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Rosa Joanna Farrell

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Peerless beauty, braving dangers for love.

A beautiful White Mage with a talent for the bow. A childhood friend of both Cecil and Kain, Rosa gives her heart to Cecil and assists him on his adventure as a White Mage. She leaves the castle out of concern for Cecil when he vanishes following the mission to Mist Village. Rosa reunites with Cecil, but Golbez takes her prisoner. After Cecil rescues Rosa, the two realize their feelings for one another. They fight side by side until the end.

-Taken from the Ultimania

As we wait for Cecil to find the Sand Ruby for Rosa, we’ll check out all of Rosa’s cards throughout the series.

2-143R – Rosa

Rosa is always ready to protect you.

For 3CP you get a Backup, that whenever one of your Forwards is chosen by one of your opponent’s Summons, you draw a card.

And, maybe that card that you draw will help you cancel your opponent’s Summon.

We also have Protect. You can use this ability and the next time one of your Forwards is dealt damage and that damage is less than their power, that damage becomes 0.

Other than the fact that you can draw a card each time your Forwards are being chosen by your opponent’s Summons, I’d leave this one out.

Opus I Minwu does a better job at protecting your front line.

“I knew you’d come for me.”

2-144C – Rosa

A 1 cost Forward that gives Cecil +1000 power.

And, this time Rosa has Mini-Protect.

By dulling Rosa, you can reduce the damage dealt to one of your Forwards by 1000. It’s not a lot, but sometimes that will be the difference in your Forwards surviving a block. You’ll get to keep your Forward instead of just trading cards with your opponent.

After that, Rosa is a body on the field, until you get the Rosa that you wanted to play from the begining.

“…Uhn … Cecil … Please, Cecil… Be alive!”

5-142H – Rosa EX

This is what happens when you give Rosa the Sand Ruby.

Rosa searches for Cecil and she brings him to your hand. Bringing Rosa’s cost down to 2CP. You can even search for Cecil off of an EX Burst.

You’ll then have a body with 5000 power on the field, which you will be able to reduce the damage dealt to one of your Forwards by 1000, if that Forward is Cecil reduce it by 3000 instead.

Play this with Opus II Cecil, and I think you’ll have something to work with.

“Without me along, who will heal you when you’re hurt?”

9-120L – Rosa

How did I forget about this card?

For 3CP you get a great card. A legend. The White Mage Rosa.

Rosa reduces the damage dealt to all of your Forwards by 1000, Yes, that has been the case with the previous Rosas, but this Rosa is also a great attacker.

If Rosa forms a party and attacks, you will activate Rosa, where she will be able to attack one more time. Which she will form a party and attack. She will activate one more time, but I doubt she’ll be able to attack again. Even though the wording makes it seem like she should be able to.

“I say we Pray!
I say we Pray, just to make it today!”

It’s like MC Hammer already knew about this card in the early 90s.

If you’re playing Mono Water, you will be playing this Rosa. Use Pray to activate all of your Forwards. As long as you have an extra Rosa in your hand, you can go all out and attack.

After that you’ll Pray, and activate all of your Forwards, and they’ll be able to block during your opponent’s turn.

“Then why won’t you look at me?”

11-126R – Rosa EX

Rosa stands behind Cecil through the thick and thin. And, if you play her after you play Cecil, Rosa will allow you to draw a card.

And, if you don’t like that card, you can discard it and draw another card.

And, if you don’t like that one, wait till your next turn and discard it, to draw another card one more time.

Teleport. You finally have an answer to board wipes.

If your opponent plays Opus I Shantotto, you can just have Rosa use Teleport, and return all your Characters to your hand.
But, be careful. You might have a very large hand after that.

And, you know what they say about people with large hands.

They wear big gloves.

“No! Not you, too!”

14-057H – Rosa

Great artwork once again. You can tell apart the Amano artwork. I remember seeing a Magic card with his art on it, and recognized it immediately. But, that’s another story.

Just like we said before, activate all the Backups, if you’ve cast 3 cards this turn.

With Fran (14-052C) you’ll also draw 1 card.

All those activations will lead you into a 5th card cast this turn, which you’ll end up playing the top card of your deck. Unless it’s a Summon. Then it just goes back to the tops of your deck.

“I’m not going anywhere.”

16-063R – Rosa

The missing piece of Cecil and Ceodore.

Rosa comes in and keeps feeding Ceodore and Cecil, to power them up just a little bit to help them survive or take down your opponents Forwards.

A simple 2 cost Backup, that will still provide you with 1 CP per turn.

“As long as there is darkness…”


17-138S – Rosa

Decent card, better card if Cecil is on the field.

Even though Rosa is a Forward, she plays like a Backup, casting White Magic on your Forwards. Activate and a buff. All for a total of 0CP. You know you’ll be using her ability each turn.

Plus, you have an 8000 powered body. All this for 4CP.

“Cecil! I’ll visit you in your tower later.”


20-125R – Rosa

Here is the missing piece for the ultimate FFIV deck.

You can actually splash any element that you’s like, without worrying about how you’re going to pay for the cost. No more relying on Tyro, and how are you going to get Tyro on the field if you’re not playing Earth.

For 1CP you get to play Rosa and draw a card when Cecil enters the field.

All you got to do is find a way to recycle Cecil.

We did say that Water is the Recycling center, right?

Looking for Rosa?

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Kain Highwind

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The prideful Dragoon, unable to show his true feelings.

Commander of Baron’s Dragoons, he is Cecil’s childhood friend and occasional rival. Kain’s secret feelings for his childhood friend Rosa allow Golbez to seize control of his mind and force him to become Cecil’s enemy. Once released from the brainwashing, Kain feels remorse and seeks to atone for his actions by joining the fight against the true mastermind, Zemus.

-Taken from the Ultimania

Commander of the Dragoons, Kain is no stranger to mind tricks, especially when they work against him.

Let’s take a look at all of Kain’s cards.

1-127H – Kain EX

At 6CP, this card is expensive for today’s decks. There are plenty of cards that will do what Kain does, and they will do it better.

But, this is still Kain.

Kain comes in and you choose a Forward and they lose 5000 power. That can be enough to break most Forwards. Especially the low cost ones.

We also have Dragoon’s Pride, which looks more like a Reverse Jump.

Kain will break a Forward, but Kain will not activate during the next Active Phase. Meaning that Kain attacks and then he jumps out of harm’s way.

2-103H – Kain

How did I never really read this card?

This is actually pretty good.

Kain comes in with Haste. You can then use his ability and your opponent will not be able to choose him with their Summons and abilities.

After that, during your next turn, Kain’s power will double. Which turns Kain into a 10K body. 12K if you have Lulu on the field. I’m sure there are also plenty of other ways to increase Kain’s power as well.

2-104R – Kain

How is this Rare, better than the Hero card of the same set?

If Rosa is on the field Kain gains Haste, First Strike and +2000 power. But, that is not the reason you’ll be playing Kain.

As Commander of the Dragoons, all Dragoons gain +2000 power.

You probably don’t even need Rosa to play Kain.

This makes a huge difference in how I see Dragoons.

I might even build a Dragoon deck for myself now.

Just to try it out.

6-090H – Kain

Golbez? There’s no Dark Golbez.

No wait actually there is. But, I doubt your opponent will be playing it. They’ll more than likely be playing Chaos.

For 3CP, you get a 9K body, which is good if your opponent isn’t playing any Dark cards. Cause if they are as soon as that Dark Forward enters the field, Kain gets his brain washed and your opponent takes control of him.

The only way to get him back is to send your opponent’s Dark Forward to the Break Zone.

I like it that it plays into the story, but I’ll pass on this one.

9-084H – Kain

It was something about Kain and Ranperre.

Discard Ranperre before paying the cost to cast Kain to make him 3CP, and then Ranperre plays a Final Fantasy XI Forward from your hand onto the field. Which would turn the tides a bit in your favor.

Other than that, for 3CP you get an 8k body, and when Kain enters the field, one of your opponent’s Forward loses 8000 damage until the end of the turn.

We already know that you will not be paying 8CP to cast Kain. So, is there any other Lightning Backup to toss and get a better effect?

10-134S – Kain

Coming in with Haste, this Kain does not receive damage unless he blocks an attack, or his attack gets blocked.

That means that in order to keep Kain safe, he should not attack or block.

And, we know that’s not going to happen.

Gungnir? Yes, Kain gains +5K power and First Strike until the end of the turn. This gives you another way to keep Kain alive.
Here’s an idea. Fill you deck with 50 Kains. and just keep using Gungnir over and over again.

Hey, it might work.

11-054R – Hooded Man EX

There’s a reason why you can’t play Hooded Man and Kain at the same time. I won’t tell you but, you probably already know.
When Hooded Man comes into play you can grab a Final Fantasy IV Forward from your Break Zone. Which by itself is a great reason to play Hooded Man. Let’s not forget that this comes off as an EX Burst as well.

And, that’s not all. Hooded Man has one more ability that will make him a mainstay in any Final Fantasy IV deck. At the end of every turn, yours and your opponent’s Hooded Man wil activate all of your Final Fantasy IV Forwards.

What’s not to like?

13-073H – Kain

Kain is a great card if you can play him straight from the Break Zone. Cause once he gets broken, he’ll be under your opponents control.

Thancred (12-124L) and Y’shtola (13-134S) can play him straight out of the Break Zone.

15-048L – Kain EX

Attack and choose. Draw a card or Activate all the Characters other than Kain?

All the Characters? Characters?

Every time Kain attacks you can Activate your whole board?

Screw the extra card. Get me some blockers, and Edge, Opus I Maria, and anyone else that can help protect Kain.

Oh. And, some characters that will give me Crystals. Don’t want to lose Kain at the end of my turn.

17-102L – Hooded Man

This time Hooded Man comes in with Haste, and when he enters the field you can remove either a Kain or a Hooded Man from your Break Zone, if you do so, you can activate all of your Backups, and you can draw a card as well. Bringing Hooded Man’s cost down to 2CP.

How is this a Legend?

What am I missing?

You’re just paying to activate your Backups and have a Meat shield on the field.

17-131S – Kain

Haste? Check

Way to reduce the CP cost? Check

Buffs self when attacking? Check

All in all Kain here is a decent card. You might end up only paying 1CP for Kain, and if you do he’s an attacking Forward with 9K power.


17-136S – Kain

Kain allows you to grab a FFIV Water Character from the Break Zone.Plenty of Characters that you can choose from.

Other than that he can come in with Haste depending on the field situation.

3CP, 7000 power.

How badly do you need that Water Character in your Break Zone?



19-073C – Kain

Have we had a Kain as a Backup before?

Either way, this one isn’t half bad. Actually pretty useful with Back Attack.

If you have a Forward that is blocking another Forward, and your opponent buffs it to match the your Forwards power, you can play Kain and give your Forward First Strike. That way your attack will go through first. Breaking your opponents Forward.

Other than that, there really isn’t much use for it.

22-041C – Kain

Haste, and First Strike for a Common?

Activate 2 Characters when Kain Attacks?

+1000 power at 3 points of Damage?

How is this a common?

Whatever Rarity Kain has, this card is great. Actually it’s GRRRRREAT!

And, don’t get me started on the artwork, because we’re not here to talk about the artwork.

Just throw Kain into any Wind deck and you’ll do fine.

23-003C – Kain

Haste, and First Strike?

Kain is ready to strike!

Remember when we were talking about an all Haste deck? Well, Kain here is the perfect fir for it. Cause, every time he attacks, all of the Forwards with Haste or First Strike gain +2000 power.

Your opponent won’t know what to block, when to block, who to block, where to block, and most importantly, how to block.

Double Jump, is just a regular Jump attack, if it was double, Kain would be dealing damage to 2 Forwards.

Looking for Kain?

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Cecil Harvey

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Compassionate knight troubled by his way of life.

-Captain of Baron’s airship fleet, the Red Wings. Cecil fulfills his duty as a Dark Knight, but eventually leaves his homeland, unable to obey his king’s cruel orders any longer. He begins a battle against Golbez, who appears to be the one pulling the strings behind Baron’s campaign to gather the crystals. On his journey, Cecil faces his demons and is transformed into a holy Paladin. Anguishing over his friend Kain’s betrayal, Cecil is shocked to learn that he and Golbez are actually brothers descended from the Lunerian moon people. Even so, he continues to fight for the future of the Blue Planet and all who live there.

-Taken from the Ultimania

Where do we even start?

Cecil, the main protagonist of Final Fantasy IV. Has 18 different cards. Let’s take a look back down memory lane and check these all out once more.

1-108H – Cecil

Dark Knight of Baron.

3CP, 7000 power.

Not much going on here.

Cecil just waits for you to receive damage. And, and once you do Cecil deals one of your opponent’s Forward 5000 damage.
Isn’t that what Dark Knights do? Receive damage to make their attacks more powerful?

Then why is the damage dealt less than Cecil’s power?

It’s still ok.

Did Dark Knights ever become a thing?

1-162R – Cecil

Cecil had 2 cards in Opus I, and this is the second one.

Coming in at 5CP, with 8000 power, Cecil is the perfect Meat Shield. Literally. Cause, that’s what Paladins are. Glorified Meat Shields.

All of your opponent’s Summons and abilities must choose Cecil. No, ifs, ands, or buts. Period.

This is a card that can go into any Water deck and be useful.

Is it still useful today?

It can be. There might be better cards that will do the same thing for less CP, which I can’t name any off of the top of my head at the moment.

2-129L – Cecil

See this is a much better Paladin. You can see that Opus II Cecil is a major upgrade from Opus I Paladin Cecil.

Still 5CP, but this time Cecil has 9000 power. He is a Legend after all.

Cecil grants all of your Forwards Protection from Summons and abilities that deal damage. Plus he gives all of the Forwards other Forwards on your front line +1000 power.

Only draw back would be that Cecil must block, whenever possible.

But with 9000 power. You should be all right.

5-086L – Cecil EX

We’re only at Opus V, and all of these Cecils keep getting better.

Dark Knight Cecil here is breaking dull Forwards, whenever he enters the field. You can choose any dull Forward as long as it’s cost is equal to or less than the points of damage you have received.

This ability also comes off of an EX Burst.

And Dark, Cecil’s S ability which will break a Forward whose cost is equal to or less than the points of damage you have received. This ability also deals you a point of damage.

You can also just throw 3 of these into your deck, and hope you pull one when you receive damage.

7-135S – Cecil EX

Cecil comes in and activates 2 of your Characters. This also comes off of an EX Burst. Just in case you need to activate a couple of blockers.

If you have received 5 points of damage, Cecil gains +2k power and he can not be chosen by your opponent’s abilities.

Here’s an idea, if you’re playing Earth/Wind, You can play Dark Knight Cecil until you have 5 points of damage, and then find a way to break him, to play this Cecil.

It’ll be like playing Final Fantasy IV. You’ll start off as a Dark Knight, and transform into a Paladin later on in the game.

9-109H – Cecil

You’ll need another couple of Final Fantasy IV Characters on the field if you want to get Cecil’s full power. And, that is Brave and +2000 power for Cecil.

One time per turn you can use Cecil’s ability, we’ll call it Cover. You can choose one of your Forwards, and next time it is dealt damage, you can reduce the damage taken by that Forward by 4000 and deal that damage to Cecil. Allowing your other Forward to survive and live to fight another day. Or turn.

4CP for 10,000 power isn’t bad at all.


10-115C – Cecil

I’d say I don’t see anyone playing this Cecil, but then I thought about it and said. I’m 99% right. There will be a couple of people playing this card, just because they aren’t putting it in an FFIV deck.

Cecil is a 2 cost Backup that can be thrown into the Break Zone and reduce the damage dealt to one of your Forwards by 2000.

Yea, …


13-060R – Cecil

Not one of the better Cecil’s, but it might be worth the 1 point of Damage to get rid of a forward that’s been causing you trouble. And if that extra point of Damage gives you Brave, and +1K, well you might actually play this card.





15-073H – Cecil

The OG Dark Knight. Move over Batman, you ain’t got nothing on Cecil.

If you got a Crystal, you’re good. If not you shall receive 1 point of Damage when Cecil enters the field. Which isn’t too bad, because at 3 points of Damage, when Cecil is broken, you can search for another Cecil and play it onto the field. You’ll need another Crystal for that Cecil as well. Unless you go with another Cecil.


Yes, please. Throw in a whole bunch of Cecil’s into your deck just so you can use this ability over and over. And, when it lands you’ll deal your opponent 2 points of Damage. Watch out for those EX Bursts.

16-051L – Cecil

For 5CP, you can play Cecil, and another card from your hand that’s 4CP or less. And if that card you play is a FFIV Character, you get to activate 2 Backups. Doing the math that means, if you played a IV cost IV Character (get what I did there?) you’ll actually end up +1CP.

Worst case scenario, you only save 1 Crystal Point, but why would you play a 1 cost when you can play anything up to 4CP.
tenebrous blast

luminous blast

And, the icing on the cake, is that Cecil protects all your Characters. forcing your opponent to pay 2CP just to make sure their Summons and abilities go through.


17-050C – Cecil EX

6CP to draw a card?

I think I’ll pass.

I don’t see much use for this. There are plenty of cards that will draw you a card for much less.

Some of those even have better abilities as well.



17-139S – Cecil

There are better Cecils, but every time I say that, someone comes up with a way that makes this one even better than the other ones.

So, I’ll just say that Cecil here can have up to 10K Power with Brave.

That and if you dull your FFIV Characters, you can dull Forwards and deal damage and stuff.



20-075L – Cecil

Is 3 CP worth a point of damage?

Depends on what you’re playing. If you need that point of damage to buff up all your Forwards because you just received 5 points of damage then go right ahead.

Besides that, Cecil remains true to his story. As he can turn his Dark Knight self, into a Paladin. All you have to do is cross the mirror. Or get sent to the Break Zone. Whichever one is easier. For when you put Cecil into the Break Zone, you can search for a Paladin Cecil, and play him onto the field.

That Emissaries of Light Cecil, is looking good with this right now.

And Tenebrous Blast, just a special ability that deals 8000 damage to a Forward.

20-109H – Cecil

The other Cecil is better in my opinion.

This Cecil is basically a Crystal Generator.

Once per turn, if Cecil or a FFIV Character enters the field you gain 1 Crystal.

And, you can use that Crystal to give one of your FFIV Forward +1000 power and protection from your Forwards abilities.

Are the Golbez and Cecil decks going to shoot up in value soon?

21-132S – Cecil

What’s not to like about this card?

Built in protection. Cecil is a Paladin like no other. Or so they say.

4CP/8000 power. Can’t be chosen by abilities, can’t take damage from abilities. A meat Shield at it’s finest.

Cecil also buffs all of the other Dissidia Forwards with +2000 power.

And, if that’s not enough, Paladin Force breaks those pesky high cost Forwards that like to stick around the field more than they should.

Now if Cecil had some FFIV synergy, this card would have been awesome.

23-028L – Cecil

Move over Batman, Cecil is the real Dark Knight.

As you can see, all of Cecil’s abilities deal damage to you. Is it worth using these abilities, or even playing Cecil? Well that depends. Do you need to inflict damage upon yourself in order for your deck to get that much stronger.

If the answer is yes, then yes you should play Cecil. Just imagine your back is pinned to the wall, and all of a sudden you reach 5 points of damage and you cast Dark Flame. Most likely, wiping out your opponents front line.

All that’s left is for you to come in a get the win.

24-100C – Cecil

Now, this is how it should be done.

Cecil is the Backup that is always ready to cast Null Damage.

Although you won’t be drawing a card when you cast Cecil, Cecil is only 2CP, compared to the 3CP that Siren costs.

Cecil also has another ability that will Break one of your opponent’s Forwards.

Either way, Cecil is going to get something done, Breaking or Saving.

The choice is up to you.

Looking for Cecil?

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Hidden Legends of Water

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24-091L – Astrius

Water starting off with a Legend.

Astrius, the Willweaver, will weave your will to get things done.

Just make sure that you always attack when Astrius is on the field, for whenever he attacks, you get to choose between Astrius’s two abilities.

And, 99.99% of the time you will be choosing his second ability, because the first one is just choosing a Forward and having it lose 7000 power.

The second ability, the one that you will be choosing is dealing your opponent 1 point of damage.

And just like that Astrius is worth 5CP. I’m sure we would gladly pay more for this card, but 5CP is perfect.

To make things even better, if you have 7 Final Fantasy Brave Exvius cards in the Break Zone, or removed from game, Astrius turns into a Free Play! And, who doesn’t like Free Plays.

24-092R – Gau

I’m trying to see if Gau is worth playing.

Discard Gau, to play Gau, but which Gau do you play.

Do you pay 5CP, or just 2CP?

I mean, you can grab Opus IV Gau, and Luminous Puma, grab a Forward from the Break Zone, and once the new Gau comes in you can play a 2 cost monster from the Break Zone. Melusine sounds good, and once Melusine comes in you can choose one of your opponent’s Forwards that cost 4CP or less and gain control of it for a turn.

And that’s just one little Combo that you can do with Gau.

24-093R – Kimahri

Kimahri coming in when your opponent least expects it, through the back door, and casting Protect on all your Forwards.

All damage dealt to your Forwards will be reduced by 2000, for the turn that Kimahri comes in. Your Final Fantasy X Forwards will have an additional 2000 reduction to the damage dealt to them.

After that turn is over, Kimahri will still reduce the damage dealt to your Final Fantasy X Forwards.

Are we bringing back YRP?

We might finally have a decent Kimahri.

24-094C – Corsair

I still don’t know what a Corsair actually is.

But, I do know what Corsair does.

He let’s you draw a card. And for 3CP that can be more than enough.

And, let’s not forget that if you have 4 Water Backups on the field, you can chose a card in your Break zone, and put it at the bottom of your deck.

After that just search for that card and play it.

Not bad.

24-095C – Jecht

Jecht is Jecht, and he e-Jechts a Forward back to their opponent’s hand.

Yes, that was terrible.

But, it’s true, as soon as Jecht enters the field you will return one of your opponent’s Forwards back to their hand.

And, every time one of your opponent’s Forwards is returned to their hand, Jecht shall choose another Forward your opponent controls and they lose 3000 power. This will also go into effect every time you return a Forward to their owner’s hand.

And, you get to keep a 9K body on the board.

No re-Jecht-ion here.

24-096R – Jed

Hmm, I wonder what he’s thinking?

Actually I know what Jed is thinking. He’s thinking, “Why is he a Water card if he is a Samurai?”

We were kind of thinking the same thing.

Jed comes in and for 3CP, you get a 8K body. If you have at least 1 Crystal, Jed has 9K power and Brave.

And, when Jed attacks, you have the option of paying 1 Crystal to draw a card.

There actually is another Water Samurai. But, that is Jed as well.

24-097C – Stiltzkin

This is the start of a new era of Moogles.

Stiltzkin is set to make Moogles a fun deck. One letter at a time.

That was Stiltzkin, right? Mailing letters?

If not then well, he shall deliver Moogles from your Break Zone. Cause when Stiltzkin comes in, you can grab a 2 cost Moogle from your Break Zone and play it straight to the field.

Might as well grab Mog (VI) and you’ll be set. Don’t know why, just scroll down a bit.

After that is all done, you can dull 2 Moogles and have one of your opponent’s Forwards lose 2000 power.

Stiltzkin might only have 3000 power, but that’s OK. Once he enters the field, and you played the Moogle from your Break Zone, you can use him to block an attack and have him sent to the Break Zone, just so you can play Stiltzkin again and grab another moogle from your Break Zone.

I’ll take 3 Full Arts.

24-098H – Strago

We always wanted a way to get a card back from the Break Zone. Especially when you’re running just one of a certain card that you need in certain situations, and you now need that card to turn the board in your favor.

When Strago comes in you will be able to grab a card from your Damage Zone, and trade it with a card in your hand.
That would be enough, but Strago is far from done. Well, he’s half way done.

Whenever you put a card in your Damage Zone, your opponent chooses a Forward that they control and they put it in the Break Zone.

Is it worth 6CP? Of course it is.

24-099C – Siren (MOBIUS) EX

Null Damage at it’s finest.

Siren nulls the next damage dealt to one of your Forwards.

Plus you get to draw a card.

That’s about it.

This also comes off of an EX Burst, but I don’t see that being as helpful, not when you don’t have any Forwards left on the field cause your opponent has gone to town on your front lines.

At least you get a card. That’s probably the best reason to play this card.

24-100C – Cecil

Now, this is how it should be done.

Cecil is the Backup that is always ready to cast Null Damage.

Although you won’t be drawing a card when you cast Cecil, Cecil is on;y 2CP, compared to the 3CP that Siren costs.

Cecil also has another ability that will Break one of your opponent’s Forwards.

Either way, Cecil is going to get something done, Breaking or Saving.

The choice is up to you.

24-101C – Tidus EX

Tidus with a 50% rebate.

That’s what we’ll call it.

Tidus comes in and returns one of your opponent’s Forwards to their hand, as long as it’s CP is 4 or less.

Once that forward makes it’s way back to your opponent’s hand Tidus’s second ability kicks in and you draw a card.

The good thing about this second ability is that, you can draw a card once per turn, if you send a Character back to your opponent’s hand.

Tidus might just keep on giving.

24-102C – Perrene

Perrene looks to be an integral part of the Warriors of the Crystals, and that is for one reason only.

Every time a Warrior of the Crystal is put into the Break Zone, Perrene hands you a Crystal.

And, why is that good?

Well, as you can see instead of paying the cost to play a Warrior of the Crystal, you can pay 1 Crystal and 1CP of any element. Meaning you don’t need to worry about which elements to play.

Perrene also has an 8K body, making her a decent Meat Shield.

24-103C – Moogle (FFTA)

Here’s a decent Backup to use if you’re playing Tidus.

When a Water Forward enters your field, you can put moogles into the Break Zone and return a 4 cost Forward or less to your opponent’s hand.

After that you can draw a card because you already have Tidus on the field.

Now all you need to do is play Stiltzkin and grab Moogle from the Break Zone and play him onto the field.

And now you’re back to where you started and your opponent has one less Forward on the field.

24-104R – Mog (VI)

Is Mog enough to make a Moogle deck?

Are there enough moogles to make a moogle deck?

What about Good King Moggle Mog XII?

All of that is a strong maybe, and I am one who might look into it a bit better.

For 2CP, you get a moogle with a 5k body and, with every moogle that you have on the field Mog gains +1000 power. There are 59 different cards that you can choose from.

That right there would have been good enough for me. But, we’re not done.

Whenever Mog is put into the Break Zone, you can discard a Job Moogle from your hand, and play Mog back to the field.
You’ll have a high powered Forward that your opponent will have trouble trying to keep Mog off of the field.

24-105R – Malboro

Bad Breath incoming!

Get your opponent ready to face the worst this Monster has to offer.

Blind, Poison, Sleep, Slow, you name it, you’ll have it.

Luckily this isn’t the game, so no Blind, no poison and no slow. Sleep, yeah, but this time Malboro isn’t casting it.

Malboro shall take away all of your opponent’s buffs, and abilities, including Haste, Brave, First Strike whatever it is that their Forwards have is gone.

Not only that, but all of your opponent’s Forwards will lose 3000 power as well. That means that some of them might be broken.

You can’t go wrong with Malboro, and the best part, it only costs 1CP!

24-106H – Leviathan

The Biblical Beast Returns, and it’s taking out it’s fellow Leviathans to cause more destruction to your opponent.

For 3CP, Leviathan allows your opponent to choose a Forward or a Monster that they control and sends them to the Break Zone.

If you’d like to pay the extra cost, you can remove 4 Leviathans from your Break Zone, and your opponent shall choose 2 Forwards and/or Monsters and send those to the Break Zone.

For 3CP, I say you can’t go wrong with this one.

24-107L – Relm

Artwork? Check.

Legend? Check.

Abilities? Depends.

Relm is worth playing if you are playing a FFVI themed deck, as her enter the field ability will only work if there are at least another 4 VI Characters on the field.

If you do, when Relm enter the field, you can search for a 3 cost monster and play it onto the field. It’s your Buy 1 Get 1 Free special.

As you know Relm is a Pictomancer, and her specialty is Monsters.

You can use her second ability to give a Monster a 2K buff.

I’d say it depends on what your running. This isn’t a bad Relm, she will do good in specific FFVI themed decks. For all other decks I would say Opus XI Relm is much better.

24-108H – Wakka

Wakka is here to be a powerhouse.

For every FFX Character that you control, Wakka gains a 1K buff to his power.

Now imagine YRP is back, that is 3 right there, plus Brother and Shinra. That’s 2 more. Bring it up to +5K for Wakka.

When Wakka does enter the field, depending on how high his power is, you’ll be able to choose one of your opponent’s Forwards, and place them on the top of their deck. You can choose any Forward as long as their power is less than Wakka’s. Which shouldn’t be too hard to do.

Wakka also has his Elemental Reels which will have one of your opponent’s Forwards lose 5000 power.

I would say, play Wakka with the new YRP, and Opus I Tidus and Emissaries of Light Tidus. You’ll thank me later. Or not.

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Hidden Legends of Lightning

24-073H – Valigarmanda

Lightning is kicking off things with a Summon, and a beautiful Full Art as well.

Valigarmanda is a 4 cost Summon that comes in dulls a Forward, and Freezes it as well.

That Forward loses 9000 power until the end of the turn, and then Valigarmanda also deals it 9000 damage.

99.99% of the time it will break the Forward that Valigarmanda is targeting.

At the very least, Valigarmanda will disable that Forward for this turn.

24-074C – Odin EX

Odin is ready to break a Forward.

Any Forward?

Yes, any Forward, but the cost might be a bit high for some Forwards.

It’s 5CP to cast Odin, plus the top card of your deck times the CP required to play the Forward that you’re looking to break.

Odin is useful in certain situations, but why not just play the Opus I Odin that will break any Forward for 7CP flat.

No extra charge.

I’ll pass.

24-075C – Guardian

I just realized we have similar Backups in every element.

Guardian comes in and you draw a card.

After that, depending on if you have at least 4 Lightning Backups on the field, Guardian will allow you to choose 2 Forward, and dull them.

Other than that, Guardian is just a simple Backup that will give you a Crystal Point each turn.

But, you already know that.

24-076C – Juggler

Wicked Clowns?

Juggler, the Backup you knew that you might need.

Juggler will come in and hang out until you need to get rid of a 2 cost Forward.

Juggler only costs 2CP, the only draw back if you call it that, is that a Lightning Forward needs to enter your field, in order for Juggler’s ability to go off.

I see some use for this.

Probably, more than some.

24-077H – The Emperor

Who would have thought, that the only reason the Emperor is here is to gain Crystals.

Look at it. The Emperor comes in you gain a Crystal. If your opponent has a Crystal, gain a Crystal. That’s two from the get go.

Add in one more Crystal from another Backup, and you’ll be able to use The Emperor’s second ability.

But, first let’s take a look at the first one. Or, the top one.

Break a Forward that costs 4CP or less.

Yeah, that’s pretty straight forward. Nothing groundbreaking, but very useful.

Now let’s take a look at the second ability.

Go ahead, I’ll wait.

Do you see that? Break all the Forwards and the Monsters opponent controls. That would wipe your opponent’s whole board, leaving it wide open.

If you don’t win the game after that ability goes off, then I don’t know what to tell you.

Plus, we get a Full Art version of this card in the Prerelease Kits.

24-078R – Cidolfus (XVI)

3 cost Forward that allows you to search for a Lightning Summon.

And, that is pretty much it with Cidolfus.

You’ll get a 5K body that sticks around on the field.

Other than that what else is there?

Oh yeah, Priming.

Cidolfus Primes into Ramuh.

What does Ramuh do?

Guess we’ll have to wait to find out.

24-079L – Jack Garland

Jack is ready to turn your opponent’s front line upside down.

All of your opponent’s Forward must attack, and they must block.

This will either leave their front line open for your attacks, or all of your opponent’s Forwards will be broken.
Just make sure you at least have bodies on your field to block the attacks your opponent will be throwing at you.

And, every time one of your opponent’s Characters is put into the Break Zone you will gain a Crystal.

Sooner or later, you’ll have enough Crystals to use the Emperor’s ability to wipe out your opponent.

I’ll take 3.

Full arts preferably.

24-080R – Chime

Here we go, the King’s Minister is here to give you a great deal.

Buy one Get on Free.

Chime comes in and you reveal the top 4 cards of your deck, and play a Character of 2 or less onto the field.

I’d say it’s worth taking a chance on this.

Either way Chime is only 2CP, and you can get some decent value if you find a 2CP Character in the top four cards.

After that, Chime is a 5K body, ready to be taken out, just so you can play Chime once again, and hopefully find another 2CP Character.

24-081R – Noel

This Shadow Hunter is attacking from the shadows.

Noel comes in and he starts going to town. Striking with precision and going back to the shadows from which he came.

Yes, Noel only has 3000 power, but you won’t need to worry about that unless you decide to block with him.

Noel’s attacks will go through, just because he cannot be blocked.

I’ll take 3.

Throw them into your FFXIII deck, and once this Noel is gone, you can play another Noel.

Take your pick. Rebellion’s Call, From Nightmares or Hidden Trials.

All of them will do well.

24-082C – Vivi

Vivi is ready to come in and deal some damage to your opponent’s Forwards.

2000 across the board isn’t much, but let’s not forget about Summons that break damaged Forwards.

Or abilities that dull damaged Forwards, and what not.

Plus, if there is already a damaged Forward on the field, you can use Vivi’s ability and deal it an additional 4000 damage.

After everything is said and done, Vivi sticks around with a 5K body.

24-083H – Firion

Let me start by saying, if you’re playing Lightning you’re playing Firion.

Why? First off, you can only pay with CP produced by Lightning Backups.

Now, once Firion comes in you can pay 2CP more, and give him Haste and First Strike.

Then you can go ahead and attack with Firion.

Now, it’s time to cast Drain. Break a Forward, Activate Firion, and attack one more time.

Firion is going all out here. Time to start building that Rebel deck.

24-084R – Behemoth

Let’s up the stakes.

Behemoth is just that a Behemoth.

No power, unless you make it a Forward, but when a Forward of yours attacks, you can put Behemoth into the Break Zone and give a Forward the ability to deal 2 points of damage to your opponent.

Now, you can give that buff to Noel, who can’t be blocked. Or what about Firion, who can attack twice this turn.

And, that’s just 2 Forwards from this set, think about all of the other cards that can make use of Behemoth here.

24-085C – Mid (XVI)

I like this.

And, it’s only 2CP to bring Mid in.

She’ll stay on the board, and whenever you’d like you can put her in the Break Zone and grab a Forward. 4CP or less and add it to your hand.

That right there would have made this card playable.

But, Mid isn’t done. No. Not at all.

If you grab Cidolfus from the Break Zone, you’ll have a chain of Events that will start to go off one by one.

Let’s see how that will go.

You put Mid into the Break Zone, grab Cidolfus and play him straight to the field. Cidolfus searches for a Lightning Summon. Cidolfus Primes into Ramuh. Ramuh casts a Summon from your hand without paying the cost, and deals one of your opponent’s Forwards 8000 damage.

All that for 2CP plus the cost to Prime into Ramuh.

24-086C – Lightning

Coming in with a 9K body, Lightning is the prefect Meat Shield for your front lines.

You’ll also be able to discard a card and give Lightning Haste and a +1K buff giving her a 10K body, that’ll be tough to break.
And that pretty much covers everything.

You’ll pay a total of 6CP, which includes the discarded card, for a Forward that’s ready to go, from the get go.


24-087C – Ranan

Another Warrior of the Crystal.

When Ranan comes in, he grants another Warrior of the Crystal, Haste.

And, that’s about it.

I’ll have to check with the other Warriors of the Crystal to actually see how this deck runs.



24-088R – Ramuh

Coming in at 5CP, but thankfully you won’t be paying 5CP, you’ll be Priming into Ramuh.

Ramuh comes in and you can cast a Summon from your hand, any element will do, and you won’t have to pay the cost to cast it.

If the Summon you cast is a Lightning Summon, you will deal 8000 damage to a Forward of your choosing, as long as it’s active.

I’d say it’s still worth paying the 5CP to cast Ramuh.

24-089C – Ramza

Ramza stands alone. While leaning up on a tree.

Decent artwork, taken from the game, but what about the card?

If Ramza is sent to the Break Zone, you gain a Crystal. Ok, not bad. You can probably just throw Ramza in just to block and gain a Crystal with him.

And if you need to give Ramza a quick buff, you can remove 2 cards in your Break Zone from the game.

Not bad, for 3CP.

24-090L – Leon

Leon being Leon, almost like Kain going back and forth between the Rebels and the Empire.

Leon comes right in for 1CP, and deals a damaged Forward 4000 damage. Possibly breaking it.

Your opponent has the choice of taking control over Leon, by targeting him with an ability. Once Leon is targeted he will switch sides. You can get Leon back by targeting him with your own abilities.

But, why would you?

You actually want your opponent to have control over Leon, because if they don’t have any other Rebels on their field, Leon will deal them 1 point of damage at the end of their turn.

And, at the end of yours as well.

This is a card that will eat up your opponent from the inside.

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