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From Nightmares : Twisted Fire Starters

19-001R – Ifrit

What a way to start off the set. Coming in at number 1 is a Free Summon.

And everyone likes Free Summons. I know I do.

Once you play a Fire Forward onto the field, Ifrit comes in for free and deals 7000 damage to 1 Forward. Pretty simple. And, it’s even better because it’s free. Add Ifrita to the mix and things can get hot very quickly.


19-002L – Ace

Cadets getting back into it with this “Ace”

Ace comes in for 1CP, sure you’ll remove 5 fire cards from your Break Zone when he enters the field, but half the time you’re not going into your Break Zone to grab something.

When Ace attacks you deal 1 Forward 10K damage.

And, with Spiral Gambit, Ace can attack twice and deal 2 Forwards 10K damage. Plus he’ll probably be able to Break another 1 or 2 as well.

Talk about an “Ace” up your sleeve.

OK, I’ll stop now

19-003R – Edgar

Cheap Backup to play. For 2CP Edgar will come in bring his Auto Crossbow, if you need to deal damage to a few of your opponents Forwards.

Edgar is also carrying a Phoenix Down just for Sabin. If by any chance Sabin is sent to the Break Zone, Edgar will just bring him on back, and it’ll be like he never left.

Always good to have a “backup” plan.


19-004R – Kukki-Chebukki

Other than the art, this card seems like it’s just a basic card. 3 cost Forward with a 6K body.

Ability is just dealing 2000 points of damage to a Forward.

If it’s broken in the same turn, you can remove it from the game instead.


19-005C – Sazh

Haven’t seen Sazh in a while now.

But he comes in, searches for Dajh and has a 5k body.

Cheap searcher, even though Dajh usually only protects Sazh. But, do you really want to play Sazh if you’re now counting Category XIII cards for other abilities?



19-006C – Tifa

Tifa costs 5CP, but can Warp for 2CP. You just have to wait 3 turns.

And when she finally comes in, Tifa has 9000 power, Brave and can attack twice in the same turn.

Looks like we’re getting more and more cards with the ability to attack twice. Fire is getting most of them.


19-007C – Dajh EX

Discard a card draw a card.

Cheap Backup, that buffs Sazh.

Just like we mentioned earlier. Probably not worth playing.



19-008R – Buffasaur

This monster is waiting to pull the trigger on one of your opponents Forwards. You can deal damage to a Forward that just enters the field, but it comes at a cost.

All you need to do is figure out, if that 8000 damage that you’re going to deal to your opponents Forward, is worth a point of damage for you?



19-009C – Bomb

Bomb, acting more like a Bomb.

When he takes enough damage, instead of going peacefully, Bomb will Explode and deal damage to 1 Forward. It should have been “all Forwards”, but what do I know.

Any how, When Bomb enters the field you can dull 2 Fire Backups and search for another Bomb (2CP or less) and play it onto the field.

Technically, you can swarm the field with Bombs in no time.

Is there a Bomb deck out there? How many Bomb cards do we already have?

19-010H – Sabin

I mean, this could have been more than just a Hero.

Sabin comes in and if you’re playing a VI themed deck, he will do some Damage. Yes, capitol D. Depending on how many VI characters are in the Break Zone, Sabin will deal that many Forwards, 8000 damage. if there’s 4, then 4 of your opponents Forwards will be dealt damage.

It’s Suplex City here.

Let’s not forget about Sabin’s twin brother. This whole time we didn’t know how strong Sabin’s Enter the Field ability is. But, now that we know. We know that the 2 brothers will be a staple.

19-011C – Miyu

A backup that searches for an Agito Cadet.

Searchers are always welcome, as they allow you to search for a card. IF you don’t want to search for a card then, this isn’t the card for you.

During Pre-Release, I noticed 2 other Agito cadets in Ice and Lightning, all of which are Backups.

Might be useful if you want to run the FFXIII Custom Starter Set with all 3 colors.

19-012C – Monk

Cheap Backup to play.

I also like the fact that you can get rid of him by using his ability. Even if you are just using it to get rid of Monk in order to play the Backup you really need to play.

And that really isn’t a problem, unless you already have 5 Backups on the field.

Who cant use a +4K buff, when your Attacking Forward is Blocked.

19-013C – Lilty

I’ve seen a couple of these types of Forwards in this set. Where if the cost is paid with more than 3 elements, the Forward gains an enter the field ability.

Lilty’s ability is to deal 8000 damage to a Forward.

Lilty also comes in with Brave.



19-014C – Luneth

A simple 4 cost Backup that deals 5000 damage to all of your opponents Forwards.

I believe with the new Warrior of Light, and all the Warrior of Light Jobs we have this set we’ll see some synergy between all of them.

By itself it’s a decent Backup that can break down your opponents defenses.


19-015R – Ruby Weapon

If you remember anything about Final Fantasy VII, it’s that 99% of the people that played it, haven’t beaten Ruby Weapon. Including me.

Ruby Weapon was a pain to deal with because he would remove 2 of the party members and you would have to fight him with 1 Character. Hopefully that Character had Knights of the Round and Phoenix Materia equipped. After that you might have had a chance.

Why am I bringing this up?

Ruby Weapon will remove one of your opponents Forwards with his ability. But, only if they have 2 or more Forwards on the field.

Other than that Ruby Weapon is a 6 cost Forward that has high defense. Considering that any damage dealt to Ruby Weapon is only 1000.

Might be worth a shot, if you need an extra Fire card in your deck.

19-016H – Laragorn

One of the three Dream Stooges. Taking his name from one of the original Stooges Larry. And that’s why I like this card before I even read it. Plus, the Amano art is great as always.

When Laragorn enters the field you can search for a Dream Stooge. Either one of the two, and play it straight to the field. You’re pretty much getting a Buy One Get One Free here.

Laragorn can also grab a Dream Stooge from the Break Zone, and the best part is you don’t have to send Laragorn to the Break Zone to do it.

Maybe, just Maybe the Dream Stooges can become a thing.

19-017R – Leon

I’ve seen plenty of Rebel cards this set.

Leon searches for his sister, Maria, and depending on how many Rebels are on the field, Leon does gain some buffs.
If you have 4 or more Rebels, Leon gains +4000 power and Haste.

You’ll most likely be caught between the choice of playing Leon early to find Maria, or waiting until you have 4 Rebels on the field to play him.

Sure you can also play Leon early on, and then allow him to get broken to play him again, but if he’s already on the field, I don’t see a reason to sacrifice him, unless you need to.

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From Nightmares – Starter Opinions

19-129S – Vanille EX

Search for Lightning. Or Fang. Or Hope, But who wants to search for Hope. Yes, I am still biased on Hope from his character in the first game. He was a child, but he was a spoiled brat. I won’t get in to it here.

3 cost 7K body, with Imperilga which will double the damage dealt to a Forward your opponent controls. And 2000 damage to all of your opponents Forwards, which is technically 4K.

I’m losing track of this card.

19-130S – Bahamut

There are ways to cast Bahamut for Free, and everyone loves free Summons. I know I do. All you need is 3 XIII characters and one of them being Fang.

When Bahamut is cast, deal a Forward 10,000 damage, and if it is broken, remove it from the game instead.

Nuff’ said.

19-131S – Fang

Plenty of things to go through to have Fang deal 2 points of Damage.

Is it worth to go through all of this for that? I believe so.

Fang comes in with Haste, and although you won’t be able to attack twice in a turn. Meaning that Fang won’t attack after she casts Bahamut for free.

But, if your opponent blocks Fang, then you cast Bahamut on that Forward, which in turn will most likely break it, Fang’s attack will go through for 2 point of Damage.

I’ll take 3.

19-132S – Snow

Snow comes in and if Lightning is on the field, Snow grants protection from Summons. to himself and to Lightning.

Now, when Snow enters the field you can either have your opponent discard a card, or if you have his fiance on the field you can dull and Freeze 3 of your opponents Characters.

Freeze those Backups, so they can’t reproduce.


19-133S – Serah EX

Let’s search for Mog (XIII-2).

Just the new one that costs 1CP.

And, if you play that Mog, or any moogle, you get to activate or dull 2 Characters.

And with Froststrike, you get to deal a Forward 8000 damage. And, if you play a Moogle after that, and have an extra Serah in your hand. You get to recast Froststrike.


19-134S – Mog (XIII-2)

Look at the grin on his face. And, those teeth. Razor Sharp.

But, he’s just a Moogle, and he does grant Serah protection from Summons and abilities. For the low cost of 1CP you have a terrible blocker, but that’s OK. You don’t need much power to block an attack.

Plus, Mog also gives a XIII Forward +2K power.



19-135S – Cid Raines

High cost Forward, but has same bite to it.

Considering Cid Raines is a L’Cie, that isn’t much of a surprise.

Cid Raines shall come in and break one of your opponents Forwards.

And the more points of damage you receive, Cid becomes even more powerful. At 3 points Cid gains +1000 power and First Strike.

His true power comes out, when you have your back against the wall. Every time Cid Raines attacks, you get to choose a Forward your opponent controls, and send it broken down to the Break Zone.

19-136S – Noel

This is a nice card. 2CP comes in with Haste, and depending on how many XIII Characters you have on the field, Noel gains that much power, X 1000.

Just a simple Forward, but every time one of your opponents Forward’s leaves the field, you get to dull another one of their Forwards. Which is good, in that you will either slow down their attacks, or leave them open for yours.


19-137S – Hope

Well, this Hope is pretty decent. Especially if you’re playing a XIII themed deck, and if you aren’t, you wouldn’t be playing this.

Hope comes in and either searches for a XIII Forward or deals damage to one of your opponents Forwards. How much damage? Depends on how many XIII Characters you control.

I do see this XIII deck coming out strong. And, this might be the first Hope card I like.


19-138S – Lightning

Such a great card. comes in with Haste, and all these abilities that come into play when Category XIII Forwards attack.
If 1 attacks, all your Forwards gain +1000 power.

If 2 attack, you draw 1 card.

And, if 3 attack, you deal your opponent 1 point of damage.

Plus Lightning comes in with Haste, so you can use these abilities right away.

It’s a good addition to any deck, if you ask me. And, if you don’t, it still is.

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Midnight Pre-Release

With the Final Fantasy XIII Custom Starter Set coming out this week, that means we have the From Nightmares Midnight Pre-Release closer than we thought. Less than a month away. March, 18th 2023.

If you ask us we believe this set will be one for the record books. We’re already sold out of Booster Boxes, but that doesn’t mean we’re not going to try and get more. That Cloud Signature card is a collector’s dream, especially if you look at what Yuffie has been doing. But, back to the Midnight Pre-Release.

March 18th @ 12AM we will be handing out the kits for the tournament.

You’ll be able to come in early to play some casuals and hang out as we count down to 12AM. It’ll be like New Year’s Eve, but better.

It’ll be $45 to enter the tournament. Which will get you your first kit. After that the Kits will be $40 each.

Everyone will walk away with something. So, make your plans and come try and pull a Cloud Signature before everyone else.
Details on prizing will be up soon.

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Site Update – 02/20/2023

We finally finished adding Opus I to the Site. Not only Opus I, but the new Boss Deck Singles as well. It took us longer than expected, but we hunkered down during the Weekend and just finished it up before you can say Kardboard Korner.

It was a tough process as we were trying to filter out all the Wave 1 cards. Some are easy to spot while others are a bit harder. And, others … well it’s hard to see which cards are Wave 1 or Wave 2 when you don’t have any Wave 1 cards, and you’re trying to figure out which one is Wave 1 out of a whole bunch of Wave 2 cards.

We shall restart working on our Wave 1 guide once again. With better knowledge on what we’re doing.

We’ll still say that we are not 100% sure on some cards, but will say we are close to 95% sure. If you see something wrong, please let us know so we can fix it and help everyone distinguish Wave 1 cards.

I’ll leave you off with these guides here as they are super helpful.

“Distinguishing Final Fantasy TCG Opus 1 Wave 1 from Future Waves”

“Differences in Opus I Wave 1 Printing vs Later Waves”

Yes, every time we mention Wave 1 we will be posting these links.

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Site Update 02/13/2023

It’s been busy around here behind the scenes.

We’ve been trying to separate all of our Opus I cards between Wave 1 and Wave 2. Some cards are real easy to distinguish the differences, others are just the same image with just tiny differences that half the time you’re not even sure what you’re looking at.

Luckily there are a couple of guides. I posted them on some previous Wave 1 posts and I’ll keep posting them on every Wave 1 post. I’ll just go ahead and post them here once again.

“Distinguishing Final Fantasy TCG Opus 1 Wave 1 from Future Waves”

“Differences in Opus I Wave 1 Printing vs Later Waves”

Now we’ve slowly been adding Opus I singles to the site. We finished Fire, Ice and Wind, and are currently working on Earth. Take a look and pick some up.

The Final Fantasy XIII Custom Starter Deck is right around the corner. We’ll be taking Pre-orders soon. We’ll be shipping them out as soon as they come in, so you can get them as close to release date as possible.

Other than that, we’re going to be finishing these Wave 1 Singles for a while.