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More Info For Hidden Trials Midnight PreRelease

Just a day away.

Get yourselves ready, cause Midnight Prerelease is here.

Get your sleeves ready, because some of these cards are amazing! And, where else are you going to be able to try these all out before anyone else gets a chance to?

That’s Right! At the Hidden Trials Midnight Pre-Release!

July, 26th

Starting at 10PM you can bring yourself over and enjoy a couple of casual games just to get warmed up. At 12AM we will start handing out the kits, we’ll be deck-building for about 30 minutes or so, and after that we will begin our event.


Yeah, you might need that.

9229 S. Cicero Ave
Oak Lawn, IL 60453


1st Place will win a Hidden Trials Prerelease Kit
2nd 5 packs and either the Promo card, or the Sleeves
3rd 4 packs and the Sleeves, or the Promo
4th 4 packs
5th – 8th a pack each.

You’ll most likely walk away with some sort of prizing.

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Post – 4th of July Sale!

We haven’t run a sale in quite a bit. So, we might as well and go ahead and run one right about … now.

First off, let’s pick a number. How does 10% sound? I think 10% sounds good.

So, from now until Sunday night, which will be the 7th of July, at 11:59 you’ll be able to take 10% off of your order. Just use Coupon Code FIRE10 at checkout.

The coupon is good for everything except for Pre-Order items.

Free Shipping for all orders over $200.

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Another Restock, For 2024

Yes it’s true, we managed to get our hand on more of these Anniversary Collection Sets. We were sold out of these in minutes after they went live. I don’t think they’ll sell out that fast this time, but just in case they do, you were warned.

We’re not going over MSRP for these, even though we have seen them elsewhere for much higher.

If you don’t want to navigate the site, just click here and we’ll take you straight to them.

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Almost Forgot the Title

June is here, the Purge is complete, for the most part. Only the Boss Deck cards are still on the site, but those should be gone soon as well.

It’s time to slowly, very slowly, start getting ready for the next Trial. Hidden Trials is just a couple months away, and the Spoilers should be starting up. I wouldn’t be surprised if the first Spoiler came out tomorrow. As we’re about 8 weeks away from Pre-Release. Speaking of Pre-Release, Midnight Pre-Release will be held once again. We’ll have details for that coming up as well. But, if you have already been to a Midnight Pre-Release you already know all of the details.

We’re also thinking about holding a free play night once a week. We’ve been thinking about it for quite some time now. Wednesdays seem like a good night. The plan is for it to start at 9PM every Wednesday, if there’s enough people we can hold a little tournament, if not it will all be just casual.

Not much else going on right now. Other than sorting. Lots and lots of sorting, after that it’s listing, and shipping, and buying more cards to sort.

Shop for Singles and more at our TCG Player Store!

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Did Someone Say Lightning?

We managed to pull some strings and get ourselves a small restock of the Final Fantasy XIII Custom Starter Set. Sure we only got 6 of them, but they are not exactly in print any more.

If you haven’t gotten one yet, what are you waiting for?

This deck is a great starting point for your FFXIII deck. All of the cards already work great together, and with a couple of upgrades to it, you will be unstoppable in no time.

Maybe not that unstoppable, but it’s still a great Starter Set.

Click here to grab them.