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Opus XIV – Water Review

14-096C – Blue Mage

Would have been better if it read, “For each Monster you control … ” But, then it wouldn’t have been a common card.
And if there are no Monsters on the field you can always look for one in your Break Zone when you play this card.




14-097C – Ananta

Don’t like the cards you just drew? Just play Ananta with those 2 cards and hopefully get something better. And if that doesn’t work, Dull and Break and hopefully you’ll get something better once again.




14-098R – Ultimecia

Put a Forward into the Break Zone to grab one of your opponents Forwards of the same cost.

“Hey there, Cloud you look pretty glum over there. Why don’t you just come over here and sit down next to Ultimecia. She needs a Guardian. The other guy didn’t cut it.”



14-099C – Eiko

Technically, you’re just paying 5CP to search for a Summon.





14-100H – Octomammoth

The Monsters are becoming stronger. Why else would this Octomammoth have 8 arms? Well, it has 8 arms to grab to of your opponents Forwards and throw them back at him.

Plus, turning into a Forward isn’t bad either.




14-101R – Ultros

Ultros just won’t go away.

Actually, he does run away, and then comes back stronger. But, are 5 cards worth grabbing Ultros back from the Break Zone. I guess we’ll find out in Opus XV … I mean Crystal Dominion.



14-102L – Leviathan, Lord of the Whorl

These Primals are Crazy! Yes, with a capitol C.

For 9 CP you can return a Forward, a Backup and a Monster to your opponents hand. And when a Character is returnd to it’s owner’s hand you can choose 1 Forward and it loses 9000 Power.

That’s 3 Forwards if you return all 3.

And, a 9K body. I can’t wait to try these Primals out.

14-103R – Quina

Is it just me, or is this the first card where the head blocks out the line where the name is?

I like how they’re playing into the characters’ themes. Discard a Monster card. Pretty much Quina eats the Monster and gains abilities. Might not be a powerful card, but can draw cards and remove cards for you.



14-104C – Kraken (IX)

Kraken plays well into Water.

Draw 2 cards if you’ve got another Job Chaos to discard.




14-105C – Corsair

“Do you feel lucky, Punk?

Well. Do you?”

If you do, try your luck here and get a better card than the one that you started off with.

Is it just me, or can you see Clint Eastwood posing for this card?


14-106H – Golbez

They’re starting to pump out Golbez cards. But, it’ll never surpass the amount of Cloud or Lightning cards there are.
This card might eventually pay for itself. The longer this card stays on the field the more chances you have of being able to play a Forward on to the field for free.

And Kain, will be having nightmares with Golbez’s ability.



14-107C – Sahagin (XIV)

Simple Backup, that let’s you see what cards are coming up. That way you can either set up your opponent for an EX Burst, or play the cards you need.





14-108H – Jecht

Pair Jecht with Minwu.

Jecht Block will stop your opponent in their tracks.

And when he enters the field during your Main Phase 2, depending on how many Forwards were attacking you can either Break or return a Forward.



14-109C – Steiner

I don’t see anyone playing this card. Not when all the other Steiner’s are better plays at any given moment.





14-110C – Tonberry

Hmm, this one should have been like Mom-Bomb if you ask me. But, instead Tonberry acts like a searcher, where each Monster Counter is counted as 1 card that you can look at.

Because why would Tonberry have anything to do with dealing massive damage? /Sarcasm



14-111R – Lakshmi, Lady of Bliss

Draw a card at the end of each of your turns. Period

That and if you have 5 or more cards in your hand damage dealt to Lakshmi is reduced by 2K.

Your strategy, if you choose to accept it, is to play your cards down after your attack phase.


14-112L – Larsa EX

This is interesting. You can actually grab a card from the Damage Zone and trade it with a card from your hand.
There are now ways to grab any card, from anywhere.

No, need to make sure that the card you’ll need later on is safe.

Larsa’s second ability is like icing on the cake, you should be able to get 3 EX Bursts into your Damage Zone, easily.


14-113R – Leviathan EX

Get rid of 2 cards, or get rid of 1 and grab 1 from your Break Zone.

Simple. It’ll be great if Leviathan comes off an EX Burst.

6CP isn’t that high of a cost to remove 2 Forwards from the field, might see limited play if you ask me.



14-114 – Luzaf

Easy way to get out of a sticky situation. Is one of your Forwards being Targeted by a Summon, or ability? Just have Luzaf enter with his Back Attack and return that Forward to your hand. Your opponent also Breaks one of their Forwards.
I like it.

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Opus XIV – Lightning Review

14-077C – Ovjang

Easy way to grab a Forward of cost 3 or less that was recently broken. Any Forward will do.

But, you’ll probably want to play Aphmau.




14-078H – Trap Door

Trap door, if you walk through it you’ll break a Forward.

Your opponent will think twice before breaking Trap Door.




14-079 – Aphmau

If you grabbed Aphmau from the Break Zone, you can play a card named Aphmau from your hand for 1 Lightning Crystal Point. Doesn’t have to be this one, but there aren’t any other cards named Aphmau.




14-080R – Exdeath

8CP is a bit high. But, you get to do 2 things at once. Break a Forward and grab a Forward from your Break Zone that is 4CP or less.

But, you’re probably going to be playing this card for the ability, Black Hole. For 1 Lightning CP and an Exdeath you can remove 1 Forward from the game.



14-081C – Puppetmaster

Hmm, this Puppetmaster needs his puppet to dull a Forward.





14-082C – Gnath

Don’t like the cards you just drew? Just play Gnath with those 2 cards and hopefully get something better. And if that doesn’t work, Dull and Break and hopefully you’ll get something better once again.




14-083C – Fachan

I’d call this a ticking time bomb. Every time it ticks it gets more power. But this time bomb, you can have it go off whenever you choose to.





14-084C – Schuzelt

For Mono-Lightning this card can be great. Deal a Forward 1000 Damage and then use Grim Reaper to Break it. You can use Grim Reaper more than once.





14-085C – Sylph (XIV)

A primal activates Sylph, and sylph can dull and reduce the Damage one of your Forwards takes by 2000.

I’m wondering, what a Primal deck would look like. Every time a Primal enters the field you can activate all of your Backups.

Hmm.. Let me look into it.


14-086R – Heidegger

Break a Forward when Heidegger enters the field, but you’ll need to discard 2 cards. 6CP, not bad for it. Cheaper then 8 that Exdeath had.

Next turn, you can pay 1 Lightning CP, and dull Heidegger and put him in the Break Zone to add 1 Forward to your hand. If you find one in the top 5 cards.

Even Heidegger is wondering if this is a good deal.


14-087L – Ravana, Savior of the Gnath

Ravana can attack 4 times???

Move over Gilgamesh, Ravana has taken your spot. It doesn’t really matter that Ravana can’t gain Brave when he activates every time a Character is put into the Break Zone. Yours or your opponents.

And the Damage that he is dealt is reduced by 5K.

Gilgamesh and Ravana. Ice/Lightning. The game can be over in 1 turn.

14-088C – Mneejing

This card was probably meant to help Aphmau, but it probably won’t be used for Aphmau.

You can choose any Forward 3CP and under to use it on.




14-089C – Ewen

For 1CP you can Break a damaged Forward.

Nuff said.




14-090R – Ramuh, Lord of Levin

Unless you’re playing Ramuh early on, he is coming in with Haste.

And, you’ll be breaking Forwards left and right. You can have Ramuh on the field and cast Raiden (Revenant Wings)
(10-100C), and Break all the active Forwards your opponent controls.

Remember you heard it here first.


14-091R – Ramuh

Same thing as above. If you already control Ramuh, Lord of Levin, you’ll be Breaking 2 Forwards each time you cast this card.





14-092C – Dragoon

Are you playing Dragoons? You might want to pass this card, unless you can find a way to play him for cheaper. But then you still have a body on the field.





14-093H – Luso EX

I can see some playing this card. For 2CP you get to search for a FFTA2 Character, and if that doesn’t work, at least you have a blocker. That will last through one round.

Engage on the other hand, is the same as his n entry ability, except for the fact that the FFTA2 Character is played straight to the field than to your hand.



14-094R – Ravus

Plenty of Captains to choose from but, one that stands out is Captain (12-094C). I can see some shenanigans that will come out of these 2 cards.

With that being said, 1CP for a 9K body, is what you would want to play every chance you get.

A Forward losing 5K when he enters either the field or the Break Zone isn’t bad either.


14-095H – Roche

Roche. The perfect play Turn 1.

If he is in your hand on your First turn, You will basically, just lay the card down and deal your opponent 1 point of Damage. If not, then there is nothing special about him. Except the first time you fight him in FFVII Remake.

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Opus XIV – Wind Review

14-039R – Adelle

The more Wind Backups you have, the better this card is. But, you don’t necessaraly need to have 5 Wind Backups as there are cards that provide the same effect. 3 should be the optimal choice as you’ll give her 8000 power and Haste. And, you only paid 2CP to play this card.




14-040C – Abquhbah

Play him early on, and he’ll usually be buffed up every turn. Other than that not much to say.





14-041C – Ixali

Activation guaranteed, with a Primal.





14-042L – Bismarck, Lord of the Mists

Return to hand. Return to hand. Return to hand.

Bismarck need to tag team with Leviathan. more on that later.

But, when a Character is returned to your or your opponents hand, you draw 1 card. And you can choose to return a card to your hand at the end of each turn.

As if Wind/Water needed more ammunition


14-043C – Cactuaroni

Just a common?

“Need some activation tactics? Cactuaroni is your macaroni. For the cost of a simple Monster Counter you can activate one Character.” /endcommercialannuncervoice

This card is great, simple and to the point. You can end up activating your whole board if you wait long enough. But, why wait if you can just find a way to grab Cactuaroni from your Break Zone.


14-044C – White Mage

Activate 2 Backups of any element other than Wind.

YRP making a comeback? Don’t call it a comeback, YRP never left.





14-045H – Sin

What would you call this? Silence? Paralyze? Stop? Probably Silence. Casts Silence on opponents Forwards. And now, they can’t use any abilities.

Probably not silence, cause that’s just Magic.

I had said the other Sin was better, but now that I’m re-reading it. This is interesting.



14-046C – Sniper

Like I said before, I’m not to sure on the wording, but if this goes off when Sniper dulls from attacking. It’s a great card card. If not, I still like it.





14-047R – Choco/Mog EX

Almost sounds like a candy bar.

The first part is easy. Having a Chocobo and a Moogle on the field when he shows up, is pretty easy too.




14-048C – Tiamat (IX)

Hmm, I’m seeing a pattern here.

“Discard one card Job Chaos and deal one forward 8000 damage. Is it worth it? I’m sure there are Summons that can do this more efficiently. But, for a common I’ll take it.”




14-049H – Typhon

I’m still waiting for a Typhon that has synergy with Ultros.

Other than that, You’re playing Mono-Wind, you’re playing this card. Plus removing a Forward and placing him in a spot where you (probably) won’t see him for a couple of turns.

This is another great card.


14-050R – Naja Salaheem

Double up on all the counters that are on any character whenever Naja deals Damage to your opponent.

+Naja cannot be chosen by your opponents Summons or abilities.




14-051C – Vanu Vanu

Don’t like the cards you just drew? Just play Vanu Vanu with those 2 cards and hopefully get something better. And if that doesn’t work, Dull and Break and hopefully you’ll get something better once again.




14-052C – Fran

You can easily cast 3 cards a turn with Wind, and all the activate your Backups and Characters and Monsters and Summons and anything else you want. Because that’s what wind does. So, you’ll probably end up drawing a card when you play Fran.

3 points of Damage +2K Power



14-053R – Mjrn

Did I mention, I like these Black & White cards?

For 2 Cp you can activate Fran and Jote.

You can also pay 3 Wind CP and Break a Forward of cost 5 or more.



14-054R – Jote EX

Just a simple searcher that searches for Fran or Mjrn. You can also search for them off of an EX Burst.





14-055C – Lezaford

Took me a second to realize this Lezaford was a Forward. I should start paying more attention.

Now, it makes sense that this is a 5 cost. At first I thought it was 5CP to play a Backup, which if the cost to play was paid with at least 3 different elements, than you can break a Forward.

I was going to say how this Lezaford is terrible and that the Opus VI Lezaford is so mucch better. But, this one is Forward and that changes everything. It can work. Someone will find a way. It’s simple if you play Light and Dark actually.

14-056R – Garuda, Lady of the Vortex

Here’s an answer to some cards. 6CP isn’t that much to pay for the on entry ability Garuda has.

Sorry, Sophie, it was fun.

Bhuni, Get out of here.

Neo-Exdeath, don’t make me laugh

Ark, No one played with you anyway.

Now, if this card was an Ex it would have been amazing.

14-057H – Rosa

Great artwork once again. You can tell apart the Amano artwork. I remember seeing a Magic card with his art on it, and recognized it immediately. But, that’s another story.

Just like we said before, activate all the Backups, if you’ve cast 3 cards this turn.

With Fran (14-052C) you’ll also draw 1 card.

All those activations will lead you into a 5th card cast this turn, which you’ll end up playing the top card of your deck. Unless it’s a Summon. Then it just goes back to the tops of your deck.

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Opus XIV – Ice Review

14-020R – Ysayle

Ysayle, works as a place holder for Shiva, Lady of the Frost (14-036L). Other than that, you can use her to play any Ice Forward of 5CP or less, but Shiva makes perfect sense.

7K body for 3CP isn’t bad either.




14-021H – Valfodr

Great monster for a Physalis deck. Or any other Discard deck that you can think of. Your opponent will think twice before trying to Break Valfodr.





14-022H – Kam’lanaut

Kam’lanaut has the ability that keeps on giving … your opponent head aches. If you have a full line of Ice Backups you are set to go as everytime Kam’lanaut attacks you’ll be dealing 10K Damage to a dull Forward.

And if you want a little more spice, Light Blade is even stronger as it deals 2K for each Ice Character you control.



14-023L – Gilgamesh (FFBE)

Now this is a card we’re excited about, we talked about this card in one of our videos when they showed him off.

If you take the time to set Gilgamesh up. and that should be pretty easy especially if you have Don Corneo (11-134S) Just put the top 15 cards of your deck in the Break Zone. Should be enough elements in there to get these abilities off.

After that Gilgamesh woll have +1K power, Haste , First Strike, Brave, Gilgamesh can attack 3 times in the same turn, and everytime he attacks, “Choose one Character, dull it, and Freeze it.”

14-024C – Bard

2 cost Backup that will Dull and Freeze one of your opponents cards, for an Ice Crystal Point.





14-025C – Kuja

I’m starting to like how these Final Fantasy Villains play. They’re not all Legends or Heros, but they have some simple abilities that are effective.

Like, Kuja here, once he gets chosen by your opponents Summons or abilities, you choose 1 of their Forwards and Dull them.

But, it’s the 5CP that might make you skip this card.


14-026R – Kefka EX

Now, Kefka is a better card than Kuja, for a couple of reasons.

1) You Dull a Forward when he enters the field.

2) He is only 3CP, compared to Kuja’s 5, but he is just a Backup

3) He his ability can come off an EX Burst


14-027R – The Emperor

Hailing from Palamecia, the Emperor isn’t that special unless he is in your Break Zone. Form there you can use his ability. By Removing 15 Ice cards from your Break Zone, you can play the Emperor onto the field, and since he entered the field due to an ability, you can look at th top card of your deck, and if it is a Character (any card but a summon) you can add it to your hand.



14-028C – Goblin

I’d call this a ticking time bomb. Every time it ticks it gets more power. But this time bomb, you can have it go off whenever you choose to.





14-029R – Shivalry EX

This is a decent summon that will pair well with Physalis. Choose 1 Forward, +3K Power, Forward breaks Forward, Opponent discard card from hand.

For 2CP this card, can be useful, I can see it getting some play.




14-030C – Serah

Her only task is to take a big hit and to be broken. Her Job might say Saboteur, but it really is Meat Shield.

Depending on the situation you can pick which ability to use.




14-031R – Good King Moggle Mog XII

That’s a big name.

If you remember the battle, you remember that it was all over the place. You had to destroy the Moogles, which in turn let you fight the King. And it would go back and forth till the King was Dead.

Now, everytime Good King Moggle Mog XII gets broken, you can in theory discard 2 Moogles and bring him back to your hand. Now we said in theory, because it can be any 2 cards. Not just moogles.

But at the end of the turn you can search for a 3CP moogle and play it onto the field.

Should be a fun card to play.

14-032R – Proto fal’Cie Adam

Another great card to play with Physalis (13-028L)

The less cards your opponent has, the better this card gets.

Plus the Manipulator Counters can save this card twice.



14-033C – Devout

Don’t like the cards you just drew? Just play Devout with those 2 cards and hopefully get something better. And if that doesn’t work, Dull and Break and hopefully you’ll get something better once again.




14-034C – Time Mage

Now the wording on the card is a little weird.

Does the ability go off only when Time Mage is dulled by your opponent? Or, does it go off when you attack, and dull him due to attacking as well?




14-035C – Don Corneo

It’s almost like the game.

You get to choose one of three.

Which one piques your interest?

There should be a cross-dressing Cloud somewhere around here.


14-036L – Shiva, Lady of the Frost

I like this card. Expect a Card of the Week coming soon.

But, you pretty much play Shiva off of Ysayle. Dull a Forward, then Freeze all the Forwards opponent controls.

And if they get active by an ability or Summon, there’s a way to replay the card.

Or, you can just save that for a later turn.


14-037C – Moogle (XIV)

You’ll only play this card with Good King Moggle Mog XII.





14-038H – Lugae

This card in my opinion is like equipping a Forward with a stronger weapon. Only difference, is Lugae must be on the field in order for your Forward to gain the 2K and Brave when it enters the field.

I hope that makes sense.

I already like this card.

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Ayame, the Samurai

Going back a little to Opus V. Ayame, don’t know much about this character so we’ll go straight to the card.

3CP – Fire
Job : Samurai
Category – XI
7000 Power


“If you have received 5 points of damage or more, Ayame gains +3000 power.”

There you have it.

Ayame has Brave so, that is a plus, and after 5 points of Damage she gains +3K. Ayame plays best when you have your back against the wall.

Now we already know that Samurai’s are a great Tribal deck. So, we’re looking straight at Tenzen, as if you didn’t expect that. You also have 3 Cyans to choose from. Don’t worry about Cyan (4-007H) as he fits better in a FFVI deck. From the other two, I would go with Cyan (11-003) as his ability revolves around Samurais. You might as well add Hien (8-138S) and Gosetsu who searches for Hien.

And if you would like to stick with the FFXI theme, you can also add Shadow Lord (4-148L) a decent legend that comes in with Brave. Volker (5-020R) whenever a category XI Forward enters the field, you choose a Forward opponent controls and it can not block this turn. And Naji (10-011R) simply because he costs 1CP, and is a 7K blocker for you.

Anything that you would do different? Let us know in the comments.