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Opus XIV : Earth Review

14-058C – Dark Knight

Play this card and deal yourself 1 point of Damage. If you already have 4 points of Damage, you might as well play this card as 5 points of Damage will give this card Brave.

You’ll have a 9K body with Brave, for a measly 3CP.

Just don’t play this card when you have 6 points of Damage.



14-059R – Wol

Opus V Wol is better all around. The only reason you’ll play this card is to play anther MOBIUS Forward from your hand at no cost.

At 3 points of Damage he becomes something like a Diet Opus V Wol. It’s similar, but just not the same.



14-060R – Carbuncle EX

Mono-Earth? Sure, +2K Buff to all the Forwards, and a free card. You’ll becoming out +1 on this transaction.





14-061H – Calbrena

Add this one to the Same deck as Carbuncle. Give me Mono Earth and a 9K Calbrena to knock off your socks. And if Calbrena gets broken for whatever reason. You can put her back together by discarding an Earth Backup.

Yes, Please and Thank you!



14-062L – Titan, Lord of Crags

It looks like Earth has a Diet Shantotto as well, but this one deals your opponent 1 point of Damage as well. I take that back. This card is just as good as Shantotto, just a little different. And this one is also a Forward. Titan can’t break himself, so he’ll be free to attack if he wipes the board.




14-063C – Chichu

Not as good as the other Monsters in this set, with Monster Counters. But, being able to give a Forward +2K power for each Monster Counter on Chichu, might be good.

Did I mention I know a guy named Chichu?




14-064R – Kitone EX

Hmm, War of the Visions has a great Backup. Just the on entry ability is great, you’ll be able to stop a powerful forward in it’s tracks. For one turn at least.

And, “Dream Within a Dream”, 4K Damage to one Forward, and you can recast it, with a single Earth Crystal Point, without paying the S cost.




14-065L – Cloud

Is this the chase card for the set? FFVII, Cloud, Legend, Full Art, they all come together in this one card.

I mean, just look at this card. If your opponent controls any Forwards, Cloud gains 2K. If your opponent didn’t have any Forwards, you wouldn’t need to play Cloud. You could have gotten the job done with Choobo (2-060C)

When Cloud attacks, choose one Forward and that Forward has to Block this turn. So, you can start picking off pesky Forwards that you want to get rid of.

Finally, discard a FFVII card and Cloud gains +1K and he can’t be chosen by Summons or abilities.

At the end of the day, Cloud is an 11K Forward that deals Mass Destruction with his Cross-Slash. Even though there is no ability names Cross-Slash on the card.

14-066C – Kobold

Activate Kobold, each time a Primal enters the field. You can also dull Kobold and give a Forward +1K power. And then activate him and repeat when another Primal enters the field.

I’m guessing not so much.



14-067H – Shantotto

Made for Earth/Wind decks.

Well thank you Captain Obvious.

Now, is the 5CP worth it to potentially draw another 2 cards?



14-068C – Dark Elf

Only way to Break this card is with a precise 8000 damage.

Now if you find a way to buff him up to a 9K body, he is unbeatable.

“Kobold, I was wrong about you, come back.”



14-069R – Noctis

The Prince is back, as a backup.

4CP to grab a XV Forward from the Break Zone and play it onto the field. Sounds like a good deal to me. You can actually grab another Noctis (12-121R) who in turn will let you grab another XV Forward, other than Noctis, from the Break Zone.

You’ll actually gain a Crystal point by doing this. I don’t know if it’s efficient but, it’s something you can do.


14-070C – Ba’Gamnan

Time to get rid of that pesky forward you can’t get rid of. Force it to block and attack him with your strongest Forward.
14-071C – Paladin

Don’t like the cards you just drew? Just play Paladin with those 2 cards and hopefully get something better. And if that doesn’t work, Dull and Break and hopefully you’ll get something better once again.


14-072R – Hojo

Hojo finally makes his appearance. And he comes with an experiment. A trade off where you can change a Forward you control with a Forward from your Break Zone. Only stipulation is that it’s cost needs to be inferior to the one you removed from the game.

Play a Forward with an upon entry ability, once it’s played out recycle the Forward.



14-073R – Muraga Fennes EX

At first I thought this card was a Summon. It would have been a decent card if it was. But, now that I’ve seen that it’s a Forward it makes it very playable. I would keep this card on hand, to bring back a forward that has just been broken.




14-074C – Monk

If you’re playing Monks you’re playing this card. And, if you’re playing Monks, you’re playing Sophie (13-119L).

You’ll have plenty of Earth Forwards on the field, so this card should read. When Monk enters the field, choose 1 Forward opponent controls. Break it.



14-075H – Mont Leonis

For 11CP – 1CP for each Forward you control you can play 1 Earth Forward of Cost 6 or less from your Break Zone.

Now this wouldn’t be one of the first cards you play, but later on in the game when you’ll have 5 Earth Backups, and a bunch of Forwards on the field, you might just play 2CP for Mont.

I thought Mont would have had some synergy with Macherie, but I was wrong.

Oh, well.

14-076C – Lich (IX)

Discard one card Job Chaos and deal one forward 8000 damage. Is it worth it? I’m sure there are Summons that can do this more efficiently. But, for a common I’ll take it.

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Opus XIV – Wind Review

14-039R – Adelle

The more Wind Backups you have, the better this card is. But, you don’t necessaraly need to have 5 Wind Backups as there are cards that provide the same effect. 3 should be the optimal choice as you’ll give her 8000 power and Haste. And, you only paid 2CP to play this card.




14-040C – Abquhbah

Play him early on, and he’ll usually be buffed up every turn. Other than that not much to say.





14-041C – Ixali

Activation guaranteed, with a Primal.





14-042L – Bismarck, Lord of the Mists

Return to hand. Return to hand. Return to hand.

Bismarck need to tag team with Leviathan. more on that later.

But, when a Character is returned to your or your opponents hand, you draw 1 card. And you can choose to return a card to your hand at the end of each turn.

As if Wind/Water needed more ammunition


14-043C – Cactuaroni

Just a common?

“Need some activation tactics? Cactuaroni is your macaroni. For the cost of a simple Monster Counter you can activate one Character.” /endcommercialannuncervoice

This card is great, simple and to the point. You can end up activating your whole board if you wait long enough. But, why wait if you can just find a way to grab Cactuaroni from your Break Zone.


14-044C – White Mage

Activate 2 Backups of any element other than Wind.

YRP making a comeback? Don’t call it a comeback, YRP never left.





14-045H – Sin

What would you call this? Silence? Paralyze? Stop? Probably Silence. Casts Silence on opponents Forwards. And now, they can’t use any abilities.

Probably not silence, cause that’s just Magic.

I had said the other Sin was better, but now that I’m re-reading it. This is interesting.



14-046C – Sniper

Like I said before, I’m not to sure on the wording, but if this goes off when Sniper dulls from attacking. It’s a great card card. If not, I still like it.





14-047R – Choco/Mog EX

Almost sounds like a candy bar.

The first part is easy. Having a Chocobo and a Moogle on the field when he shows up, is pretty easy too.




14-048C – Tiamat (IX)

Hmm, I’m seeing a pattern here.

“Discard one card Job Chaos and deal one forward 8000 damage. Is it worth it? I’m sure there are Summons that can do this more efficiently. But, for a common I’ll take it.”




14-049H – Typhon

I’m still waiting for a Typhon that has synergy with Ultros.

Other than that, You’re playing Mono-Wind, you’re playing this card. Plus removing a Forward and placing him in a spot where you (probably) won’t see him for a couple of turns.

This is another great card.


14-050R – Naja Salaheem

Double up on all the counters that are on any character whenever Naja deals Damage to your opponent.

+Naja cannot be chosen by your opponents Summons or abilities.




14-051C – Vanu Vanu

Don’t like the cards you just drew? Just play Vanu Vanu with those 2 cards and hopefully get something better. And if that doesn’t work, Dull and Break and hopefully you’ll get something better once again.




14-052C – Fran

You can easily cast 3 cards a turn with Wind, and all the activate your Backups and Characters and Monsters and Summons and anything else you want. Because that’s what wind does. So, you’ll probably end up drawing a card when you play Fran.

3 points of Damage +2K Power



14-053R – Mjrn

Did I mention, I like these Black & White cards?

For 2 Cp you can activate Fran and Jote.

You can also pay 3 Wind CP and Break a Forward of cost 5 or more.



14-054R – Jote EX

Just a simple searcher that searches for Fran or Mjrn. You can also search for them off of an EX Burst.





14-055C – Lezaford

Took me a second to realize this Lezaford was a Forward. I should start paying more attention.

Now, it makes sense that this is a 5 cost. At first I thought it was 5CP to play a Backup, which if the cost to play was paid with at least 3 different elements, than you can break a Forward.

I was going to say how this Lezaford is terrible and that the Opus VI Lezaford is so mucch better. But, this one is Forward and that changes everything. It can work. Someone will find a way. It’s simple if you play Light and Dark actually.

14-056R – Garuda, Lady of the Vortex

Here’s an answer to some cards. 6CP isn’t that much to pay for the on entry ability Garuda has.

Sorry, Sophie, it was fun.

Bhuni, Get out of here.

Neo-Exdeath, don’t make me laugh

Ark, No one played with you anyway.

Now, if this card was an Ex it would have been amazing.

14-057H – Rosa

Great artwork once again. You can tell apart the Amano artwork. I remember seeing a Magic card with his art on it, and recognized it immediately. But, that’s another story.

Just like we said before, activate all the Backups, if you’ve cast 3 cards this turn.

With Fran (14-052C) you’ll also draw 1 card.

All those activations will lead you into a 5th card cast this turn, which you’ll end up playing the top card of your deck. Unless it’s a Summon. Then it just goes back to the tops of your deck.

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Opus XIV – Ice Review

14-020R – Ysayle

Ysayle, works as a place holder for Shiva, Lady of the Frost (14-036L). Other than that, you can use her to play any Ice Forward of 5CP or less, but Shiva makes perfect sense.

7K body for 3CP isn’t bad either.




14-021H – Valfodr

Great monster for a Physalis deck. Or any other Discard deck that you can think of. Your opponent will think twice before trying to Break Valfodr.





14-022H – Kam’lanaut

Kam’lanaut has the ability that keeps on giving … your opponent head aches. If you have a full line of Ice Backups you are set to go as everytime Kam’lanaut attacks you’ll be dealing 10K Damage to a dull Forward.

And if you want a little more spice, Light Blade is even stronger as it deals 2K for each Ice Character you control.



14-023L – Gilgamesh (FFBE)

Now this is a card we’re excited about, we talked about this card in one of our videos when they showed him off.

If you take the time to set Gilgamesh up. and that should be pretty easy especially if you have Don Corneo (11-134S) Just put the top 15 cards of your deck in the Break Zone. Should be enough elements in there to get these abilities off.

After that Gilgamesh woll have +1K power, Haste , First Strike, Brave, Gilgamesh can attack 3 times in the same turn, and everytime he attacks, “Choose one Character, dull it, and Freeze it.”

14-024C – Bard

2 cost Backup that will Dull and Freeze one of your opponents cards, for an Ice Crystal Point.





14-025C – Kuja

I’m starting to like how these Final Fantasy Villains play. They’re not all Legends or Heros, but they have some simple abilities that are effective.

Like, Kuja here, once he gets chosen by your opponents Summons or abilities, you choose 1 of their Forwards and Dull them.

But, it’s the 5CP that might make you skip this card.


14-026R – Kefka EX

Now, Kefka is a better card than Kuja, for a couple of reasons.

1) You Dull a Forward when he enters the field.

2) He is only 3CP, compared to Kuja’s 5, but he is just a Backup

3) He his ability can come off an EX Burst


14-027R – The Emperor

Hailing from Palamecia, the Emperor isn’t that special unless he is in your Break Zone. Form there you can use his ability. By Removing 15 Ice cards from your Break Zone, you can play the Emperor onto the field, and since he entered the field due to an ability, you can look at th top card of your deck, and if it is a Character (any card but a summon) you can add it to your hand.



14-028C – Goblin

I’d call this a ticking time bomb. Every time it ticks it gets more power. But this time bomb, you can have it go off whenever you choose to.





14-029R – Shivalry EX

This is a decent summon that will pair well with Physalis. Choose 1 Forward, +3K Power, Forward breaks Forward, Opponent discard card from hand.

For 2CP this card, can be useful, I can see it getting some play.




14-030C – Serah

Her only task is to take a big hit and to be broken. Her Job might say Saboteur, but it really is Meat Shield.

Depending on the situation you can pick which ability to use.




14-031R – Good King Moggle Mog XII

That’s a big name.

If you remember the battle, you remember that it was all over the place. You had to destroy the Moogles, which in turn let you fight the King. And it would go back and forth till the King was Dead.

Now, everytime Good King Moggle Mog XII gets broken, you can in theory discard 2 Moogles and bring him back to your hand. Now we said in theory, because it can be any 2 cards. Not just moogles.

But at the end of the turn you can search for a 3CP moogle and play it onto the field.

Should be a fun card to play.

14-032R – Proto fal’Cie Adam

Another great card to play with Physalis (13-028L)

The less cards your opponent has, the better this card gets.

Plus the Manipulator Counters can save this card twice.



14-033C – Devout

Don’t like the cards you just drew? Just play Devout with those 2 cards and hopefully get something better. And if that doesn’t work, Dull and Break and hopefully you’ll get something better once again.




14-034C – Time Mage

Now the wording on the card is a little weird.

Does the ability go off only when Time Mage is dulled by your opponent? Or, does it go off when you attack, and dull him due to attacking as well?




14-035C – Don Corneo

It’s almost like the game.

You get to choose one of three.

Which one piques your interest?

There should be a cross-dressing Cloud somewhere around here.


14-036L – Shiva, Lady of the Frost

I like this card. Expect a Card of the Week coming soon.

But, you pretty much play Shiva off of Ysayle. Dull a Forward, then Freeze all the Forwards opponent controls.

And if they get active by an ability or Summon, there’s a way to replay the card.

Or, you can just save that for a later turn.


14-037C – Moogle (XIV)

You’ll only play this card with Good King Moggle Mog XII.





14-038H – Lugae

This card in my opinion is like equipping a Forward with a stronger weapon. Only difference, is Lugae must be on the field in order for your Forward to gain the 2K and Brave when it enters the field.

I hope that makes sense.

I already like this card.

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The Condemner

We have our first Summon for Card of the Week. One from FF XII, Can’t say I used this summon in the game, as for some reason I couldn’t get into the game.

On to the Card
7CP : Earth
Category : XII

“EX BURST Choose up to 1 Forward from your Break Zone of cost equal to or less than the damage you have been dealt. Return it to your hand. Your opponent selects 1 Forward of cost equal to or less than the damage you have been dealt and puts it into the Break Zone.”

Technically, I don’t think this is a very good card. So, why did we pick it? Because it’s the card that came out when we pulled it out of a hat. (It was a nice hat, I’ll tell you that).

Unless, you’re counting on Zeromus to pop up from an EX Burst, there are better plays to grab a Forward from your Break Zone.

Let’s say for the sake of this article, that you are planning on using Zeromus strictly as an EX burst. Is there a way to get him to the top of your deck?

Keiss (12-095R) will allow you to look at the top card, doesn’t exactly help you, but you know which card is there. Wrieg (11-081C) reveals the top card, and that’s about it your opponent sees what is there, and decides on what to do accordingly.
Leviathan (10-125H) is the card you are looking for. Draw 2 and then put 1 card from your hand at the top or bottom of your deck. It’s as simple as that, or any EX Burst that you want to use. Your opponent attacks, and then you get to cast a summon. You cast Leviathan, assuming you already have Zeromus in your hand, you will just place him at the top of your deck to be played as an EX Burst when your opponent deals you Damage.

Now, to search for Zeromus, you can either use Vermilion Bird l’CIe Caetuna (13-008R) which allows you to search for 2 Summons. Eiko (8-112R) and Rydia (3-096R) let’s you search for 1 Summon. And, I believe we will go with Eiko and Rydia.

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Opus XIII – Fire Review

13-001R – Irvine

Weighing in at 2CP-5k. Irvine is an OK Forward, but his ability to deal 5000 damage to another forward, just by putting him in the Break Zone. You can deal unsuspecting damage to your opponents forwards that have just attacked. Might see some play, but this one is not for me.




13-002L – Akstar

The Fire Legend. Actually, just a Mercenary. His enter ability allows you to trigger an EX
Burst in your Damage Zone. Depending on what is in your Damage Zone, will decide if that ability is any good or not. You’ll probably just end up holding that card until you find something good to use. At Damage 3, you can search for 1 FFBE character other than Akstar and add it to your hand. Plenty of cards to choose from, but I would pick 13-017H Rain. I would say that Akstar is a glorified searcher.



13-003C – Imaginary Soldier

Cloud here, … well he was pretending … (Just like I pretend to know what I’m talking about.)

Basically, you can swarm your field with Manikins, just like Chocobos. But the more Manikins you have Cloud … I mean Imaginary Soldier just gets stronger. It would be pretty easy to pair this one with a couple of Manikins from this set and Opus II and III, just to make him a power house. And depending on when he enters the field, you might be able to Break your opponents strongest Forward. Except Feolthanos and probably a handful more, but it’s a start.


13-004C – Clavat

This one won’t see play in a Mono-Fire Deck. You don’t need Big brains to figure that out, but Fire/Ice or Fire/Lightning could work. Well, duh. That’s what the card says. Maybe throw Clavat in a Fire/Ice VI Deck. Or alongside a Class Zero Moogle or .. just don’t see much play for this one. Prove me Wrong.




13-005C – Black Mage

This card will work if you splash a single Lightning or Water card. Because then you’ll now exactly what you’ll end up with. Other than that. NEXT.





13-006C – Xande

Xande searches for Xande (10-008L) and at Damage 5, Xande plays 3 cards onto the field from your Break Zone. Nuff said. You can also choose to receive a point of damage to get you closer to 5 points of Damage.





13-007R – Cinque

Cinque deserves a spot in your Cadet Deck, play her on the field with Warrior (5-014C) and Lebreau (1-030R), and Cinque could be swinging for 12K with Brave. Break a forward on top of that.





13-008R – Vermilion Bird l’Cie Caetuna

I don’t see this one as being better than Vermilion Bird l’Cie Caetuna (6-010H), but in a few circumstances might be able to break one of your opponents forwards.





13-009H – Selphie

Make way for the Multi-Element forwards that don’t have Haste, because they now have Haste, if you decide to pay the extra Fire Crystal Point. 2CP/5k decent for what it is, and The End. “This is the end. Beautiful friend.” You can sing that song when you cast this ability.




13-010C – Onion Knight (FFT)

Have three of these tucked away at the end of the game and you’ll have 3 Forwards with 9k and Haste. Go in for a quick strike and you might make it out alive. If not you’ll have a couple of meat shields to take some Damage.





13-011C – Iron Giant

1CP/7k body. Monster that turns into a forward at 3 Damage. A cheap forward, with an enter ability that might, but probably won’t, break a forward.





13-012R – Bahamut EX

FREE BAHAMUT!!! FREE SUMMON!!! Late in the game, if you’re at 5 points of damage you can basically summon Bahamut EX for free. Yep, because his cost is reduced by 3, if you have Fang (1-020R) on the field his cost is reduced by 2. Although it can’t become 0. That’s where Mootie (11-012C) comes in. Just Dull Mootie and activate it once Bahamut is cast.

FREE BAHAMUT!!! FREE SUMMON!!! #freebahamut



13-013C – Palom

Cheap Backup with an enter the field ability. Needs Porom to be any good, but then there are a few other Palom cards I would rather play than this one.





13-014R – Larkeicus

A Cheaper Deathgaze (IX) (8-056R), but Larkeicus might be harder to remove. I like it, Fire/Wind coming soon. Deathgaze (IX) and Larkeicus Tag Team Champions of the …. It might work.





13-015C – Luneth

Need a quick attack, Luneth is your man. Gives Haste to a recently entered Forward. Well not any forward. Just a Standard Unit, or Warrior of Light. Gives you less of a choice. Now if you’d be able to cast it on Braska’s Final Aeon (11-015L) or Neo Exdeath (12-110L) that would be a different story.




13-016H – Rubicante

Just add Golbez (13-115L). Simple counter attack after Rubicante is put into the Break Zone. Up to 8k damage.





13-017H – Rain

The real Fire Legend in this set. Just like Lani was in Opus XII. (Well, that’s just my opinion. It should be your as well.) Rain gets cheaper the more backups you have. And the more Backups you have make Rain even more powerful. Up to 5k damage to a Forward every time he attacks, you’ll want to be swinging away A.S.A.P and when you have 3 points of Damage, he’ll also come in with Haste, and deal 5k damage, then attack and deal 5k damage. Might be a quick way to get rid of Illua (5-099H).