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Legacy Collection, Thoughts On Pull Rates

This is an interesting set, and I believe we need to look into this a little bit more than usual.

What we know so far is that the Legacy Collection, will be replacing the Anniversary Collection Set of previous years. And, instead of just giving us all of the cards in one box, we’re hoping the RNG gods will help us with grabbing all the cards that we will need.

It’s a 200 card set, and each card will have a Premium Foil version, and also a Full Art version. As I previously stated, this might mean new art, I highly doubt it now. After I re-read the news article Square -Enix posted, it is just a different foil type. Will this be only for the Full Arts, or for the regular foils as well? That’s something that we will have to find out in February, unless we get shown some of these cards before hand.

Back to the the 200 cards. This set will give us a total of 600 cards plus the 2 Signature cards, and the 6 Crystal cards, these give us a total of 608 cards for a complete collection. And, that my friends will be a rare sight.

Speaking of the Gold Stamped Signature cards, how rare will these be? Because I’m sure it won’t be once in every 5 Master Cases, not with this many Full Arts. Even if they hand out 1 Full Art and one Foil in every pack you’ll still need at least 200 pack for a full set, which I don’t believe that they’ll do.

Let’s do some math.

A Master case is now 3 cases of 6 Boosters. A Booster is 20 packs. This gives us 360 packs per Master Case. Which makes it unlikely that we will be getting a complete set of Full Arts from one Master Case. Given that 200 of those cards will be the regular Foil Version, that leaves us with 160 slots for Full Arts, which I don’t believe that we’ll be getting that many.

And, since we won’t be getting a complete set of Full Arts in a Master Case, this brings me to believe that the chances of getting a Gold Stamped Signature card will be even rarer than the chances we all have with a regular set.

Let’s break this down a little further.

If we have 160 extra packs per Master Case, this gives us about 8-9 Full Arts per box. Which I believe is too high. I’ll say that they will be about 50 Full Arts per Master Case, which will give us about 3 Full Arts per box. Some boxes will have just 2 Full Arts if this is the case.

We’ll need 4 Master Cases for a complete set of Full Arts.

Since, we already know that with the regular sets, the chances of getting a Gold Stamped Signature was 1 in 5 Master Cases. That gives us 5 complete sets of Full Arts.


If we need 5 complete sets to pull a Gold Stamped Signature, That gives us 20 Master Cases.

That means we’ll be getting a Gold Stamped Signature in 1 out of 10 Master Cases.

Now, this is just my thoughts on it. We’ll have to wait until February to see a better number that’s closer to the pull rates.

Let us know what your thoughts are? Is my number too high or too low? Or did I hit the nail on the head?

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Legacy Collection

Are you ready for this?

It looks like this will be a replacement for the Anniversary Collection Sets that we have had over the last few years. And, you’ll either be Excited or Disappointed.

Excited because all those cards that are worth a lot will come down in price allowing you to grab those cards on the cheap. And disappointed because, well if you bought those cards at a high price, that price will come down soon.

From the looks of it the Legacy Collection will be coming out in a smaller box, as it will only have 20 packs per box, and 5 cards per pack, giving you 100 cards per box, plus the box topper. Which will be a Crystal.

What about the Foils?

I’m glad you asked, these cards will be newly designed. Does that mean that the Foiling will be different? Does it mean the cards will have a new design completely? I guess we’ll be finding out in February.

I noticed that the numbers on the cards will be different, allowing collectors and players an easy way to distinguish between the 2 cards. This is something that I have been hoping Square Enix would do, as it now gives us an easy way of distinguishing the cards between the originals and the reprints.

Full Arts!!!

Every card will have one. That in itself will make the Legacy Collection worth it. 200 different Full Arts, most of which we’ve never had before. The more I read about this set the better it gets.

And we now have a chance at getting 2 different Gold Stamped Signatures. Yuna (12-105L) and Warrior of Light (19-128L)

2025 looks like it’s going to be a great year for FFTCG!

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Hidden Trials – By Lightning

Get these Singles and More at our TCG Player Store

23-077H – Azul

The Tsivets are coming strong, and Azul is about to kick some butts.

Azul has Counter, he will Counter any damage dealt to him to one of your opponent’s Forwards.

For the cost of 1 Crystal, Azul can also cast Berserk on a Forward. And, when he does, Azul gains +2000 power.

I’d say that’s a Crystal well spent.


23-078C – Alisae

Alisae is like a bloodhound. She’ll help you find the card you need, but only if you can show her what you’re looking for. And, the only way to do that is to already have a card with the same name in your Break Zone.

The only thing Alisae can’t search for will be Standard Units and Summons, everything else is fair game.

I’m sure she has some use, but there are plenty of other cards that’ll search better then she does.


23-079R – Estinien

I mean he’s no Opus VI Estinien, or Dawn of Heroes either, but Estinien is still a decent card to play.

Coming in with Haste, Estinien has the ability to attack from the get go, but you already knew that. So, why would we mention that?

It’s simple. Every time Estinien attacks, you get to grab a Scion Forward from your Break Zone. Making Estinien a great play, right away.

And, that’s not all!

At 3 points of Damage Estinien gains +1000 power. Add in Opus I Lulu and Hidden Trials Krile, and you’ll have a Forward that attacks for 11,000.

And this is just a Rare card.

23-080R – Odin EX

If this comes off of an EX Burst it’s great.

If it doesn’t it’s too expensive, and the Opus I Odin, along with the Opus I reprint from Opus VIII. is a couple of CP less.

Why would you play this one? Because you can cast it for 3CP if you remove 6 Lightning cards from your Break Zone. If you have no way of getting them back, then go right ahead.

Breaking a Forward still is a broken Forward your opponent can’t use.

23-081C – Puppetmaster

2 Cost Elemental Lightning Backup.

Puppetmaster is ready for action with his Puppet right behind him ready for orders.

Puppetmaster comes in and dulls a Forward. As with some of the other Backups of this set, he has greater power when you have a full line of Backups on the field. And, when that happens, Puppetmaster dulls all of your opponent’s Forwards.

I’m noticing a lot of great plays being brought in towards the mid-end game.



23-082H – King

Is this a new thing, where we remove cards to reduce the cost of casting a card?

Because King turns into a 1 cost Hero, if you remove 4 cards from your Break Zone.

And, whenever King attacks, you can discard 2 cards and Break a Forward of your choosing.

King’s cost evens out as the 4CP you save from removing the 4 Characters from your Break Zone.

There’s plenty of ways to get rid of cards, Lightning might become even more fast paced.

23-083H – Queen

Your Savior, Your Queen.

This is a great card. Cadets will be one the rise solely based off of this card.

At the small cost of removing 3 cards from your Break Zone. Queen will give a Class Zero Cadet a 2000 power buff, plus damage dealt to that Forward by your opponent’s abilities will become 0.

This card kinda makes me want to remake that Cadets deck I had made back during Opus XIII.

23-084C – G’raha Tia

At 5CP and 9000 power, G’raha Tia is just a regular Common card.

When he enters the field, and you have another G’raha Tia in the Break Zone, you can remove it from the game and deal 4000 damage to 2 of your opponent’s Forwards. You will also dull them as well.

If this card cost a little bit less, I would say that it’s better.



23-085R – Krile (XIV)

Look at the new card you’ll be putting in your Scions deck.

Nothing beats a 1K buff across your board. Especially when it comes to the Scions and they already work well together.

And if you still need a little bit of extra power, Krile can give a Scion another 1000 power when it deals damage to a Forward.

Can’t go wrong with that.



23-086H – Thancred

Thancred, reporting for duty!

Thancred is ready to go from the get go. (If you already have some Scions on the field.) He’ll break one of your opponent’s Forwards as he enters, and he’ll bring back a Forward from the dead as he enters the Break Zone.

Almost like a Viking, but different.

Scions being Scions.



23-087C – Jack

Yeah, you’re not going to play this card.

Unless there is another card that stated “this and this” if there are so many cards in your Break Zone.

I’m also pretty sure that the other Jacks are much better, I can say that without even looking for them.

Even at 2CP, I wouldn’t play this card.

At least the art is nice.

23-088L – Serah

Mono-Lightning XIII deck Incoming.

Your opponent will be using all their resources to get rid of Serah here.

Once she comes in all of your opponents Forwards will lose 2000 power, and if you have at least another 2 FFXIII Forwards their power will go down by 5000. And, this does not end at the end of the turn. As of my understanding, they lose that power until Serah is removed from the field.

That means that most of your opponent’s Forwards will be unusable. Sure, there will be ways that your opponent can raise the power of their Forwards, but Serah also has Dispel. Dispel removes any power gains that your opponent has given their Forwards until the end of the turn.

I’ll take 3 with all the bells and whistles.

23-089C – SOLDIER Candidate

Now, this is a Candidate I have a use for.

2CP/5K body, with Haste.

If you remember, I have built an all Haste deck, and this one fits perfectly into it.

2CP is perfect for it because you’ll only need to discard 1 card, since I don’t play any Backups. 5000 power isn’t bad, because you’re hoping to win in 2 rounds. And, half the time your opponent will not have any Forwards on the field.

And, most of the low cost Haste cards are Standard Units, SOLDIER Candidate will gain +3000 power, giving her an 8K body, the perfect “Candidate” for a Meat Shield.

23-090C/15-095C – Ninja

You know the drill.

“You’d think they’d at least try and get the serial numbers to match.

Would’ve looked a lot better reading 20-099C/15-099C.

Not that big of a deal but, at least you gain a Crystal when Ninja comes in.

After that you can send Ninja to the Break Zone, and deal a Forward 1000 damage.


Maybe if it wasn’t a reprint I’d be more excited.”

23-091C – Fencer (XIII)

There’s a lot of good Monsters in this set.

Fencer is ready to Break a Forward on command, as long as you have an extra Monster on the field, because that extra Monster will be part of the cost you pay for Fencer’s ability to go off.

It’s a cheap play, and as long as the Monster you send to the Break Zone has done it’s job, you’ll be good to go.


23-092R – Black Widow

This Monster is interesting.

You’ll need 2 or more Monsters for Black Widow to become a Forward. And when Black Widow does become a Forward, when it attacks, you may put another Monster into the Break Zone, and that will allow Black Widow to deal 9000 damage to a Forward of your choosing.

You can splash Black Widow into your Monster deck with Relm, and after that Black Widow will slowly get rid of your Monsters to play more Monsters.



23-093C – Mog (XIII-2)

This Moogle makes that XIII Mono-Lightning deck easier to make.

Always good to have a couple of searchers, and this one is better, because you can get rid of Mog once he finds what you’re looking for.

Mog comes in for 2CP, and just hangs out until it’s time for you to use his ability.

After that, you can play Mog once more, and he’ll do the same thing once more.

Yes, this card is needed.

23-094C – Y’shtola

How is this a Common?

If you’re playing a Scions deck, you will be dulling your opponent’s whole front line.

And, this only costs 3CP.

All I see is, you play Y’shtola, and block with her as soon as possible, in order to play her again.

Find a way to grab her from the Break Zone as well, and you’ll be golden. Just like the S(ci)un of the Seventh Dawn … Ok, maybe that wasn’t that great.

23-095R – Rosso

Rosso, the Crimson.

Vincent is in trouble here.

The Tsivets are coming for him and all of his allies, and Rosso is coming hard. For every time she attacks, she deals 4000 damage to one of your opponent’s Forwards.

And, if you have a stash of Crystals, you can use them to give one of your Tsivets Haste, allowing them to go from the get go.
Tsivets might finally have some decent cards to get a fun deck going.


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Did You Notice That?

Well, if you take a look at the top of the site, or in the menu if you’re on your phone, you’ll notice a little button that says TCGPlayer Shop. And we know that some people don’t like ordering from little shops like us, so we decided to give them another option.

That’s just one reason. As you already know Kardboard Korner’s main focus is Final Fantasy. And, this helps us list Singles from other games, without having to load up the site with tens of thousands of different cards that would just bog down the site.

Need more reasons? It gives us the answer to how we are going to post the Foils and Full Arts without having to create separate listings for each one. And we know you all like your foils and Full Arts.
We’re going to have a busy weekend once again.

And that’s just how we like it.