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Hidden Legends Breaking Limits

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24-115R – Tenzen LB

The Samurai is back! This time with a Limit Break ready to go off whenever needed.

And, what a Limit Break.

Tenzen comes in and gives all of the Samurais +3000 power, Brave, and the ability to attack twice in the same turn.

And, we already know how Samurais run. Now just take that same deck, and play Tenzen whenever you can from the the Limit Break deck.

Your Samurais will take down your opponent so fast, that your opponent will mistake them for Ninjas.

After all is said and done, if your opponent still has some life, Tenzen sticks around with a 9K body.

24-116R – Snow LB

Snow comes in and searches for Lightning. Yes, he does search for Serah as well, but we all know that you’re going to grab Lightning.

And, that is all he does.

He’s not even a decent Meat Shield, coming in with only 5000 power.

What Kind of Sentinel is that?

If you need Lightning or Serah, sure. If not, then play Lumina.

24-117R – Zidane LB

4CP for a 5K body.

You’d think you’re overpaying, but this is a Limit Break card, and Zidane cannot be blocked by a 4 cost Forward or higher. Meaning that most of Zidane’s attacks can and will go through to damage your opponent.

Also, when Zidane enters the field, your opponent discards the top 2 cards of their deck, if they are of the same element, Zidane will draw you a card.

If you’re playing any kind of Wind deck, I would keep one of these in your Limit Break deck. It’s LB cost is very low, and we all know that you have filler LB cards in that deck just to pay for the cost of the cards you actually want to use.

24-118R – Selh’teus LB

Can you spell indestructable?


Selh’teus cannot be broken by your opponent’s Summons of abilities, whether they flat out break a Forward, or if they deal damage to a Forward.

The only way your opponent will be able to get rid of Selh’teus, is by blocking her with a Forward with more power than Selh’teus has. or by returning her to your hand, in which you can just play her again. I think.

I’m not sure if Selh’teus can be returned to your hand. Or what happens to it once it is targeted to be returned to your hand.

24-119R – Gilgamesh LB


No, that’s not Greg. Maybe it is, we all know about Gilgamesh and his inter dimensional travel.

When Gilgamesh comes in you can either break a 1 cost Forward, or remove 2 cards from your opponent’s Break Zone.

What to choose?

I’d say it depends on what is in your opponent’s Break Zone, and if your opponent has a way of bringing cards back from the Break Zone.

If you have no use for any one of these abilities, you can always just use Gilgamesh to pay for your other Limit Break cards.

24-120R – Warrior of Light LB

This is a cheap card. For what Warrior of Light does, he is extremely cheap, and I would do great in any tribal deck. Or just about any deck running a bunch of Standard Units.

Warrior of Light will protect all of your other Forwards from most of your opponents abilities.

Your Forward will not be chosen, and if they receive damage that damage will be a big fat 0.

2CP + 1LB will grant you this protection for your other Forwards, and you’ll also have an 8K body.

24-121H – Iron Giant (SOPFFO) LB

How is this a Hero, when all these Rares that we’ve just seen are better?

That is my first thought on Iron Giant.

Iron Giant comes in and you get to either deal 5000 damage to a 2 cost Forward, or deal a dull Forward 7000 damage.

There’s nothing really exciting here.


24-122H – Magna Roader LB

Magana Roader, choose one ability or choose both. It all depends on how many Wind and/or Ice Characters that you have on the field.

If it’s 4 Ice Characters, your opponent shows you their hand, and you discard one of those cards.

4 Wind Characters, and Magna Roader comes in with Haste.

If you have 4 Ice and 4 Wind you get both of these.

My question is, who is playing Ice/Wind?

24-123H – Vajradhara Wu LB

Coming from Wutai, Vajradara Wu (or Wu for short) can and will break one of your opponent’s Forwards. and after Wu will stick around as an 8K body.

How will Wu do this?

It’s quite simple really.

Wu will break a damaged Forward, or Wu will deal damage to another Forward equal to it’s power.

And, that is pretty much it.

I’d call Vajradara Wu a Summon that sticks around afterwords.

24-124H – The Ur-Dragon King LB

High cost means High Power, and that is what The Ur-Dragon King brings to the table.

You’ll spend 9CP, 2LB and you’ll need 4 Earth Characters, and 4 Lightning Characters on the field in order to get The Ur-Dragon King’s full effect.

This 9K Meat Shield has 2 abilities that go off when it enters the field.

First one is that you can grab 2 Characters from your Break Zone, bringing Ur-Dragon’s cost down to 5CP. You’ll need 4 Earth Characters for this one.

And, second you can choose one of your opponent’s Forwards and The Ur-Dragon King will break it for you. You’ll need 4 Lightning Characters for this one.

If you have the cards on the field, and sufficient CP to pay for this, I would highly recommend it.

24-125H – Tonberry & Cactuar LB

I really wanted this card to be better.

It’s not bad, I was just hoping for Superhero powers.

What we get is a choice between 2 abilities. Who would have guessed?

First one, break a Forward of 3CP or less, which isn’t bad at all.

The second choice is, look at the top 2 cards of your deck and add one to your hand, while the other one goes to the bottom of your deck.

All we have to do is now is figure out which one is Batman and which one is Robin.

I’d say Tonberry is Batman.

24-126H – Ultima Weapon LB

Fire Water Burns!

Ultima Weapon is one of these Dual Element Limit Break Cards that you know will work.

I can actually just throw it in my Bomb deck, which is filled up with Fire/Water and have the perfect Limit Break to use whenever I feel like it.

Yes, just like most of the other Dual Element LBs, you’ll need 4 Characters of each element to get the full effect.

4 Fire Characters will allow Ultima Weapon to deal 9000 damage to a Forward. If you have 4 Water Characters, Ultima Weapon will break one of your opponent’s Forwards.

What’s not to like?

The cost? It’s only 6CP. Opus I Odin costs 7CP, and only breaks 1 Forward.

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Hidden Legends

And, out of nowhere, the new set is announced!

Here we have it. Hidden Legends, with Final Fantasy XVI art on the box featuring Clive!

126 cards.

126 cards? That’s it? This might be the smallest set yet. Let’s see. 18 cards per element and 4 Light/dark cards will leave us with 14 Limit Break cards to finish off the set. That would be my guess, because I don’t see them printing anything less than 10 Limit Break cards.

We’re also getting a new Gold Stamped Signature, featuring .. you guessed it Clive. It is a good looking card. 4CP, 8000 power and the new Priming Mechanic, which we do not know what it is yet. But, it costs 2CP. One Fire CP and 1CP of any Element.

Clive also gives +1000 power to all the Eikon Forwards and Dominant Forwards. Which will probably be an FFXVI exclusive job of sorts. I don’t know, I still need to play FFXVI.

And when Clive deals damage to your opponent, you can draw 2 cards, but you’ll discard your hand first.

The other sample cards shown are Basch, Gilgamesh LB, Bahamut, Relm, Nono, Velis and Zidane LB. But, the card I’m most excited about is Tonberry & Cactuar. We don’t know what it does yet, but they better have a Full Art version of it, because it looks amazing.

Let’s not forget the Legacy cards that are making their way back. Minfilia (6-079L), Akstar (18-107L) and Unei (19-119L).

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Emissaries of Light – Thoughts on Earth

16-064C – Dark Knight

Not the best way to start off with Earth, but you can play 3 Backups in one turn at 3 points of Damage if you already have 3 Dark Knights in your hand.

Not much else to say.



16-065C – Amber EX

Here is the searcher your Soiree deck needs.

4CP to grab a card.

I’ll need to get all these cards together and figure out what’s going on.



16-066R – Heretical Knight Garland

I like this card.

Garland buffs up one of your Forwards into a Berserk Behemoth, or something of that nature.

+4K power and Brave, is no laughing matter.

And plus, if you keep enough CP available, Heretical Knight Garland is almost indestructible.

16-067L – Aerith

No need to grab your Phoenix Downs, Aerith will raise herself from the dead.

3 turns is all she needs.

She’ll be back in no time, Block, Attack all you want. You’ll probably be able to get into a rhythm here, and have all 3 Aeriths recycling themselves in a way that as soon as one is broken, remove from the game, and on the next turn, yours or your opponents she’ll be back on the field ready to block. All she needs is Haste.


16-068C – Eiko

10K Damage?

That’s a lot for a common Backup.

There might be some use to Eiko.



16-069C – Ciaran

Low cost Forward that can reach up to 9000 Power.

And, that Special Ability. Gets stronger with each Backup you control.




16-070L – Kirin

Kirin and the Shijin. Sounds like Hootie and the Blowfish.

What you don’t already know is that Kirin has the “Power of Love”. Just ask Doc Brown.

He’ll buff up the Shijin with +1K power, and when he comes in, Kirin allows you to play a 4 cost Forward from the top 5 cards
of your deck. That’s almost like grabbing Marty McFly to play at your Prom.


16-071C – Gladiator

Another Backup on Standby.

Keep Gladiator on the field till you have received 5 points of Damage. After that dull, return to your hand, play Gladiator, put him in the Break Zone and give all your Forwards +10K and Brave.

And, this is just a Common.


16-072C – Beastmaster

Looking for an Energy drink?

Beastmaster will let you grab a Monster when he enters the field.

Yeah, that one was cornier than the other ones.



16-073C – Benjamin

They finally added a Mystic Quest character to the game. All we need now is 8bit FFI characters. Come on Square-Enix you can do it.

High cost, high power. And Benjamin gets stronger at 3 points of Damage.

Throw him in late in the game and you’ll also Break one of your opponents dull Forwards.



16-074C – Cactuar

Break a Forward with this Summon, but Cactuar carries some drawbacks. Unless you want to deal yourself some Damage to get the benefits of all these Earth cards.





16-075R – Shinju

I think this card is the base of Soiree, as she allows all the different elements to be paid using any element.

Grab Shinju with Amber and watch Soiree unfold before your very eyes.




16-076R – Sophie

She was banned, but now she’s back with a Vengeance.

Sophie’s first ability comes off of Sophie’s Second ability.

If you’re playing high cost Characters, Sophie will be dealing 10K damage to one of your opponents Forwards. 12K if you have Enna Kros as a Backup.



16-077R – Terra

Terra might fit in a Fire/Ice Category VI deck. Or you can just go all out and grab all the VI Characters and go 6 element FFVI.

Someone out there, already knows how to use this card, and that person is not me.



16-078C – Demonolith

I remember a card like this in an earlier Opus, but that was a Summon.

Demonolith stays on the field until you want to see your next draw. And if you ;like it, you can keep it. If not just chuck them to the bottom of your deck, and hope for 2 better cards.




16-079H – Hades

The 2 cost Monsters in this deck are something. Each one I keep seeing is a card you’d easily add to your deck.

Hades here, let’s you discard a Backup to draw a card. And, you already know that there are plenty of Backups whose only purpose is to come in and use their on-entry ability. Now you have a way to get rid of them to play another Backup.

But, that’s not all.

Hades can make some of your opponents Forwards vulnerable.

As, whenever a chosen Forward is dealt Damage, that Forward will be broken, and sent to the Break Zone.

Relm is going to have some fun this Opus.

16-080H – Madam Edel

Madam Edel has been name dropped throughout this set, and now we can finally see what she is made of.

Madam Edel is the Forward your opponent will be trying to remove once she is on the field.

Madam Edel grants Protection to all the Morze’s Soiree Members. No Summons or abilities will be able to lay a finger on them.

And for 4CP, you’ll be able to grab a Morze’s Soiree Member from the Break Zone and play it on the field.

16-081R – Mira

We mentioned Relm earlier, but Mira here, will be able to take the reigns just as well.

Mira comes in and lets you play a Monster onto the field, and it all depends on how much Damage you have received. The more Damage the stronger the Monster.



16-082H – Mont Leonis

Well, you’re always going to be using that first ability. And, we mean always. There’s no reason not to. It doesn’t cost you any CP, and at the same time it gives Mont protection from damage dealt by Summons and abilities.

Taunting Blade? Yeah, it has some use. Mont attacks and uses the ability to take down the Forwards that are blocking him.

I still don’t like Mont.

16-083H – Layle

Depending on which side you’re on, Layle can either make or break you.

Everyone will attack and block, unless there are no more attackers for the blockers to block.

And, with Brave, Layle will be pulling double duty on both sides.

If you need to, you can always give Layle +1K to help him survive.


16-084R – Leslie

Leslie is your infiltrator, allowing him to dispose of your opponents Forwards from the inside. He’ll sit perfectly in a Mono-Earth deck as that will be the only way to be able to pass Leslie on to your opponents field.

Once he is there, your opponent will need to choose 2 Forwards and hopefully they’ll be sent to the Break Zone along with Leslie.

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Crystal Dominion – Wind P.o.V.

15-043R – Alexander

Reprint Wind Summon. Not bad, but would have been better is it was also an EX Burst





15-044L – Vaan

Can you pay both a Wind Crystal Point and a Ice Crystal Point? I believe so. And, that makes Vaan a card to play if you are running Sky Pirates. I might even make a Sky Pirate deck just to play this card.

All Sky Pirates cannot be blocked by any Forward of cost 3 or more. That means with a decent Buff, your Sky Pirates will be unblockable. Well, your opponent will be able to block against them, but they will most likely just have their Forwards broken.

Wind Crystal point to activate all Sky Pirates, and an Ice Crystal Point to reduce a Forwards Power by 2K for each Sky Pirate you control. (Read : break a Forward.)

15-045H – Edge

2CP to protect a Wind Forward from Summons or abilities that target them.

It’s a no brainer.

A Wind Illua. Somewhat, but what Edge lacks in Illua’s Haste and Sheol. He makes up for it in that he is able to change the direction of a Summon or ability onto himself in so that he can save Rydia once again.

It doesn’t matter that all Rydias are Earth. You get what I’m saying.

I sure hope so, cause I lose my thought process easily sometimes.

15-046C – Dancer

Just the ability itself, which allows Dancer to deal 2K damage to all your opponents Forwards. It can be activated by simply attacking with Dancer.

If that won’t work out this turn because there is a more powerful Forward on the field, Just use the other ability to give all your Forwards +1K.

Then the first ability will off at the end of the turn.


15-047R – Kytes

A way to save a Sky Pirate.

Is your Sky Pirate being targeted by a Summon or ability, or is he on the receiving end of an attack that is much too powerful for him?

Kytes here can help. By removing Kytes from the game, you can remove your Sky Pirate from the game and then return him to the field at the end of the turn.

Your best bet is to pick a Sky Pirate with a good entry ability.

15-048L – Kain EX

Attack and choose. Draw a card or Activate all the Characters other than Kain?

All the Characters? Characters?

Every time Kain attacks you can Activate your whole board?

Screw the extra card. Get me some blockers, and Edge, Opus I Maria, and anyone else that can help protect Kain.

Oh. And, some characters that will give me Crystals. Don’t want to lose Kain at the end of my turn.

15-049C – Garchimacera

For a moment there I thought that Garchimacera was a Backup. And then, I thought he was a Monster.

And then I thought it was Firebrand, from Gargoyle’s Quest.

But, my friends. This is Garchimacera, and it is a Summon. Reduce the cost by paying a Crystal and Garchimacera will cost

1CP. After that, choose to either Break a Forward of 5CP and up, or return a 1-2CP Forward to their owner’s hand and draw a card.

15-050C – Gigantuar

Enter the field deal a 5CP and up Forward 8K Damage.

After that wait for the perfect moment to turn Gigantuar into a 6K Forward, and have him attack or block and attack, because he will be broken at the end of the turn anyway.




15-051C – Shikaree G

Here to give the Sin Hunters some more Fire Power.

Shikaree G, along with the help of Shikaree Y will make Shikaree G unblockable, and be able to swing for some free Damage.




15-052C – Chocobo

Why just 1 Forward in the party?

There are better Chocobos that give the party far more firepower than this bird.




15-053H – Diablolos

1CP? That is all Diabolos costs? 1CP?

All Forwards Power is now 3000. That is if you already cast 4 cards this turn. Pair this with Ifrita and 6 Ifrits in the Break Zone and you have yourself a board wipe.

Too much work.



15-054R – Nono

Activate all Moogles?

Are Moogles going to became a new Archtype?

Nono and Good King Moggle Mog XII to be the main players.

Let’s see someone have a crack at it.


15-055H – Bartz EX

Bartz enters the field and gains a Crystal. With that Crystal in your possession Bartz gains +2K.

But, if you manage to acquire more Crystals you will be able to save a Job Warrior of Light from the Break Zone.



15-056R – Filo

Now this is what I call a backup.

Allowing Sky Pirates to produce either Wind or Water CP.

But, that’s not all folks.

Wind Soul. Which Sky Pirate shall we choose? Any one that has high power will do.

Filo also gives you a reason to run 3 copies of Filo (10-059R). 3 more Wind Souls coming right up.

15-057R – Maria

With the Rebel Yell, She want More, more, more.

Are we going to be able to build a decent FFII deck this time around? Maria here beats out Opus I Maria, but only if you’re playing with Rebels.

Maria, gives a buff to all the Rebels and also reduces the damage they take.

I see Rebels in my future.


15-058C – Dragoon

You’ll need Dragoon to keep Kain on your side.

Other than that he enters the field. Gives you a Crystal. And finally you put him in the Break Zone and he gives 1 Forward
First Strike.



15-059C – Llyud

Llyud is ready to fly. How do you even pronounce his name? Lloyd? Leeood? Leroy? Anywho, Llyud here is able to attack and give all your Warriors +3K. And if you have already taken 3 points of Damage he comes in with Haste. Then he’ll attack and
buff the Warriors.




15-060R – Leon

Leon has a look in his eyes that say, play your cards right and you’ll draw a card every time I attack. Llyud would be a great card to play with Leon.

And, like a good brother, Leon grabs his sister from the Break Zone if you have taken 3 points of Damage.



15-061H – Lehko Habhoka

How likely is it that you will have cast at least 3 cards this turn?

3 is easily done, but 5, might be tricky. But if you can manage to do that you’ll be able to search for an 8CP Character and play them onto the field.

And, until you end up casting 5 cards, you can always dull Lehko Habhoka for 1CP.



15-062C – Rem

2 cost Backup.

Activates 1 Character when she enters the field, and when she is put into the Break Zone.

You can easily put Rem into the Break Zone to gain a Crystal and activate a Character.

Rem will be in my new Cadets deck.


15-063C – Romaa Mihgo

Every time you draw a card, or just the one time?

Makes a big difference.

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Opus XIV – Wind Review

14-039R – Adelle

The more Wind Backups you have, the better this card is. But, you don’t necessaraly need to have 5 Wind Backups as there are cards that provide the same effect. 3 should be the optimal choice as you’ll give her 8000 power and Haste. And, you only paid 2CP to play this card.




14-040C – Abquhbah

Play him early on, and he’ll usually be buffed up every turn. Other than that not much to say.





14-041C – Ixali

Activation guaranteed, with a Primal.





14-042L – Bismarck, Lord of the Mists

Return to hand. Return to hand. Return to hand.

Bismarck need to tag team with Leviathan. more on that later.

But, when a Character is returned to your or your opponents hand, you draw 1 card. And you can choose to return a card to your hand at the end of each turn.

As if Wind/Water needed more ammunition


14-043C – Cactuaroni

Just a common?

“Need some activation tactics? Cactuaroni is your macaroni. For the cost of a simple Monster Counter you can activate one Character.” /endcommercialannuncervoice

This card is great, simple and to the point. You can end up activating your whole board if you wait long enough. But, why wait if you can just find a way to grab Cactuaroni from your Break Zone.


14-044C – White Mage

Activate 2 Backups of any element other than Wind.

YRP making a comeback? Don’t call it a comeback, YRP never left.





14-045H – Sin

What would you call this? Silence? Paralyze? Stop? Probably Silence. Casts Silence on opponents Forwards. And now, they can’t use any abilities.

Probably not silence, cause that’s just Magic.

I had said the other Sin was better, but now that I’m re-reading it. This is interesting.



14-046C – Sniper

Like I said before, I’m not to sure on the wording, but if this goes off when Sniper dulls from attacking. It’s a great card card. If not, I still like it.





14-047R – Choco/Mog EX

Almost sounds like a candy bar.

The first part is easy. Having a Chocobo and a Moogle on the field when he shows up, is pretty easy too.




14-048C – Tiamat (IX)

Hmm, I’m seeing a pattern here.

“Discard one card Job Chaos and deal one forward 8000 damage. Is it worth it? I’m sure there are Summons that can do this more efficiently. But, for a common I’ll take it.”




14-049H – Typhon

I’m still waiting for a Typhon that has synergy with Ultros.

Other than that, You’re playing Mono-Wind, you’re playing this card. Plus removing a Forward and placing him in a spot where you (probably) won’t see him for a couple of turns.

This is another great card.


14-050R – Naja Salaheem

Double up on all the counters that are on any character whenever Naja deals Damage to your opponent.

+Naja cannot be chosen by your opponents Summons or abilities.




14-051C – Vanu Vanu

Don’t like the cards you just drew? Just play Vanu Vanu with those 2 cards and hopefully get something better. And if that doesn’t work, Dull and Break and hopefully you’ll get something better once again.




14-052C – Fran

You can easily cast 3 cards a turn with Wind, and all the activate your Backups and Characters and Monsters and Summons and anything else you want. Because that’s what wind does. So, you’ll probably end up drawing a card when you play Fran.

3 points of Damage +2K Power



14-053R – Mjrn

Did I mention, I like these Black & White cards?

For 2 Cp you can activate Fran and Jote.

You can also pay 3 Wind CP and Break a Forward of cost 5 or more.



14-054R – Jote EX

Just a simple searcher that searches for Fran or Mjrn. You can also search for them off of an EX Burst.





14-055C – Lezaford

Took me a second to realize this Lezaford was a Forward. I should start paying more attention.

Now, it makes sense that this is a 5 cost. At first I thought it was 5CP to play a Backup, which if the cost to play was paid with at least 3 different elements, than you can break a Forward.

I was going to say how this Lezaford is terrible and that the Opus VI Lezaford is so mucch better. But, this one is Forward and that changes everything. It can work. Someone will find a way. It’s simple if you play Light and Dark actually.

14-056R – Garuda, Lady of the Vortex

Here’s an answer to some cards. 6CP isn’t that much to pay for the on entry ability Garuda has.

Sorry, Sophie, it was fun.

Bhuni, Get out of here.

Neo-Exdeath, don’t make me laugh

Ark, No one played with you anyway.

Now, if this card was an Ex it would have been amazing.

14-057H – Rosa

Great artwork once again. You can tell apart the Amano artwork. I remember seeing a Magic card with his art on it, and recognized it immediately. But, that’s another story.

Just like we said before, activate all the Backups, if you’ve cast 3 cards this turn.

With Fran (14-052C) you’ll also draw 1 card.

All those activations will lead you into a 5th card cast this turn, which you’ll end up playing the top card of your deck. Unless it’s a Summon. Then it just goes back to the tops of your deck.