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Crystal Dominion – Thoughts on Earth

15-064C – Vanille

Vanille is taking over Minfillia duties. Allowing you to grab 2 Forwards from the Break Zone when she enters the field.

Her 6CP cost goes down to 2CP, which is pretty good for a Backup.

15-065C – Scholar

Lost the card that’s supposed to win you the game. Scholar h ere will allow you to retrieve it back from the Break Zone. For a small price that is. What’s the top card of your deck compared to that Legend card that was just broken?

Next turn you’ll be able to shuffle your deck, and the card you retrieved will be closer to the top.

This card should have been a fisherman.


15-066C – Galuf

What would you like to do?

Gain a Crystal or Deal a point of Damage?

Odds are 50/50

Is it worth 5CP?


15-067R – Gijuk

Search for a Headhunter and then all the Headhunters can do things together. Like place Bounty Counters on each other. Dull and Break Gijuk and you can place 2 Bounty Counters on a Headhunter.

Don’t forget, Gijuk allows you to search for Lani (12-018H)



15-068R – Gilgamesh

You’re up-cycling Gilgamesh into a stronger Gilgamesh, and you have 8 Gilgamesh to choose from. I’m thinking You play them all, and towards the end, when you have at least 8 Gilgamesh in the Break Zone, you up-cycle to Gilgamesh (7-088L) and you go to town.

Add a Behemoth K or 2 for good measure.



15-069C – Cu Sith

Don’t like your hand?

Discard 3 Cards and Cu Sith who is already on the field, and draw 4 new cards.

You might get the card you need. You might not.



15-070R – Cait Sith EX

For 1CP, Ladies and Gentlemen, I’ll give you a chance to draw a card.

But it has to be a Forward. Which isn’t that bad. It’s Like betting on black. There’s a good chance you’ll get a Forward.

And, Since Cait Sith is already a Forward. There really is no drawback of playing him. Worse case scenario, you got yourself a blocker.


15-071H – Kefka EX

Just Like the final battle in FFVI. The Returners Vs Kefka, who now has become a God. Normally you would divide your party into 3 groups, and take on Kefka.

Here you divide their Forwards into 3 Groups and they only get to keep 1, while the rest are thrown into the Break Zone.



15-072R – Cid Sophiar

Freaky Friday Cid Sophiar.

Able to switch around certain abilities between 2 Forwards. Might be a good ability in a pickle.




15-073H – Cecil

The OG Dark Knight. Move over Batman, you ain’t got nothing on Cecil.

If you got a Crystal, you’re good. If not you shall receive 1 point of Damage when Cecil enters the field. Which isn’t too bad, because at 3 points of Damage, when Cecil is broken, you can search for another Cecil and play it onto the field. You’ll need another Crystal for that Cecil as well. Unless you go with another Cecil.

Souleater. Yes, please. Throw in a whole bunch of Cecil’s into your deck just so you can use this ability over and over. And, when it lands you’ll deal your opponent 2 points of Damage. Watch out for those EX Bursts.

15-074C – Zombie

Just in this set alone, Zombie has 7 targets. And, most of them are great ones to choose from, depending on what you’re playing.

Let’s just say, Cait Sith (15-070R) is a good choice. Same Element and you might even draw another card when you play him.

Other than that, Zombie becomes a Forward and breaks at the end of the turn.


15-075R – Titan EX

We’ve seen this one before. +2K and deal damage to a Forward. Works good in some situations.





15-076C – Titan

What would you do with +10K Power?

You’ll make sure you’re going to deal some Damage. Be it a Forward or to your opponent.

Either that or deal a Forward 7000 damage. Either way Titan here is set on Destruction.

He’s a one cost if you got a Crystal.


15-077H – Dadaluma

Here’s your counter attack. Just make sure to block, constantly.

8K damage to a Forward is more than enough to break most forwards. Just have Dadaluma out on the field and your opponent will try and find a way to remove him.

And, at 3 points of Damage he gains Brave and +2000 power



15-078C – Berserker

This Berserker has gone Berserk.

Of course, he will be attacking every turn, but when he does attack he also gains 5000 power. Every attack phase, Berserker will be attacking for 13000.

There’s almost no Forward that will be able to withstand this attack.

Unless of course, your opponent has the Clan Gully card.


15-079R – Ba’Gamnan

Do we have enough pieces for a Headhunter Deck?

Either way you should remember that you can play Lani with all these Headhunters. She’ll add Bounty Counters to Ba’Gamnan, and Bwagi. And she’ll also be able to gain +2K power that Ba’Gamnan can give here if he removes a Bounty Counter.

And with all the Headhunters entering and leaving the field. I’m sure you’ll have at least 4 to Break a dull Character.


15-080C – Geomancer

Geomancer here comes in gives you a Crystal, that you can use to play Cecil. After that, Geomancer dulls and heads over to the Break Zone, and gives Cecil Brave on the way out.





15-081C – Firion

Yes, the Rebels are coming out. Firion comes in this set as an Earth Forward. Seems he didn’t like Fire this time around.

But, having Firion come in and since you’re already playing Rebels he’ll have Brave, and +X depending on all the buffs he’ll get.



15-082H – Hecatoncheir

Deal 8K damage to all Forwards. You better have your Forwards buffed up, or your opponent has already taken down your front line.

Hecatoncheir here will take care of the rest.




15-083L – Rydia

Rydia already has self protection against Summons and abilities.

Rydia gains 2 Growth counters when she or another FFIV Character enters the field.

Rydia can cast a Summon once per turn by paying with Growth counters.

Rydia is a 2CP Forward.

Rydia is a Legend.

I like Rydia (15-083L)

15-084 – Robel-Akbel

Robel-Akbel, comes in and Breaks a Forward or a Monster. After that you’ll be grabbing a Backup at the beginning of Main Phase I during each of your turns. Thus, giving you a never ending supply of CP. Your best bet would be to find a 2CP Backup that send itself to the Break Zone with an on entry ability.

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Crystal Dominion – Wind P.o.V.

15-043R – Alexander

Reprint Wind Summon. Not bad, but would have been better is it was also an EX Burst





15-044L – Vaan

Can you pay both a Wind Crystal Point and a Ice Crystal Point? I believe so. And, that makes Vaan a card to play if you are running Sky Pirates. I might even make a Sky Pirate deck just to play this card.

All Sky Pirates cannot be blocked by any Forward of cost 3 or more. That means with a decent Buff, your Sky Pirates will be unblockable. Well, your opponent will be able to block against them, but they will most likely just have their Forwards broken.

Wind Crystal point to activate all Sky Pirates, and an Ice Crystal Point to reduce a Forwards Power by 2K for each Sky Pirate you control. (Read : break a Forward.)

15-045H – Edge

2CP to protect a Wind Forward from Summons or abilities that target them.

It’s a no brainer.

A Wind Illua. Somewhat, but what Edge lacks in Illua’s Haste and Sheol. He makes up for it in that he is able to change the direction of a Summon or ability onto himself in so that he can save Rydia once again.

It doesn’t matter that all Rydias are Earth. You get what I’m saying.

I sure hope so, cause I lose my thought process easily sometimes.

15-046C – Dancer

Just the ability itself, which allows Dancer to deal 2K damage to all your opponents Forwards. It can be activated by simply attacking with Dancer.

If that won’t work out this turn because there is a more powerful Forward on the field, Just use the other ability to give all your Forwards +1K.

Then the first ability will off at the end of the turn.


15-047R – Kytes

A way to save a Sky Pirate.

Is your Sky Pirate being targeted by a Summon or ability, or is he on the receiving end of an attack that is much too powerful for him?

Kytes here can help. By removing Kytes from the game, you can remove your Sky Pirate from the game and then return him to the field at the end of the turn.

Your best bet is to pick a Sky Pirate with a good entry ability.

15-048L – Kain EX

Attack and choose. Draw a card or Activate all the Characters other than Kain?

All the Characters? Characters?

Every time Kain attacks you can Activate your whole board?

Screw the extra card. Get me some blockers, and Edge, Opus I Maria, and anyone else that can help protect Kain.

Oh. And, some characters that will give me Crystals. Don’t want to lose Kain at the end of my turn.

15-049C – Garchimacera

For a moment there I thought that Garchimacera was a Backup. And then, I thought he was a Monster.

And then I thought it was Firebrand, from Gargoyle’s Quest.

But, my friends. This is Garchimacera, and it is a Summon. Reduce the cost by paying a Crystal and Garchimacera will cost

1CP. After that, choose to either Break a Forward of 5CP and up, or return a 1-2CP Forward to their owner’s hand and draw a card.

15-050C – Gigantuar

Enter the field deal a 5CP and up Forward 8K Damage.

After that wait for the perfect moment to turn Gigantuar into a 6K Forward, and have him attack or block and attack, because he will be broken at the end of the turn anyway.




15-051C – Shikaree G

Here to give the Sin Hunters some more Fire Power.

Shikaree G, along with the help of Shikaree Y will make Shikaree G unblockable, and be able to swing for some free Damage.




15-052C – Chocobo

Why just 1 Forward in the party?

There are better Chocobos that give the party far more firepower than this bird.




15-053H – Diablolos

1CP? That is all Diabolos costs? 1CP?

All Forwards Power is now 3000. That is if you already cast 4 cards this turn. Pair this with Ifrita and 6 Ifrits in the Break Zone and you have yourself a board wipe.

Too much work.



15-054R – Nono

Activate all Moogles?

Are Moogles going to became a new Archtype?

Nono and Good King Moggle Mog XII to be the main players.

Let’s see someone have a crack at it.


15-055H – Bartz EX

Bartz enters the field and gains a Crystal. With that Crystal in your possession Bartz gains +2K.

But, if you manage to acquire more Crystals you will be able to save a Job Warrior of Light from the Break Zone.



15-056R – Filo

Now this is what I call a backup.

Allowing Sky Pirates to produce either Wind or Water CP.

But, that’s not all folks.

Wind Soul. Which Sky Pirate shall we choose? Any one that has high power will do.

Filo also gives you a reason to run 3 copies of Filo (10-059R). 3 more Wind Souls coming right up.

15-057R – Maria

With the Rebel Yell, She want More, more, more.

Are we going to be able to build a decent FFII deck this time around? Maria here beats out Opus I Maria, but only if you’re playing with Rebels.

Maria, gives a buff to all the Rebels and also reduces the damage they take.

I see Rebels in my future.


15-058C – Dragoon

You’ll need Dragoon to keep Kain on your side.

Other than that he enters the field. Gives you a Crystal. And finally you put him in the Break Zone and he gives 1 Forward
First Strike.



15-059C – Llyud

Llyud is ready to fly. How do you even pronounce his name? Lloyd? Leeood? Leroy? Anywho, Llyud here is able to attack and give all your Warriors +3K. And if you have already taken 3 points of Damage he comes in with Haste. Then he’ll attack and
buff the Warriors.




15-060R – Leon

Leon has a look in his eyes that say, play your cards right and you’ll draw a card every time I attack. Llyud would be a great card to play with Leon.

And, like a good brother, Leon grabs his sister from the Break Zone if you have taken 3 points of Damage.



15-061H – Lehko Habhoka

How likely is it that you will have cast at least 3 cards this turn?

3 is easily done, but 5, might be tricky. But if you can manage to do that you’ll be able to search for an 8CP Character and play them onto the field.

And, until you end up casting 5 cards, you can always dull Lehko Habhoka for 1CP.



15-062C – Rem

2 cost Backup.

Activates 1 Character when she enters the field, and when she is put into the Break Zone.

You can easily put Rem into the Break Zone to gain a Crystal and activate a Character.

Rem will be in my new Cadets deck.


15-063C – Romaa Mihgo

Every time you draw a card, or just the one time?

Makes a big difference.

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Crystal Dominion – Ice Review

15-022C – Amidatelion

Time to Ice your opponent.

Got yourself a way to remove some buffs. More specifically Haste, Brave and First Strike.

You can play Ice/Earth and have Robel-Akbel recycle Amidatelion.




15-023R – Werei

Werei is here, to draw you a card at the end of each of your turns.

Stick him in a discard deck.





15-024R – Orphan EX

Orphan here is a one man show, even though he is a Rare. For 5CP you can dull 1 Forward at the beginning of each of your Attack Phases. Hopefully your opponent won’t be playing Feolthanos (10-098L).

A good card to play with Orphan, you ask?

Physalis (13-028L), along with all the other Discard cards you might have available in your possession.


15-025C – Scholar

Cast a Summon

Dull Scholar.

Dull a Forward.

In that order.



15-026C – Kazusa

Just because, Orphan and Kazusa come from the same “Universe” per se, doesn’t mean that they will play well together.
But, they do.

Imagine being able to break a Forward, just because Orphan will be causing your opponent to discard a card at every Attack Phase.

After that 1(I)CP and dull Kazusa, throw him in the Break Zone, and Break one of your opponents Forwards.


15-027R – The Emperor

Is there a never ending recycle loop here with the Emperor?

Considering there are 8 The Emperor cards, including this one. You will be able to play Emperors left and right, discard them, revive them, break, search and destroy to bring back The Emperor from the Break Zone.

I lost myself there. It’s all a blur.

All I know is that you will be able to have 24 The Emperors in your deck. Where most of them can interact with each other when they hit the Break Zone.

15-028H – Gogo

I think Gogo will be interesting to play. Doubling down on some abilities by any Forward or Monster. I’d say the only drawback is that you can only use that ability once per turn. I’m sure there will be ways around that, but even so, It’s still a great ability

Gogo, will fit right at home in a FFVI themed deck.

And Mimic, allows you to use another Characters Special ability.

Physalis, I’m looking at you.


15-029R – Zalera

Cheap Summon, for a great Break.

Only thing is the Forward you chose needs to be dull already. Not a problem. Once that Forward attacks, it dulls itself, thus allowing you to use Zalera as you see fit.

But, then again this card is just a reprint. We should already know that.



15-030H – Shiva EX

The Ice version of Ifrita.

The more Shivas in your Break Zone the stronger this Summon gets.

0-1 Dull 1 Forward
2-3 Dull 2 Forwards
4-5 Freeze the dulled Forwards
6 or more, Your opponent discard 2 cards from their hand.

All this for 1 CP.

15-031C – Shiva

Choose one of two. Deal 9K damage to a dull Forward, or give all your Ice Forwards +3K.

Depending on th Situation. You can probably always figure out which one to use. But, the +3K sounds real good. At least for now.

All this for as little as 1CP. If you’re carrying a Crystal that is.



15-032C – Cid Raines

You usually try and keep your Forwards alive, but Cid Raines here, is definitely a blocker.Just keep him on the field. Till he blocks everything he can, and then … you’ll realize you should just be attacking. That way he’ll either be dealing your opponent Damage, breaking Forwards, or worse case scenario. Cid Raines will be broken and sent to the Break Zone. And then your opponent will discard a card from their hand.




15-033C – Jumbo Flan

Jumbo Flan here has 2 Jobs.

1) Dull and Freeze a Forward.
2) Become a Forward in itself, and strike fast.

Doesn’t matter if Jumbo Flan deals damage or not, because once you turn Jumbo Flan into a Forward, he will Break at the end of the turn.



15-034R – Snow

We’re getting more than just flurries, here.

Pay a Crystal and either Freeze all the Forwards, or Freeze all the Backups.

Or Bounce Snow with Rinoa, pay an extra Crystal, and Freeze all the Forwards and Backups.



15-035H – Setzer

With Setzer you’re gambling with the odds on your side. 8 out of 10 times you’ll grab a Character from the top spot of your deck.

Other than that, Setzer will most likely be giving you Crystals at the end of your turn.




15-036H – Celes

This is a great looking card. There better be a Full Art Version.

The Rune Knight Celes has a thing for Locke, as she allows you to search for him when she enters the field. But, if you already have Locke in your hand you’ll just make your opponent discard a card from there hand.

Celes knows all about parties. And when FFVI Forwards form a Party and attack. You can either Freeze 2 Characters, or Find a Category VI Character in your Break Zone.

That Character will be Locke. Any Locke will do, as you’ll already have Locke (4-048L), and using his Special Ability will allow you to slowly chip away at your opponent.

15-037L – Terra

Some more great artwork.

Playing a Summon heavy deck? Terra is the card for you. You might be able to Dull and Freeze your opponents whole board. Might.

But, even if you just dull and Freeze the main pieces of your opponents board, you’ll still be in a good position.

And whenever you cast a summon Dull 1, Freeze 1. 1 Forward, one Backup. Choose and pick.

15-038C – Knight

Knight comes in, hands you a Crystal

Next turn, Knight Dulls himself and puts himself into the Break Zone dulling a 3 cost Forward.

Thus concludes the story of Knight



15-039C – Mime

It’ll be fun playing with Mime as his Power will change every time another Forward comes in. From the high powered forwards, to the 1000 power. But, it won’t really matter as long as Mime will be able to block a Forward. Does it really matter how much power Mime has?





15-040C – Larzos

Hmm, I don’t know. 5CP to Freeze Forward, but it’ll leave you with a 9K body on the field.

When he’s tossed into the Break Zone, you’ll get a Crystal for your troubles.

Larzos is just a common, which is probably why he costs 5CP.

In my opinion, I think there are better options, and worse ones as well.

Now prove me wrong as to why you should play Larzos.


15-041L – Lightning

Now this is an interesting card.

For optimum results you’ll want your opponents hand to have 0 cards. and the less cards you have Lightning is even stronger.

1CP/10K body with Haste.

That is what you’re looking at.

There are plenty of cards this set, that’ll help you achieve that

Orphan, Shiva (15-030H), Cid Raines, Celes, and Gogo for when you’re using these abilities. Not to mention cards from previous sets, but you should have a very good chance at achieving no cards in your opponents hand before you play Lightning.

15-042R – Locke EX

This card might …. No, he won’t replace Opus IV Locke, but you might want to throw in a couple if you’re running a FFVI themes deck.

Think about it. Play a VI card. reveal the top card it’s a VI card add it to your hand. Play that VI Card and grab the next VI card. It might work. FFVI themed deck is already a strong deck in my opinion.

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We’re starting off with a Bang! Spoiler Season is here like we’ve mentioned earlier this week and we just keep on going. Final Fantasy XI, we got Robel-Akbel. And with that …

On to the card

4CP – Earth
Category : XI
Job : Black Mage/Warlock Warlord
8000 Power

“When Robel- Akbel enters the field, you may pay (C).

When you do so, choose 1 Forward or Monster, Break it.

At the beginning of Main Phase 1 during each of your turns, choose 1 backup in your Break Zone. Add it to your hand”
We’ll just jump straight into that second ability. At the beginning of Main Phase 1, grab a Backup from your Break Zone. At the beginning of your opponents Main Phase 1, grab a Backup from your Break Zone.”

As Long as Robel-Akbel is on the field. You will be getting an extra 2CP you can use during each of your turns. That way you can have your reserve list of Backups in your Break Zone and grab them whenever you’ll need them.

You’ll probably be looking for a 2 cost Backup that has either an entry ability or an ability that hits when it is put into the Break Zone. That way you can keep recycling it over and over.

A card like Kazusa (3-026C). Your opponent will be discarding cards left and right while you’re just recycling Kazusa and another Backup.

As for the Crystal ability, upon entry, Robel-Akbel can Break 1 Forward or Monster. There are plenty of ways to gain Crystals, we’ve seen a couple already. And now we also have a Crystal Card available.

What other Backup would you pair Robel-Akbel with? Let us know in the comments.

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Opus XIV – Multi-Element Review

14-119C – Ardyn

How is this just a common? At 2CP? Is it because it’s Fire/Earth?

Anyway. Ardyn here is a 7K body which comes in with 2 great abilities. You get to choose 1. Either is good. He’ll fit in good with the VII Forwards in this set.




14-120H – Tifa

If you remember from the video when they first revealed this card, we spoke about how Cloud is going to be a great card without knowing what the text was on Cloud’s card. Now that we know. Tifa and Cloud go hand in hand together. So, all you Cloud/Aerith shippers know that you are wrong. It’s Cloud/Tifa.

But, yeah. 3 of these and 3 Clouds, add a Barret and you got yourself a deck. Just throw in the rest of Avalanche and you’re good.


14-121L – Barret

It is highly unlikely that Barret will succumb to Damage, since any Damage dealt to him below 9K becomes 0. And if he is buffed up +X power, I can’t find any Forward that would be able to defeat him, save for a couple.

Now, all the AVALANCHE Operative Forwards gain Haste, and you can discard 1 card and grab an AVALANCHE Operative card from your Break Zone.

You can probably grab Tifa, which in turn will let you grab Cloud.


14-122L – Al-Cid

Al-Cid is up to his usual self here. And, buy that I mean, it’s a great card once again.

You’ll actually play 2 cards when you play Al-Cid on the field, so it’s pretty much a Buy 1 Get 1 Free. #BOGO

Other than that, depending on who enters the field you can Freeze or Dull your opponents Forwards.


14-123C – Sephiroth

Simple Sephiroth.

Simple Power.

Great ability. Second one is better than the first. Should play well with Physalis.



14-124H – Zeromus

Huh? It’s like all these new cards are great and powerful, and then you think, what do I do against this card. How am I going to block if all my cards are dull? How do I get rid of Zeromus? I’d like to see how this plays out.

Ice/Lightning FTW!



14-125L – Vaan

Activate. Activate. And play a Sky Pirate.

And then, activate some more.




14-126C – Aerith

Pick 1

A) Bounce a Forward

B) Protect a Forward

Either way, I still think Opus 1 Aerith is better. But, with all the Wind Activating going on, there might be some room for a different Aerith.


14-127H – Zidane

At 2CP this card should be a Legend.

It’s like this Zidane is Opus I and Opus III combined. And it’s only a Hero. Only a Hero

Think of the Shenanigans you can pull off with this.

Can’t be blocked. Return a Forward to their owner’s hand. Reveal your opponents hand, choose 1 card remove it, and then play it yourself.

I’ll take 3. Foils. Please let us get a Full Art.

14-128H – Prishe

From far away it looks like she’s sticking her tongue out at you.

For an extra 3CP you can play an Wind or an Earth card onto the field.

At 3 points of Damage, Prishe gains Brave and +1K. I like the other Prishe better. Which one? Not this one.



14-129H – Gessho

Another card that reveals your opponents hand, only this time you just remove 1 card from the game.





14-130H – Cloud of Darkness

Do it right, and you’ll have an 8K body played for free.Other than that just Dull and Freeze a Character when she enters the field.