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End of February, Update

With Hidden Legends right around that Korner, we are Sold Out at the moment. We’re currently trying to get some more, and we’ll let you know once we find out.

Tears of the Planet isn’t too far off either. March 28th, we’ll have a link for Pre-Orders up for that shortly as well. And, that also means that Midnight Pre-Release is almost here as well. We’re looking at March 21st. Same time, Same place, Same Prizes.

We’re adding more Singles to the website. Mostly Full Arts and Promos for now. We’d rather have those here than TCG Player, or eBay.

Now we have a question for you. Have you been enjoying the Final Fantasy IV series we have been doing? Let us know in the comments.

And, we still want your bulk. If you have some that’s just taking up space, send us an email, and we’ll take it off of your hands.

Shop for Singles and more at our TCG Player Store!

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February 2025

It’s already February, and what a month January has been. We’ve been keeping busy as always, and we’re looking at ways to improve the website. And, that’s where we get stuck.

What can we add?

New product lines? More Singles? More Video Games? Action Figures? Kardboard Korner Merch? That last one has a nice ring to it.

If you have any ideas as to what you would like to see here, leave a comment.

Union Arena, and Lorcana have been selling real good, and we will be looking to acquire more product. If you have some that you would like to get rid of, you can drop us a line as well.

We’ll be keeping busy, and we should start posting videos on YouTube once again.

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Kain Highwind

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The prideful Dragoon, unable to show his true feelings.

Commander of Baron’s Dragoons, he is Cecil’s childhood friend and occasional rival. Kain’s secret feelings for his childhood friend Rosa allow Golbez to seize control of his mind and force him to become Cecil’s enemy. Once released from the brainwashing, Kain feels remorse and seeks to atone for his actions by joining the fight against the true mastermind, Zemus.

-Taken from the Ultimania

Commander of the Dragoons, Kain is no stranger to mind tricks, especially when they work against him.

Let’s take a look at all of Kain’s cards.

1-127H – Kain EX

At 6CP, this card is expensive for today’s decks. There are plenty of cards that will do what Kain does, and they will do it better.

But, this is still Kain.

Kain comes in and you choose a Forward and they lose 5000 power. That can be enough to break most Forwards. Especially the low cost ones.

We also have Dragoon’s Pride, which looks more like a Reverse Jump.

Kain will break a Forward, but Kain will not activate during the next Active Phase. Meaning that Kain attacks and then he jumps out of harm’s way.

2-103H – Kain

How did I never really read this card?

This is actually pretty good.

Kain comes in with Haste. You can then use his ability and your opponent will not be able to choose him with their Summons and abilities.

After that, during your next turn, Kain’s power will double. Which turns Kain into a 10K body. 12K if you have Lulu on the field. I’m sure there are also plenty of other ways to increase Kain’s power as well.

2-104R – Kain

How is this Rare, better than the Hero card of the same set?

If Rosa is on the field Kain gains Haste, First Strike and +2000 power. But, that is not the reason you’ll be playing Kain.

As Commander of the Dragoons, all Dragoons gain +2000 power.

You probably don’t even need Rosa to play Kain.

This makes a huge difference in how I see Dragoons.

I might even build a Dragoon deck for myself now.

Just to try it out.

6-090H – Kain

Golbez? There’s no Dark Golbez.

No wait actually there is. But, I doubt your opponent will be playing it. They’ll more than likely be playing Chaos.

For 3CP, you get a 9K body, which is good if your opponent isn’t playing any Dark cards. Cause if they are as soon as that Dark Forward enters the field, Kain gets his brain washed and your opponent takes control of him.

The only way to get him back is to send your opponent’s Dark Forward to the Break Zone.

I like it that it plays into the story, but I’ll pass on this one.

9-084H – Kain

It was something about Kain and Ranperre.

Discard Ranperre before paying the cost to cast Kain to make him 3CP, and then Ranperre plays a Final Fantasy XI Forward from your hand onto the field. Which would turn the tides a bit in your favor.

Other than that, for 3CP you get an 8k body, and when Kain enters the field, one of your opponent’s Forward loses 8000 damage until the end of the turn.

We already know that you will not be paying 8CP to cast Kain. So, is there any other Lightning Backup to toss and get a better effect?

10-134S – Kain

Coming in with Haste, this Kain does not receive damage unless he blocks an attack, or his attack gets blocked.

That means that in order to keep Kain safe, he should not attack or block.

And, we know that’s not going to happen.

Gungnir? Yes, Kain gains +5K power and First Strike until the end of the turn. This gives you another way to keep Kain alive.
Here’s an idea. Fill you deck with 50 Kains. and just keep using Gungnir over and over again.

Hey, it might work.

11-054R – Hooded Man EX

There’s a reason why you can’t play Hooded Man and Kain at the same time. I won’t tell you but, you probably already know.
When Hooded Man comes into play you can grab a Final Fantasy IV Forward from your Break Zone. Which by itself is a great reason to play Hooded Man. Let’s not forget that this comes off as an EX Burst as well.

And, that’s not all. Hooded Man has one more ability that will make him a mainstay in any Final Fantasy IV deck. At the end of every turn, yours and your opponent’s Hooded Man wil activate all of your Final Fantasy IV Forwards.

What’s not to like?

13-073H – Kain

Kain is a great card if you can play him straight from the Break Zone. Cause once he gets broken, he’ll be under your opponents control.

Thancred (12-124L) and Y’shtola (13-134S) can play him straight out of the Break Zone.

15-048L – Kain EX

Attack and choose. Draw a card or Activate all the Characters other than Kain?

All the Characters? Characters?

Every time Kain attacks you can Activate your whole board?

Screw the extra card. Get me some blockers, and Edge, Opus I Maria, and anyone else that can help protect Kain.

Oh. And, some characters that will give me Crystals. Don’t want to lose Kain at the end of my turn.

17-102L – Hooded Man

This time Hooded Man comes in with Haste, and when he enters the field you can remove either a Kain or a Hooded Man from your Break Zone, if you do so, you can activate all of your Backups, and you can draw a card as well. Bringing Hooded Man’s cost down to 2CP.

How is this a Legend?

What am I missing?

You’re just paying to activate your Backups and have a Meat shield on the field.

17-131S – Kain

Haste? Check

Way to reduce the CP cost? Check

Buffs self when attacking? Check

All in all Kain here is a decent card. You might end up only paying 1CP for Kain, and if you do he’s an attacking Forward with 9K power.


17-136S – Kain

Kain allows you to grab a FFIV Water Character from the Break Zone.Plenty of Characters that you can choose from.

Other than that he can come in with Haste depending on the field situation.

3CP, 7000 power.

How badly do you need that Water Character in your Break Zone?



19-073C – Kain

Have we had a Kain as a Backup before?

Either way, this one isn’t half bad. Actually pretty useful with Back Attack.

If you have a Forward that is blocking another Forward, and your opponent buffs it to match the your Forwards power, you can play Kain and give your Forward First Strike. That way your attack will go through first. Breaking your opponents Forward.

Other than that, there really isn’t much use for it.

22-041C – Kain

Haste, and First Strike for a Common?

Activate 2 Characters when Kain Attacks?

+1000 power at 3 points of Damage?

How is this a common?

Whatever Rarity Kain has, this card is great. Actually it’s GRRRRREAT!

And, don’t get me started on the artwork, because we’re not here to talk about the artwork.

Just throw Kain into any Wind deck and you’ll do fine.

23-003C – Kain

Haste, and First Strike?

Kain is ready to strike!

Remember when we were talking about an all Haste deck? Well, Kain here is the perfect fir for it. Cause, every time he attacks, all of the Forwards with Haste or First Strike gain +2000 power.

Your opponent won’t know what to block, when to block, who to block, where to block, and most importantly, how to block.

Double Jump, is just a regular Jump attack, if it was double, Kain would be dealing damage to 2 Forwards.

Looking for Kain?

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Happy New Year and Stuff

It’s a new year! As we reflect on 2024, we look forward to the next year, we make our new years resolutions and drop them by tomorrow.

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s take a look at what’s in store for us this year.

We have 2 FFTCG products that are coming our way. The first one is the Legacy Collection set for release next month. If you’re just starting out with Final Fantasy TCG, this will be a great set for you. Plenty of meta cards, plus hundreds of Full Arts ready to be pulled.

After that Tears of the Planet will be coming out in March. We don’t have much information on that one, other than 2 cards that Square Enix has revealed. Aerith and Zack. From what I remember Zack will play well with Genesis of Hidden Trials. Which will be a good starting point to build a nice Shinra/SOLDIER deck.

That leaves us with 2 more sets that we have absolutely no information on. We should be getting a name and the box art for the set after Tears of the Planet soon. We should be expecting that during the Spoiler Season.

One thing that we haven’t seen in quite some time is a new Starter Set. Hopefully we’ll be getting at least one this year. Cause the last Starter cards that we got were in Beyond Destiny and that has been over a year ago.

We also have Magic : The Gathering Universes Beyond Final Fantasy set that should be coming out this year as well. This one is something that we are excited for as well. Technically we can’t get our hands on it from our distributor, but we will get our hands on it, and it will be available to you.

And, that is all we know about Final Fantasy and Trading Cards for this year.

Shop for Singles and more at our TCG Player Store.

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Opus Restock III & V

We managed to get some Opus III and Opus V booster packs. Relive the early days where you were hoping to find Genesis in Opus III, or Wol in Opus V. Or, you can just keep them sealed and wonder what’s inside.

Either way, we have them. I’ll drop the links right under this line.

Opus III

Opus V

There are still plenty of cards that are usable in these sets.

And, don’t forget that King Tycoon is in Opus III.

Hot Singles!