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Hidden Trials – By Fire

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3-001C – Garland

What a way to start off the set.

A 2 cost Backup that when Garland enters the field, you gain control of one of your opponents Forwards.

Sure, you’ll only have control of that Forward until the end of the turn, but, it is a good way to spoil your opponent’s plans and attack with that Forward, where they’ll either block it and send it to the Break Zone, or you’ll break the blocking Forward, or you’ll deal them a point of Damage.

I’ll take 3 of these.

Now, where did I put that card that recycles Backups? I can’t even remember which one it was.

23-002L – Caius

Caius is making a comeback, and he’s forming a Tag Team with Bahamut. Any Bahamut will do, as Caius will enter the field, you’ll search for Bahamut, and cast Bahamut right away. Most Likely that Bahamut will be a Free Play. As all Bahamuts cost 5CP or less with the exception of the Opus I Bahamut which costs 9CP.

You can play that one for 2CP, if you have Fang on the field, 19-131S or 19-020R, as both of these reduce the cost to cast Bahamut by 2.

Other than that you can cast Raise on Caius as he enters the Break Zone, for the small price of discarding 3 cards from your hand, Caius can came back to the field.

Even Yeul couldn’t see that one coming.

23-003C – Kain

Haste, and First Strike?

Kain is ready to strike!

Remember when we were talking about an all Haste deck? Well, Kain here is the perfect fir for it. Cause, every time he attacks, all of the Forwards with Haste or First Strike gain +2000 power.

Your opponent won’t know what to block, when to block, who to block, where to block, and most importantly, how to block.

Double Jump, is just a regular Jump attack, if it was double, Kain would be dealing damage to 2 Forwards.

23-004R – Kefka

First off, this is a great looking card. Almost reminds you of some Amano art.

Second off, Kefka is here to wreak Havoc on your opponent. Every time he attacks, Kefka deals 4000 damage to one of your opponent’s Forwards.

But, you’ll want to wait until you have 5 points of damage to play Kefka. Cause when you do, Kefka comes in with Haste, +2000 power, and whenever Kefka deals damage to your opponent, or to a Forward they control, you will double the damage Kefka deals to them.

That means 2 cards in the Damage Zone. And, when he attacks, it’s 8000 damage to that Forward that you choose and at least 14,000 damage to the Forward that will block Kefka.

When your back is against the wall, Kefka will do what Kefka does best.

I’ll take 3 Full Arts, Por Favor.

23-005R – Golbez

I don’t know how Golbez is just a Rare.

Golbez has 3 abilities to choose from, each one is better than the other.

Deal 5000 damage to all of your opponent’s Forwards. Break a Forward. And, the one I like the most, Grab a Forward from your Break Zone.

You can start building decks with all different cards, EDH style, and if a Forward ends up in the Break Zone, just use Golbez to grab it back.

All you need to do is protect Golbez, and you’ll never miss a card. Unless it ends up in the Damage Zone, but we have a way to grab cards from there as well.

23-006R – Soulcage

For 2CP you get a Forward with 9000 power. Is there a sale on Soulcage, cause that is dirt cheap. You can’t even get a deal like that at the Goodwill anymore!

Yes, Soulcage is a Monster, and yes, you need another Monster on the field for Soulcage to become a Forward, but that’s not a hard thing to do. Especially with all of these Monster decks that are going around.

And, when you put Soulcage into the Break Zone, you can remove it from the game, and grab a Monster from your Break Zone and add that one to your hand. It’s a win-win.


23-007C/15-007C – Samurai

Just Copy/Paste from what we wrote for Dawn of Heroes.

“What? A reprint? I wasn’t expecting that. Let’s see what we wrote when Crystal Dominion came out.

“Exchanging 2CP for a Crystal.

Seems like an even trade. Now to find what we’re going to use these Crystals for?

Samurai has no abilities, that consume Crystals, but there are plenty other cards that do. Samurai’s job is to give you a Crystal and then hopefully you’ll find a way to Break Samurai so you can play your real Backups. ”

Huh? What was I even writing, I had to edit it to make sense. In my defense, we didn’t know what Crystals would be doing back then. … Half the time I still don’t know.

Because apparently, if you actually read the card Samurai can put itself in the Break Zone.”

23-008H – Zidane

Free Zidane!

You play Zidane, and once he enters the field you get to search for 2 FFIX Forwards and, add them to your hand. And, that’s great, you can get rid of him right after, because he only has 5000 power, but that’s still enough to block one of your opponents attacks.

If we get some decent FFIX cards, Zidane would be one of the first cards you would throw into a IX deck.



23-009H – Zorn & Thorn

Zorn & Thorn, we have a Tag Team right here, going for the World Heavyweight Tag Team Championship Belts.

And how are they going to do that?

It’s simple, they pick their own opponents. Zorn & Thorn attack and they get to pick the Forward that will block them. Over and over. All you need is to give them a buff, and they’ll be that much better.

And, if they are finally sent to the Break Zone, they turn into a Monster. Not a giant monster, just a Monster that costs 2CP or less.

I like it.

It’s kind of like Zorn & Thorn transform into Meltigemini.

Who would have thought?

23-010C – SOLDIER Candidate

First Strike.

I know I’ve seen a SOLDIER Candidates in another element, now I’m wondering if there is one in every element, and if they are all the same. Only one way to find out.

If you have a couple of Standard Unit Forwards in your Break Zone, SOLDIER Candidate gains +3000 power.

Now, the real question is, if it’s only for this SOLDIER Candidate, or all of the SOLDIER Candidates.

I wonder if they met Zack?

23-011L – Terra EX

One of my playmats has the same artwork. If you haven’t seen it, it is a beautiful sight. Terra riding the Magitek Armor ready to … well you should know. I won’t spoil it.

Terra comes in and you can grab a Summon from your Break Zone. then you can cast this Summon for 2CP less than what it costs to normally cast it. You also grab a Summon from your Break Zone when Terra is put into the Break Zone. Making Terra’s final cost a whopping 1CP.

Terra only has 5000 power, but the reason you’ll play her is solely for the reason that, when she is on the field, your opponent cannot remove the Summons in your Break Zone from the game.

And, that is it.

Protect the Summons! Protect the Espers!

23-012C – Tifa

What are those? Maracas?

3CP, 7Kpower and the ability to deal 2000 damage to a Forward every time Tifa attacks.

Let’s not forget about the Crystal you gain whenever Tifa damages a Forward that is sent to the Break Zone.

And, with that Crystal, Tifa gains +2000 power and Haste, giving her a total of 9000 power.

For 3CP, that’s not bad at all. Sure there are better Tifas, but this one also has it’s uses.

23-013C – Morrow

Morrow is a Backup now?

You won’t be playing Morrow, if you have received anything less than 5 points of Damage.

This is a card that you’ll most likely play alongside Kefka (23-004R) As they both shine once you have received 5 points of Damage.

Morrow comes in and deals a Forward 9000 damage.

He’s like a Mini-Summon. Plus, Morrow only costs 1CP.

If this would have been a Forward it would have been twice as better.

23-014H – Nelapa


This is your Summon control.

Your opponent will think twice about casting a Summon, when Nelapa is on the field.

Cause if they do, Nelapa will deal 10,000 damage to a Forward of your choosing, and also deal your opponent 1 point of damage.

With that being said, I can see Nelapa thrown into any deck that deals with Fire. I mean why wouldn’t you. There should be a card that hardly sees any play in that deck anyway.

I’ll take 3 Foil copies.

23-015C – Notsugo

Is it Not-sugo or No-tsugo?

A 1 cost Monster that sacrifices itself and another Monster to deal 9000 damage to one of your opponents Forwards.

Simple and straight to the point.

It might be worth playing in certain situations.


23-016R – Bahamut

This is the Bahamut you’re supposed to play with Caius.

You can play this Bahamut, and many other Bahamuts free of charge if you grab him when Caius enters the field.
Removal at it’s finest.

Not just 1 but 2 Forwards are to be removed from the game.

The first one just needs to have 9000 power or less, and the second one should already be in your opponent’s Break Zone.

For a Free card this is great.

23-017C – Parai

Parai searches for a Final Fantasy Legends Character. And, he only costs 2CP.

But, there’s always a but, Parai will deal you one point of damage.

Is it worth it?

Depends on if you have Kefka and Morrow ready to go once you reach 5 points of Damage.

Maybe yes, Maybe no.

23-018R – Palom

Palom, one half of the twin mages.

Palom is a free play, if Porom is already on the field.

If not he’ll only cost 2CP. Palom comes in with 5000 power and allows you to place 2 EXP Counters on a Forward. That Forward will gain +2000 power.

And, if the twins work together, I think Porom will be something like this as well.


23-019C – Monk

A one hit wonder.

How big is that one hit?

Depends on how many Backups you control one Monk enters the field.

If you have 5 Backups, that hit will be a whopping 8000 damage dealt to one of your opponent’s Forwards.

If not then it’ll be a measly 4000.

That’s not that bad. There are plenty of Forwards that will go down with a 4K shot.

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Hidden Hope – Hope On Fire

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22-001R – Auron

Auron’s here, just doing his job as a Guardian, and protecting one of your Forwards just like any Guardian would.

When Auron comes in, you choose a Forward, and the next damage dealt to it becomes 0.

At 2CP this is a card with great value, just because Auron has Back Attack, and that means you can play him during your opponent’s turn.

Let’s say your opponent casts a Summon or ability, Auron can swoop right in and guard the Forward being targeted.

You don’t even need to be playing a FFX themed deck, Auron can hop into any deck that has Fire in it and he’ll do great.

22-002C – Red Mage

Red Mage, your 2 cost Backup that has some pretty good abilities.

1) Choose a Forward of 5CP or less, and take away it’s ability to block.


2) Discard a fire card, chuck Red Mage, and deal a Forward 8000 damage.

Even if Red Mage just had the first ability, I would have said that this card is great.

And, it’s only a Common.

All you have to do is attack, and when your opponent declares a blocker, just dull Red Mage, and take away that block.

22-003R – Ayame


I see Samurais making a comeback. Where did I put those Tenzens?

Ayame comes in with Brave, at 2CP/5000 power. But, everytime a Samurai enters the field, Ayame gains +4000 power.
Meaning that Ayame’s power can easily rise past 9000. Which is a good thing, because when Ayame attacks, and her power is over 9000, you get to choose one of your opponent’s Forwards and deal it 7000 damage.

Ayame might look small, but she packs a mean punch.

22-004H – Angeal


Angeal, the original Buster Sword wielder, here to help cause more damage to your opponent. I don’t know if that makes any sense, since he doesn’t actually like to use his Buster Sword in fear of ruining it. But, Zack’s life is worth just a little bit more, than his sword.

Angeal enters the field and you can pay (X), which allows you to search for a SOLDIER of cost (X) and play it straight to the field. That means it doesn’t even need to be a Fire SOLDIER. You can also search for Roche, who comes in with Haste and can attack right away.

And, when Roche attacks, the damage increases by 2000, because that is Angeal’s other ability. Add in the fact that if you have taken 3 points of Damage, Roche also gains 3000 Power, making his attack cause 9000 damage.

We won’t even get into the art. I like this card.

22-005R – Ignacio

That’s a big axe.

Ignacio your 5 cost Forward, coming in with 9000 power.

When Ignacio enters the field, you’ll put the top 3 cards of your deck into the Break Zone, and if all of those cards are Fire, you’ll deal one of your opponent’s Forwards 9000 damage.

I mean, .. ok.

Not great. Somewhat … I’ll pass.

22-006H – Garland EX

Is it just me or does Garland look like a dwarf here?

He might look like a dwarf, but this is a great card.

Garland comes in and allows you to grab a Knight from the Break Zone, making garland a 2 cost Forward with 8000 power. You’d think that that’s enough but it is not. When you decide to play that Knight. Or any Knight. You get to choose one of your opponent’s Forwards and hand that Forward 5000 damage.

These cards just keep getting stronger and stronger.

22-007C – Carla

Agito Cadet reporting for duty.

3CP/7000 power.

Carla is a decent Forward. has enough power to hold her own against most Forwards. She also has 2 abilities that can help out when the going gets tough. All you have to do is Dull her. No extra costs for these ones.

You can either deal a Forward 3000 damage, or you can buff an attacking Forward with +2000 power.

Either way she can stop an Attacker or help one of your Forwards.

Carla is a Forward that moonlights as a Backup. Kind of reminds me of Amon from Opus II.

22-008C – Clavat

Cheap Backup to play that allows you to look at the top card of your deck.

If you don’t like what you see, you can place the card at the bottom of your deck. If you do, just leave it where it is.

Bonus Points, Clavat is dressed as a Black Mage.

It could see some use.


22-009H – Jecht

Do you know what this is?

It is a Free Card, that will Break a Forward when Jecht enters the field.

I can see Jecht doing great with my Bomb deck, which upon release Jecht will be put in, and something else will be taken out.

Let’s explain. For every Fire Character you control Jecht costs 1 less CP. So, if you have 6 Fire Characters on the field Jecht is free. And when he enters the field, Jecht deals damage to one of your opponent’s Forwards. And they deal damage to each other.

Only thing missing here, is better art.

22-010L – Selphie

Selphie comes in and allows you to search for a FFVIII Forward.

But, that’s not a good reason to make Selphie a Forward. You can do that with a Rare, and it’ll still cost less than 4CP.

Then again, Selphie does a lot more than that.

Once per turn you can give a FFVIII Forward +1000 power, Haste and Brave. That means as long as Selphie is on the field, all of your Finla Fantasy VIII Forwards that come in will be granted Haste and they will be able to attack on the same turn that they came in. No more Summoning Sickness. Selphie has a cure for that.

Oh, and she has 7000 power. 8000 if you use her ability on herself.

22-011C – Warrior

Just your Standard Unit 3 cost Fire Forward with 7000 power.

But, if you have at least a couple of Standard Unit Backups on the field, Warrior gains +2000 power.

Making him a 9k body.

Effectively becoming a Meat Shield.


22-012C – Foulander

A Monster that becomes a Forward. That’s becoming more and more normal with every new set.

Foulander here is no exception. And, it deals up to 5000 damage to one of your opponent’s Forwards every time it attacks. Allowing you to soften up your opponent’s front line in the process. And, if you got 3 Foulanders on the field, that’s even better.

Don’t forget that Foulander only costs 1CP.

Throw this in any Fire deck and you’re good to go.

22-013C – Machina

You’re either playing this card early, or you’re not playing it at all.

Unless your board gets wiped and you have to start all over.

Machina does have a decent ability, dealing 7000 damage to a Forward.

Other than that, at least the art looks good.



22-014R – Belias, the Gigas

This is a great Summon if you want to get rid of a pesky blocker blocking your Attacking Forward. Once that happens, and you cast Belias, your Forward gains +3000 power and First Strike. And if that’s not enough Belias deals your opponent’s Forward 7000 damage. Thus reducing their power and hopefully breaking them.

One way or another your Forward shall survive.

Plus, if you paid with only Backups, you get to draw a card as well.


22-015C – Meeth

Meeth sure looks angry.

You would be too if all you did was remove a Backup from the game, to draw 2 cards.

Meeth wanted to come in and party, but one of his friends is forced to leave when he comes in. And that friend was the only reason Meeth wanted to come to this party.

But, for a 2 cost Backup, that lets you get rid of a Backup you don’t need anymore to draw 2 cards, there could be some use to Meeth.

22-016H – Minwu (FFBE)

Not that Minwu, this is the other Minwu from Brave Exvius.

They’re the same, but different.

And, this is a great card.

Bring in a card from the Break Zone, any time you’d like during your turn as long as you don’t have any cards in your hand.
It’s like you’re playing with an extra deck. Plus your Limit Break Deck, you got 3 different places where you can grab a card to cast.

I’ll take 3.

22-017C – Lilyth

Need a Crystal?

Play Lilyth. 2CP with 5000 power.

Not the strongest of cards out there, but if you need Crystals for abilities and what not, Lilyth is a decent play. You get a Crystal and a body that will hang out on the front line until needed.

Let’s not forget Hard Slash. If you look you don’t need to dull Lilyth to use the ability. Meaning if you have 2 Lilyths in hand, you can deal 7000 damage to 2 Forwards and you’ll still be able to attack.

I’ll try this one out.

22-018R – Luartha

At 1CP and a Crystal, Luartha can do some damage (especially if you already have taken 3 points of damage) before your opponent even knows what hit them.

Luartha will come in, and if you pay the Crystal she gains Haste. Once you attack, you can choose one of your opponent’s Forwards and deal it 5000 damage. Thus reducing the Power of a Forward that can break Luartha.

And if you already have taken 3 points of damage, Luartha deals one of your opponent’s Forwards 5000 damage when she enters the field.

I like this card, I shall find some use for it, because you can throw it into any deck that runs Fire, and you’re good to go.

I’ll take 3, preferably foil versions.

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Beyond Destiny : Finishing Starters

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21-125S – Onion Knight

Coming in with Haste this Onion Knight will bring a tear to your eye.

Meh, I tried.

Onion Knight comes in and if you decide to pay 2 Crystals, you can search for another Dissidia Forward and play them onto the field. Sure, they have to cost 3CP or less, but there are plenty of Dissidia Forwards to choose from.

No need to worry about Elements either.

Sword & Sorcery, is a decent ability that deals 10,000 damage to any Forward that decides to go up against Onion Knight and block him when he attacks.

Did we mention Haste?

21-126S – Cloud

Kingdom Hearts Cloud.

Was wondering when he would make another appearance.

Cloud is pretty straight forward. He enters the field, and deals 3000 damage for each Dissidia Forward that you control to a Forward of your choosing. This also comes off of an EX Burst.

Other than that Cloud is a 5 cost Forward with 9000 power. But, you can get around that. Instead of paying 5CP, you can just pay with 2 Crystals.

21-127S – Firion

Here’s Firion, the Rebel Warrior that will help you stock up on Crystals. That way you can pay for all of the Crystal abilities that the rest of your Deck likes to use. Weather it is paying for Cloud, or having Onion Knight search for a Dissidia Forward, or whatever else the rest of the Starters can do with the help of the Crystals.

Let’s get back to Firion.

Firion enters the field and deals a Forward 3000 damage. And if you have 2 Dissidia Forwards on the field, he’ll deal 7000 damage instead.

And that’s about it.

Sure, you won’t really care about his Entering ability, not when he has a way to acquire Crystals.

21-128S – Shantotto

Here’s another use for all the Crystals Firion will be able to get you.

When Shantotto enters the field, you can pay the additional cost of 2 Crystals, and grab a Dissidia Forward from your Break Zone and play it onto the field. Sure this Forward needs to cost 5CP or less, but it’s a free Forward so who cares.

You will be able to play 2 5CP Forwards for the price of one.

It’s Buy One Get One Free. Or B.O.G.O.

Salvation Scythe, is Dissidia’s answer to Opus I Jihl Nabaat.

Dull and Freeze 3 Characters.

I like it. You don’t even need to play Shantotto in a Dissidia deck. Just throw here in any Dull/Freeze situation to make thinks cooler.

21-129S – Terra

From the looks of it, it’s all about the Crystals.

A Crystal here, a Crystal there, here a Crystal, there a Crystal, everywhere a Crystal.

Terra shall come into the field, and your opponent discards a card. And if you’re playing this starter deck, you’ll probably be gaining a Crystal as well.

And then you can use that Crystal to Dull/Freeze, a Forward and draw a card as well.

Pair Terra with Shantotto and you can Dull/Freeze 4 Forwards.

It’s getting colder by the minute.

21-130S – Noctis

You see what they did there?

They gave you a somewhat cheap Forward with 9000 power, but you have to have a Dissidia Forward on the field in order to play Noctis.

But, you probably already got that covered. You’re playing this Starter Deck.

Well let’s see, Noctis comes in and Breaks a Dull Forward.

And, that’s about it.

It’s all because of the suit Noctis is wearing. And, then he’s pointing to himself, showing off his portrait on the wall.

Yes, we comment on the art when we have nothing else to say. We got to fill up space somehow.

21-131S – Warrior of Light

Here is another Crystal Generator

Warrior of Light comes in and gives you a Crystal, and after that, whenever a Dissidia Forward enters the field Warrior of Light gives you another Crystal. And, then you can use those Crystals and use them to pay for different abilities.

Such as the one right here on the card, that gives Warrior of Light +1000 power, and the ability to not be chosen by your opponent’s abilities. Now, that’s an ability.

Warrior of Light sure reminds me of Cecil. I actually thought it was Cecil until I started reading the card.

21-132S – Cecil

What’s not to like about this card?

Built in protection. Cecil is a Paladin like no other. Or so they say.

4CP/8000 power. Can’t be chosen by abilities, can’t take damage from abilities. A meat Shield at it’s finest.

Cecil also buffs all of the other Dissidia Forwards with +2000 power.

And, if that’s not enough, Paladin Force breaks those pesky high cost Forwards that like to stick around the field more than they should.

Now if Cecil had some FFIV synergy, this card would have been awesome.

21-133S – Tidus

Here’s a card in this deck that pretty much stands by itself, with no need for other Dissidia Characters. Tidus comes in and you return one of your opponent’s Forwards to their hand. And when you return a Forward to their owner’s hand, regardless of it being your or your opponent’s you draw a card and gain a Crystal.

And since there is no need for Dissidia Characters on the field for this ability to go off, you can pretty much play Tidus in any deck.

Sure, he costs 5CP, but you’ll get 2CP back when you return a Forward to your opponent’s hand. Plus, you could be drawing an extra card once per turn, making Tidus cheaper in the long run.

21-134S – Bartz

Bartz is ready to make this Dissidia deck work out. Bartz comes in and allows you to search for a Dissidia Character, add it to your hand. Bartz also gives you a Crystal

4CP, which comes down to 2CP after you draw a card. And if you already have another Crystal in your hand, play Shantotto, and then grab Cloud from the Break Zone.

Or something along those lines.

And, when Bartz is done attacking , and blocking and is sent to the Break Zone, you can remove Bartz from the game and gain an additional Crystal.

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Beyond Destiny : From Dusk ‘Till Dawn

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21-121L – Warrior of Light

If this works as planned, you get to play Warrior of Light for 1CP, if not well, then you paid 7CP. Even if you find just one 3 cost Forward in the top 5 cards of your deck, then Warrior of Light is a decent play.

Other than that, Ultimate Shield is a great ability to counter your opponent’s Summons and abilities. Meaning that Warrior of Light and the 3 cost Forwards you control cannot be targeted by your opponent’s Summons or abilities.

You’ll want to have plenty of Warrior of Light cards in your deck to make use of this ability whenever the need rises.

PS. Really love the art. But, that goes without saying.

21-122H – Skyserpent General Rughadjeen

We’ve seen all the other Serpent Generals, and now it’s time for the final Serpent General. Skyserpent General Rughadjeen, who does not need to be played with any Serpent Generals.

For 4CP you get a 9000 powered Forward with Haste, First Strike and Brave.

And, if that’s not enough, every time the Skyserpent General attacks, you can choose a Forward, give them +1K and Haste, choose one Forward give them +1K and First Strike, and choose one Forward give them +1K and Brave.

It does not say that you have to choose 3 different Forward, you can grant all of these ?upgrades? to one Forward if you’d like.

I’ll take 3 of these, and put General Rughadjeen into my all Haste deck.

21-123H – Darkness Manifest

This card looks good, even without paying with a reduced cost. Sure you can remove a Fire, Wind, Earth and Water Character and pay only 2CP, but that would mean you’re playing a 4 colored deck. Which might be hard to navigate. Although I have seen it done right.

All Darkness Manifest needs to do is stay on the field, and he will slowly chip away at your opponent. Once per turn during the beginning of Main Phase 1, Darkness Manifest will deal your opponent 1 point of Damage.

And, if he ends up leaving the field, you choose one Character, and you can send it to the Break Zone.

Now, all we need to figure out, is how to send Darkness Manifest in and out of the field, without losing him.

21-124L – Jack Garland

Jack Garland is Garland.


Well that is his last name isn’t it?

3CP/9k body with Brave.

You can just stop there, and you’d have a decent card.

But, this is a Legend.

Jack enters the field and allows you to search for a Strangers of Paradise card, add it to your hand. After that Jack has an action ability that allows you to Break a Dark Character of your choice, at the cost of 1 point of damage.

This is one of those abilities that can be very useful, when playing against an opponent that has multiple Dark cards on the field. The rules state that you can only have 1 Dark Character on the field at any time, but there are a couple of cards that allow you to have more. Break that Dark Character. It’ll either be Chaos or Spiritus. But either way, you get rid of them, and your opponent will have to chuck all the Dark Characters from the field except for 1.

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Beyond Destiny : Flood Born Warriors

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21-101C – Ashe

OK, Yes, I’ll take it.

What’s not to like? Every time Ashe attacks you draw a card.

I’ll throw Ashe in any deck, just to draw a card when she attacks. Especially with 8000 power. Throw in Wakka (1-180R) and Ashe will have +1K power to keep your opponent on their toes.

And, that’s about it. Simple yet effective … In helping you draw cards.

21-102L – Gau

I won’t say it this time.

The WASP Super fan is here once again, and he is perfect for your Monster deck. I might even put Gau in the Bomb deck I’m going to be building shortly.

Gau’s cost comes down for every Monster that you have on the field. Meaning, you don’t even need to have any Water CP, as long as you have 5 Monsters on the field. Should be simple enough. Especially if you have a swarm of Bombs ready to blow. You’ll just play Gau before they all explode.

Plus, when Gau enters the field you can send one of your opponent’s Forwards to the bottom of their deck, as long as their CP, is equal to, or less than the number of Bombs, … I mean Monsters you control.

Gau can also turn a Monster into a Forward with 8000 power.

It’s at the tip of my tongue, Gimme a Mic!

“I’m a Wild Chi ….”

I’ll stop.

21-103R – Kraken

Is it worth playing Kraken for 5CP?

If you’re playing Mono-Water, probably. If not then I might skip this.

You do draw a card when Kraken enters the field, so technically you’re just paying 3CP for Kraken.

Other than that if you have 7 Water Characters on the field, a Forward of your choosing loses 10,000 power.

This might be worth playing in a Viking deck.

21-104C – Sage

What’s not to like? Sage is a Standard Unit that can Activate a Character once per turn. You can also have three of these on the field at the same time.

Think about this.

You have a Character on the field that deals damage to all of your opponents Forwards. But, you have to dull that Character, cause that’s how most abilities work.

After that you can Activate that Character with Sage, and do it all over again.

And, again.

And, again.

And, one more time, but you can’t activate that Character this time.

That’s 1 ability going off 4 times in one turn.

I’ll take 3. Yes, please.

21-105C – Sahagin

Here we have a great addition to any deck that has Gau.

Especially since Sahagin is a 1CP Monster that will return a Forward to your opponent’s hand. Sure, this Forward, must cost 3CP or less, but with Gau’s help, this Monster can turn into a noble Forward that will happily protect you and your party of Forwards that lead themselves into the hands of your opponent’s party, that have one objective, which is to deal you 7 points of damage.

And, if that doesn’t work out, you can always send Sahagin into the Break Zone to return any Forward to their owner’s hand.

21-106H – Jed

That is not what Samurais look like. And, not even Tenzen can help Jed.

I mean sure Jed’s first ability is decent. Reducing the damage dealt to your Water or SOPFFO Forwards by 1000, but other than that I don’t really see a reason to play Jed.

And whenever I say that, somehow someone will figure out a way to play Jed and make him viable.

All Jed needs is a mustache and glasses.

I’ll lave Jed Flanders alone for now.

21-107R – Springserpent General Mihli Aliapoh

You can get Springserpent General Mihli Vanilli, i mean Aliapoh, down to 2CP if you got a couple of Water Characters on the field.

And, when Mihli Aliapoh is put into the Break Zone, you draw 1 card, thus making the Serpent General a free play when she comes full circle.

And if you have a couple of dull Characters on the field. Mihli here will activate them and give them +1000 power.
Not a bad card. Especially since this can turn into a free play.

21-108R – Ceodore

Little Prince Ceodore.

This is probably the best Ceodore yet. And, I like it.


Because, Ceodore will give all of the FFIV Forwards +1000 power. Sure, you’ll need Rosa or Cecil on the field to give your Forwards that boost, but then again, you won’t be playing Ceodore without Rosa or Cecil in the first hand.

And if Rosa or Cecil is already on the field, you can spend a Crystal instead of paying 4CP to play Ceodore onto the field.
I see a Wind/Water IV deck coming along nicely.

21-109C – Astrologian

And, you thought Astrology was fake.

This Astrologian, can actually see into the future, and you can change it however you’d like.

Simply put, Astrologian comes out, reads the stars, and as you look at the top 3 cards of your deck, you can add one to your hand. And place the other two at the top and bottom of your deck. Allowing you to place a perfectly good EX Burst at the top of your deck, as you real in your opponent to attack you for a point of damage.

And, if you get tired of Astrologian after this, you can always send her to the Break Zone, and draw a card for your troubles.
I’ll be giving this one a try.

21-110C – Desch

If you really want to play this card, you should play it right after you played Sahagin.

Because other than playing a 9000 body for 2CP, I really don’t see a reason to be playing Desch.

Unless you find the portrait art good, and you want Desch to stare down your opponent, as he tries to intimidate them into playing the wrong cards at the wrong time.

Yeah, that’s about it.

21-111C – Paladin

Water Elemental Backup here.

If you need that Crystal to play Ceodore, Paladin is here to help you.

Other than that, if you play Paladin early on, you can draw a card if there are 3 Backups or less on the field.

And, that concludes Paladin.


21-112C – Ninja

It’s been a while since we’ve had a Character with Back Attack.

And we have a nice little Combo here.

First off play Paladin, gain the Crystal.

Use that Crystal to help pay for Ninja, return a Forward to your opponent’s hand.

Play Desch for 2CP.

Yeah, it’s not the greatest.

21-113R – Bikke

Here is a free card for you.

If you have a couple of Pirates, and/or Vikings, Bikke comes in at no extra charge.

0CP for an 8K body.

Plus, he grants protection from your opponent’s abilities to all of your Vikings and Pirates. Named Pirates. Although I can’t think of a Pirate Standard Unit. We might be getting some in the upcoming sets.

It looks like we’re finally getting our Pirates/Vikings deck that most of us have been thinking about since Leila (6-126R).

21-114L – Faris

And, this is the other reason Pirate/Vikings will become a thing.

Imagine swarming the board with Vikings, and all of those Vikings now have 8000 power. You’ll be getting a board full of Meat Shields. As long as those Vikings keep coming, you’ll be drawing cards left and right, and you’ll have plenty of CP to play more Vikings.

Faris can also redirect a Summon or ability choosing her, to one of her sacrificial lambs, just waiting to get knocked out, by Ramuh or any other ability that may come her way.

And that covers it all.

I’ll take 3. Preferably foil.

21-115C – Larsa

Larsa comes in a searches for a high cost Forward.

There’s some use here.

But, I prefer the cards that search for any Forward regardless of cost. Sure there’s not that many, but sometimes cards like Larsa help.

End of the day, Larsa will technically cost you 2CP.


21-116H – Leviathan

Umm, .. .

I thought this one would have been better. I mean, it’s not bad, but when you hear Leviathan you just kind of expect more.
If you decide to play Leviathan during your turn, you’ll end up paying 2CP less out of the 6CP it costs to Summon Leviathan.
Leviathan, comes in and grabs a Forward and puts them at the bottom of their owner’s deck. That means you can choose one of your Forwards, if they’re being targeted by Summons or abilities.

After that, you can play a 2 cost Forward from your hand onto the field.

If this cost 4CP, instead of 6CP, where if you play it on your turn for 2CP it would have been great. Still there is some use here.

21-117R – Rhus

Yes, maybe, probably.

Rhus costs 6CP, but it’s actually 4CP. Unless it’s the first turn and you went first.

Rhus’s cost comes down for every card that you drew this turn. If you play your cards right you can play Rhus for 1CP. Shouldn’t be that hard with Vikings.

What’s great about Rhus is that you can discard a card, remove Rhus from the game, and then play Rhus back onto the field at the end of the turn.

You probably won’t need to really use that ability, as Rhus already comes equipped with a 9K body, but if you do, you know that you have a Backup plan.

I like this one. I’ll be trying this one out.

21-118H – Leila

This is a hard one. Which one do we keep?

Opus VI Leila or this one?

We already what Opus VI Leila does, so let’s take a look at this one.

Leila enters the field and you can search for a Viking, or a Pirate and add it to your hand. Giving Leila a total cost of 1CP.

After that whenever one of your Water Forwards attack, you can sap 1000 power from one of your opponent’s Forwards. And if you have enough Water Forwards, which you should, especially with Faris and Bikke, and a handful of Vikings, you should be able to Break a Forward per turn.

This one is a much stronger Leila, but grabbing and playing a Viking from the Break Zone and drawing a card is also good.
Maybe have both of them in a deck.

21-119H – Lenna EX

How is that an EX Burst?

Because it is, all you do is draw a card when Lenna enters the field. So, this 2 cost Lenna is actually a free play. And, we like it.

After that, Lenna has a great ability that doesn’t require you to send Lenna into the Break Zone. And, that is something that we don’t see too often. But, with an ability name like “Raise”, what would you expect? Lenna brings back a low cost Forward from the Break Zone.

It’s always good to carry a Phoenix down.

21-120R – Refia

Introducing your WoFF Reanimator.

Refia enters the field, grabs a WoFF Forward of 4CP or less from the Break Zone, and play them straight to the field. Kind of like Opus VI Leila.

I believe WoFF will be making a comeback. With all these WoFF cards we got this set, some of them are bound to be good.
Once Refia is on the field, and you already got the extra WoFF Forward on the field from the Break Zone, you will be able to dull and pitch Refia to the Break Zone, and reduce damage done to one of your Forwards by 3000.

I see Refia being a staple in future WoFF decks.

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