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Palom & Porom, The Twin Mages

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Dauntless twins. Prodigious mages in the making.

Twin mages with vast magic potential, Palom and Porom trained daily to perfect their skills under the guidance of the Elder. The disobedient Palom often skipped out on his training, which frequently led his more diligent sister Porom to berate him. After Cecil arrives in Mysidia, the twins join the Dark Knight’s part to secretly monitor him. Once they realize Cecil’s trustworthiness, they join him in his fight.

You never know what you’re going to get with these two. One minute they’re spies, the next they’re trying to save you.

 -Taken from the Ultimania

2-015H – Palom

I’m looking at this card and I’m wondering why isn’t anyone using this?

Palom comes in for 3CP with 6000 power. Now, if he comes into the field through the Break Zone, or through Search and Play, Palom deals a Forward 7000 damage.

Up to here, this isn’t a great card.

But, let’s take a look at Comet.

Deal your opponent 1 point of damage.

Comet. That is one hell of an S ability, and the cost isn’t much either. 1 Palom card, dull an active Porom and dull Palom. No extra CP or anything else.

This card is worth a shot, especially if you’re playing with the Twin Mages.

“Blizzard! And that, my friends is how it’s done!”

2-016R – Palom

Here we are.

The perfect card for the previous Palom.

For 1CP you get a Forward that will attack and deal 2000 damage to a Forward.

So far so good.

Now, if Palom damages your opponent, or that Forward that was damaged is put in the break Zone, you can put Palom into the Break Zone, search for another Palom and play it onto the field.

And, there are plenty of Paloms to choose from that have decent Enter the Field abilities. Most just deal damage to one of your opponent’s Forwards. If you play Palom 5-018L you’ll also draw a card.

Give it a shot.

2-135H – Porom

Just like Palom 2-015H, you would like to play Porom off of a Search and Play or from the Break Zone. When she comes in you will return a Forward to it’s owner’s hand. This could be one of your cards as well as it doesn’t specifically say your opponent’s Forwards.

And, the S ability, is meh. You’ll much rather play Palom’s Comet, but if you want to use Pyroblast, you’ll deal a Forward 8000 damage.

That’s about it.

“You would expect him to try a little harder to fool us, wouldn’t you?”

2-136R – Porom

I like this one better than the previous Porom as it gives some sort of protection to the Twin Mages.

Whenever they are targeted by your opponent’s Summons or abilities, you can return them to your hand, instead of breaking them.

You can also just send Porom into the Break Zone, and search for another Porom and play it onto the field. I would probably pick Porom 3-140R, as it activates all of your Forwards.

“It was almost like we’d gained an older brother.”

3-016H – Palom

I can see why this one isn’t being used as much.

Whenever a Forward is dealt damage, that damage increases by 1000. Yes, there are ways to offset this, by playing Maria (1-083H) who gives all of your Forwards +1000 power, but you can also just use a different Palom and keep that +1000 power.
But, we’re not talking about Maria.

Palom does have a decent S ability, that deals damage to 3 of your opponent’s Forwards. 1st one gets 6000 damage, 2nd gets 4000 damage and the third one gets 2000 damage. Add in the damage increase of 1000, and that gives you 7K, 5K and 3K.

You might be able to take out a few Forwards with this ability.

It’s worth a shot.

3-140R – Porom

This card is still playable.

For 4CP you can Activate all of your Forwards. It would be a good idea to keep Porom on hand, and when you think you can win the game, you can go all out with your Forwards. If you don’t manage to win it, then just play Porom and activate all of your Forward in Main Phase 2.

That way, at least you’ll have some blockers on the field.

This alone makes Porom worth playing. Plus you get a Meat Shield after it too.

Curaga, will protect one of your Forwards from damage dealt to it this turn.

“That repulsive brat is my twin brother, Palom.”

5-018L – Palom

This is a great card to play off of Palom 2-016R, and only if Porom is already on the field.

If not, I would suggest to play a different Palom.

Palom comes in, and deals a Forward 7000 damage. And if Palom is on the field you will also draw a card from your deck.
The ability isn’t that great, just deals 1000 damage to a Forward.

You’d think this card would be a lot better, considering it is a Legend.

“Your goody-two-shoes attitude is gettin’ old.”

5-135L – Porom


Just like Palom, I don’t see much use for this.

Porom comes in, you look at the top 3 cards of your deck, grab one and put the other 2 at the bottom.

Ok, that just makes Porom a 2 cost Forward, with 5000 power.

Only thing that might be worth it is Porom’s ability to cancel an action ability.

It’s like a Mini-Amaterasu. Just different.


8-041H – Palom

Here’s something different. Palom is ready to put a cog in your opponent’s gears. Especially if he comes in during your opponent’s turn as a response to anything that your opponent tries to do. How can you do this? Palom 2-016R. Yes, we’re throwing that card everywhere.

Palom will come in and you can both discard a card, you freeze on of your opponent’s Forwards, or you can dull all of their Backups. And, if you’re playing something along the lines of Turbo Discard, they won’t have any moves this turn.

Fire/Ice? It should work.

“Geez. Why are adults so pigheaded?”

9-115R – Porom

Here we have a miniature White Mage, whose sole purpose is to grab a Summon from your Break Zone.

This will also come off as an EX Burst.

Simple. Effective.

And you’ll have a tiny meat shield on the field ready to be sent to the Break zone at all times.

“Tellah, look after Cecil for us!”

11-121C – Porom

If you need to shuffle some cards in your hand, you should play Porom.

You’ll discard a card, and whether it is a Final Fantasy IV Character or not, will determine how many cards you will draw.

Maybe 1, maybe 2.

If it’s 2 you’ll discard another card from your hand.

It’s the old Switcharoo.

Porom also protects a Forward with her ability, which reduces the damage dealt to it, by 2000.


13-013C – Palom

“Cheap Backup with an enter the field ability. Needs Porom to be any good, but then there are a few other Palom cards I would rather play than this one.”

I don’t know if I was wrong on this card, but years later the Foil version of this card is going for a pretty penny.

And, when I look at it right now, I would say the same thing I said back then.

Go figure.


15-011L – Palom

Now this look interesting. Palom almost looks like George from Peppa Pig. The way he’s holding that Dinosaur, I mean Dragon. But the card looks interesting as well.

George … I mean Palom here, has an ability that gets stronger after a couple of turns. Palom gains 1EXP Counter at the end of each of your turns. With each EXP Counter Palom gains 1K power.

The longer Palom remains on the field the stronger he gets. I would say that this is a great turn 1 card.

And Palom’s ability. For a total cost of 0CP, Palom can deal either 2K damage or 8K damage to one of your opponents Forwards.

Yes, Please. I’ll take 3.

15-119L – Porom

“Porom here, getting an EXP Counter Every turn. And Every turn you can choose 1 Forward of 5CP or less and it loses all abilities. And at 3 EXP Counters it’s power becomes 1000.

After that you just use Palom (15-011L) and finish that Forward off. Just Like that.

It’s called Twincast.”

Basically, what that says.

More EXP, more breaks. Just like the game.

20-017R – Palom

Kind of looks like this card was drawn with MS Paint. And, I don’t mean that in a bad way.

At 2CP, Palom won’t steal the show this set, but it’s still a decent card if you got the Crystals. That’s why we need the Samurai reprint this set.

Palom will come in and deal a Forward 8000 damage, with the help of a Crystal.

I’m figuring Porom will have a similar enter the field ability, after that they can both be sent to the Break Zone to deal a Forward 10,000 damage.

“Be thankful that the Mysidian genius Palom is going to help you!”

20-113R – Porom

Lots of recycling here, Water should be called the Recycling Center today. Cards for cards.

We’ll give you a card and then you’ll give us a card back.

More like a trade center?

Anyway Palom’s twin sister Porom comes in or leaves the field, and you get to draw and discard 1 card.

If you discard a FFIV Character you can also get a Crystal. Two for the price of one.

21-098R – Palom

I’d say this is a pass.

There are far better Paloms out there.

Sure, this one is Lightning and deals 9000 damage to one of your opponent’s Forwards that cost 3 CP or less.

I’d say the only good thing about this card is that the ability can go off from an EX Burst. And, that’s about it.

Leave this one at home, unless your drafting. Then you might want to use it.

23-018R – Palom

Palom, one half of the twin mages.

Palom is a free play, if Porom is already on the field.

If not he’ll only cost 2CP. Palom comes in with 5000 power and allows you to place 2 EXP Counters on a Forward. That Forward will gain +2000 power.

And, if the twins work together, I think Porom will be something like this as well.

“Grown-ups. They like trouble!”

23-110R – Porom

Porom, the other half of the twin mages.

Same thing here, Porom is a free play if you have Palom already on the field.

And, just like Porom she comes in with 5000 power.

When Porom comes in you can place 2 EXP Counters on a Forward, and that Forward gains a shield of sorts. Damage dealt to that Forward will be reduced by 2000.

You’ll be able to splash one or the other of these twins, as there is no cost to pay, if the other is on the field.

Looking for the Twins?

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Rosa Joanna Farrell

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Peerless beauty, braving dangers for love.

A beautiful White Mage with a talent for the bow. A childhood friend of both Cecil and Kain, Rosa gives her heart to Cecil and assists him on his adventure as a White Mage. She leaves the castle out of concern for Cecil when he vanishes following the mission to Mist Village. Rosa reunites with Cecil, but Golbez takes her prisoner. After Cecil rescues Rosa, the two realize their feelings for one another. They fight side by side until the end.

-Taken from the Ultimania

As we wait for Cecil to find the Sand Ruby for Rosa, we’ll check out all of Rosa’s cards throughout the series.

2-143R – Rosa

Rosa is always ready to protect you.

For 3CP you get a Backup, that whenever one of your Forwards is chosen by one of your opponent’s Summons, you draw a card.

And, maybe that card that you draw will help you cancel your opponent’s Summon.

We also have Protect. You can use this ability and the next time one of your Forwards is dealt damage and that damage is less than their power, that damage becomes 0.

Other than the fact that you can draw a card each time your Forwards are being chosen by your opponent’s Summons, I’d leave this one out.

Opus I Minwu does a better job at protecting your front line.

“I knew you’d come for me.”

2-144C – Rosa

A 1 cost Forward that gives Cecil +1000 power.

And, this time Rosa has Mini-Protect.

By dulling Rosa, you can reduce the damage dealt to one of your Forwards by 1000. It’s not a lot, but sometimes that will be the difference in your Forwards surviving a block. You’ll get to keep your Forward instead of just trading cards with your opponent.

After that, Rosa is a body on the field, until you get the Rosa that you wanted to play from the begining.

“…Uhn … Cecil … Please, Cecil… Be alive!”

5-142H – Rosa EX

This is what happens when you give Rosa the Sand Ruby.

Rosa searches for Cecil and she brings him to your hand. Bringing Rosa’s cost down to 2CP. You can even search for Cecil off of an EX Burst.

You’ll then have a body with 5000 power on the field, which you will be able to reduce the damage dealt to one of your Forwards by 1000, if that Forward is Cecil reduce it by 3000 instead.

Play this with Opus II Cecil, and I think you’ll have something to work with.

“Without me along, who will heal you when you’re hurt?”

9-120L – Rosa

How did I forget about this card?

For 3CP you get a great card. A legend. The White Mage Rosa.

Rosa reduces the damage dealt to all of your Forwards by 1000, Yes, that has been the case with the previous Rosas, but this Rosa is also a great attacker.

If Rosa forms a party and attacks, you will activate Rosa, where she will be able to attack one more time. Which she will form a party and attack. She will activate one more time, but I doubt she’ll be able to attack again. Even though the wording makes it seem like she should be able to.

“I say we Pray!
I say we Pray, just to make it today!”

It’s like MC Hammer already knew about this card in the early 90s.

If you’re playing Mono Water, you will be playing this Rosa. Use Pray to activate all of your Forwards. As long as you have an extra Rosa in your hand, you can go all out and attack.

After that you’ll Pray, and activate all of your Forwards, and they’ll be able to block during your opponent’s turn.

“Then why won’t you look at me?”

11-126R – Rosa EX

Rosa stands behind Cecil through the thick and thin. And, if you play her after you play Cecil, Rosa will allow you to draw a card.

And, if you don’t like that card, you can discard it and draw another card.

And, if you don’t like that one, wait till your next turn and discard it, to draw another card one more time.

Teleport. You finally have an answer to board wipes.

If your opponent plays Opus I Shantotto, you can just have Rosa use Teleport, and return all your Characters to your hand.
But, be careful. You might have a very large hand after that.

And, you know what they say about people with large hands.

They wear big gloves.

“No! Not you, too!”

14-057H – Rosa

Great artwork once again. You can tell apart the Amano artwork. I remember seeing a Magic card with his art on it, and recognized it immediately. But, that’s another story.

Just like we said before, activate all the Backups, if you’ve cast 3 cards this turn.

With Fran (14-052C) you’ll also draw 1 card.

All those activations will lead you into a 5th card cast this turn, which you’ll end up playing the top card of your deck. Unless it’s a Summon. Then it just goes back to the tops of your deck.

“I’m not going anywhere.”

16-063R – Rosa

The missing piece of Cecil and Ceodore.

Rosa comes in and keeps feeding Ceodore and Cecil, to power them up just a little bit to help them survive or take down your opponents Forwards.

A simple 2 cost Backup, that will still provide you with 1 CP per turn.

“As long as there is darkness…”


17-138S – Rosa

Decent card, better card if Cecil is on the field.

Even though Rosa is a Forward, she plays like a Backup, casting White Magic on your Forwards. Activate and a buff. All for a total of 0CP. You know you’ll be using her ability each turn.

Plus, you have an 8000 powered body. All this for 4CP.

“Cecil! I’ll visit you in your tower later.”


20-125R – Rosa

Here is the missing piece for the ultimate FFIV deck.

You can actually splash any element that you’s like, without worrying about how you’re going to pay for the cost. No more relying on Tyro, and how are you going to get Tyro on the field if you’re not playing Earth.

For 1CP you get to play Rosa and draw a card when Cecil enters the field.

All you got to do is find a way to recycle Cecil.

We did say that Water is the Recycling center, right?

Looking for Rosa?

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Hidden Legends of Wind

24-037R – Ashe EX

High cost Forward troubling you?

Ashe will take care of that for you, but not for long. You’ll be able to put that Forward on top of it’s owner’s deck. That means Ashe can also choose one of your Forwards, if you want to get the effect of it’s enter the field ability.

Which can be useful.

Now, if you put your opponent’s Forward on top of their deck, just make sure you deal a point of damage this turn. That way you’ll be able to send that Forward to the Damage Zone and then you won’t have to worry about it again.

This also comes off of an EX Burst.

You can also put Ashe into the Break Zone to activate a Forward while giving it +1K power.

24-038H – Valefor

Valefor makes a comeback, after being on hiatus since Opus I.

At 1CP it looks promising, let’s take a look.

Pay X, reveal the top 7 cards and play a Character of X or less.

I don’t know if I like it.

It’s almost a search and play to the field, but it is limited. And, that’s probably why it only costs 1CP.

It might work here or there, but either Opus I Valefor will work better for me.

24-039C – Vaan

Vaan and his trumpet.

At 5CP, Vaan can become a Activating Machine.

When Vaan enters the field Activate 2 Backups.

When Vaan attacks, Activate 2 Backups.

That’s 4CP right there. You paid 5CP.

One more attack and Vaan will be paying you to be on the field.

Vaan comes with a 9K body, and Aeroga Blade which deals a Forward 9000 damage.

I would play this card. I might even play it at Pre-Release. Midnight Pre-Release to be exact.

24-040C – Viera

Pay 2CP to activate 2 Backups later on.

Viera is more like a bank.

She’ll keep your CP and give them back to you when you need them later on.

In the mean time, Viera will produce 1CP per turn as any Backup will do.

And, when the moment is right, and you would like to use your Backup’s abilities you can use Viera to activate them.

I’d say a definite maybe.

24-041C – Onion Knight

Warp 1 for 1CP instead of paying 3CP! You’re already ahead.

Onion Knight is a recycling machine, ready to be removed and warped back in. This will be perfect if there is ever a threat to Onion Knight.

And at 3 points of Damage Onion Knight gains +1000 power.

That’s a 9K body, that can be recycled back into the game for 1CP.

Let me give this a try.

24-042R – Garuda (XVI)

5CP to activate all of your Backups.

Or, you can just Prime into Garuda with Benedikta. I haven’t seen Benedikta yet, but she’s coming up.

Activating your Backups already seems popular this set. Add in Bismarck, Lord of the Mists. And then you have a way of drawing cards, returning cards to your opponent’s hand. And when you have returned cards to their hand, you hit them with some Ice, and have them discard cards from their hand.

Ice/Wind for 2025

24-043C – Thief

Here’s another way to draw a card. Making Thief a 1 cost Backup

After that, once thief enters the field and if you already have 4 Wind Backups on the field, you can choose 1 of your Forwards, and it cannot be blocked for this turn.

Is it worth it? Having thief take up a spot in your deck for the chance that you might come across the perfect situation in order to use him?

I don’t know, probably better to leave this one out.


24-044H – Zidane

Zidane doing Zidane things.

He’s stealing cards from your opponent.

For 3 CP you can grab and Character from your opponent’s Break Zone. Yeah, you do remove it from the game, but you can cast it at any time you would cast it. Makes Sense?

Why is this one better than the other 2 Zidane’s that allow you to grab a card from your opponent?

Simple, you get to choose which one you grab.

And, at 5 points of damage, your Backups produce CP of any color.

I’ll be adding at least one to my deck that plays your deck.

24-045C – Jeume

Jeume, your Wind Warrior of the Crystal.

I was hoping for something better, after seeing Fire and Ice, but we have Jeume.

She’s not bad, she still allows here comrades abilities to go off when she enters the field.

She just doesn’t have any abilities that go off.

Nothing wrong with that, just because she can’t be chosen by your opponent’s abilities.

And, you have an 8K body.

24-046R – Leech Bat

I’m seeing a pattern here. I almost forgot about the Elemental Monsters that are all the same, but different.

Leech Bat hangs around, and when one of your Forwards attack, you can toss it into the Break Zone, making your opponent reveal there hand.

You’ll then pick the card you like, and toss that one to the Break Zone.

Your opponent will then draw a card.

That’s the only thing I don’t like about it.

After that, you’ll play Zidane, remove that card you selected from the game, and now it’s yours to cast whenever you’d like.

24-047R – Sophia (SOPFFO)

Sophia’s Choice.

Was that a band, or a movie?

But, you do need a Crystal in order to choose.

Sophia can either Break a high cost Forward, or she can break a monster.

The choice is yours.

Not Sophie’s. I mean Sophia’s

After that you have a 8K body that’ll hang out on the field.

24-048L – Tidus

“It’s Warping Time”

Coming in like a substitution right when you need him.

You can actually just play Tidus right away from the get go. At 0CP there is no reason not to.

Yes, Tidus has 5 Warp counters, but every time a Warp Counter is removed from a any card that is Warped, Tidus will have a Warp Counter removed from him, making his wait a little bit shorter.

When Tidus finally enters the field, all of your Forwards with Warp will have Haste, and they will not be able to be chosen by your opponent’s Summons.

All this for a grand total of 0CP, because you won’t be paying 5CP. You could, but what’s the fun in that?

24-049C – Nono

I’m just trying to figure out what Nono is doing here.

Nono isn’t bad at all, especially for a Common.

Nono enters the field and deals your opponent 2000 damage. Yes, that’s not a lot, but remember you’re playing Wind. And, what does wind do?

If you’ve been reading this, you already know Wind has been activating Backups this set, and drawing you cards.

And, if Nono is the 3rd card that you have cast this turn, Nono deals your opponent damage equal to his power. 3 points of Damage, gives Nono +2K power.

Add in Opus I Maria, and you’ll be dealing a Forward 8K damage.

All this for 2CP.

24-050C – Bartz

I read this once, and thought it was bad.

Reread it, and realized it’s not that bad.

the first time I understood that you had to have 2 cards removed from the game this turn, then I realized it doesn’t say this turn.

If you have 2 Cards removed from the game, Bartz can come in and Activate 2 Backups.

Like the Backups that you used to play Bartz.

Personally, I think there are better ways to Activate your Backups, but this still might be useful.

24-051R – Benedikta

With 3CP you get a Forward with 8000 power, First Strike and at 3 points of Damage Benedikta gains Haste.

That by itself would make it a decent Common.

Meat and Potatoes, nothing to fancy just a good body, or as I’d like to call it, a Meat Shield.

Benedikta can also Prime into Garuda (XVI) and will then Activate all of your Backups. And, return 2 Forwards to their Owner’s hand.

Benedikta will bring the cost of Garuda down by 1CP.

For a body, you can probably just play Benedikta by herself, usually a card with this much power costs 4CP.

24-052L – Belgemine

Automatic protection from Summons, and the more Summons you cast the better Belgemine is.

Cast 2 Summons, deal 2 Forwards 4000 damage each.

Cast 3 Summons, send 3 of your opponent’s Forwards to the bottom of their deck.

And, once you do that, there’s a good chance that you wiped your opponent’s front lines.

Now it’s time to go all out, and know that this was 1 Crystal Point that was very well spent.

Something tells me that YRP will be making a comeback. Add in that Opus I, Legend, Tidus, and I can see it now.

24-053H – Minwu

The Rebels are about to get a deck. Maybe not this set, but when they do Minwu and Opus XVII Maria will be a part of it. I haven’t really looked into it, but I can see the pieces slowly falling into place. IT just needs that one card the Rebels can all rally behind.

Minwu is a 4 cost Forward with 7000 power.

And, yes it is worth paying 4CP for Minwu, as you will grab a Final Fantasy II Character from the Break Zone and play it onto the field. Their cost just need to be equal or lower than the number of Backups you control, and it can’t be Minwu.

All of your FFII Forwards also cannot be chosen by your opponent’s abilities.

I’m going to be looking into a Final Fantasy II deck.

24-054C – Wing Wraith EX

Although Wing Wraith isn’t that powerful as a Summon, you will still be able to hit your opponent with a quick triple succession of 3000 damage to one of their Forwards.

At only 1CP and an EX Burst.

Wing Wraith deals 3000 damage and searches for another Wing Wraith.

Summon again fellow Summoners.

It’s worth a shot.

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Final Fantasy I P.001

Yes, it’s time I started to teach my little helpers all about the business. That means we need to start playing through the whole Final Fantasy series, and we’re starting off with the OG Final Fantasy.

I started looking for my old PSP, and the charging cables for it, and it was no where to be found. I told the kids that it would have to wait for another day. Then I started looking for some cards that I was going to start sorting, and lo and behold, there was the plug for the PSP. I tried looking for the Composite cords to hook it up to the tv, but couldn’t find those either, so we all sat together on the couch, huddled around the PSP.


We started off by picking our classes, and naming the characters. We chose a Fighter, Red Mage, White Mage and a Black Mage. We named them and off we went. It took us a while to get through the King’s dialogue, because another reason we’re doing them, is to help them learn how to read. With one going into 1st grade, and the other into Kindergarten, what better way to learn then to play Final Fantasy. Sure it has words like coincidence, and prophecy but, it also has words like, the and is.

The next hour was spent walking around the town, and walking around town some more. And more. They decided to walk around in circles, as they thought that each entry to the town was going to be a different town. It was in and out of Cornelia.

Then it was off to the World Map, trying to get into the water, or crossing the bridge that wasn’t there yet.

The Monsters kept attacking us, and we kept battling them over and over.

After that it was time to buy our Weapons, Armor and Spells.

And, it was bedtime. Saved the game, and we’re getting ready to head to the Chaos Shrine.

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Hidden Hope – Hope On Fire

Get your Hidden Hope Booster Box Here!

22-001R – Auron

Auron’s here, just doing his job as a Guardian, and protecting one of your Forwards just like any Guardian would.

When Auron comes in, you choose a Forward, and the next damage dealt to it becomes 0.

At 2CP this is a card with great value, just because Auron has Back Attack, and that means you can play him during your opponent’s turn.

Let’s say your opponent casts a Summon or ability, Auron can swoop right in and guard the Forward being targeted.

You don’t even need to be playing a FFX themed deck, Auron can hop into any deck that has Fire in it and he’ll do great.

22-002C – Red Mage

Red Mage, your 2 cost Backup that has some pretty good abilities.

1) Choose a Forward of 5CP or less, and take away it’s ability to block.


2) Discard a fire card, chuck Red Mage, and deal a Forward 8000 damage.

Even if Red Mage just had the first ability, I would have said that this card is great.

And, it’s only a Common.

All you have to do is attack, and when your opponent declares a blocker, just dull Red Mage, and take away that block.

22-003R – Ayame


I see Samurais making a comeback. Where did I put those Tenzens?

Ayame comes in with Brave, at 2CP/5000 power. But, everytime a Samurai enters the field, Ayame gains +4000 power.
Meaning that Ayame’s power can easily rise past 9000. Which is a good thing, because when Ayame attacks, and her power is over 9000, you get to choose one of your opponent’s Forwards and deal it 7000 damage.

Ayame might look small, but she packs a mean punch.

22-004H – Angeal


Angeal, the original Buster Sword wielder, here to help cause more damage to your opponent. I don’t know if that makes any sense, since he doesn’t actually like to use his Buster Sword in fear of ruining it. But, Zack’s life is worth just a little bit more, than his sword.

Angeal enters the field and you can pay (X), which allows you to search for a SOLDIER of cost (X) and play it straight to the field. That means it doesn’t even need to be a Fire SOLDIER. You can also search for Roche, who comes in with Haste and can attack right away.

And, when Roche attacks, the damage increases by 2000, because that is Angeal’s other ability. Add in the fact that if you have taken 3 points of Damage, Roche also gains 3000 Power, making his attack cause 9000 damage.

We won’t even get into the art. I like this card.

22-005R – Ignacio

That’s a big axe.

Ignacio your 5 cost Forward, coming in with 9000 power.

When Ignacio enters the field, you’ll put the top 3 cards of your deck into the Break Zone, and if all of those cards are Fire, you’ll deal one of your opponent’s Forwards 9000 damage.

I mean, .. ok.

Not great. Somewhat … I’ll pass.

22-006H – Garland EX

Is it just me or does Garland look like a dwarf here?

He might look like a dwarf, but this is a great card.

Garland comes in and allows you to grab a Knight from the Break Zone, making garland a 2 cost Forward with 8000 power. You’d think that that’s enough but it is not. When you decide to play that Knight. Or any Knight. You get to choose one of your opponent’s Forwards and hand that Forward 5000 damage.

These cards just keep getting stronger and stronger.

22-007C – Carla

Agito Cadet reporting for duty.

3CP/7000 power.

Carla is a decent Forward. has enough power to hold her own against most Forwards. She also has 2 abilities that can help out when the going gets tough. All you have to do is Dull her. No extra costs for these ones.

You can either deal a Forward 3000 damage, or you can buff an attacking Forward with +2000 power.

Either way she can stop an Attacker or help one of your Forwards.

Carla is a Forward that moonlights as a Backup. Kind of reminds me of Amon from Opus II.

22-008C – Clavat

Cheap Backup to play that allows you to look at the top card of your deck.

If you don’t like what you see, you can place the card at the bottom of your deck. If you do, just leave it where it is.

Bonus Points, Clavat is dressed as a Black Mage.

It could see some use.


22-009H – Jecht

Do you know what this is?

It is a Free Card, that will Break a Forward when Jecht enters the field.

I can see Jecht doing great with my Bomb deck, which upon release Jecht will be put in, and something else will be taken out.

Let’s explain. For every Fire Character you control Jecht costs 1 less CP. So, if you have 6 Fire Characters on the field Jecht is free. And when he enters the field, Jecht deals damage to one of your opponent’s Forwards. And they deal damage to each other.

Only thing missing here, is better art.

22-010L – Selphie

Selphie comes in and allows you to search for a FFVIII Forward.

But, that’s not a good reason to make Selphie a Forward. You can do that with a Rare, and it’ll still cost less than 4CP.

Then again, Selphie does a lot more than that.

Once per turn you can give a FFVIII Forward +1000 power, Haste and Brave. That means as long as Selphie is on the field, all of your Finla Fantasy VIII Forwards that come in will be granted Haste and they will be able to attack on the same turn that they came in. No more Summoning Sickness. Selphie has a cure for that.

Oh, and she has 7000 power. 8000 if you use her ability on herself.

22-011C – Warrior

Just your Standard Unit 3 cost Fire Forward with 7000 power.

But, if you have at least a couple of Standard Unit Backups on the field, Warrior gains +2000 power.

Making him a 9k body.

Effectively becoming a Meat Shield.


22-012C – Foulander

A Monster that becomes a Forward. That’s becoming more and more normal with every new set.

Foulander here is no exception. And, it deals up to 5000 damage to one of your opponent’s Forwards every time it attacks. Allowing you to soften up your opponent’s front line in the process. And, if you got 3 Foulanders on the field, that’s even better.

Don’t forget that Foulander only costs 1CP.

Throw this in any Fire deck and you’re good to go.

22-013C – Machina

You’re either playing this card early, or you’re not playing it at all.

Unless your board gets wiped and you have to start all over.

Machina does have a decent ability, dealing 7000 damage to a Forward.

Other than that, at least the art looks good.



22-014R – Belias, the Gigas

This is a great Summon if you want to get rid of a pesky blocker blocking your Attacking Forward. Once that happens, and you cast Belias, your Forward gains +3000 power and First Strike. And if that’s not enough Belias deals your opponent’s Forward 7000 damage. Thus reducing their power and hopefully breaking them.

One way or another your Forward shall survive.

Plus, if you paid with only Backups, you get to draw a card as well.


22-015C – Meeth

Meeth sure looks angry.

You would be too if all you did was remove a Backup from the game, to draw 2 cards.

Meeth wanted to come in and party, but one of his friends is forced to leave when he comes in. And that friend was the only reason Meeth wanted to come to this party.

But, for a 2 cost Backup, that lets you get rid of a Backup you don’t need anymore to draw 2 cards, there could be some use to Meeth.

22-016H – Minwu (FFBE)

Not that Minwu, this is the other Minwu from Brave Exvius.

They’re the same, but different.

And, this is a great card.

Bring in a card from the Break Zone, any time you’d like during your turn as long as you don’t have any cards in your hand.
It’s like you’re playing with an extra deck. Plus your Limit Break Deck, you got 3 different places where you can grab a card to cast.

I’ll take 3.

22-017C – Lilyth

Need a Crystal?

Play Lilyth. 2CP with 5000 power.

Not the strongest of cards out there, but if you need Crystals for abilities and what not, Lilyth is a decent play. You get a Crystal and a body that will hang out on the front line until needed.

Let’s not forget Hard Slash. If you look you don’t need to dull Lilyth to use the ability. Meaning if you have 2 Lilyths in hand, you can deal 7000 damage to 2 Forwards and you’ll still be able to attack.

I’ll try this one out.

22-018R – Luartha

At 1CP and a Crystal, Luartha can do some damage (especially if you already have taken 3 points of damage) before your opponent even knows what hit them.

Luartha will come in, and if you pay the Crystal she gains Haste. Once you attack, you can choose one of your opponent’s Forwards and deal it 5000 damage. Thus reducing the Power of a Forward that can break Luartha.

And if you already have taken 3 points of damage, Luartha deals one of your opponent’s Forwards 5000 damage when she enters the field.

I like this card, I shall find some use for it, because you can throw it into any deck that runs Fire, and you’re good to go.

I’ll take 3, preferably foil versions.

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