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Beyond Destiny – Firestarters

21-001R – Ward EX

Decent Forward to start off the set.

Ward can only be paid for with Fire CP, but 3CP isn’t much for this 8000 body.

Good thing is that Ward will deal 7000 damage to a Forward when he comes in.

This ability also comes off of an EX Burst.

How many Fire FFVIII Characters are we going to get this set?


21-002R – Edgar

Edgar is back, but this time he isn’t a Category VI Character. Edgar belongs to the World of Final Fantasy. I’m guessing there will be some synergy with Reynn and Lann. Hey we might even get a new Reynn this set.

Edgar is a great card for playing low cost Characters onto the field. You can play one as soon as Edgar enters the field, and you can also play one with his ability.

It might be an easy way to swarm the field with some low cost Standard Units.


21-003R – Flameserpent General Gadalar

What’s this?

A Fire Forward that can attack twice in the same turn? For 4CP? Actually 2CP if you already have a couple of Fire Characters on the field.

Sure, you’ll probably have to pay the cost to activate Flameserpent General Gadalar, but you can also put a Fire Backup into the Break Zone to activate the Serpent General.

This might be a good way of getting rid of some Backups that have done their job when they entered the field, and are now just sitting around, not doing anything worth noting.

I shall be trying this one out.

21-004L – Cyan

That’s a lot of text.

How does 8CP sound for a board wipe? Or close to a board wipe?

Cyan might only cost 3CP, but you can pay with extra CP, up to a maximum of 5CP for a total of 8CP. And, with all of the extra Crystal Points you paid, you gain a Crystal. That gives us 5 Crystals. Which you can use to deal 9000 damage to all of your opponents Forwards.

Sure, you can use the CP for the other abilities, just in case you need to get rid of a Forward that didn’t go down with the 9000 power attack, or buff Cyan with 3000 power so he can withstand an attack.

And, after all is said and done, you still have a Forward with 7000 power on the field.

They need to start printing Amano Full Arts. And, not just for reprints.

21-005C – Black Mage

Still waiting on the FFI 8bit version.

Coming in at 3CP with 7000 power, Black Mage enters the field and if you pay an extra Crystal Point you gain a Crystal.

You can then use that Crystal to give Black Mage +1000 power, and when Black Mage attacks, you can deal 5000 damage to a Forward.

Not bad for a Standard Unit.


21-006C – Samurai

Samurai comes in and gives you a Crystal. And if you don’t have that many Backups on the field, you’ll also draw a card.
All we need now is to figure out how to recycle this Samurai.

Or Backups in general.

I’d say play Samurai as early as possible. You also don’t need Rocket Science for that piece of advice.


21-007L – Shadow

That is some great art. I’m just sitting here, staring at the card without bothering to read the text at the bottom of it. But, we got to do it.

Shadow 7 cost Forward, with 9000 power.

That’s pretty steep, but you can Warp Shadow in for 1CP. And if you play it properly, You’ll come up +3 on the CP count. Which is probably why you would want to play Shadow.

For 1CP you can Warp Shadow in, and you’ll probably have some FFVI Characters already on the field, so at the end of your turn, Shadow will come in, you’ll discard your hand and draw 2 cards.

But what if you don’t have any cards in your hand?

Well then you’ll just draw 2 cards. Which is what you’re trying to get to.

21-008R – Vermilion Bird l’Cie Caetuna

This is it!

We’ve been looking for a way to get rid of Backups. And we have it right here. For Fire at least. You can put 3 Backups into the Break Zone to deal 2 Forwards 10,000 damage.

All those Backups that have an enter the field ability, will be able to get off the field with Vermilion Bird l’Cie Caetuna’s 2nd ability.

And her first ability will remove a Forward from the game instead of just sending it to the Break Zone.

This one potentially has potential.

21-009C – Warrior

Didn’t we just make a Warrior deck a while ago, featuring Benjamin? I believe we did.

And, this card would be a perfect fit for it.

Warrior, has the ability to dull another Warrior (Name or Job) that you control, and gives him protection. That Warrior cannot be broken. Your opponent can try all they want, but that Warrior will stay on the field.

I like this card. Just a regular Common, but it has it’s uses.

21-010H – Taivas

The Warriors just keep getting better and better.

Taivas will let you, once per turn, toss in a Warrior (Job or Name) of cost 3 or less.

As long as you have a Warrior on your hand, you’ll be able to play him. And, if you don’t Taivas will let you search for one when he enters the field.



21-011H – Neon

I haven’t played Strangers of Paradise yet, so I don’t know who these Characters are or what they do.

All I know is that Neon, is great for a Fire deck. Giving your Fire Forwards +1000 to the damage they deal to another Forward.
Now the other ability will only work if you have a couple more Strangers of Paradise Forwards on the field. If you do you can choose up to 2 Forwards and deal them 7000 damage. Now it doesn’t say your opponents Forwards, so I’m wondering if there is a Forward whose ability goes off when they get damaged.

21-012H – Bahamut

Our very first Amano Bahamut.

For a second there I thought this would be a Free Summon, but I could only get Bahamut down to 1CP.

1CP to deal 10,000 damage to one Forward isn’t a bad trade off. And if you Break that Forward you’ll actually be removing that Forward from the game. Or RFG as the cool kids say.

This Bahamut is good if you’re going all out on the offensive. Just add Fang (1-020R).

21-013H – Feolthanos

Feolthanos is a card, that you just want to bring out and have him sit on the field as he watches over everything.

Cause once he sees an EX Burst it’s over for your opponent. That’s 3 points of damage, just coming out of no where. And, with no way to block it. Almost no way, Feolthanos looks like a real threat.

Plan of attack would be to bring out Feolthanos, and find a way to protect him at any given cost.

And, if he finally gets broken, Feolthanos will deal 9000 damage to 2 of your opponent’s Forwards.

All this for 5CP.

Yes, I’ll take 3, please.

21-014C – Bomb

Just like a Time Bomb, or a Mine in a Minefield.

Bomb is a a great Bomb.

You can play dull Bomb pay the cost, put Bomb into the Break Zone, deal a Forward 4000 damage, and search for another Bomb and play it onto the field.

I’m thinking it’s time to build a Bomb deck. There are 8 different Bombs, 9 if you count Mom Bomb.

I’m going to have to take a closer look into this.

21-015R – Marilith

4CP/5K body, doesn’t look like a good deal to me.

Marilith does come in and deals 8000 damage to one of your opponents Forwards.

And if you’re playing Mono-Fire you’ll probably give 2 of your Forwards Haste.

I mean, maybe. Maybe not. Probably not.

Prove me wrong.

21-016C – Mutsuki

A decent 3 cost Backup that comes in and deals 5000 damage to one of your opponents Forwards, and if you have another 2 Type-0 Characters on the field, it becomes 8000 damage instead.

It’s a decent attack when she comes in, after that all she does is hang around producing a CP per turn.

Which is still good, if you got rid of one of your opponent’s Forwards with that attack that hit for 8000 damage earlier.

21-017C – Monk

Monk has Warp, and Monk has Brave.

And that is it.

4CP for an 8000 power Forward. You can call Monk a Meat Shield.

But, since you can pay only 1CP to have Monk Warp in, It’s a decent card to have around. If you don’t have something better to play.


21-018R – Rain

Rain comes in with Haste, and if you cast Warp instead of paying the cost to play him on the field, Rain deals one of your opponents Forwards 7000 Damage.

You can go ahead and attack right away.

And, you’ll have an extra body to throw around.

This isn’t one of the better Rains.


20-019C – Reynn

This Reynn on the other hand, will fit very well in the Bomb deck that I would like to build.

At 2CP, Reynn just hangs out on the board until you want to grab a Monster from the Break Zone. A Bomb in our case, and you play that Monster straight to the field.

“Straight out the Break Zone,
Is a Monsta that’ll smother yo’ foe”

Or something like that.

20-020C – Lehftia

Yes, Yes, Yes!

I do like this card.

2CP, for a +2000 power attack from your Fire Characters or Summons. Yes, this includes Backups and Monsters. I can’t believe this is just a Common, I’ll be throwing this in any Mono-Fire deck that I make, along with Warrior (5-014C) and Lebreau (1-030R)

So, you’ll want to be able to protect Lehftia from all attacks.

Plus, when you get 3 points of damage, when Lehftia enters the field she’ll deal 6000 damage to one of your opponents Forwards. +2000 for a total of 8000.

I’ll take 3.

Need to grab some of these Singles?
Here’s our Singles Shop on TCG Player


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Guardians of the Summoner

You already know we’re going to build a FFX Deck with Yuna & Tidus, and the rest of the gang. So, lets get to it.

Starting off with Wakka (16-138S), because that is the best one to try and build around. If it was any other FFX Character we might have gone with the Opus 18 Wakka. But, today it’s Emissaries of Light Wakka. We can probably just grab the Custom Starter Set and call it a day. But, where’s the fun in that?

Since we’re grabbing Lulu (16-135S) first, it looks like that is what we’re doing. But, I promise you we’re not. Lulu will grab a Yuna from the Break Zone, which brings us to our next card.

Yuna (20-117L), I went on a rant when this card was first shown, and nothing has changed. We’re going to use this Yuna. And, fill up on Summons. We’ll grab those Summons later.

Tidus (16-116L), you can’t go wrong with this Tidus, and if you have 3 of them they’ll usually just come right back in your hand. You’ll always attack, and you know it’ll go through because Tidus can’t be blocked.

Kimahri (7-108H), Sure he might be a 6 cost Forward but you can get that cost down to 2, and possibly even one. Just depends on if you want to play Jecht or not. And, we do just to play a cheap Kimahri.

Jecht (20-011R) just so we can break Jecht in order to play Braska’s Final Aeon (11-015L).

And, if we have Braska’s Final Aeon we need Braska (7-121C) as well. No point in having one and not the other.

We need to add our Backups now. Class Fourth Moogle (10-121C), to give us some Fire CP.

Maria (1-083H) to give all of our Forwards a +1000 buff.

Rikku(2-071R), we would have gone with the Emissaries of Light Starter, but we need Backups.

White Mage (8-117C) so we can Activate all of our Forwards if we need to.

Let’s add Yuna (12-105L), doesn’t matter which Yuna you grab, because she’s just fodder for Holy.

All we need next is to fill up on Summons, to give Holy a bite.

Valefor (1-198S), Leviathan (2-140C), Syldra (3-135H), Amaterasu (12-002H), and Sylph (9-047C). You can also choose whichever Summons you like as well, as they are just used to make Holy more Powerful.


3x – Wakka (16-138S)
3x – Tidus (16-116L)
3x – Lulu (16-135S)
3x – Jecht (20-011R)
3x – Yuna (20-117L)
3x – Kimahri (7-108H)
3x – Braska’s Final Aeon (11-015L)


3x – Rikku (2-071R)
3x – White Mage (8-117C)
3x – Class Fourth Moogle (10-121C)
3x – Braska (7-121C)
3x – Maria (1-083H)


3x – Leviathan (2-140C)
2x – Sylph (9-047C)
3x – Valefor (1-198S)
3x – Amaterasu (12-002H)
3x – Syldra (3-135H)

What would you change?

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The Warriors

Since Benjamin is the only Mystic Quest Character, we’ll have to do this deck a little bit different. We can see that Benjamin is a Warrior, so what better time to do a Warrior tribal deck than now?

We’re starting off with Benjamin (16-076C) well because he is the Warrior that will be built around. How easy is it going to be? I guess we’ll find out.

We’re starting off with a card that we haven’t really used, but looks like the perfect candidate for The Warriors. Maria (17-128L) Giving all of your 2 cost Forwards (or less) +2000 power. And, we know for sure there are plenty of Warriors that cost 2CP. Warrior (2-010C), Warrior (5-014C) and Warrior (8-013C). Plus Maria can turn a Backup into a Forward with 8K power, and if it’s a 2 cost Backup it will also gain another 2000 power. We’ll just add Warrior (11-010C) and Warrior (17-069C). We’ll also add Delita (1-113C) because of this and Wol (13-117R).

Since we have Wol, we’ll add Graff (13-057H) which will give all of your Earth Forwards +2000 power along with your Mobius Characters.

Firion (15-081C) because we have a Rebel in Maria, and that gives Firion a buff and Brave.

Ward (6-001C) as he gives all the Job Warriors +2000 Power.

Warrior of Light (14-004C) all your Standard Units +1000 power, and at 3 points of damage, it will become a total 0f +3000 power.

We need to be able to produce Lightning CP to play Wol, so we’ll grab Class Tenth Moogle (9-074C).

Backups we’re grabbing Miner (5-082C) to grab a Backup and a Forward from the Break Zone, if needed.

Ingus (13-055C), will give a Standard Unit +1000 power and Brave, once per turn.

As for Summons we’ll go with Alexander EX (13-053R) and Titan (17-070R). We’re just going with Summons that will give your Forwards a buff.


3x – Delita (1-113C)
2x – Warrior (2-010C)
2x – Warrior (5-014C)
2x – Warrior (8-013C)
3x – Wol (13-117R)
3x – Maria (17-128L)
3x – Graff (13-057H)
3x – Firion (15-081C)
3x – Ward (6-001C)
3x – Warrior of Light (14-004C)
3x – Benjamin (16-073C)


3x – Class Tenth Moogle (9-074C)
3x – Warrior (11-010C)
3x – Ingus (13-055C)
3x – Warrior (17-069C)
3x – Miner (5-082C)


3x – Alexander EX (13-053R)
2x – Titan (17-070R)

Plan here is to Swarm your opponent with low cost Forwards that receive Buffs left and right and from across the stream.

What would you do differently?

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Busters R’ Us

This could have been a real easy article to write. I could have just said let’s throw Zack into your AVALANCHE deck and call it a day. But, where’s the fun in that?

Although there might be a bunch of cards that are the same, we”re going to try and do this a bit different. A lot different that is.

We’re going to go with 2 different Zacks.

Zack (10-007H), just for the ability to ping damage here and there and at least a couple of time per turn. Pair that with a Summon that Breaks all the Forwards that have damage on them and you got yourself a wipe.

Zack (20-009L) Because it is just a great card, if you’re running anything SOLDIER related. And, we’ll be running at least a couple of Soldiers other than Zack.

We’ll start off with Zack’s mentor Angeal (3-0989R), not only is he a 7K body, but he also searches for Zack when he is sent to the Break Zone. That way you can just keep attacking with Zack and Angeal until they break, just so you can replay them once again.

Next we’ll be handing off the Buster Sword to Cloud (1-187S), and you’ll be saying that there are better Clouds than that, and we’ll say you’re right. But, this is Zack’s deck and Cloud is just helping out. Plus the good Cloud’s are Earth, and we don’t really feel like color fixing.

Time to find Zack’s girlfriend, Aerith (11-139S) this way we’ll be able to grab a couple of FFVII Forwards from the Break Zone.

And as I’m looking for Backups, there aren’t really any, that have anything to do with Zack. So, we’re going to change it. It shall be all Forwards. We might change this again later.

Cue the music.

Bum-Bum Bum-Bum Bum-Bum Bum-Bum

Sephiroth (11-138S), Dulls all the low powered Forwards every time Sephiroth attacks. You have to pay taxes to keep Sephiroth on the field, 3 cards from the Break Zone. You should have these in there, unless you’re opponent finds a way to remove all the cards from your Break Zone.

Roche (14-095H), we’re just grabbing any SOLDIER right now. Roche has always been a great card. You’ll always want to go first with Roche and just play him right away for no CP and swing for a point of damage.

We’re actually going to add a couple of Backups right now.

Class Second Moogle (10-016C) to help us with Ice CP.

Genesis (3-033L), I still love this card, even though I probably haven’t used it in years. Dull and Freeze a Character, and when Genesis deals damage, your opponent discards a card.

Next we’ll add in our generic SOLDIERs. SOLDIER : 3rd Class (10-009C) and SOLDIER : 3rd Class (20-02C). These 2 will search for each other when one enters the field, and when the other exits the field. SOLDIER : 3rd Class (20-032C) also gains a +1K buff for each SOLDIER : 3rd class that you have in the Break Zone.

We’ll add Johnny (20-096C), another Backup to help us grab a Character from the Break Zone, and we can use his ability to grab a FFVII Character from the Break Zone.

Hedgehog Pie (20-019C), just to get all 3 of the Hedgehog Pies out at the same time. After that they are ticking time bombs, that go off when you decide you want them to go off.

Duke Larg (1-057R), Lebreau (1-030R) and Lulu (1-150R). All three for the 1K buff they give to their respective element’s Forwards.

All we need is to throw in some Summons. Knights of the Round isn’t an option, so we’ll just go with Ramuh (15-101R), Shiva (8-032R), Phoenix (3-020H) and Bahamut (16-016C).

That’s pretty much what we have for Zack. Not the greatest.


3x – Roche (14-095H)
3x – Angeal (3-098R)
3x – SOLDIER : 3rd Class (10-009C)
3x – Sephiroth (11-138S)
3x – Genesis (3-033L)
3x – Zack (10-007H)
3x – Aerith (11-139S)
3x – SOLDIER : 3rd Class (20-032C)
3x – Zack (20-009L)
3x – Cloud (1-187S)


3x – Class Second Moogle (10-016C)
3x – Lebreau (1-030R)
2x – Duke Larg (1-057R)
2x – Lulu (1-150R)
3x – Johnny (20-096C)


1x – Ramuh (15-101R)
1x – Phoenix (3-020H)
1x – Shiva (8-032R)
1x – Bahamut (16-016C)


3x – Hedgehog Pie (20-019C)

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Lion’s Roar

Where do we start?

That’s simple. You start with Cor (9-066C) because that is the card we chose to represent Cor in this Character of the week. We believe it is the better version, and that is that.

Now that Cor is set, we need to add the late king, Regis (15-103C), which not only gives Cor his permanent buff, simply because it’s Regis, but Regis also lowers the cost of casting the Kingslaive by 1CP.

Battling alongside King Regis, and Cor is Cid Sophiar (18-077R) and Clarus (11-068R). Cid Sophiar can grab a Character from the Break Zone, and Clarus let’s you search for a King. Which doesn’t have to be Regis.

What’s a Captain to do without the Kingsglaive? Well, we’ll need to grab them all and add them here. Pelna (15-098C) you can cast him for 1CP because you’ll most likely have more than one FFXV Character on the field already. And he’ll buff all of your XV Forwards by 2000 power.

Tredd (15-093R), for 1CP you can give a XV Forward +1K and Brave for the rest of the turn. If you put him in the Break Zone, it’s +3K and First Strike.

Libertus (11-102C), to let you grab a XV Character from the Break Zone, and possibly activate 2 Backups if you choose …
Nyx (11-097H), cause he’s about to strike down your opponent with Haste when you put a Kingslaive into the Break Zone, which could be …

Crowe (11-092C), who will help you grab a Forward from your Break Zone.

I’m lost.

With So, many Lightning Forwards we need to add Glauca (11-091R) to save us a Crystal Point every time we play a Lightning Forward.

Now that King Regis has passed away, Cor now watches over Noctis (12-121R) who comes in and grabs a FFXV Forward from the Break Zone. And every time he forms a party all the Forwards gain a 2K buff and Haste.

Cor will now need the help of the Retainers.

Ignis (20-066R), because everyone needs a meal, even when you’re on the road. Plus, you can put a Backup you control into the Break Zone, to break a Forward and grab a Forward from your Break Zone.

Gladiolus (18-135S), cause we need a powerhouse on the team, that can deal enough damage to Break even the most powerful Forwards.

And Prompto (8-082R), cause that’s the only Earth Prompto.

We’ll add Class Tenth Moogle (9-074C) to help us pay for Lightning CP.

We’re going to grab our Free Summons Fenrir (19-064R) and Ramuh (19-083R)

Then we’ll also grab Mist Dragon (9-068H) and another Fenrir (12-068H).

And that should complete our Cor Deck.


3x – Tredd (15-093R)
3x – Cor (9-066C)
3x – Glauca (11-091R)
3x – Noctis (12-121R)
3x – Nyx (11-097H)
3x – Regis (15-103R)
3x – Libertus (11-102C)
3x – Ignis (20-066R)


3x – Class Tenth Moogle (9-047C)
3x – Pelna (15-098C)
3x – Cid Sophiar (18-077R)
3x – Crowe (11-092C)
3x – Clarus (11-068R)
3x – Prompto (8-082R)


2x – Mist Dragon (9-068H)
2x – Fenrir (19-064R)
2x – Ramuh (19-083R)
2x – Fenrir (12-068H)

What would you do different?