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Gunslinger in the Abyss

Well this is a surprise. I wasn’t expecting this yet. They usually show us a new set during Spoiler Season.

Gunslinger in the Abyss.

There’s only one Gunslinger that I can think of and that is Vincent, and as you would have guessed right away, Vincent is on the Box. Bringing his total up to 2. Vincent still has a long way to go in order to catch Lightning.

We have an August release date, with 42 Full Arts. And, Square Enix is shaking things up with smaller Booster Boxes. The Booster Boxes will now only have 18 packs instead of 36, and from what I understand after reading this, a Master Case will have 4 cases of 6. Will we still be able to get a complete set of Full Arts from a Master Case? There’s only one way to find out.

Legacy cards we have three once more, and this time the Warring Triad is taking up all 3 spots. The Demon, The Goddess and The Fiend. Only thing that’s missing is Kefka ready to make use of them.

And, we have our first Spoilers for Opus XXVI – Gunslinger of the Abyss. Yes, I still use Opus.

Bartz – 26-053L

You can pay using your Crystals instead of CP to cast Bartz. 0CP for an 8k body. I’m liking this already.

When Bartz enters the field, you reveal the top 2 cards of your deck, and you can play a Character of 3CP or less onto the field. The rest go into your hand.

Meaning that if you paid with Crystal, you can gain 4CP.

You’ll come out ahead in Crystal Points. Other than that, I’ll have to try this card out to see if I like it or not.

Vincent – 26-068L

Now the Sample is blocking out some key information.

But, I’m going to take a guess.

Vincent enters the field, and deals 9000 damage to al the Forwards that cost three or less, meaning that most of those Forwards will be broken.

And, whenever Vincent is chosen by a Forward’s ability or your opponent’s Summons, Vincent deals a Forward 9000 damage. Either to the Forward that has an ability targeting Vincent, or to a Forward of your choosing.

One this is for sure.

Vincent will be dealing 9000 damage in some form or another.

We’ll get more information up soon.

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Tears of the Planet

The new set has been revealed.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, “Tears of the Planet”!

Sounds like an album title if you ask me. But, you’re not asking me. I’m telling you.

Let’s start off with the box art, as you can see Aerith has finally made it, on her own box. Yes, she was on Hidden Hope, but that was with Zack. And, this is her Solo Project.

First off, these sets are getting smaller and smaller. Only 118 cards for this set, with 30 Full arts. 1 is will be the Golden Signature featuring Aerith, and one is a Crystal. That leaves 28 Full arts. If one is the Buy a Box Promo, and the other the Prerelease Promo, that gives us 26 Full Arts. And if we’re still getting a full set of Full Art cards per set, which I don’t see changing. That means in every Master Case, there will be 2 boxes with 3 Full Art cards in them.

That’s something worth noting.

The date set for us is March 28th, 2025, That also means Midnight Pre-Release will be on March 21st, 2025, so mark your calendars, because it always is a great time.

/Self Promotion

Let’s take a look at Zack (25-073L).

Final Fantasy VII will be getting plenty of support. With plenty of Lightning support, even if you throw Zack in a Shinra themed deck, he will become a threat.

Every time Zach attacks, you can bring a Final Fantasy VII Character back from the Break Zone, only requirement is that, that Character costs 2CP or less. Shouldn’t be that hard to find one, even if you keep bringing the same Character in after they attack or block.

Rush Assault? When Zack Attacks, you can use his Signature ability and break one of your opponent’s Forwards! No cost Requirements, no nothing. Just stock up on all Zacks from every Opus.

Yes, please. May I have another?

And, Aerith (25-035L)

We know what happens next.

But, we won’t say anything, just in case you’ve been living under a Meteor … I mean Rock.

Aerith comes in and one of your opponent’s Characters lose all of their abilities for as long as Aerith is on the field.

And when she finally gets sent to the Break Zone, you can remove Aerith from the game, and you’ll be able to draw a card.

This will make Aerith a Free Play in the end.

From these 2 cards, I would say that the Zack is a much better card, compared to the Aerith.

Legacy cards are also making a comeback, this time we get Ovelia (13-090L), Squall (16-011L) and Griever (21-027L). These three aren’t bad picks, as the art for all 3 of these will be well presented as a Full Art Foil.

And, we’ll leave it right there, until we get some more information.

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Another Restock, For 2024

Yes it’s true, we managed to get our hand on more of these Anniversary Collection Sets. We were sold out of these in minutes after they went live. I don’t think they’ll sell out that fast this time, but just in case they do, you were warned.

We’re not going over MSRP for these, even though we have seen them elsewhere for much higher.

If you don’t want to navigate the site, just click here and we’ll take you straight to them.

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Super Smash Bros?

We recently got my son a Switch, and as he was playing, I heard some very familiar music. I look up and I see Mario battling, Samus, Link and Pikachu, but the battle was taking place in Midgar! Now I haven’t been paying much attention to video gaming lately, due to cardb … I mean Kardboard taking over a vast amount of my time. And, I was surprised to see Midgar in Super Smash Bros.  With Ramuh, casting Lightning Bolts, and Leviathan casting a Tidal Wave, as the train keeps on rolling around Midgar.

So, of course I did what any sane person will do. I walked over and started paying closer attention. He was having fun, and so was I. Just watching him cry for joy when he did something that he thought was super cool. Yes, he is just a four year old, excited with his new toy.

Then we started playing together. I noticed there were no Final Fantasy Characters on the Character selection screen, so I picked Samus to begin with. We started doing Team Battles, and every so often after a battle, there would be a screen that pops up, and says “A New Foe Has Arrived”. Some Character named Villager.


Now, I got to battle this guy?

Well, we lost the first time, cause we still were getting used to the controls. I had to change them up a little, because I kept hitting the wrong buttons as to what I would normally be pressing. Y is to Attack, not Jump. I thought the controls would have been similar to the old Super Mario games of my time. After some tweaking, I was ready to go. And, go we went. We started grabbing new Characters left and right. Princess Peach, King K. Rool, Lil Mac, Diddy Kong, Some guy with a sword. And, then it was bedtime.

I put the kids to bed and sat at my desk to finish up packaging some orders. I took a break and looked up Super Smash Bros had Cloud in it. Can’t stop now, I still have some orders to finish.

Finished up the orders, and I grabbed my son’s Switch and I started playing. Hoping to get Cloud. This has been going on for a couple of nights and still no Cloud in sight, but we did grab some cool Characters. Sonic, Snake, and Bayonetta. I can feel it Cloud is right around the corner.

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Busters R’ Us

This could have been a real easy article to write. I could have just said let’s throw Zack into your AVALANCHE deck and call it a day. But, where’s the fun in that?

Although there might be a bunch of cards that are the same, we”re going to try and do this a bit different. A lot different that is.

We’re going to go with 2 different Zacks.

Zack (10-007H), just for the ability to ping damage here and there and at least a couple of time per turn. Pair that with a Summon that Breaks all the Forwards that have damage on them and you got yourself a wipe.

Zack (20-009L) Because it is just a great card, if you’re running anything SOLDIER related. And, we’ll be running at least a couple of Soldiers other than Zack.

We’ll start off with Zack’s mentor Angeal (3-0989R), not only is he a 7K body, but he also searches for Zack when he is sent to the Break Zone. That way you can just keep attacking with Zack and Angeal until they break, just so you can replay them once again.

Next we’ll be handing off the Buster Sword to Cloud (1-187S), and you’ll be saying that there are better Clouds than that, and we’ll say you’re right. But, this is Zack’s deck and Cloud is just helping out. Plus the good Cloud’s are Earth, and we don’t really feel like color fixing.

Time to find Zack’s girlfriend, Aerith (11-139S) this way we’ll be able to grab a couple of FFVII Forwards from the Break Zone.

And as I’m looking for Backups, there aren’t really any, that have anything to do with Zack. So, we’re going to change it. It shall be all Forwards. We might change this again later.

Cue the music.

Bum-Bum Bum-Bum Bum-Bum Bum-Bum

Sephiroth (11-138S), Dulls all the low powered Forwards every time Sephiroth attacks. You have to pay taxes to keep Sephiroth on the field, 3 cards from the Break Zone. You should have these in there, unless you’re opponent finds a way to remove all the cards from your Break Zone.

Roche (14-095H), we’re just grabbing any SOLDIER right now. Roche has always been a great card. You’ll always want to go first with Roche and just play him right away for no CP and swing for a point of damage.

We’re actually going to add a couple of Backups right now.

Class Second Moogle (10-016C) to help us with Ice CP.

Genesis (3-033L), I still love this card, even though I probably haven’t used it in years. Dull and Freeze a Character, and when Genesis deals damage, your opponent discards a card.

Next we’ll add in our generic SOLDIERs. SOLDIER : 3rd Class (10-009C) and SOLDIER : 3rd Class (20-02C). These 2 will search for each other when one enters the field, and when the other exits the field. SOLDIER : 3rd Class (20-032C) also gains a +1K buff for each SOLDIER : 3rd class that you have in the Break Zone.

We’ll add Johnny (20-096C), another Backup to help us grab a Character from the Break Zone, and we can use his ability to grab a FFVII Character from the Break Zone.

Hedgehog Pie (20-019C), just to get all 3 of the Hedgehog Pies out at the same time. After that they are ticking time bombs, that go off when you decide you want them to go off.

Duke Larg (1-057R), Lebreau (1-030R) and Lulu (1-150R). All three for the 1K buff they give to their respective element’s Forwards.

All we need is to throw in some Summons. Knights of the Round isn’t an option, so we’ll just go with Ramuh (15-101R), Shiva (8-032R), Phoenix (3-020H) and Bahamut (16-016C).

That’s pretty much what we have for Zack. Not the greatest.


3x – Roche (14-095H)
3x – Angeal (3-098R)
3x – SOLDIER : 3rd Class (10-009C)
3x – Sephiroth (11-138S)
3x – Genesis (3-033L)
3x – Zack (10-007H)
3x – Aerith (11-139S)
3x – SOLDIER : 3rd Class (20-032C)
3x – Zack (20-009L)
3x – Cloud (1-187S)


3x – Class Second Moogle (10-016C)
3x – Lebreau (1-030R)
2x – Duke Larg (1-057R)
2x – Lulu (1-150R)
3x – Johnny (20-096C)


1x – Ramuh (15-101R)
1x – Phoenix (3-020H)
1x – Shiva (8-032R)
1x – Bahamut (16-016C)


3x – Hedgehog Pie (20-019C)