ones ahead of time, other than right before release.

It doesn’t look like the Chaos Boss Deck will receive any delays, even though my distributor has no clue as to what’s going on with it. And Opus XIII is right around the corner.


On the other hand we had a new spoiler. Bhunivelze PR-091/13-062H. Is it just me or are the Pre-release promos always Hero cards? I’ll have to take a look into that.

10CP – Earth
Forward – God

The cost required to cast Bhunivelze is reduced by 2 for each Backup of a different element you control, other than Multi-Element.
Damage 3 – Bhunivelze gains Brave and “Bhunivelze can attack twice in the same turn”
Damage 6 – When Bhunivelze attacks, Choose 1 Character. Break it.

Even if your playing Mono Earth at 10CP, this card is a power house. Throw in Enna Kros (1-095R)for some +1000, might as well throw in Maria (1-083H) for an additional +1000. And that right there brings Bhunivelze down to 8CP. Can’t forget about Princess Sarah (11-128H), which will also let you pay for your Backups much easier as she counts as any color CP. Dull for +1000. This brings Bhunivelze to 13000 and 6CP.

He’ll slowly clean the board, and your other forwards can go for the kill.